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INFJs are cool as hell


Active Member
Local time
Today 11:32 PM
Feb 16, 2014
I've only ever met one guy that was (most likely) an INFJ - he was this arty Goth kid back in HS that had this whole Marylin Manson thing going on. I wasn't really friends with him or anything, but I did hang out with him a few times at parties, he seemed like this really cool dude and really a good artist. I ran into him a few years ago and saw that he unbelievably still dresses like teenage mall goth. Which is weird because the guy is pushing 30. Come to think of it, that's not very cool.

As for the INFJ women- they're the coolest, smartest, the most self-aware and perceptive chicks I have ever met. The ones I know are literate; they don't speak in a shrieking voice, they're not obnoxious or materialistic or vapid or slutty, and they're generally observant.

I can anecdotally say that the INFJ type is usually awesome.

Anyone have any experience to the contrary?

Black Rose

An unbreakable bond
Local time
Today 4:32 PM
Apr 4, 2010
with mama
I cant see the jpg


Active Member
Local time
Today 11:32 PM
Feb 16, 2014
glad we're in agreement. they do rule don't they?


"Wtf even was that"
Local time
Today 11:32 PM
Nov 7, 2009
Path with heart
aww shucks. :o


Local time
Today 6:32 PM
Jan 8, 2010
New York City (The Big Apple) & State
The INFJ person I met on this Forum I'm not allowed to reference or talk about. Even that sentence is risky so I will do as recommended and speak only generally. I met another INFJ woman on RagingBull and I agree she is somewhat awesome. I managed to wiggle my way into being friendly with her and now send her Christmas cards.

INFJ's have as their tertiary function Ti and that presents something of interest to a Ti dominant. Or at least I can be easily fooled. My guess the reason for that is the INFJ will pounce with their intuition backed up by their extroverted feeling. So you get from them feeling in your face with a weak Ti. This is an explosive situation for an INTP. What is the reason?

Well I have Fe as weakest. This means I will be faced with a powerful Fe and a Ti both at the same time. That means BOTH have to be addressed at the same time. Miss one and the other gets me in trouble. If I lead with Ti there is an automatic Fe suppression. So if the remedy is to deal with Fe, the Ti get suppressed. If the INFJ tries Se (their weakest), an INTP hardly acknowledges that at all. Bring up the Se (which an INTP can treat with contempt) and the answer is a blast from the INFJ's Ni.

Now what have I missed?


Full of stars.
Local time
Today 11:32 PM
Sep 18, 2012
Hi. I am your friendly resident INFJ.

Well, one of them; we seem to like INTPs. My own experience of INTPs - which is very limited - has been extremely pleasant. I find you deep, insightful and intellectually stimulating. Also, that Fe of yours is (again, limited experience) easy to draw out. In fact, you can be downright charming.

Yeah, I like INTPs. In a world full of shitheads, you're some of the better folk.



Ew, emotions.
Local time
Today 11:32 PM
Apr 1, 2014
This title made me smile.

My brother and I never really had a relationship.

The other week I asked him to take the test and to my surprise he is an INFJ. Immediately I mentally shifted his position in my mind as "another person that won't interest me" to the "TELL ME EVERYTHING" mode where I excitedly probe that interesting person's mind. How did I not realise how amazing my INFJ brother is? We had a five hour long conversation that ranged from MBTI itself, religion/spirituality, astral projection, ego, consciousness, life, death, love, depression, family dysfunction, poverty, homosexuals, feminism, Mensa, our goals, and a heap of shit I did not even comprehend (yay, mental stimulation!!).

My brother has this mysterious dark look in his eyes that is captivating and fascinating. He is intense, deep, passionate, and is a very unique character. I want to sit with him forever and learn from him. He's very cool indeed.

The other INFJ I knew was a kind-of friend/colleague from work. She liked to believe she knew what everyone was thinking/feeling and would often misinterpret meanings which caused much conflict within the team. I think she thinks she's a psychic of some sort. She's a bit weird, always reacting strangely and has reactions disproportionate to the situation. Not sure if that's an INFJ thing. I did find her fascinating though, deep and very complex. Nobody understands her, but apparently I did, somehow. Not sure if all INFJs come across as private, but she did. I really wanted to break through her walls, but given that I have my own it wasn't exactly the easiest task.


Ex regixie
Local time
Today 6:32 PM
Dec 28, 2013
I think INFJs are the kindest people and enjoy having intellectual discussions with them but sometimes get bored by what they say. My male INFJ friend tends to take over the conversation and become annoyingly loquacious. I've actually fallen asleep twice on the phone with him. Overall, though, I respect their intelligence and humanitarian nature.


Magos Biologis
Local time
Tomorrow 7:32 AM
Feb 3, 2012
Having an INFJ mother and an INFJ sister, well let's just say its a mixed blessing. They're good people but occasionally they just snap and you have no idea why.
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