brain enclosed in flesh
Well-Known Member
Think I am one. Is that possible?
New test results in using this test. Don't know which I trust more. (The previous results came from this test.)
Ne - 45.4 (excellent)
Ti - 37.3 (excellent)
Ni - 34 (good)
Fi - 33.1 (good)
Te - 24.9 (avg)
Si - 22.9 (limited)
Se - 22 (limited)
Fe - 21 (limited)
By focusing on the strongest configuration of cognitive processes, your pattern of responses most closely matches individuals of this type: INTP.
If these cognitive processes don't fit well then consider these types: ENTP, or INFP.
Now I'm more confused...Not sure how it determined INTP from that.
I still don't consider myself completely introverted. Hmm. I think I'm going with XNXP.
I feel a bit too random or unstructured in thought to consider myself close to being an INTP. I also tend to over-Ne everything. My thoughts go in all directions, then I analyze them to death is how I operate.
Yeah. That is it, exactly. And if I compare myself to a stereotypical ENTP, I would say I am exceedingly staid, logical, reserved. But next to a stereotypical INTP, I am an all over the place, saying whatever the hell comes to mind, impulsive chatterbox.
Well, that's what I mean. I tend to divulge way too much or talk too much sometimes, like I get in this zone and I don't know how to filter or shut up. And then afterwards I feel like a jackass. Sometimes I don't do this, but often I do. I think it keeps me from talking a lot of the time.
When I do not know someone well or consider them an aquantaince I tend to edit my thoughts much more than I would among friends. The gulf placed between myself and others is one of self defence. The likelyhood of being rejected as strange by those who do not think similarly to myself seems to great to open up immediately.
I think the editting of my thoughts would be closer to the realm of Ti while what I consider to be my more "fun" side that I have a fear of showing people is my Ne in this case. Is this innaccurate?
If I'm by myself too much I get depress, but if I'm around my friends or people too much, I get really tired.
What is the difference between Ne and Ni? I mean I really don't completely understand how it effects whether I'm E or I. I feel like I am an i in that I enjoy being by myself. But I also really enjoy being around friends. If I'm by myself too much I get depress, but if I'm around my friends or people too much, I get really tired.
What is the difference between Ne and Ni?
Two key points that helped me:
1) extroversion is the orientation to the OUTISIDE world, which may or may not include the people, depending on the person's interests -- translation: E's tend to be more aggressive "doers", even if by attempting to do everything they effectively do nothing.
2) all appearances aside, extroverts actually have weaker egos (there's a psychobabble justification, but I'll leave that out), which is supposedly what underlies point 1).
However, our different functions develop at different life stages. I've read that the secondary function, in our case Ne, particularly flourishes during the late teens and 20s, which is the probably the average age of the members here. There's also a particularly high number of members with an Ne as strong as or surpassing their Ti. I don't think it's a coincidence.
What's supposed to develop in the 30s? I think that might be part of my issue. Maybe my Ti is growing and my Ne is declining and it kind of saddens me, like I had this time of unbridled creativity and I didn't do anything with it. I'm shriveling into this brick of dullness that analyses crap to death instead of creating something unique.
Snow Queen, I think we might be twins, by the way.
Now my children are older I also have more time to do creative things in leisure too and also my children are highly tolerant of my odder behaviour so I tend to reveal more and more of it to them which makes me feel more liberated.
And can it be something like learned extroversion?
You may be on to something. Perhaps society encourages extroversion, and we learn to cope by being more E than we would have been?
I don't think this is true in my case (I've always gotten into trouble for talking in class, since preschool. Seems like slight extroversion has been quite natural for me.) But maybe some others here. This could explain the aversion to extroversion that some of you have... since it's not natural, it doesn't feel right? Forced extroversion? And since INTPs in general dislike being told what to do, this could lead to feeling badly about being that way. All this being unconscious. I don't know, these are just speculations. And I don't mean to sound like I think you have given in to societal pressures, but perhaps in order to cope with society at large, there may be some sacrifices we make, be they conscious or unconscious?
But maybe some others here. This could explain the aversion to extroversion that some of you have... since it's not natural, it doesn't feel right? Forced extroversion? And since INTPs in general dislike being told what to do, this could lead to feeling badly about being that way.
All this being unconscious. I don't know, these are just speculations. And I don't mean to sound like I think you have given in to societal pressures, but perhaps in order to cope with society at large, there may be some sacrifices we make, be they conscious or unconscious?
You may be on to something. Perhaps society encourages extroversion, and we learn to cope by being more E than we would have been?
I don't think this is true in my case (I've always gotten into trouble for talking in class, since preschool. Seems like slight extroversion has been quite natural for me.) But maybe some others here. This could explain the aversion to extroversion that some of you have... since it's not natural, it doesn't feel right? Forced extroversion? And since INTPs in general dislike being told what to do, this could lead to feeling badly about being that way. All this being unconscious. I don't know, these are just speculations. And I don't mean to sound like I think you have given in to societal pressures, but perhaps in order to cope with society at large, there may be some sacrifices we make, be they conscious or unconscious?
Just before I discovered I was INTP I felt like I was on the verge of a nervous breakdown - in retrospect I think it was because I had been forcing myself to be extrovert ever since I had children and had almost lost touch with myself completely. It was such a relief when I realised that I didn't have to be like that any more. I was totally exhausted, suffering from almost constant anxiety and hypersensitivity. From the moment I read the INTP profile a huge weight was lifted and gradually I have relaxed back down to ground zero. For a little while I found it really hard to function at work and at home I had disconnected so much, but now I'm gradually re-engaging and making better choices of how to use my energy around communicating with others.