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Well-Known Member
Local time
Today 4:54 AM
Jan 30, 2013
Hey guys, who amI exactly?
Can someone tell me?

I constantly score INTP but many people have pointed out
How I might actually be an ENTP or anINFP instead. The reality is I might actually inbetween those three. What seem to be certain is that I'm some sort of an NP.
I heard that ENTP were very introverted. And I'm very introverted. In contrast I've seen very talkactive Infp.

Why entp? Because I'm very enthusiastic, restless mind, love to meet new people, love ne w environments, novelty addict.
Why Infp? Because I'm very sensitive, have strong morals, strong sense of justice, romantic, leave in my imagination, Daydream a lot,..etc

Why intp? Very cerebral, introverted, drained by social interactions, very selective of my people, loved physics and philosophy when I was younger, love systems,... etc

I think the most reasonable is intp but entp sounds right on certain moments and infp on other moments.
XNXP I am certainly!


Local time
Today 6:54 AM
Nov 14, 2016
I've found this on quorra... sounds true

"Do you worry about how your actions make other people feel (Fe and an INTP trait) or do you worry about how other peoples actions make you feel (Fi and an INFP trait).

I very very rarely worry or get emotional about how other people make me feel (usually only with romantic partners and even then it’s tempered and focused on restoration of harmony between the partner and I). I use my Ti (logic) to interpret people’s behavior towards me which leads me to being patient, understanding, and forgiving of peoples shitty actions. I don’t get emotional about it. “you just shot my foot?!?! Crap, you must have been having a rough day bro. Where did you get that gun? You should put it down if you are feeling shitty you know.” This is Ti assessing the situation and being followed up by Fe to restore harmony. No Fi. My own feelings, well they kind of don’t exist sometimes or they’re just behind some big black wall of blackness that I’m still figuring out how to see behind.

On the other hand an INFP will use Fi to interpret other people’s behavior, which means they are much less forgiving and understanding when someone acts like a douche. “You just shot my foot!?!?!? I FEEL bad inside and I will never talk to you again! Shooting people in the foot is a horrible thing to do to someone! I don’t care how bad of a day you were having. Where did you get that gun? Shoot yourself in the foot next time!” *storms off* This is Fi assessing the situation followed up by Te offering suggestions on how to make the world correct.

EDITED: to add that my INFP friend says this only happens after being shot in the foot 5 times. The first 4 times the INFP is like, this hurts me but I’ll keep it to myself for now. This is in line with what I’ve observed. "


Local time
Today 6:54 AM
Nov 14, 2016
We all have something from every personality type. I'm similar... maybe I am an ENTP who happened to have a little degree of social anxiety... or just an INFP with a good enough iq to not let my feelings bull**** me around (i would have a lot of INTP symptoms and that emotional core). My T/F at tests is about 55/45. But if I would look at the type descriptions and write down every characteristic of every type that sounds like me, i would get something like 25/5/5 INTP/INFJ/ENTP. Anyway, i wouldn't have been interested in MBTI if the first description of INTP hadn't resonated so strongly with me. It resonated with me so much that my INTPness made me doubt the reality of me being an INTP because of the emotional response at being understood, so I started to doubt it and analyse all things again to nullify the effect of my expectations and emotions.

srry for bad english
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