I binge drink really hard. I am by no means an alcoholic, but every time I do drink I have upward of twenty standard drinks. Being stupid is fun.
I think I'm sort of the same way. If I do go out, I drink pretty heavily. Of course this means I'll smoke a shit load of cigarettes as well.
Like the OP, there is definitely an awkwardness I feel in social situations. Drinking helps. I don't find too much wrong with this. My friends and I talk about this all the time whether it's weird that we have to drink to have fun if we are at a party.
Another part of it, is I hate chit chat. So alcohol makes me more approachable and receptive to this. I think this is why smoking cigarettes in social situations has become something compulsive. So it looks like I have something to do instead of having to talk to people. Usually, I like to stay away from big parties/crowds, but if you want to be a part of this world, you cannot avoid them.
Like E1 said, I could go for weeks or so without drinking or feeling compelled to drink. I do have a problem with excess, though, and drinking is no exception. For instance, for me it's hard to find balance. I'm either an excess introvert hiding in my cave not going out for a long period. Or I am the guy who wants to go out and drink heavily. The best is when I can just hang out with my group of friends without having to go to the bars.
Right now, though, for me, my excess drinking has been excessive. I have been on winter break from law school. All the people that I haven't been able to hang out with in a long time want to "catch up," so for the past few weeks I have been sleeping late, drinking till the morning, then same routine.
And all these damn holiday parties aren't helping I guess. I never thought I'd say that I can't wait to start back school again to get some balance back in my life. haha.
Somehow this just turned into a venting thread. oops.