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Industrial Society Destroys Mind and Environment


Local time
Today 5:11 AM
Aug 30, 2008
The link between Mind and Social / Environmental-Issues.

The fast-paced, consumerist lifestyle of Industrial Society is causing exponential rise in psychological problems besides destroying the environment. All issues are interlinked. Our Minds cannot be peaceful when attention-spans are down to nanoseconds, microseconds and milliseconds. Our Minds cannot be peaceful if we destroy Nature.

Industrial Society Destroys Mind and Environment.

Subject : In a fast society slow emotions become extinct.
Subject : A thinking mind cannot feel.
Subject : Scientific/ Industrial/ Financial thinking destroys the planet.
Subject : Environment can never be saved as long as cities exist.

Emotion is what we experience during gaps in our thinking.
If there are no gaps there is no emotion.
Today people are thinking all the time and are mistaking thought (words/ language) for emotion.

When society switches-over from physical work (agriculture) to mental work (scientific/ industrial/ financial/ fast visuals/ fast words ) the speed of thinking keeps on accelerating and the gaps between thinking go on decreasing.
There comes a time when there are almost no gaps.
People become incapable of experiencing/ tolerating gaps.
Emotion ends.
Man becomes machine.

A society that speeds up mentally experiences every mental slowing-down as Depression / Anxiety.
A ( travelling )society that speeds up physically experiences every physical slowing-down as Depression / Anxiety.
A society that entertains itself daily experiences every non-entertaining moment as Depression / Anxiety.

Fast visuals/ words make slow emotions extinct.
Scientific/ Industrial/ Financial thinking destroys emotional circuits.
A fast (large) society cannot feel pain / remorse / empathy.
A fast (large) society will always be cruel to Animals/ Trees/ Air/ Water/ Land and to Itself.

I am trying to get the following experiment conducted in a psychophysiology/ bio-chemistry laboratory.
There is a link between visual / verbal speed ( in perception, memory,
imagery ) and the bio-chemical state of the brain and the body.
Emotion can intensify / sustain only when visual and verbal processing
associated with the emotion slows down ( stops / freezes ).
The degree of difficulty of an emotion depends upon the degree of
freezing (of visuals and words ) required to intensify and sustain that
particular emotion.

Subjects (preferably actors specialising in tragedy / tragic roles )
will be asked to watch a silent video film showing any of the
(1) Human suffering.
(2) Animal suffering.
(3) Suffering ( Destruction ) of Air / Water / Land / Trees.
Subjects will be asked to intensify and sustain the subjective feeling of pain/ grief for the sufferer.
The chemical changes associated with the emotion in the body(blood) would be measured by appropriate methods.
The silent video film will be shown at different speeds :
(1) 125% of actual speed.
(2) Actual/real speed.
(3) 75% of actual speed.
(4) 50% of actual speed.
(5) 25% of actual speed.

Results :
(1) Intensity of emotion increases with the decrease in visual speed.
(2) Intensity of emotion is maximum when visual speed is minimum (25%
of actual speed)
(3) The amount of chemical change associated with the emotion in the
body(blood) will be found to increase with the decrease in visual speed.
(4) The chemical change is maximum when visual speed is minimum.
(5) The amount of chemical change will increase with the decrease in
breathing rate. Breathing becomes so slow and non-rhythmic that it stops
for some time at the inhalation/ exhalation stages.
The above co-relations will be valid for all subjects -even for those who cannot feel pain/ grief. Such subjects will experience emotion associated with boredom/ discomfort/ restlessness/ irritability/ uneasiness. The chemicals released will be different but the co-relation between visual speed and amount of chemical will be same( the breathing rates will be different/ fast). All subjects will experience some kind of emotion.
[If scientists can discover 4000 different chemicals in cigarette-smoke then they can certainly detect the few chemicals released in blood when weexperience higher-level emotions like pain, empathy, compassion, remorse etc… ]
In the 2nd stage of experiment we shall replace the silent video film with a Narrator ( Audio only ) and repeat the procedure thereby establishing the link between intensity of emotion and verbal speed. The narrator will slow down verbal speed by-- speaking slowly, stretching words, repetition of words/ sentences & making use of
pause/ silence between words.
Please note:
(1) A thinking mind cannot intensify / sustain any emotion.
While this statement is generally true for all emotions, it is particularly true for all painful emotions.
(2) Pain / remorse / empathy cannot be experienced in a society in which visual (verbal) speed and breathing- rates are fast . It is impossible.

Proof of the link between pain and slow visuals / words :-
In the last century man has made thousands of movies / films on various
themes / subjects. Whenever pain / tragedy is shown in any film the
visuals ( scenes ) and words ( dialogues ) are always slowed down. In
many films tragedy is shown in slow motion. At the most intense moment
of pain the films almost become static / stationary.
Tragedy-films provide direct proof / evidence of the link between pain
and slowness.
Pain can intensify / sustain only when visual ( and verbal ) speed slows
down( stops/ freezes).

Change in visual speed over the years.
One thousand years ago visuals would change only when man physically
moved himself to a new place or when other people ( animals / birds )
and objects ( clouds / water ) physically moved themselves before him.
Today man sits in front of TV / Computer and watches the rapidly
changing visuals / audio.
He sits in a vehicle ( car / train / bus ) and as it moves he watches
the rapidly changing visuals.
He turns the pages of a book / newspaper / magazine and sees many
visuals / text in a short span.

Change in verbal speed over the years.
In ancient times verbal processing was “live” in nature—ie it happened when people actually spoke.
Today there is non-stop verbal processing inside the mind through print and electronic media ( newspapers, books, magazines, radio, television, computer etc…) as a result of which the verbal content & speed has increased thousands of times.

The speed of visuals ( and words ) has increased so much during the last
one hundred years that today the human brain has become incapable of
focussing on slow visuals /words through perception, memory, imagery.
If we cannot focus on slow visuals / words we cannot experience emotions associated with slow visuals /words.

Before the advent of Industrial Revolution Man's thinking was primarily
limited to :
(a) visual processing ( slow visuals )
(b) verbal / language processing ( slow words )
Today there are many kinds of fast thinking :
(1) visual processing ( fast visuals )
(2) verbal / language processing ( fast words )
(3) Scientific / Technical thinking ( fast )
(4) Industrial thinking ( fast )
(5) Business thinking ( fast )
(3), (4) & (5) are associated with Numbers / Symbols / Equations /
Graphs /Circuits / Diagrams / Money / Accounting etc…
As long as the mind is doing this kind of thinking it cannot feel any
emotion - not an iota of emotion.
In a fast society slow emotions become extinct.
In a thinking ( scientific / industrial ) society emotion itself becomes extinct.
Emotion is what remains in the mind when visual/ verbal processing slows down (stops/ freezes)

There are certain categories of people who feel more emotion (subjective experience ) than others.
If we attempt to understand why (and how ) they feel more emotion we can learn a lot about emotion.
Writers, poets, actors, painters ( and other artists )
Writers do verbal ( and associated visual) processing whole day- every day.
They do slow verbal ( and associated visual) processing every day.
(A novel that we read in 2 hours might have taken 2 years to write. This is also the reason why the reader can never feel the intensity & duration of emotion experienced by the writer )
Poets do verbal ( and associated visual ) processing whole day- every day. There is more emotion in poetry than in prose. This happens because there are very few words ( and associated visuals ) in poetry than in any other kind of writing. There is a very high degree of freezing / slowing down of visuals & words in poetry.
Actors do verbal ( and associated visual ) processing whole day- every day. During shooting / rehearsal they repeat the dialogues ( words ) again and again ( the associated visuals / scenes also get repeated along with the dialogues )
Painters do visual ( and associated verbal ) processing whole day- every day. They do extremely slow visual processing - The visual on the canvas changes only when the painter adds to what already exists on the canvas.

There are some important points to be noted :
All these people do visual & verbal processing - whole day - every day.
They do slow visual & verbal processing.
They do not do scientific / industrial / business processing whole day - every day.
Most of the city people doing mental work either do this kind of mental processing which is associated with Numbers / Symbols/ Equations / Graphs / Circuits / Diagrams / Money / Accounting etc… or they do fast visual ( verbal ) processing whole day - every day.
This kind of thinking ( processing ) has come into existence only during the last 200 years and has destroyed our emotional ability ( circuits ).

Once we speed up our minds we become incapable of slowing down [it would take years of effort to slow down]. One can understand it this way - A supercomputer cannot process at the rate of an ordinary computer. Once we speed up [and we have been speeding up for several generations now] we cannot slow down because the neural circuits get altered - the bio-chemistry of the brain and its anatomy changes.

Self-Assessment of ( subjective ) intensity of emotion is almost always wrong.
Suppose the maximum intensity(and duration) of a particular emotion that
can be experienced by any human being is 100 units.
Let us suppose the maximum intensity(and duration) of that particular emotion ever
experienced by two people A & B in their entire life is :
A - 100units
B - 20 units
Now suppose A & B are made subjects on a particular day and are asked
to feel that particular emotion under experimental conditions ( or
outside the laboratory ) and the intensity &duration they actually experience is :
A - 90 units
B - 18 units
If A & B are then asked to indicate the intensity &duration of emotion on a scale
of 0 -10 their response is likely to be ;
A - 9
B - 9
Who is right and who is wrong ?
A is right.
B is wrong - B is wrong by a wide margin - B has experienced an
intensity(and duration) of 18 units out of a maximum of 100 units and his correct / actual score should be 1.8
Self- assessment ( self rating ) can be accurate only if people have
the capacity to experience the highest intensity &duration ( units ) of the
particular emotion under study.

In small(slow)agriculture-based societies the mind used to experience a state of emotion all the time because of physical work and slow visual/verbal processing . People who do physical work experience the same good subjective-feeling which is experienced by people who do physical excercise. [People who do physical work also sleep much better than people who do mental work - the quality of sleep is much better]. If we read one thousand-year-old literature we will not come across the term "boredom" - the concept of boredom did not exist in slow societies. There were long gaps between different visuals and between words/ sentences - and people had the ability to experience/ tolerate the gaps - it was normal for them.
Emotion can intensify / sustain only when visual / verbal processing slows down ( stops / freezes ). In an Industrial (thinking) society people experience very little emotion because of fast ( visual / verbal / scientific / industrial / business ) thinking.
Suppose the maximum intensity and duration of a particular emotion ( for most people ) in a fast society has reduced to 5 units ( from 100 units that people used to experience in earlier /slower societies ).
If such people experience 4 units of emotion they will give themselves a
rating /score of 8 on a scale of 0-10 whereas their actual score should
be 0.4

[Please note :
Fast emotions =emotions associated with fast visuals/fast words/fast breathing/fast heart-rate.
Slow emotions=emotions associated with slow visuals/slow words/slow breathing/slow heart-rate.
Rate of thinking=number of visuals/words processed per minute.
Gaps between thinking =gaps between visuals/ words/ sentences.]

Thoughts and Emotions are interlinked - but different things - totally/ completly different.
Words can be spoken - words can be read - words can be heard.
Emotion is a subjective-experience. Other examples of subjective experience are taste, smell, touch, headache, stomach pain.
One can understand the difference this way :
When we eat an apple we can feel the taste of apple. Apple can give us the taste of apple - but apple is not taste.
If we pour apple juice into a glass - the glass will not feel the taste - it does not have the ability to feel taste.
If a person eats an apple he will feel the taste - because he has the ability to generate taste from apple.
Words/ Visuals can evoke, intensify and sustain emotions - but words/ visuals are not emotions.

In every field there is easy work/activity and difficult work/activity.
In mathematics there is easy mathematics and difficult mathematics. Everyone can add 2+4 within microseconds. A PhD level problem of mathematics would take hours [or more] to solve - and that too only by someone who has spent 20 - 25 years learning mathematics upto PhD level.
Same way in the field of emotions there are easy emotions and difficult emotions. Easy emotions are evoked within nanoseconds, microseconds and milliseconds - anger, lust, fear, pleasure, entertainment and excitement are some examples. These emotions are associated with fast breathing and heart-rate. These emotions don"t require gaps between thinking to evoke, intensify and sustain. These are the emotions that can be found everywhere in today's fast society.
Then there are difficult emotions - which require ability and years of effort to develop - emotions associated with pain, compassion and peaceful states of mind are some examples. These emotions are associated with slow breathing and heart-rate. These emotions require freezing of thought - freezing of visuals and words - huge amounts of gaps between thinking - to evoke, intensify and sustain.

The experiments I have proposed are primarily meant for those people who understand only the language of science. We don't need experiments to understand that our present lifestyle is destroying our Minds and Environment - the evidence is everywhere - left, right and center. The craze and fetish for science and scientific proof has mainly existed for the last 50 - 100 years. People have lived on this planet for thousands of years without needing scientific proof to understand something. It is Science and Technology that created the consumerist Industrial Society which has led to the destruction of Mind and Nature/ Environment. Who needs more science or more scientific proof. Science is not the solution - Science is the problem.
Some people demand proof of everything. They won't accept anything without proof. How do people accept their father as their father? Where is the proof?
Scientific proof comes from DNA testing. How many people have got the DNA test conducted?
Two things that have destroyed Environment are - Overpopulation and Overconsumerism. Science and Technology is responsible for both these problems. World population was less than 1 billion in the year 1800. Nature had its way of controlling population through disease and death caused by bacteria and virus. When man made medicines/ antibiotics he created disaster - population increased very rapidly. In the absence of "Industrial Agriculture" the feeding capacity of soil would have kept population under control. If Industrial Revolution had not happened, environmental destruction due to production of consumer goods would not exist. In the absence of Science, Technology and "Industrial Revolution" we would not be facing the two problems that have caused destruction of ecosystems - overpopulation and overconsumerism.
Humans are incapable of making solutions. Humans have always created problems. All solutions of Man have actually been problems in disguise - they have led to bigger and greater problems. The quest for a solution is the biggest problem in itself.

IQ always has an element of change in it – IQ is about trying to make/ discover/ invent something new all the time.
Change is an inherent feature of IQ.
IQ is also about thinking more in less time—it involves speeding up of mind. Someone who does more mathematics in less time is considered more intelligent in mathematics. IQ is about change and speed.
EQ is about sustainment of the same feeling/experience over a period of time. When we experience any higher-level emotion for 10 minutes we experience the same feeling( subjective experience) over and over again for 10 minutes.
The( same) feeling can sustain only if there is Repetition.
EQ involves Repetition—Constancy—Sameness.
IQ and EQ are contradictory.
IQ and EQ are opposites.
IQ and EQ are inversely proportional.

(1) A thinking species destroys the planet.
(2) Animals lived on earth for billions of years (in very large numbers)
without destroying nature.
(3) They did not destroy nature because their thinking / activity was
limited to searching for food for one time only.
(4) Man has existed on earth in large numbers for only a few thousand
years / a few hundred years.
(5) Within this short period Man has destroyed the environment.
(6) This destruction took place because of Man's thinking.
(7) When man thinks he makes things.
(8) When he makes things he kills animals / trees / air / water / land.
( Nothing can be made without killing these five elements of nature ).
(9) A thinking species destroys the planet.

Intelligence Is A Curse.
This planet is on the verge of total destruction.
The cause of destruction is – overactivity.
[Out of millions of species in this world the human-species is the only one that has indulged in overactivity]
The cause of overactivity is – Intelligence.
[The environment would never have got destroyed if Man had been only as intelligent as animals]
Intelligence is a curse - a disease - a disability - an abnormality.
Intelligence is the biggest cause/ source of destruction in this world.
[In fact Intelligence is the only cause of destruction in this world other than natural causes]

Mental work is injurious to the mind and planet.
Life was never good in the past.
Life will never be good in future.
Life can never be good.

Suffering is a part of life - an inherent feature of life. Suffering can never be eliminated.
There is Physical suffering - There is Mental suffering.
In pre-industrial society there were physical diseases caused by virus and bacteria.
In modern society there are hundreds of lifestyle related physical diseases - Cancer, Stroke, Diabetes, Obesity, Multiple Organ Failures.

Mental suffering will always exist. It exists in agrarian society. It exists in industrial society. As soon as we stop working we experience mental suffering.
We avoid mental suffering by working ceaselessly.
There is no higher purpose behind work.
People do not work because they want to work.
People work because they cannot stop working.
The energy generated by the food we eat forces us to work ceaselessly.
Energy = Energy[Physical Work] + Energy[Mental Work] + Energy[Suffering/ Subjective Experience]
All three energies on the right side are inversely proportional to one another.
When we do hard physical work or hard mental work or a combination of physical work and mental work almost all energy is used up in doing work.
When we stop physical work and mental work the unused energy is experienced as suffering/ anxiety/ restlessness/ discomfort. This suffering is so intense - so unbearable - that most people cannot stop physical activity and mental activity simultaneously for even 2 minutes - they can stop work/activity only under the influence of drugs and alcohol.
People do not work because they want to work.
People do not work for their family.
People do not work for their nation.
People do not work for any reason.
People work because they cannot stop working.
It does not matter what kind of work we do - whether it is physical work or any kind of mental work. As soon as we stop working we suffer from restlessness, anxiety, uneasiness and discomfort.
[ In Yoga and Meditation the goal is to stop Physical Activity and Mental Activity simultaneously - and then transform the subjective-experience of restlessness/ anxiety/ suffering into peace. This requires ability and years of effort ]
For most people the choice is between physical and mental work.
The switch-over from physical work to mental work is disastrous for the planet.
Man can do the same physical work every day.
Man cannot do the same mental work every day.
When man used to do physical work ( farming and related activities ) he could do the same repetitive work day after day- generation after generation.
After the Industrial Revolution when man switched-over to mental work he began a never ending process of making new machines / things / products-- a process which can only end with the complete destruction of environment ( planet ).
When we make consumer goods we kill Animals/ Trees, Air/ Water and Land - directly or indirectly.
Industrial Society destroys ecosystems - all Industrial Societies destroy ecosystems.
It hardly matters whether it is "Capitalist Industrial Society" - "Communist Industrial Society" - or "Socialist Industrial Society".
Industrial Society destroys ecosystems at every stage of its functioning - when consumer goods are produced - when consumer goods are used - when consumer goods are discarded/ recycled.
Raw material for industry is obtained by cutting up Forests. It is extracted by mining/ digging up the earth. It comes by destroying/ killing Trees, Animals and Land.
Industries/ Factories use Water. The water that comes out of Factories is contaminated with hundreds of toxic chemicals. Industry kills Water. What to speak of Rivers - entire Oceans have been polluted.
Industry/ Factories burn millions of tonnes of fuel and when raw material is melted/ heated up, hundreds of toxic chemicals are released into the atmosphere. Industry kills Air.
Industrial Society has covered millions of square miles of land with cement and concrete. Industry kills Land.
When consumer goods are discarded/ thrown away in landfills it again leads to destruction of ecosystems.
When consumer goods are recycled, hundreds of toxic chemicals are released into air, water and land.
Consumer goods are sold/ marketed through a network of millions of kilometers of rail / road network and shipping routes which causes destruction of all ecosystems that come in the way.

Today 50% of world population - 3 bilion people are living in cities. The necessary work of growing/producing Food is being done outside cities - in villages and countryside. Most of the people living in cities are engaged in unnecessary work - making things, buying things and selling things. The switch-over from Physical work to Mental work/ Desk job has led to an endless cycle of unnecessary and destructive work.
When society switches over from physical work to mental work it starts making thousands of consumer goods. People start calling them necessities. They are not necessities at all - 90% of consumer goods that we see today did not exist 50 years ago.
Food, Water, Air, Little clothing, Little Shelter - these are necessities.
Close your nose and stop breathing for a few minutes - you will then know what necessity is.
Stop drinking water for a few days - you will then know what necessity is.
Stop eating food for a few days - you will then know what necessity is.
Today people are making thousands of consumer goods - not because they are necessities - but because they cannot stop making them. People cannot stop doing work - After switching over to mental work they will keep on making thousands of unnecessary consumer goods. Industrial Society is destroying necessary things[Animals,Trees,Air,Water and Land] for makng unnecessary things[Consumer Goods]. This is the reason why the switch-over from physical work to mental work is so destructive. This is the point of no-return - once this is crossed the destruction of Environment/ Nature is inevitable.
If we live a simple life there is individual suffering - but no largescale destruction of Environment.
If we live a consumerist life there is individual suffering - plus largescale destruction of Environment.

The nature of mental work is such that man has to do new mental work every day- in fact he has to do new mental work every moment- Man cannot repeat in the next moment the mental work that he has already done in the previous moment.
A mathematician cannot solve the same problem of mathematics every day- once he has solved it he will be forced to take up a new( unsolved) problem. Even when he is solving one particular problem he has to move from one step to another - there is a continuous change involved -- there is no constancy at any stage.
An engineer cannot design the same machine again and again –once he has made a machine he will try to make changes/ design a new one.
A writer cannot write the same article every day- he will be forced to write something new every day/ every moment (This is also the reason behind endless discussions/ debates/ arguments).

Discussions, Debates and Arguments.
Let us examine how much discussion we are collectively having in Industrial Society every day.
Millions of pages in print – newspapers / books / magazines.
Millions of web-pages on internet every day.
Now add to this all the conversation (discussion) we are having through radio / television / telephone and several other media every day.
And add to this all the discussion we are having through face-to-face interaction.
The volume of discussion per individual in one week is greater than the total discussion someone living in pre-industrial society would have in his entire life.
There is too much discussion in modern society.
Discussion is not solving our problems – discussion itself has become a problem – a gigantic problem.

A society that does mental work will discuss itself to destruction [extinction]
A society that does mental work will argue itself to destruction [extinction]
A society that does mental work will debate itself to destruction [extinction]

A society that does mental work can never stop discussions / debates / arguments – it is impossible. It will discuss / debate / argue till the last moment of it’s existence.
Discussions / Debates / Arguments – these are creations of a society that has switched-over from physical work to mental work.
Discussions / Debates / Arguments – these are diseases of a society that has switched-over from physical work to mental work.

Discussions / debates / arguments can end only in agriculture-based societies that do physical work.
We cannot do physical-work and mental-work simultaneously.
There is an inverse relationship between physical-work and mental-work.
If one is high [more] the other has got to be low [less]
If we want to do physical work we have to reduce mental activity by the same proportion.
If we want to do mental work we have to reduce physical activity by the same proportion.
There is very little discussion / debate / argument in societies that do physical work - ie, agriculture-based societies - And this is the reason why they are millions of times saner than industrial societies.

Change is an inherent feature of mental work.
Since change is an inherent feature of mental work - a society that does mental work can never be at peace with itself – it is impossible.
A society that does mental work will always be restless.
Only those societies that do physical work [agriculture and related activities] can find contentment and peace.

As long as cities exist we can neither save the environment nor the mind.
To save the [ remaining ] environment from destruction man will have to
return back to physical work [ smaller communities ].
To save the mind from mental diseases man will have to return back to physical work [ smaller communities ].

Criminality and Abnormality.
Industrial Society has collectively killed billions of Animals and Trees [ Remember - plant and animal species developed over a period of millions ofyears]
It has also killed most of Water and Air [ Please note - polluting Water and Air is equivalent to killing Water and Air ]
The soil was not fertile when the earth was created. It became fertile - very slowly - over a period of millions of years. And look what man has done - He has covered millions and millions of hectares of land with cement and concrete. All the land that has been covered with cement and concrete has been killed.
Man has stockpiled thousands of tonnes of highly radioactive nuclear material and nuclear waste which is going to remain highly radioactive and carcinogenic for the next thousands of years - and which has already leaked into the environment hundreds of times.
There is an arsenal of 50,000 nuclear missiles that can destroy the planet several times over.
What could be more criminal than this.
What could be more abnormal than this.
Lawyers and Judges are trying to catch a few criminals.
They don’t realize the entire Industrial Society is criminal.
Psychologists and Psychiatrists are trying to classify a few people as abnormal.
They don’t realize the entire Industrial Society is abnormal.

The claim of "science and technology" of curing cancer is a joke. "Science and Technology" can never cure cancer - it is impossible. "Science and Technology" is the cause of cancer. Most of cancer is caused by toxic chemicals - carcinogens. Industrial Society has flooded the ecosystems with toxic chemicals. Most of the Farm Land has been poisoned with pesticides due to Industrial Agriculture. The Land - The Air - The Water - the entire food chain is contaminated with thousands of man-made toxic chemicals which did not exist before industrialiation. There are hundreds of man-made, toxic chemicals in the blood, bones and tissue of humans. There are toxic, man-made chemicals in the placenta of new born babies. Industrial Society is causing millions of cancer every year. Out of these millions of cases, "science and technology" is able to treat a small percentage - a few thousand cases - through surgery, radiation and chemotherapy etc...And these treatments can hardly be called real treatments because the toxic chemicals which are the root cause of cancer still exist in the environment. This is also the reason why there is a high rate of relapse/ recurrence after cancer treatment. An Industrial Society can never prevent high incidence of cancer, because it is flooding the environment with chemicals all the time.

Industrial Society is collectively making millions of tonnes of weapons and explosives [of all kinds] every year – and then it wonders why there is so much violence in this world.
Big Mystery.
If you make millions of tonnes of weapons and explosives on earth they are going to be used on earth – they are not going to be used on Mars.

The entire Industrial Society is a terrorist.
The Military-Industrial-Complex is the real terrorist.
Science and Technology is the terrorist.

Make things
Buy things
Sell things
This is not the purpose of life.
Destroy Shopping Culture.
No one deserves more.
Everyone deserves less.
Life can sustain on earth only when everyone has less.

There was a time when Man knew nothing about the number of species and millions of species existed.
Today Man knows the names of millions of species and nothing is left of the species.

It took millions of years for millions of species to slowly come into existence on earth - and man has decimated all other species.
After destroying millions of highly-developed species on earth Man is today searching for a few molecules of life in outer-space.
If a few microbes, a few molecules of methane / water are found on Mars - it becomes the newspaper headline.
They call it progress.

The following is about to come true.
Nature can exist
(1) before man.
(2) after man.
(3) not with man.

Destruction of environment can be divided into two parts - destruction of environment for producing food - and destruction of environment for making thousands of consumer goods. In pre-Industrial Society people destroyed environment primarily for food. In Industrial Society people are destroying environment for food and consumer goods. If we want to save environment we will have to bring down the second to the minimum level by not making all unnecessary consumer goods.
Environment can be saved only if we stop production of most [ more than 99% ] of the consumer goods we are making today.
Environment cannot be saved by recycling.
The attempt of an industrial society to save the environment by recycling is like shooting someone 10,000 times and then trying to save him by taking out one bullet.

Time is running out for this planet.

Regarding Industrialization there is an important point to be noted. Modern Industrial Society has existed for 100 years - 200 years - 300 years. When we compare this period with the total duration for which human society has existed on earth this period is so short - so small that it almost does'nt exist. It is almost zero.
Humans have spent more than 99% of their time on earth in non-industrial societies.
Non-industrial societies have sustained on earth for thousands of years.
Industrial society has destroyed all ecosystems within 200 - 250 years.
Material things don't bring peace and happiness. Today billions of people have got things which even Kings did not have in the past. Car, computer, television, fridge, telephone - no King ever had these things. But people are still restless and unhappy.
Industrial Society is consuming psychiatric drugs/ sleeping pills by tonnes and tonnes.
A very large percentage of the population is surviving on precription drugs, illegal drugs, alcohol and cigarettes.
One-third of the population has become fat like elephants.
People talk about increase in lifespan. What is the use of increased lifespan if people have to resort to Drugs, Alcohol and Cigarettes to pull through life. And just wait a few more years - the average lifespan will soon become zero - human life will cease to exist on earth.
Consumerist-Lifestyle is just not sustainable. If we do not immediately return to living a very simple and frugal life then very soon there will be no human life on earth. We would need several planets[earths] to sustain the present lifestyle.

The Military-Industrial Complex is all set to destroy whatever life and environment that remains on earth. There is a reason why the two World Wars happened in the recent past and not 1000 years ago.
It was not possible to have world wars 1000 years ago. World Wars became possible only when Science and Technology developed aeroplanes, ships and other carriers which could transport millions of troops and millions of tonnes of weapons[once again a creation of science and technology] from one corner of the globe to another.
And today one does'nt even need all these to fight a war. One just needs to move finger-tips to launch missiles that can destroy the planet several times over.
Right at this moment there are several countries fighting wars with one another. There is internal war going on in almost half of the the countries of the world. All these wars are being fuelled and sustained by billions of tonnes of weapons produced by the Military-Industrial Complex every year.
And it is going to get worse and worse every day.

If you kill one person they call it murder.
If you kill a few hundred they call it terrorism.
If you kill a few million they call it war.
Science and Technology has made this world [millions of times] more violent and unsafe than before.
Science and Technology has produced billions of tonnes of weapons and explosives - chemical, biological and nuclear weapons - millions of tonnes of Radioactive material [ which will soon be used to make dirty radioactive bombs - which are going to contaminate the environment for hundreds and thousands of years]. Science and Technology is the real terrorist.

Governments and Law Enforcement Agencies have labelled a few Environmentalists as EcoTerrorists.
What are the charges against Environmental Activists? - Destruction of property? - endangering human life?
The Military Industrial Complex is doing much more damage to property - it is going around carpet bombing entire countries - flattening entire countries. The Military Industrial Complex is endangering much more human life - it is actually killing - killing millions in War/ Violence - directly or indirectly.
Who is the real Terrorist? - Environmentalists or Industrial Society?
The human race has been destroying/ killing animals, trees, air, water, land and people from the very beginning of civilization. Science and Technology has increased this destructive capacity millions of times.
Every citizen of Industrial Society is using hundreds/ thousands of consumer goods.
Every consumer good is made by killing animals, trees, air, water and land - directly or indirectly. [ more killing of nature takes place when consumer goods are used and discarded]
The per capita killing of animals, trees, air, water and land in Industrial Society is hundreds of times/ thousands of times greater than that of pre-industrial society.
Every citizen of Industrial Society is a serial killer - serial killer of animals, trees, air, water and land.
Those who produce consumer goods are killers.
Those who sell consumer goods are killers.
Those who buy consumer goods are killers.

Before Industrialization humans killed Environment primarily for Food, Clothing & Shelter. After industrialization humans are killing environment for Food, Clothing & Shelter plus [thousands of unnecessary]Consumer Goods.
Industrial Society is destroying necessary things[Animals, Trees, Air, Water and Land] for making unnecessary things[Consumer Goods].
The Military Industrial Complex has killed millions of people in War/ Violence. It has decimated all plant and animal species. It has destroyed all ecosystems. It has polluted and poisioned the Sky, Land and Oceans. It has raped and plundered "Mother Earth" in the name of Progress and Development.
The crimes of "Military Industrial Complex"are millions of times greater than the crimes of Environmentalists.
Comparing the crimes of Environmentalists with the crimes of "Military Industrial Complex" is like comparing the Lamp with the Sun.
The entire Industrial Society is a Terrorist.
Science and Technology is the Terrorist.
Military Industrial Complex is the Terrorist.
Culture of Consumerism - culture of making, buying and selling is the Terrorist. Consumerism kills ecosystems - Consumerism is the biggest act of violence against nature.

Think Positive.
Psychologists say -- Think Positive.
Politicians say – Think Positive.
Economists say – Think Positive.
Scientists say – Think Positive.
Everyone says – Think Positive.
Arctic ice is melting – Glaciers are melting – Rivers are drying up.
Think Positive.
Fish population in Oceans is down to 1/3 of what it was 100 years ago.
Think Positive.
Pollution levels are going sky-high and valley-deep.
Think Positive.
There used to be millions of members in most species of Animals and Birds. Now they are down to thousands and hundreds.
Think Positive.
Weather is getting more and more irregular and unpredictable.
Think Positive.
Metal everywhere - Concrete everywhere - Plastic everywhere.
Think Positive.
All local cultures have been destroyed in the name of consumerism and globalization.
Think Positive.
Thinking positive is the height of insanity.
Thinking positive is the height of abnormality.
This is a world that has become completely incapable of feeling Pain, Compassion, Remorse and Guilt.
The planet is getting destroyed moment by moment – and people are thinking positive.

Very soon there will be 1 Animal and 1 Tree left in this world – and people will still be thinking positive.
They will be holding Seminars, Conferences and Global-Summits to save the Environment.

There is an important point which the human-species needs to understand. People think they can save the Environment by doing something.
We can never save the environment by doing something.
It is overactivity that has destroyed environment in the first place.
Human-species is the only one out of millions of species that has indulged in overactivity on this planet [ And for this very reason the human speciesis going to exist on earth for the least amount of time]
And it is not Mild Overactivity – It is Excessive Overactivity – Exponential Overactivity.
We cannot save the environment by doing something.
We can only save it by doing less of what we have been doing - much less of what we have been doing.
If we want to save environment we will have to reduce human activity [overactivity] by 99%.

A person is being stabbed repeatedly at regular intervals - every hour.
Some people are trying to save the victim.
The sane way to save is - you first stop the attack – you prevent the attack.
What these insane people do - they allow the attack to be continued. They don’t stop it -- they don’t prevent it.
Instead, what they do - They say we are going to save the victim by using technology - the best technology - the best medical care.
Bring this technology - Bring that technology.
Bring this technology - Bring that technology.

They give the victim the best technology - the best medical care.
In the meantime the stabbing continues – every hour – even while the best medical care is being given.
One can imagine the fate of the victim.

Ecosystems are getting destroyed due to production of consumer goods.
Every consumer good is made by killing animals, trees, air, water and land - directly or indirectly. [ more killing of nature takes place when consumer goods are used and discarded]
Industrial society is destroying necessary things - animals, trees, air, water and land for making unnecessary things - consumer goods.
The sane way of saving ecosystems is - you stop production of consumer goods - you reduce production of consumer goods to the minimum level.
But the insane Industrial Society continues producing consumer goods [ in fact production is being increased every day]
The insane response of Industrial Society is - We will save the environment with technology - the best technology.
Bring this technology - Bring that technology.
Bring this technology - Bring that technology.

In the meantime production of consumer goods continues - 3 billion people living in cities are continuously engaged in - making , buying and selling of consumer goods - killing the ecosystems moment by moment.
One can imagine the fate of environment.
Height of Insanity.......Height of Abnormality.
Destroy consumerism..... before it is too late.

The Illogical Logic of Man.
A few birds have got infected with bird-flu and Man has started killing millions of birds.
They say birds are a threat to humans.
Sometime ago there was Mad Cow disease and Man started killing hundreds of thousands of cows.
They said cows are a threat to humans.

Ever since Man came into existence - millions of humans with infectious diseases have transferred such diseases to millions of other people - and will continue to infect millions more in future.
Such people are a threat to rest of the people.
Man should follow the same logic here and kill all infected people.
It is Man who has killed millions of people in Wars and other forms of Violence – and can kill millions more any time in future.
Man should follow the same logic here and kill all people.

It is the human species which is the greatest threat to humans and all other life on this planet - In fact the human species is the only species which is a threat to all life on Earth.
Man has decimated all Animal and Plant species – polluted the Sky and Oceans - and poisioned every square inch of earth.
In a mere 200 - 300 years Industrial Society has destroyed all that Nature laboriously created over a period of millions of years.

Humans pose the greatest threat to other humans.
Humans pose the greatest threat to all other life on earth.
The so-called Rational and Civilized Man should follow the same logic here - and destroy the entire human race.
Please note :
If you indulge in Factory Farming – If you torture the birds – confine millions of them in prison like conditions – depriving them of Sunlight and the freedom to walk and fly – you are creating an environment for the spread of virus and disease.

Lifestyle of Mass Destruction.
Destruction is an inherent feature of Development.
Progress = Destruction of Nature.
Development = Destruction of Nature.
We can have Sustainable Lifestyle.
We cannot have Sustainable Development.
Development can never be sustainable.
Sustainability and Development cannot exist together.
Development and Sustainability are opposites.
Development and Sustainability are contradictory.
Sustainable Living is associated with consuming less – being satisfied with a simple and frugal life.
Development is associated with never ending desires – always wanting more.
Sustainable lifestyle requires Constancy.
Sustainable lifestyle requires Sameness.
Sustainable lifestyle requires Repetition.
Development is associated with Change.
Development is associated with New.
Development is associated with Transience.
Industrial Societies can never be sustainable – When you make thousands of consumer goods you kill Nature - you kill Animals, Trees, Air, Water and Land.
"Growth Rate" - "Economy Rate" - "GDP"
These are figures of "Ecocide".
These are figures of "crimes against Nature".
These are figures of "destruction of Ecosystems".
These are figures of "Insanity, Abnormality and Criminality".

A Society that does mental work [city based] can never be sustainable - it will keep on making consumer goods - destroying the environment moment by moment.
Only agriculture-based societies that do physical work can be sustainable.
The term Sustainable Development is like the terms
Stationary Walk.
Silent Talk.
Wakeful Sleep.
Dark Sun
Gentle Torture.
Dry Rain.
Peaceful War.
Infinite growth and development on a tiny planet that is just 40,000 km in circumference? - Industrial Society is insane.

Man can repair and restore things that have been made by man himself. Car, Computer, Aeroplane, Rocket - if anything goes wrong with these things man can repair and restore.
Man cannot repair and restore Nature/ Environment - because man did not make Nature/ Environment. Once a Forest is destroyed - it is gone for millions of years. One cannot create a Forest in 5 or 50 years - it takes millions of years to make a forest - containing millions of species of animals, insects, birds, plants and trees. Man can create a plantation in 5 or 50 years - not a forest.
The only way to save Environment is by not destroying it - leave it alone - leave it undisturbed. If you destroy Environment you cannot repair and restore it.
No Multi National Company can manufacture the Amazon Rainforests.
No MNC can manufacture Rivers and Oceans.
No MNC can manufacture Mountains and Deserts.
No MNC can manufacture milions of species and fertile soil.
No MNC can manufacture the Sun.
The glaciers have melted. Arctic Ice has melted. Man can use all his Technology - all the Refrigeration and AirConditioning Technology but he will not be able to recreate the glaciers and Arctic Ice.
Many species of wild animals used to have hundreds of thousands/ millions of members. Now it is down to a few hundred/ a few thousand. Which MNC is going to restore the animal population to its original level?
The Oceans have almost been emptied of all large Fish. Which MNC is going to bring the Fish back in the Ocean?
Man has hunted down several species to extinction after Industrial Revolution. Which MNC is going to make them reappear?

There was a time when Man used to say –
I work in order to feed my family.
I work in order to put Food on the Table.
Today man is putting a lot more than Food on the Table.
Cars, Computers, ipods, Aeroplanes, 200 TV Channels, Luxury Yatchs, Caribbean Vacations, Palatial Homes, Video Phones, Designer Clothes, Designer Drugs, Cosmetic Surgery …………… The list is endless.

Man is putting thousands of consumer goods and services on the Table.
There is too much weight on the Table.
And the Table has begun to creak.

The more you put on your table the more you take out from the mouths of Animals and Birds.
The more you put on your table the more you kill Animals and Trees.
The more you put on your table the more you kill Water, Air and Land.
The more you put on your table the more you kill Mountains and Valleys.
The more you put on your table the more you kill the Sky and Oceans - the Rivers and Lakes.

There are so many things on the Table that one can barely see the Food.
We need just a few things to live.
And we are making thousands of things.
Billions of people are engaged in making, buying and selling of thousands of consumer goods.
Destroy Shopping Culture.
Go back to Simple Living.
Go back to putting just Food on the Table.


[I want to inform the moderators of "INTP Forum" that I have also posted my article in other Forums and Blogs relevant to the article/ related to keywords in the article]


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 5:11 AM
Jun 4, 2008
Dundee, Scotland
You've read Industrial Society and its Future by Theodore Kaczinsky, I suppose? If not, I recommend it. Though he was a bit... crazy, he makes some interesting points that at least merit thinking about.

Though, as a transhuman, I obviously disgaree with you - I think progress is the solution to the problems caused by our progress so far - you, too, make some points worthy of consideration at least. I do agree with you about consumerism, at least. It's bleached the world and filled it with tat. I don't agree that taking a step backwards is the solution, though. Consumerism will collapse once plenty is effortless, as will modern economics as we know it.


Local time
Today 5:11 AM
Aug 30, 2008
You've read Industrial Society and its Future by Theodore Kaczinsky, I suppose? If not, I recommend it. Though he was a bit... crazy, he makes some interesting points that at least merit thinking about.


Thanks for your comment.

Yes, I have read the manifesto "Industrial Society and its Future" by Ted Kaczinsky.



is watching and taking notes
Local time
Yesterday 10:11 PM
Dec 24, 2007
casually playing guitar in my mental arena
sushil_yadav said:
Intelligence Is A Curse. This planet is on the verge of total destruction. The cause of destruction is – overactivity. [Out of millions of species in this world the human-species is the only one that has indulged in overactivity] The cause of overactivity is – Intelligence. [The environment would never have got destroyed if Man had been only as intelligent as animals] Intelligence is a curse - a disease - a disability - an abnormality.Intelligence is the biggest cause/ source of destruction in this world. [In fact Intelligence is the only cause of destruction in this world other than natural causes]

I see where you are coming from, but even more intelligence, along with wisdom, can start to make things right. I think it's a lack of intelligence that brought on destruction, like an ignorant child playing with fire. Also, you're not considering free will. Intelligence can be used for better or worse.

Also, while the environment wouldn't be destroyed if it men were as smart as animals, they wouldn't have survived, and not on such a wide scale, if it weren't for intelligence. Man doesn't have many other advantages, having no fur, claws, sharp teeth, etc.

As for intelligence being a curse, I can relate somewhat. My well above average intelligence makes it hard to relate with everyone else. However, everyone is intelligent in different ways and degrees. While I have a high IQ, I'm seriously lacking in emotional intelligence, which makes the social world go round.


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 2:11 AM
Apr 29, 2008
Way south.
A thinking species destroys the planet.
Should we kill ourselves then? Stop thinking is not an option.
...that is not necesarily true anyway.


Local time
Yesterday 11:11 PM
Jun 7, 2008
The wired
I agree that consumerism is a terrible thing.

But on mostly everything else, I disagree. I would take a long time for me to post a point by point rebuttal, but at least I will say this:

Thinking is not a "fast" activity
Science is not a "fast" activity
And they do not block slow emotions...

Also, science and technology are not to blame as the cause of the world's problems (although they have been involved, the reality is most of those problems happened because there was not enough science and underdeveloped technology...)

Society cannot revert to smaller communities or to technology-less life. Not by choice. If humans have to work because they cannot stop working (like you say), then how is it possible to go back? It isn't. In history, many large societies have crumbled, and knowledge lost... and then what happened? New societies sprung up over time. Extreme anarchists and retrograde nostalgics do that mistake all the time, forgetting that science, technology, and government are naturally emergent qualities of humanity, and they cannot be stopped.

So humans are an anomaly. What are we gonna do about it? Kill ourselves because we are destroying the environment, because we don't fit in? No. Science and civilization are the natural manifestations of the greatness of the human spirit, our defining characteristics, and the means to our transcendence. They are a part of us, we cannot exist without them.... So we take what we have, what we are, and work with it.

The solution is forward.


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 12:11 AM
May 2, 2008
I agree with Tekton. Also, try reading Cradle to Cradle. It explains this better.


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 5:11 AM
Jun 4, 2008
Dundee, Scotland
As we progress, the required impact on the environment becomes less. We no longer need to cut down forests or burn fossil fuels, we do so because it's convenient. This will become increasingly true in the future. Vast areas of land will no longer be required for farming, cities will be built upwards rather than outwards, mankind will occupy the air instead of the ground. Economy is a hindrance: Generally it is said that we do not grow all of our food in warehouses because this would be expensive; meaning that it would require an initial investment that no one wants to pay. The same is true of sustainable power, and will be true of arcologies. In the long run, savings would be vast; but there are many more sensors than intuitives, the world is more concerned with the immediate present than the way things will pan out. Economy is the first obstacle to progress. Ideally, we would do away with it altogether and learn how to coexist without needing to define ourselves and our interactions using tokens of wealth. I'll bet everything I have (it's not much, I'm 15) that that'll never happen, though. Something will need to come along and turn it all on its head, and I have confidence that nanotechnology will be that thing. When it becomes possible to manufacture things from the bottom up, when we can make expensive commodities out of sand, the current consumer economy won't last long. Ideas will become the unit of exchange, designs of products rather than the products themselves, and those cost nothing to produce - and what need would we have of payment, when we needn't buy anything? Progress will solve the problems it has caused, the only obstacle is greed.


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 12:11 AM
May 2, 2008
The book I just mentioned argues that in many cases, if you do it right, you can actually see the benefits of eco-friendliness in the short term (i.e. less than two years after implementing it).


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 5:11 AM
Jun 4, 2008
Dundee, Scotland
Oh yes, the benefits ecologically are obvious. Economically, you need to wait years before your investment pays off, and people on the whole care more about their 'nomics than their 'logies.


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 12:11 AM
May 2, 2008
Economically, too. Ehh, just read the book. I'm not explaining it well.

Another thing: The authors of that book do not like one-size-fits-all approaches. A factory that's optimized for its location will tend to do better than a generic factory.

Agent Intellect

Absurd Anti-hero.
Local time
Today 12:11 AM
Jul 28, 2008
its very arrogant to think that human beings can destroy the world. this planet, nature, the environment has been through much worse then humans. we might change the world as we know it, but species will adapt and evolve. think of all the species were preventing from emerging by attempting to keep the planet as it is, were making them extinct before they're even here!


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 2:11 AM
Apr 29, 2008
Way south.
Cut the trees, poison the water, pollute the air, change the temperature, etc and we will see if the animals adapt. "Destroy the world" is metaphorical, the thing is just a piece of dust, rock and water with life in every corner, however, we can cause a global climate change that could change the entire shape of the world. I dont agree with the OP anyway, that is not an unavoidable fact, we can do better, but it is true that we can fuck things up pretty badly if we are not careful.


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 12:11 AM
Nov 21, 2007
Michigan/Indiana, USA

That was long.

The good news is, if we destroy ourselves and this planet, there are 100 billion stars per galaxy and 100 billion galaxies. So, there's a good chance thoughts and emotions and progress will persist--even if only elsewhere.




Prolific Member
Local time
Today 2:11 AM
Apr 29, 2008
Way south.
Thats not good news, they will go on destroying stuff, we will have to exterminate all intelligent beings of the universe first, THEN kill ourselves :p


Is Kredit to Team!!
Local time
Today 1:11 PM
Apr 30, 2008
Purgatory with the cool kids
Does anyone really truly take the OP seriously? If not, you people are too kind. If I had first reply I would be posting waffle recipes.

But I shall play along.

To even be able to post this message here, the OP must live in a reasonably urban environment (i.e a city) with internet connection. Ergo, the OP has the cheek to use the enemy's resources to plot and call for his downfall and is able to do it simply because this enemy cannot be half bothered.

To even get their message out, the authors of that insult of a book has had to use printing presses that are one of the vehicles of our industrial world. Ergo, the authors have the cheek to use the enemy's resources to plot and call for his downfall and is able to do it simply because this enemy cannot be half bothered.

If you really stood by your 'Return to The Garden of Eden' hogwash I would not have the pleasure of listening to your waffling since you would be living your life in the jungle or the remote countryside happily living your sustainable life, since according to you life is about avoidance of obstacles and not their overcoming right?

Yet you saw fit to don the 'Odious Mantle of the Hypocrite +3' and say: 'Its only fine to use industry to deliver my sacred message but not industry for industry's sake.'

Did you know that to deliver your message via the internet you are using electricity, which is powered by power plants that burn fossil fuels which is destroying the environment with greenhouse gases? Ergo, the very posting of your message is an outright contradiction of your message!

Did you know that to print their book those authors have had to order paper which implies the destruction of trees and ink, which implies pollutive industrial processes, both of which damage our pure and blue planet! Ergo, the very publication of their book is an outright contradiction of their message!

Life is about overcoming difficulties and not taking the easy way out. Grow up and you'll find out. Efforts are being taken to overcome our non-sustainable practises. We will triumph, as we have for the last 2000 years, you just wait and see.


Local time
Today 5:11 AM
Aug 30, 2008
Does anyone really truly take the OP seriously? If not, you people are too kind. If I had first reply I would be posting waffle recipes.

But I shall play along.

To even be able to post this message here, the OP must live in a reasonably urban environment (i.e a city) with internet connection. Ergo, the OP has the cheek to use the enemy's resources to plot and call for his downfall and is able to do it simply because this enemy cannot be half bothered.

To even get their message out, the authors of that insult of a book has had to use printing presses that are one of the vehicles of our industrial world. Ergo, the authors have the cheek to use the enemy's resources to plot and call for his downfall and is able to do it simply because this enemy cannot be half bothered.

If you really stood by your 'Return to The Garden of Eden' hogwash I would not have the pleasure of listening to your waffling since you would be living your life in the jungle or the remote countryside happily living your sustainable life, since according to you life is about avoidance of obstacles and not their overcoming right?

Yet you saw fit to don the 'Odious Mantle of the Hypocrite +3' and say: 'Its only fine to use industry to deliver my sacred message but not industry for industry's sake.'

Did you know that to deliver your message via the internet you are using electricity, which is powered by power plants that burn fossil fuels which is destroying the environment with greenhouse gases? Ergo, the very posting of your message is an outright contradiction of your message!

Did you know that to print their book those authors have had to order paper which implies the destruction of trees and ink, which implies pollutive industrial processes, both of which damage our pure and blue planet! Ergo, the very publication of their book is an outright contradiction of their message!

Life is about overcoming difficulties and not taking the easy way out. Grow up and you'll find out. Efforts are being taken to overcome our non-sustainable practises. We will triumph, as we have for the last 2000 years, you just wait and see.

Mr. Genius/ Expert Opinion,

I never said I am not a part of society that is killing the ecosystems.

Show me when? - show me where?

The title says - "Industrial Society Destroys Mind and Environment". The words "Industrial Society" include most people living in modern society - don't they?

I invite you to post a list of all the consumer goods and services you are using.

I will post my list.

And then we shall compare to find out who is a bigger burden on earth.


Agent Intellect

Absurd Anti-hero.
Local time
Today 12:11 AM
Jul 28, 2008
Cut the trees, poison the water, pollute the air, change the temperature, etc and we will see if the animals adapt. "Destroy the world" is metaphorical, the thing is just a piece of dust, rock and water with life in every corner, however, we can cause a global climate change that could change the entire shape of the world. I dont agree with the OP anyway, that is not an unavoidable fact, we can do better, but it is true that we can fuck things up pretty badly if we are not careful.

life found a way to emerge without those things already existing in the first place. even if a simple bacteria survives, evolution will persist. we might be able to fuck things up for ourselves, but in the grand scheme of things, its only change, its not necessarily fucking it up for anyone.

The good news is, if we destroy ourselves and this planet, there are 100 billion stars per galaxy and 100 billion galaxies. So, there's a good chance thoughts and emotions and progress will persist--even if only elsewhere.

does the universe require someone to appreciate it for it to be "meaningful"?


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 2:11 AM
Apr 29, 2008
Way south.
life found a way to emerge without those things already existing in the first place. even if a simple bacteria survives, evolution will persist. we might be able to fuck things up for ourselves, but in the grand scheme of things, its only change, its not necessarily fucking it up for anyone.
If we screw it for ourselves and other living things how is it that its not fucking it up for anyone? Is it okay to kill whatever we please as long as some life survives? It would kind of bother me if I get sick and die because of water poisoning, wouldnt you?

does the universe require someone to appreciate it for it to be "meaningful"?
If there is noone to appreciate it then meaningful to whom? :D
It would exist but it wouldnt be meaningful.

Agent Intellect

Absurd Anti-hero.
Local time
Today 12:11 AM
Jul 28, 2008
If we screw it for ourselves and other living things how is it that its not fucking it up for anyone? Is it okay to kill whatever we please as long as some life survives? It would kind of bother me if I get sick and die because of water poisoning, wouldnt you?

if i got sick and died i wouldn't care because i'd be dead. i'm not saying that we won't fuck it up for ourselves, i'm talking on the grander scale. people were talking about us "destroying the world" (which i know doesn't literally mean the destruction of our planet) which is what i was talking about. does it suck that were causing species to go extinct? sure, but i'm just trying to say that species have always been going extinct, even before humans were around (a good 90%+ of all species to go extinct on this planet wasn't from the mass extinctions).

If there is noone to appreciate it then meaningful to whom? :D
It would exist but it wouldnt be meaningful.

i suppose "meaningful" is a bad word to use. my point is, the universe certainly wouldn't miss us. contrary to what theists want to believe, we're nothing special.


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 2:11 AM
Apr 29, 2008
Way south.
if i got sick and died i wouldn't care because i'd be dead.
You will care while you are sick, you will care when you see your inminent death, you will care when you see your loved ones sadness, your loved ones will care, and anyone with some sense will care.

species have always been going extinct, even before humans were around (a good 90%+ of all species to go extinct on this planet wasn't from the mass extinctions).
Again, does that make being the cause of the extinction of others Ok? People die everyday and will die no matter what we do, does that make murder Ok?

Is humanity trying to do the right thing or looking for excuses?

Agent Intellect

Absurd Anti-hero.
Local time
Today 12:11 AM
Jul 28, 2008
You will care while you are sick, you will care when you see your inminent death, you will care when you see your loved ones sadness, your loved ones will care, and anyone with some sense will care.

and those feelings would pass after i died.

Again, does that make being the cause of the extinction of others Ok? People die everyday and will die no matter what we do, does that make murder Ok?

Is humanity trying to do the right thing or looking for excuses?

what is the right thing for humanity to do? is there any way to know what "the right thing" is? how do you know that what we're doing for the planet isn't going to be beneficial in the future? perhaps 150 years from now, historians will be talking about how if we hadn't done things the way we are, that things would have turned out much worse.


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 2:11 AM
Apr 29, 2008
Way south.
and those feelings would pass after i died.
So the fact that it ends takes away all posible importance from life?

what is the right thing for humanity to do? is there any way to know what "the right thing" is? .
That would require a long and complicated discussion that I wouldnt mind having but is offtopic here.
Lets just think about what we think is the right thing, ask people if they would rather that entire species dissapeared forever or not. Ask them if they would rather have clean water and air to drink and breathe or not. Ask them if they would rather have entire countries be left underwater or not.

how do you know that what we're doing for the planet isn't going to be beneficial in the future? perhaps 150 years from now, historians will be talking about how if we hadn't done things the way we are, that things would have turned out much worse.
You are appealing to ignorance. "Maybe killing my neighbour would turn out to be a good thing, who knows? Ill kill him just in case." All of what we know tells us that what we are doing is very bad, will you ignore that just because its not 100% sure? That is just looking for an excuse to do nothing.

Agent Intellect

Absurd Anti-hero.
Local time
Today 12:11 AM
Jul 28, 2008
So the fact that it ends takes away all posible importance from life?

in a sense, yes, but thats also a very different discussion and probably not one that will turn out well (although i wouldn't mind having it if you really want).

That would require a long and complicated discussion that I wouldnt mind having but is offtopic here.
Lets just think about what we think is the right thing, ask people if they would rather that entire species dissapeared forever or not. Ask them if they would rather have clean water and air to drink and breathe or not. Ask them if they would rather have entire countries be left underwater or not.

I will definitely give you that one. i think i am discussing this from the grand scale while you are discussing on a smaller scale. i understand and certainly agree with what you are saying in the context that you are talking in.

You are appealing to ignorance. "Maybe killing my neighbour would turn out to be a good thing, who knows? Ill kill him just in case." All of what we know tells us that what we are doing is very bad, will you ignore that just because its not 100% sure? That is just looking for an excuse to do nothing.

you're absolutely right. i have a tendency to explore a lot of options, no matter how unlikely, and procrastinate the conclusion as long as possible to avoid being wrong. on the other hand, though, there is evidence that global warming could actually be quite beneficial to a lot of people in the world (due to the 1998 el ninos warming affect allowing for a much better growing season in certain african countries and so forth). a lot of what they tell you about the negative affects of global warming is sensationalism.


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 5:11 AM
Jun 4, 2008
Dundee, Scotland
The 14m sea-rise thing that I read somewhere (I think that's the worst possible) would hit Europe and America pretty badly, but Africa would be mostly unaffected. It could give them a chance to catch up a bit?


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 2:11 AM
Apr 29, 2008
Way south.
If that was desirable then why dont we destroy the factories and farms ourselves? The idea is not that other countries become as poor as them but for them to be as rich as the others.


Deleterious Defenistrator
Local time
Yesterday 11:11 PM
Apr 30, 2008
A bit offtopic, but I am in an eastern civilization class that is focused on India, has us reading the Bagahvad-Gita. The motivations for the OPs thoughts seem almost predictable now :)

I sense a very self depriving (of desire) theme in the post, but the views seem individualized beyond hope of influencing the society as a whole. I also find many of the points illogical(flase or unsubstanciated conclusions, the intelligence thing for example) or without a focused purpose( a sort of 'yeah its true but so what' situation).

Sushil, your insights are very foreign to most people here, not that they are unsubstantiated. I do think you bit off a little too much with your OP, so much so that your unexplained conclusions are lost on us, for it seems your jumping to the end(or more accurately staying at the end while ignoring explanations of causes and correlations) from our prospective. Had I not taken that class I would have blown your point off as illogical.Now that I have (or am) I do appreciate there is some truth there, but I have no clue of what it is.


Local time
Today 12:11 AM
Apr 30, 2008
The Great White (Barely) North.
Lets just think about what we think is the right thing, ask people if they would rather that entire species dissapeared forever or not. Ask them if they would rather have clean water and air to drink and breathe or not. Ask them if they would rather have entire countries be left underwater or not.

Don't forget to ask them if they are still willing to keep/improve the fading semblance of those things that still remain if it means abandoning a great deal of their luxuries and some of what they feel are necessities in order to do so.

You will find that people will be very accommodating to these ends up untill it means that they have to take action they feel impinges on their lifestyle regardless of the consequences.

Maybe I'm just a little irritated with the position one of our political parties has taken and pessimistic about the reception it will get.
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Prolific Member
Local time
Today 2:11 AM
Apr 29, 2008
Way south.
What if they ask me back if both can be done at the same time?
(Keeping their lifestyle without impact on the environment, can we really say its not possible?)


Local time
Today 12:11 AM
Apr 30, 2008
The Great White (Barely) North.
What if they ask me back if both can be done at the same time?
(Keeping their lifestyle without impact on the environment, can we really say its not possible?)

(being very western centric)

It cannot be done without another energy source that is as cheap, compatible, scalable or abundant as fossil fuels currently are. Anything else is change throughout the system and not just on the back end of it.

Even barring the dependence on our current energy source, it is not the only aspect on which our lifestyles depend that is unsustainable.

As consumers become more accustomed to a lifestyle that is inherently wasteful and told that is what they should want through advertising they will want new things and discard old ones. All for the corporate goal of greater profits quarter to quarter. Corporation study the consumer herd to try and predict what kind of product will have the most success and lead to the most demand. The theory of large numbers is a tool used for this purpose.
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Agent Intellect

Absurd Anti-hero.
Local time
Today 12:11 AM
Jul 28, 2008
i'd have to agree with Cybernetist. most people don't see these things having large implications on their lives (if they're older) or in the very near future (younger people) so they don't think about it. its like something i heard on "The Simpsons" when they were at a museum. an exhibit showed what New York will look like in two years and it was completely flooded, to which Marge said "2 years is a really long time."

its the limousine liberals like Al Gore that want everyone to go green but he still flies around in a private jet and owns a bunch of cars and shit. and America does the same shit to other countries, like China. "we have ours, but you can't have yours, because you're hurting the environment" is the attitude. everyone wants everyone else to do their part without having to do theirs.

the only two solutions is really: the slow way is to continue as we are and look for new energy sources, or the fast way is to go back to the dark ages. i guess the real question is, what will happen first, the oil runs out and throws us back into the dark ages or global warming "destroying the world"?


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 2:11 AM
Apr 29, 2008
Way south.
It cannot be done without another energy source that is as cheap, compatible, scalable or abundant as fossil fuels currently are.
I agree, although it could be a combination of several different sources. Possible.

Even barring the dependence on our current energy source, it is not the only aspect on which our lifestyles depend that is unsustainable.

its the limousine liberals like Al Gore that want everyone to go green but he still flies around in a private jet and owns a bunch of cars and shit. and America does the same shit to other countries, like China. "we have ours, but you can't have yours, because you're hurting the environment" is the attitude. everyone wants everyone else to do their part without having to do theirs.

How about international organizations (like ONU) setting environmental standards? As cleaner technologieas are made cheaper and more efficient, countries will eventually adopt them. Goverments are not stupid, if the problem is big and the solution easy they will do what they have to.


Local time
Today 12:11 AM
Apr 30, 2008
The Great White (Barely) North.
Our economic principals are based on exponential growth, the producers influence the consumers for greater profits and we get exponential growth in a finite system.

An ideal scenario in a non consumerist system would be similar to this:
  • people need widget x
  • widget x is mass manfactured untill it is no longer suitable to do so. the rest are "custom" built
  • widget x breaks. widget x gets fixed or replaced, if replaced the irreperable unit is scavenged
  • widget x is no longer needed and people send widget x to be scavenged or re-used
How about international organizations (like ONU) setting environmental standards? As cleaner technologieas are made cheaper and more efficient, countries will eventually adopt them. Goverments are not stupid, if the problem is big and the solution easy they will do what they have to.

I think the goverments will see much resistance in trying to enact the legislation to make that happen. Being that industrial and commercial concerns are overrepresented as the financiers of election campaings it follows that their interests will come first in the minds of politicians. I see new technologies and other measures only being accepted by coporations after a long struggle and many public tax dollars or tax breaks sent their way.
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Is Kredit to Team!!
Local time
Today 1:11 PM
Apr 30, 2008
Purgatory with the cool kids
I never said I am not a part of society that is killing the ecosystems.

Then we are in agreement. Except on one point.

And then we shall compare to find out who is a bigger burden on earth.

Efforts are being taken to overcome our non-sustainable practises. We will triumph, as we have for the last 2000 years, you just wait and see.
From this statement it is clear that I do not buy your doomsday prophecies. It is also clear that I do not feed off and survive in an environment/society that I hate from the depths of my heart and want dearly to destroy, as you do.

I love my country and my society that humanity has given birth to. I love this world that has given birth to humanity. I do not believe that the continued survival of both has to come at the sacrifice of either as you do.

I will not sacrifice my children for my parents or vice versa, because that is just wrong.

Life is not about avoiding disaster. Life is about moving forward without throwing regret and hatred onto the progress our forefathers have given to us to succeed. Wanting to undo the efforts humanity has striven for for the last two thousand years simply because a few people are too cowardly to face the challenges of the future is simply put; childish.

Life is not a browser; you cannot click back, you can only move forward. You, who have no appreciation of the effort, talent, diligence, sweat and blood that has gone into building our society that you both feed off and curse have no right to call for its destruction.

Oh, and ecosystems old and new have been being born and have been going extinct long before you were a glint in the eyes of the universe and will continue doing so long after you and all of humanity have returned to space dust. It is called Evolution.

When the dinosaurs went extinct was anyone crying for them? No. It is humans that have invented this artificial attachment to other lifeforms and attempt to play God by unnaturally extending their lifespans.

So that mystic bond you feel with nature? That's a uniquely human feeling and nature does not really care for it. Nature is content to let the forces of evolution do its work, since that is the only reason you and I exist and are having this conversation over the internet. Natural Evolution. Oh, and human societal evolution as well.

There is no 'Gaia Mind' or 'Lifestream' or 'Earth Consciousness' or whatever those new age guys come up with next. Only the survival of the fittest.

So you see, we are the next stage of Evolution. Natural Evolution has nearly run its course and once we are advanced enough we will be able to survive on our technology alone whether or not our planet was what it was a millennia ago.

You think that is cruel? Its only as cruel as the shark that will not hesitate to take a chomp at you should you be floating in the ocean with raw steaks tied to you. Try talking to the shark about planetary brotherhood then.


The Soft Rational
Local time
Today 12:11 AM
Jan 4, 2008
East Coast of USA
Wait, the Lifestream was Final Fantasy VII....


Local time
Today 5:11 AM
Aug 30, 2008
For several decades environmentalists have been warning modern society that ecosystems are getting destroyed - that consumerist lifestyle is not sustainable.

But modern society which was busy chasing progress, growth and development did not listen. It refused to believe there was any environmental crisis or problem. It said science and technology will always find a solution - if earth gets destroyed we will move on to another planet.

Impossible dreams were sold to people in the name of science and technology.
Moving to another planet would probably rank as the most impossible of all impossible things.

One space shuttle exploded during take off - another exploded on the return journey.

So far man has not been able to go beyond the moon. There is no other life sustaining ecosystem/ planet within the solar system. Outside the solar system planets and galaxies are millions of light years away - billions of light years away.

So when are we moving to a new home ?

Next year - or 5 years later ?

Industrial Society Destroys Mind and Environment


Prolific Member
Local time
Yesterday 11:11 PM
May 31, 2010
There are a lot of similarities to ol' Teddy's speech published in 1995. Nonetheless, considering the dismal time frame in which humans have been rocking and rolling - approximately 2 million years by some estimates (anthropologists) - I would say the planet will destroy us before we destroy it. Even with nuclear warfare, the world would reinvent itself. It might take millions of years, but it would come. Hell, the sun probably has another 10 billion years of spark left. :)


Local time
Today 6:11 AM
Apr 15, 2010
SP, thanks for digging this tread up, I like it a lot.

It appears that most of the replies were focused on the excessively environmentalist, slightly insane/idealistic/unrealistic part of the OP.

We all know that there is no way that society is going to regress to a pre-industrialist state, unless if something horrible/wonderful like a nuclear catastrophe/alien invasion/brain controlling machine being invented by environmentalists happens.

But though the OP might be overly bitter and full of logical flaws, it does have a few valid points:

  • Depression
  • Emotional detachment
  • Misery
  • Over-abundance of debates leading nowhere
  • Labour often being meaningless
  • Plastic, glass, concrete - let's face it - it's just ugly

What I'm trying to say is that to some extent we do live in the world sushil described. I personally couldn't care less whether it's right or wrong to destroy the water, and the air, and the all woods on earth, in order to make pretty little things that make me happy.

The thing is, pretty little things don't make me happy. I don't think they make anyone happy any more. Not really. So I do believe that we need to look for something else, something different. I just don't know what that is.

Sushil at least had a vision, even if it was one that would never come to life. And he had passion - lucky guy.


Active Member
Local time
Yesterday 11:11 PM
Dec 8, 2009
Just came in here to say that Theodore Kaczynski is one of the great 20th century American philosophers, and along with Henry David Thoreau, one of the great defenders of the Earth.

Fuck moralists.


Prolific Member
Local time
Yesterday 11:11 PM
May 31, 2010
Ted K did make many great points, but some people treat his call for revolution as a footnote. He was very earnest about that.

In terms of beauty, a building or store front does not compare to a waterfall or prairie duh


Local time
Today 5:11 AM
Aug 30, 2008
Dear friends, I have made some additions to my article and would like to request members of "INTP Forums" to kindly read...........thank you.


Industrial Society is speeding up the demise of ecosystems by providing jobs to all - education to all.

After Industrial Revolution work turned into extra work, over work, unnecessary work, destructive work.

Most of the people living in cities are engaged in the destructive cycle of
production of consumer goods, selling of consumer goods, buying of
consumer goods.This planet is very small - just 40,000 km in
circumference. Today 50% of world population is living in cities - and
this percentage is increasing day by day.

Provide jobs to all?
Provide education to all? - oh yes, provide jobs/education to all and
very soon the human species will go out of existence.

The entire education system is promoting consumerism, extra work, over work, unnecessary work, destructive work.

People who are getting education in technology/ engineering.... are engaged in production of consumer goods.

People who are getting education in the fields of business, finance, MBA....are engaged in selling of consumer goods.

Most of the people getting education in Arts subjects are also engaged in
selling of consumer goods and services - sales and marketing jobs.

If we destroy ecosystems for food, clothing, shelter, health-care the ecosystems will last longer. If we destroy ecosystems for consumer goods in addition to food, clothing, shelter, health-care the ecosystems will finish much sooner.

Industrial Society has destroyed necessary things [animals, trees, air, water,land] for making unnecessary things [consumer goods].

By providing jobs to all - education to all, Industrial Society is destroying the very things that created and sustained all life on earth for millions of years.

Industrial Society is a curse on this planet.

What would happen to your home if 1000 people entered and started doing work continuously - 24 X 7 - picking up things already lying in the house, breaking them up and making new things out of them without stopping?

A similar thing is happening to the planet - 6.8 billion people
continuously engaging in work - destroying the ecosystems moment by

Man started destroying "extra" after Industrial Revolution. This "extra"
destruction has risen exponentially in the last 50 years.

Work has turned into overwork, unnecessary work, destructive work. People who are working to provide food, clothing, shelter and healthcare are doing work - rest of the population is engaged in overwork, unnecessary work, destructive work.

Ecosystems are not consumer goods that can be manufactured / created by MultiNational Corporations. Who can undo the damage that has been done to ecosystems by billions of people over a period of 200 - 250 years?

Industrial Society has killed billions of acres of fertile soil by covering it with cement and concrete.This is insanity of the highest degree - insanity raised to the power of infinity.We
have got a very small planet. On this small planet two-thirds of
surface area is water. Only one-third is land - and this includes vast
areas of land that are not fertile - deserts, rocky
mountains, ice/ glaciers. There is very little surface area on
earth which is fertile. It is this fertile soil that has produced food
for millions of species that have lived on land for millions of years. Killing billions of acres of fertile soil is insanity of the highest degree - insanity raised to the power of infinity.The punishment is coming - very soon - punishment of the highest degree - punishment raised to the power of infinity.

"Green Industry", "Green Technology", "Green Development".

These are contradictory terms – these are oxymorons.
Industrialization can never be green – it is impossible.

Industry produces three kinds of waste - solid, liquid and gaseous.

There are only three places on earth where this waste can go - air, water, land.

There is no fourth place on earth where Industrial waste can go.

Industrial Society has produced billions of tonnes of solid, liquid and gaseous waste - billions of tonnes of metal waste, chemical waste, plastic waste, eWaste, nuclear waste.........

This waste has killed, polluted and poisoned rivers, lakes, oceans, underground water, the soil/ land, the air/ sky.

Industrialization can never be green – it is impossible.

We have created a society that rapes, plunders and exploits "Mother Earth" 365 days of the year - and then celebrates Earth Day.

When someone destroys the home of a human being it is considered a crime and the accused is sent to prison.

When the human species collectively destroys the homes [ecosystems] of millions of other species it is called Progress, Growth, Development.

The police, the law, the judiciary are trying to catch a few criminals - they do not realize the entire Industrial Society is criminal.

Psychologists and Psychiatrists are trying to classify a few people as abnormal - they do not realize the entire Industrial Society is abnormal.

What is most amazing about the issue of sustainability is the fact that modern society is trying to sustain the unsustainable - it is trying to sustain a consumerist system which has existed for almost zero percent of human existence on earth. The present consumerist lifestyle has existed for about 100 years. If we com...pare this with the total duration of human existence on earth it comes to almost zero percent.

The two things that have destroyed Environment are - Overpopulation and Overconsumerism.

Science, Technology and Industrialization are responsible for both these problems. World population was less than 1 billion in the year 1800. Nature had its way of controlling population through disease and death caused by bacteria and virus. When man made medicines/ antibiotics he created disaster - population increased very rapidly. In the absence of "Industrial Agriculture" the feeding capacity of soil would have kept population under control. If Industrial Revolution had not happened, environmental destruction due to production of consumer goods would not exist. In the absence of Science, Technology and "Industrial Revolution" we would not be facing the two problems that have caused destruction of ecosystems - overpopulation and overconsumerism.

If "Industrial Revolution" had not happened what would be the scenario today?

The feeding capacity of soil would have kept population under control.

Diseases caused by virus and bacteria would have kept population under control.

Maybe I would'nt be existing today - and billions of others may not have existed - but millions/ billions of humans would exist [just like they existed before Industrialization]

Most ecosystems would be hundreds of times/ thousands of times in better shape than today.

Millions of other species that have been decimated by Industrial Society would be existing in very healthy numbers - their population levels thousands of times greater than what they are now.

Providing food, clothing, shelter and healthcare is good. But did "Industrial Society" stop at that?

Do we have an Industrial Society that only provides food, clothing, shelter and healthcare to people?

No - the jokers tried to sell hundreds of consumer goods to all citizens of Industrial Society. They tried to make all people consumerists.

Industrial Society started destroying ecosystems for "consumer goods" in addition to destroying them for food, clothing and shelter.

You cannot do this on a small planet that is just 40,000 km in circumference. If you live this way you end up destroying all ecosystems - you end up decimating all other species - you end up destroying animals, trees, air, water and land - the very things that created and sustained all life on earth.

The earth is sick.

Ecosystems are dying.

Animals, trees, air, water and land are dying.

People say - why bother, it was meant to happen this way, nature will take care of itself.

When people fall sick - they rush to the doctor to save themselves.

When people fall sick - they rush to the hospital to save themselves.

Insane, abnormal, selfish, criminal human species.

Almost every country has been claiming its green cover is increasing.

How can this ever be true?

A fully grown tree is cut down in seconds/ minutes.

It takes 20 years for a tree to grow fully.

The rate of destruction of fully grown trees is hundreds of thousands
of times greater than the rate of replacement of fully grown trees.

And only a small percentage of trees that are planted survive to grow into healthy adult trees.

And even if you manage to replace trees how are you going to replace
the population of millions of species of animals, birds and insects
that lived in the forest and died when the forest was cut down.

Secondly where are you planting new trees? You can plant new trees on forest land only if forest land remains forest land.

But this is not the case.

We have got a very small planet whose circumference is just 40,000 km.
On this small planet two-thirds of surface area is water. Included in
the remaining land area are deserts, rocky mountains and glaciers which
do not support vegetation.

If the soil is fertile and gets rain it will grow forests, trees,
plants, vegetation by itself. This is how nature grew all the forests
in this world.

Before the arrival of man all the land that could grow forests had forests on it.

Then the genius human species arrived on the scene.

First he cut down forests for fire, then he cut down forests for
agriculture and villages. After Industrial Revolution forests were cut
down for towns and cities, for setting up industries/ factories, for
mining and extraction of raw material/minerals, for railways, for road

So once the forest is cut down the land is taken up for agriculture,
for cattle grazing, for industry, for towns and cities, for rail and
road network.

So where are the new trees being planted? Where are they growing up?

How can green cover ever increase?

Lies, lies, lies .........blatant lies.

The rate of destruction of forests has risen exponentially after Industrial Revolution.

One can know the truth by looking at the satellite pictures of forests - before and after. One can compare the pictures taken 30 years ago with those taken this year.

Why did God create the insane human species that is ready to do
everything for the wrong cause and nothing for the right cause – a
species which is willing to do everything to destroy the ecosystems and
nothing to save the ecosystems.

Man is ready to kill and get killed for religion, for country, for honour, for power, for money and fame - But not for environment.

Millions have been killed over trivial issues and causes.
Millions have died for trivial issues and causes.

How many people have died for environment? How many people have died for
the most important / precious things on earth – animals, trees, air,
water and land – the very things that created and sustained all life on

Most of the ecosystems are already gone. The
little that remains is dying moment by moment. The situation is
extremely critical but the human response is limited to the same old
insanity – bring this technology, bring that technology - bring this technology, bring that technology.

Environmentalism has failed.
Environmentalism never existed.
It was Pseudo-Environmentalism all the way.

When 3000 people died in World Trade Center collapse the west was outraged - Killers, Murderers, Terrorists - they cried out. America vowed to smoke out the culprits - attacked Afghanistan, flattened the country and killed hundreds of thousands of people [directly or indirectly].

When American company "Union Carbide"... killed 20,000 people in Bhopal, India the same desire for justice was not shown by the west.

Why? - Is this not killing, murder, terrorism?

There are hundreds of insecticides/ pesticides that are banned in western countries but the west is selling millions of tonnes of these chemicals in asia - leading to millions of deaths [directly or indirectly].

Is this not killing, murder, terrorism?

The west is shipping millions of tonnes of toxic , hazardous waste to asian countries for recycling - leading to millions of deaths [directly or indirectly].

Is this not killing, murder, terrorism?

The Military Industrial Complex has killed millions of people in wars. No terrorist organization has killed that many people.

Industry kills - Industry kills humans, Industry kills animals, Industry kills trees, Industry kills air, Industry kills water, Industry kills land.

Industry is the killer - Industry is the murderer - Industry is the

Destruction of ecosystems will soon lead to collapse of Industrial Society.

Humans have decimated millions of other species - very soon it will be the turn of Humans to get decimated.

But even decimation of humans will not save ecosystems - only a total wipe-out of humans will save ecosystems.

If a few million humans survive they will again try to build another Industrial Society because they have seen such a society.

Only human extinction will work.

When the human species appears again there must be no memory of Industrialization and consumerism left in the human brain.

It would be best if the human species never ever appears on the planet again.

This planet can only sustain societies that produce their own food.

This planet cannot sustain societies that do not produce their own food.

Everyone in this world is eating food.

But everyone in this world is not producing food.

Today 50% of world population is living in cities. This population is not producing food. A society that does not produce its own food creates unnecessary work to keep itself occupied. People would go crazy if this unnecessary work is not created. A city-based/ non-farming society is mostly engaged in production and selling of consumer goods and services. Work turns into over-work, extra work, destructive work.

When society produces its own food it destroys ecosystems for food, clothing, shelter.

When society does not produce its own food it destroys ecosystems for "consumer goods" in addition to food, clothing, shelter.

Cities existed before Industrial Revolution but their destructive impact was very little because they were not producing consumer goods that are being made today.

We can never save environment if we are destroying extra - We can never save environment if we destroy it for "consumer goods" in addition to food, clothing and shelter.

It is impossible to save environment as long as cities exist.

It is impossible to save environment if we have societies that do not produce their own food.

Over-exploitation of ecosystems became possible only due to modern technology/ machines.

In the absence of modern technology/ machines it would be impossible for man to destroy all ecosystems.

If modern technology/ machines had not come into existence man would
have probably destroyed some ecosystems on land [forests] - and that
too at a much slower rate than that of the present Industrial Society.

It would have been impossible for man to destroy ecosystems in the sea/ oceans.

It would have been impossible for man to carry out largescale mining
activity and destroy ecosystems on the surface and deep inside the

It would have been impossible for man to poison the earth with thousands of toxic chemicals.

It would have been impossible for man to generate billions of tonnes of
solid, liquid and gaseous waste that has poisoned the air, water and
land - the entire planet.

It would have been impossible for man to generate billions of tonnes of
metal waste, plastic waste, eWaste, nuclear waste...... that has
poisoned the entire planet.

The Machine has killed all ecosystems.

It is impossible to save the remaining ecosystems as long as the machine exists.

The Machine will devour everything that remains on earth.

Machine is the killer.

Kill the machine.

The shameless, insane, abnormal and criminal human species
gets alarmed only when other species are about to go extinct – not before. And
even this late concern is fake - how could it ever be real.

The crime happens much before extinction of species. The tragedy happens much
before extinction of species.

This planet was made for millions of species - not for man alone.

The crime/ tragedy happened much earlier than extinction when man decimated all
other species.

The crime/ tragedy happened much earlier when the population of each species
dropped from millions to thousands and hundreds.

How would humans feel if the roles were reversed and the following happened.

All the animals of the world join hands to decimate the human species.

Humans are outraged , they cry out - killers, murderers, criminals, terrorists.

The animals say - "what are you complaining about?".

We are so compassionate - we did'nt kill all of you.

You should be grateful that we did'nt make you extinct.

There are 10 of you still alive on every continent.

Jobs or Environment?

Economy or Environment?

These are the questions that are being asked today.

This is insanity raised to the power of infinity.

Do we need to discuss, debate and argue for 100 years to know the answer?

Do we need to do research for 100 years to know the answer?

What would be the response of this genius society if professional killers said - you should not stop us from killing people - if you do that you are taking away our jobs.

Jobs are killing ecosystems, work is killing ecosystems, economy is killing ecosystems - work has turned into overwork, unnecessary work, extra work, destructive work.

Industrial Society is destroying necessary things [animals, trees, air, water, land] for making unnecessary things [consumer goods].

Without environment humans will not even exist.

Without environment millions of other species will not exist.

We are alive because of nature - we owe our very existence to nature.

But this insane, abnormal and criminal "Industrial Society" continues to choose jobs instead of environment - economy instead of environment.

Insanity raised to the power of infinity.

Out of millions of species the human species is the only species which is insane enough to believe that food comes from money.

Millions of other species have lived on earth for millions of years. Their food did not come from money.

Food does not come from money - food comes from nature - food grows because of nature - food exists because of fertile soil, water, air, sunlight.......

Industrial Society has killed, polluted, poisoned the very things that produce food.

You can load trillions of dollars into a rocket and send it to the moon - you will not be able to buy a single grain of food over there.

Money is paper, money is plastic - money is not food.

Chief Seattle of the Indian Tribe had warned :

"only after the last tree has been cut down, only after the last river has been poisoned, only after the last fish has been caught, only then will you realize that you cannot eat money"

When is this insane society going to understand that it is not just Industrial accidents that destroy ecosystems - all Industrial activity destroys ecosystems.

The Bhopal gas tragedy killed 20,000 people, crippled half a million people for life, killed thousands of animals and birds, killed/ polluted/ poisoned... the air, water and soil.

Union Carbide was making pesticides/ insecticides in its plant. These carcinogenic insecticides and pesticides are killing millions of people all over the world every year - directly or indirectly. These toxic insecticides and pesticides are poisoning millions of acres of soil every year, These toxic insecticides and pesticides are killing millions of animals and birds every year. These toxic insecticides and pesticides are poisoning the underground and above-ground water sources. These toxic insecticides and pesticides have poisoned the entire food chain leading to multiple organ failure, genetic defects, birth defects.

If the Bhopal Gas Tragedy had not happened the toxic insecticides and pesticides produced by Union Carbide would have still led to destruction of ecosystems, killing of humans, animals, birds, air, water and soil.

Recently there was an oil spill in the sea in US. The oil is killing marine life.

Oil kills ecosystems when it spills into the sea.

Oil kills ecosystems even when it does'nt spill into the sea.

If the oil had not spilled into the sea it would have been used to power ships that move around oceans - catching fish, killing marine life, torturing marine life moment by moment. At any given time there are 50,000 ships moving in the oceans.

If the oil had not spilled it would have been used to run millions of cars, other vehicles, aeroplanes - whose exhausts would release millions of tonnes of toxic gases into the atmosphere. That is not all - ecosystems are killed to manufacture millions of cars, trucks, ships and aeroplanes that run on oil.

If the oil had not spilled into the sea it would have been used to run millions of industries and factories - all of which kill ecosystems - animals, trees, air, water, land.

When we make consumer goods we kill Animals/ Trees, Air/ Water and Land - directly or indirectly.

Industrial Society destroys ecosystems - all Industrial Societies destroy ecosystems.

It hardly matters whether it is "Capitalist Industrial Society" - "Communist Industrial Society" - or "Socialist Industrial Society".

Industrial Society destroys ecosystems at every stage of its functioning - when consumer goods are produced - when consumer goods are used - when consumer goods are discarded/ recycled.

Raw material for industry is obtained by cutting up Forests. It is extracted by mining/ digging up the earth. It comes by destroying/ killing Trees, Animals and Land.

Industries/ Factories use Water. The water that comes out of Factories is contaminated with hundreds of toxic chemicals. Industry kills Water. What to speak of Rivers - entire Oceans have been polluted.

Industries burn millions of tonnes of fuel and when raw material is melted/ heated up, hundreds of toxic chemicals are released into the atmosphere. Industry kills Air.

Industrial Society has covered millions of square miles of land with cement and concrete. Industry kills Land.

When consumer goods are discarded/ thrown away in landfills it again leads to destruction of ecosystems.

When consumer goods are recycled, hundreds of toxic chemicals are released into air, water and land.

Consumer goods are sold/ marketed through a network of millions of kilometers of rail / road network and shipping routes which causes destruction of all ecosystems that come in the way.

Industrial Society has generated billions of tonnes of hazardous solid, liquid and gaseous waste - billions of tonnes of metal waste, plastic
waste, eWaste, chemical waste, nuclear waste.

When an Industrial accident happens the focus of entire world shifts to it.

All environmentalists are outraged.

As if the environment was in good shape before the accident and will be in good shape after the accident.

The problem is not Industrial accident -the problem is not any particular Industrial accident - the problem is Industry itself.

Industrial accidents will continue to happen as long as Industry exists.

They will only get bigger and bigger.

Bigger the Industry bigger the Industrial accident.

Industry kills ecosystems when there is an Industrial accident.

Industry kills ecosystems even when there is no Industrial accident.

All Industrial activity is an accident.

All Industrial activity destroys ecosystems.

All Industrial activity kills animals, trees, air, water, land.

All Industrial activity leads to environmental crisis, environmental disaster, environmental catastrophe.

It is impossible to save ecosystems as long as industry exists.

Technology has destroyed ecosystems.

But the Techno-Worshippers of this insane Industrial Society want still more technology, new technology, better technology, advanced technology - they claim that technology will save the ecosystems.

Two thousand years ago the air was clean - it was not contaminated with billions of tonnes of toxic Industrial gases and particulate matter.

Which technology made the air clean? - American?....British?....German?....Japanese?

Two thousand years ago the rivers and oceans were clean - they were not contaminated with billions of tonnes of toxic Industrial waste.

Which technology made the water clean? - American?....British?....German?....Japanese?

Two thousand years ago the planet was full of forests - millions of species thrived - their population was hundreds and thousands of times greater than what it is now.

Which technology made this possible? - American?....British?....German?....Japanese?

Two thousand years ago the oceans were full of fish and other marine species.

Which technology made this possible? - American?....British?....German?....Japanese?

Two thousand years ago billions of tonnes of solid, liquid and gaseous waste did not exist on this planet.

Which technology made this possible? - American?....British?....German?....Japanese?

Two thousand years ago billions of tonnes of metal waste, plastic waste, chemical waste, eWaste, nuclear waste did not exist on this planet.

Which technology made this possible? - American?....British?....German?....Japanese?

Technology does not save ecosystems - it is the absence of technology that saves ecosystems.

Science, technology and industrialization lead to over-exploitation of ecosystems.

Technology is not the saviour of ecosystems - technology is the destroyer of ecosystems.

Industrial Society Destroys Mind and Environment


Local time
Today 5:11 AM
Aug 30, 2008
Food, Clothing & Shelter......these are the maximum number of things this planet can provide to humans....... Industrial consumer goods must be eliminated immediately.

Industrial Society is doing research on sustainability after destroying 75 - 90% of Biodiversity and Ecosystems. Nature has already done millions of years of research on sustainability.......Nature has already given us millions of years of proof of sustainability. Animals did not destroy Environment for millions of years because their activity was limited to searching for food. Hunter Gatherer Society did not destroy Environment for a million years because their activity was limited to searching for food. Agrarian Society caused very limited destruction of environment over 10,000 years [compared to Industrial Society]because their activity was limited to food, clothing and shelter.

For the last 50 years Intellectuals have been debating what is good for Environment......Capitalist Industrial Society, Communist Industrial Society or Socialist Industrial Society?

This is like debating what is good for people.....Capitalist Poison, Communist Poison or Socialist Poison.

Poison kills people.....it does'nt matter who made it ......Capitalism, Communism or Socialism.

Industrial Activity kills ecosystems.....It does'nt matter which system runs it.....Capitalism, Communism or Socialism.

All Industrial Activity destroys environment......Mining Industry, Logging Industry, Energy Generation Industry, Manufacturing Industry, Transportation Industry, Construction Industry, Recycling Industry, Oil Drilling, Oil Refining, Millions of kilometers of Rail & Road network and Shipping Lanes…..they all destroy environment….. It does'nt matter which system runs it.....Capitalism, Communism or Socialism.

American Industrial Activity has destroyed ecosystems…..Russian Industrial Activity has destroyed ecosystems……Chinese Industrial Activity has destroyed ecosystems…….Indian Industrial Activity has destroyed ecosystems……Every Industrial Society destroys ecosystems…… It does'nt matter which system runs it.....Capitalism, Communism or Socialism.

In just 250 years Industrial Society has destroyed 75 - 90% of Forests, Wild Animals and Fish Population......Population of Lions, Tigers and Elephants is down to 2 - 5% of what it was 100 years ago......Population of Large Fish in Oceans is down to 10% of what it was 100 years ago.....Industrial Society has poisoned the entire planet with Trillions of Tonnes of Metal Waste, Plastic Waste, Chemical Waste, Gaseous Waste, eWaste, Nuclear Waste.....It has killed Trillions of Animals in Industrial Slaughter Houses and billions of acres of Fertile Soil with Cement And Concrete.

Animals did not destroy Environment for millions of years.......because their activity was limited to searching for food.

Hunter Gatherer Society did not destroy Environment for a million years.......because their activity was limited to searching for food.

Agrarian Society caused very limited destruction of environment over 10,000 years[compared to Industrial Society].......because their activity was limited to food, clothing and shelter.

Industrial Society has destroyed almost all Ecosystems in just 250 years......because it is destroying environment for thousands of consumer goods and services in addition to food, clothing and shelter.

Industrial Activity for production of Consumer Goods must stop immediately.......Human work must be limited to Food, Clothing and Shelter......And even in these three fields production and consumption must be kept to the minimum.

There is only one cause of environmental destruction......Industrialization.

Overpopulation and Overconsumerism are only consequences/ by-products of Industrialization.

Overconsumerism is quite obviously a consequence of Industrialization..... Industrial consumer goods and services would not exist without Industrial Activity.

Overpopulation is also a by-product of Industrialization. The entire world was overbreeding until the middle years of 20th century.....even Western Countries had 5 - 12 children per family[and even more].....and yet population of the world remained low before industrialization because of high death rate, lower life span and shortage of food and water. It was only 1 billion in 1800 AD. India and China have large populations today because they started with larger populations thousands of years ago, since ancient civilizations thrived in these regions. What was the population of Europe/ America/ West 2000 years ago????......Was it comparable to eastern population of India and China????

Industrialization is the cause of overpopulation and overconsumerism.

Moreover, Environment has been destroyed by Industrialization/ Consumerism…….Not by Population/ Overpopulation.

Total World Population has not increased ……It has decreased……In fact total world population has been decimated.

When we talk of population we should take into account population of all animal species, not just human population.

Industrial Society has decimated millions of Animal Species……Increase in human population has coincided with decrease/ decimation of millions of animal species. The total burden of population on this planet has not increased…..It has decreased.

Industrial Society has decimated millions of other species.....but there was a time when the combined population of other animal species was much greater than present human population.....and we don't even need to include smaller animals in this count.....the combined population of big animals alone whose size and weight was equivalent to or greater than man was much greater than current human population of 7 billion.

The amount of food this animal population was eating was much greater than the food consumed by humans today.......Yet millions of animal species did not destroy environment and lived sustainably on earth for millions of years......because they destroyed environment only for food and not for thousands of consumer goods and services.

If animals had started a consumerist "Industrial Society" millions of years ago they would have destroyed all ecosystems millions of years ago.

The entire world has been trying to control human population for 50 years and these efforts should / will continue in future.....so where is the problem with population?????

What is the cause of human overpopulation??????......It is Industrialization......World population increased from 1 billion in 1800 to 7 billion today ........In the absence of Industrialization world population would only be a small fraction of 7 billion today.

It is not population that destroys environment......It is lifestyle.......The combined population of millions of animal species was much greater than present human population.......and yet they did not destroy environment for millions of years because they destroyed environment only for Food.......not for Thousands of Consumer Goods.

The cause of Environmental Destruction is Industrialization / Consumerism.........Not population / overpopulation.

A Hunter_Gatherer Society of 7 billion would not destroy environment [And a Hunter_Gatherer Society would never reach a population of 7 billion]

An Agrarian Society of 7 billion would cause much lesser environmental destruction than an Industrial Society of 7 billion [And an Agrarian Society would never reach a population of 7 billion]

Industrialization is the cause of Human Overpopulation and Overconsumerism

It is so ridiculous of Industrial Society to complain about overpopulation when it itself is the cause of overpopulation......It is so ridiculous of Industrial Society to make attempts to control population while promoting Consumerism, Growth Rate, Economy Rate and GDP exponentially.

Height of Insanity!

Industrial Activity for production of Consumer Goods must stop immediately.......Human work must be limited to Food, Clothing and Shelter.

Industrial Society Destroys Mind and Environment


Local time
Today 6:11 AM
Jan 15, 2010
Oslo, Norway.


cackling in the trenches
Local time
Yesterday 6:11 PM
Dec 12, 2009
Now I mean this in the nicest possible way.

That was a lot to read, a lot of which was repeated too, Sushil I'm looking at you.

People, please, brevity is a virtue.

It also gives your words more impact, I can't remember half of what you wrote Sushil, I doubt that's even humanely possible, though rest assured I'll be here for as long as it takes to go over every little thing you wish to discuss, in fact it'll be my pleasure.

@Everyone else
He used the "G" word, I'm so happy :D

So Sushil as I understand it you envision and idealize a sort of global ecological homeostasis with hominids such as ourselves in a key, possibly managerial role.
See? Brevity is powerful.

Well frankly we could not possibly be more opposed, which has a lot to do with why I'm so pleased to meet you, y'see I basically worship the machine you oppose, I liken my beliefs to a sort of Nihilistic Zen but let’s not get into that just yet. What's important is that where you see destruction I see the process or recreation, but I doubt you're capable of seeing it like that, not yet anyway, so let us begin.

What is Nature?
Nature is what is natural, but what is that?

Well that depends upon who you ask, many would say that a natural environment is one that has not been interfered with by human activity, which is a suitable definition when discussing the nature of our ecological impact, but it is an arrogant statement too in that it separates us from nature, assuming that we are something apart from nature. If that were that case then there would be no hope of us truly living in nature as natural beings, with us being the very bane of nature either it or us would have to go, there is an undeniable competition for space and resources that will inevitably push or the other to annihilation.

I’m sure you’ll agree this is absurd, our food and air doesn’t come from factory floors and cooling towers, whether we like it or not nature is a part of us as we are a part of it, likewise just as termites build mounds, bees build hives and beavers build dams we too build shelter and tools for ourselves, it is our nature to do so. Given this perspective it seems silly to label any environment influenced by a human presence unnatural, human habitats are just as natural as any other, the only difference is the degree of sophistication and the extent to which we have habituated the world.

I could make the same point for agriculture, symbiosis is a natural occurrence and likely the reason why humans have difficulty differentiating the offspring of other species from their own (in terms of emotional attachment), what I’m saying is that we’ve actually evolved to be highly symbiotic creatures. A petting zoo (or a farm if you’ve been on one) is a fantastic example of this, we have this bizarre instinctual desire to reach out and touch animals, to establish some sort of connection with them, enticing a skittish horse to come to me with a carrot is a fond childhood memory of mine, that and wrestling with large dogs.

Humans aren’t unnatural, we’re just a really bizarre kind of natural, and if you can accept that then it opens your mind to the idea that sciences like medicine for example aren’t unnatural either, medicine in particular is the science of working with nature, as any surgeon can tell you they may cut the body open and sow it shut but it’s the body that does the healing, the surgery only removes whatever impediment was in its way.

In this we see the transcendence of the human creature, no longer limited to being a passive participant of nature we are now active directors of it, farming vast fields of crops, training vets to treat the ills of every creature under the sun, certainly we are interfering, my very own life was saved by surgery when I was an infant, you can say I cheated death, but would you say I deserved to die?

Let’s not be shy Sushil, I am unnatural, I was not born naturally, I don’t live naturally, and in all likelihood I’m not going to die naturally, all of this being because by our nature human beings seek to be arbitrators of our own destinies.

Do you hate me for it?

Because if you do I’m sorry, I’ll never be natural as you see it, but if you’ll open your mind to me for just a moment I’ll show you what is natural to an “unnatural” person , you may be surprised by what you find.

Imagine you’re me for a moment, forget everything you thought you knew about nature; try to see the destruction from another perspective, see a world made of energy, matter and forms. Life on Earth has been in transition for a very long time, individual species coming and going like waves upon the sea, I share your grief for the recent loss of many, but we are interfering, saving those we can with breeding programs, saving the genetic code and historical record of those we can’t.

Still don’t forget the plight of your fellow man, like chick within its egg we are begging to outgrow our home, in response you suggest homeostasis, quite ironic given that the nature of nature itself is to be transitory, given that I can hardly think of a more unnatural suggestion; putting nature in a cage destroys the very beauty you sought to protect. So instead the machine, of which I am a part, feeds upon this world, destroying, transitioning to the point where we can hatch and spread forth into the wider universe where the establishment of life on many worlds will make the forms lost here seem utterly inconsequential, it is only natural that we do so, it is the nature of life to grow and spread, as it must.

We/I/it ask only your patience.


Prolific Member
Local time
Yesterday 11:11 PM
May 31, 2010
Now I mean this in the nicest possible way.

That was a lot to read, a lot of which was repeated too, Sushil I'm looking at you.

People, please, brevity is a virtue.

It also gives your words more impact, I can't remember half of what you wrote Sushil, I doubt that's even humanely possible, though rest assured I'll be here for as long as it takes to go over every little thing you wish to discuss, in fact it'll be my pleasure.

@Everyone else
He used the "G" word, I'm so happy :D

So Sushil as I understand it you envision and idealize a sort of global ecological homeostasis with hominids such as ourselves in a key, possibly managerial role.
See? Brevity is powerful.

Well frankly we could not possibly be more opposed, which has a lot to do with why I'm so pleased to meet you, y'see I basically worship the machine you oppose, I liken my beliefs to a sort of Nihilistic Zen but let’s not get into that just yet. What's important is that where you see destruction I see the process or recreation, but I doubt you're capable of seeing it like that, not yet anyway, so let us begin.

What is Nature?
Nature is what is natural, but what is that?

Well that depends upon who you ask, many would say that a natural environment is one that has not been interfered with by human activity, which is a suitable definition when discussing the nature of our ecological impact, but it is an arrogant statement too in that it separates us from nature, assuming that we are something apart from nature. If that were that case then there would be no hope of us truly living in nature as natural beings, with us being the very bane of nature either it or us would have to go, there is an undeniable competition for space and resources that will inevitably push or the other to annihilation.

I’m sure you’ll agree this is absurd, our food and air doesn’t come from factory floors and cooling towers, whether we like it or not nature is a part of us as we are a part of it, likewise just as termites build mounds, bees build hives and beavers build dams we too build shelter and tools for ourselves, it is our nature to do so. Given this perspective it seems silly to label any environment influenced by a human presence unnatural, human habitats are just as natural as any other, the only difference is the degree of sophistication and the extent to which we have habituated the world.

I could make the same point for agriculture, symbiosis is a natural occurrence and likely the reason why humans have difficulty differentiating the offspring of other species from their own (in terms of emotional attachment), what I’m saying is that we’ve actually evolved to be highly symbiotic creatures. A petting zoo (or a farm if you’ve been on one) is a fantastic example of this, we have this bizarre instinctual desire to reach out and touch animals, to establish some sort of connection with them, enticing a skittish horse to come to me with a carrot is a fond childhood memory of mine, that and wrestling with large dogs.

Humans aren’t unnatural, we’re just a really bizarre kind of natural, and if you can accept that then it opens your mind to the idea that sciences like medicine for example aren’t unnatural either, medicine in particular is the science of working with nature, as any surgeon can tell you they may cut the body open and sow it shut but it’s the body that does the healing, the surgery only removes whatever impediment was in its way.

In this we see the transcendence of the human creature, no longer limited to being a passive participant of nature we are now active directors of it, farming vast fields of crops, training vets to treat the ills of every creature under the sun, certainly we are interfering, my very own life was saved by surgery when I was an infant, you can say I cheated death, but would you say I deserved to die?

Let’s not be shy Sushil, I am unnatural, I was not born naturally, I don’t live naturally, and in all likelihood I’m not going to die naturally, all of this being because by our nature human beings seek to be arbitrators of our own destinies.

Do you hate me for it?

Because if you do I’m sorry, I’ll never be natural as you see it, but if you’ll open your mind to me for just a moment I’ll show you what is natural to an “unnatural” person , you may be surprised by what you find.

Imagine you’re me for a moment, forget everything you thought you knew about nature; try to see the destruction from another perspective, see a world made of energy, matter and forms. Life on Earth has been in transition for a very long time, individual species coming and going like waves upon the sea, I share your grief for the recent loss of many, but we are interfering, saving those we can with breeding programs, saving the genetic code and historical record of those we can’t.

Still don’t forget the plight of your fellow man, like chick within its egg we are begging to outgrow our home, in response you suggest homeostasis, quite ironic given that the nature of nature itself is to be transitory, given that I can hardly think of a more unnatural suggestion; putting nature in a cage destroys the very beauty you sought to protect. So instead the machine, of which I am a part, feeds upon this world, destroying, transitioning to the point where we can hatch and spread forth into the wider universe where the establishment of life on many worlds will make the forms lost here seem utterly inconsequential, it is only natural that we do so, it is the nature of life to grow and spread, as it must.

We/I/it ask only your patience.

Where brevity is a virtue, Cog is a sinner. To the larger post, how absurd for you to connect mind and intelligence to overactivity and destruction without coherently defining the limitations and benefits of mind. How are humans the only species to have indulged in overactivity? Perhaps our increased intellect, as a species, has led to increased manipulation, for good and bad, of the planet. You are just confusing cause and effect throughout that entire section on intelligence. How can you posit that intelligence is the biggest and almost sole source of earthly destruction? Where does ignorance come into things? Progress of the intellect, and ingression of novelty within domains like science and technology cannot be halted, even Kaczynski concedes that. In light of this perpetual motion, why not shunt things in the proper/salubrious direction by aligning ourselves with a philosophy like Cynicism, thus, increasing contentment and lowering deleterious impact to others and the planet? Intelligence is not the problem; the core difficulty is and has been ignorance of how to properly conduct ourselves in accordance with logic, experiential lessons and our surroundings. So, conclusively, the issue is failing to adroitly using our tools rather than the tools themselves, which has more to do with ignorance than intelligence, and only glances the issue of, as yet undefined, mind. There will be a worldwide rise soon of Situationism and Cynicism to confront what apparently has defeated you: an unlit and subjectively meaningless life. Edit: Wait, aren't you heavily endorsing technology and industry by being on and writing within a computer and the internet? Irony alert.


Local time
Today 5:11 AM
Aug 30, 2008
Dear members of "INTP Forum"...........I have made some additions to my article..........You are requested to kindly read.


Industrial Society is a lunatic society that is trying to save environment not by stopping Industrial Activity but by changing the technology.

Bring this technology, Bring that technology..........Bring this technology, Bring that technology.

A man is shooting someone with a gun........Some people are trying to save the victim.......They plead with the man asking him to save the victim by stopping the shooting.

The man says.....Don't worry......I will save him by changing technology......He replaces the old gun with a new one ........And continues to shoot.


Environment has been destroyed by Industrial Activity........Trying to save environment without stopping Industrial Activity is like ......

Trying to save a victim of shooting by shooting him even more.

Trying to save a victim of stabbing by stabbing him even more.

Trying to save a victim of poisoning by giving him even more poison.

Height of Insanity, Abnormality and Criminality.......You cannot save environment by destroying more of it.

Industrial Society has been destroying Extra environment for 250 years........It has been destroying environment for "thousands of consumer goods and services" in addition to food, clothing and shelter.

You cannot save a person after killing him.......You cannot save environment after it has been killed by Industrial Activity.

The entire Industrial Society deserves the Nobel Prize for Lunacy for pretending that environment is getting saved when the reality is that Industrial Society has been destroying extra environment after industrialization and has destroyed so much extra environment in 250 years that there is hardly any environment left to save.


Discussion cannot save environment........Money cannot save environment......Technology cannot save environment......Environmental Organizations cannot save environment.......Activism cannot save environment.

Animal Species and Hunter_Gatherer Society did not save environment through discussion......They did not even have a language for discussing environmental issues.

Animal species and Hunter_Gatherer Society did not save environment with money ........They had no money.

Animal species, Hunter_Gatherer Society and Agrarian Society did not save environment with modern technology........They had no modern technology......It was absence of modern technology that saved environment in pre-industrial societies........Over-exploitation of ecosystems became possible only because of Industrial Machines.

Animal species, Hunter_Gatherer Society and Agrarian Society did not save environment with the help of Environmental Organizations or Activism........They had no environmental organizations.

Animal Species did not destroy environment for millions of years.......Hunter Gatherer Society destroyed very little environment during a million years of existence......Agrarian Society destroyed very little environment [compared to Industrial Society] over a period of 10,000 years.

There is only one way to save environment.......Destroy less......Minimize the list of things that are destroying environment.


Promoters of Growth rate, Economy Rate and GDP are the biggest terrorists on earth.......Millions of times bigger terrorists than Taliban and Al Qaeda.

Our society has placed a bounty of millions of dollars on the heads of Taliban and Al Qaeda

No bounty on the heads of people who promoted Industrialization, Consumerism, Growth Rate, Economy Rate and GDP that has led to destruction of most of the Biodiversity and Ecosystems on earth???

It was not Taliban or Al Qaeda that produced Trillions of tonnes of Metal Waste, Plastic Waste, Chemical Waste, Gaseous Waste, eWaste and Nuclear Waste that has contaminated and poisoned the entire planet......It was Industrial Society.

It was not Taliban or Al Qaeda that decimated millions of animal and plant species......It was Industrial Society.

It was not Taliban or Al Qaeda that killed billions of acres of fertile soil with cement, concrete and asphalt......It was Industrial Society.

It was not Taliban or Al Qaeda that decimated fish in the oceans......It was Industrial Fishing.

It was not Taliban or Al Qaeda that killed millions of people in wars.......It was Military Industrial Complex.

Industrialization was the biggest crime on earth.

For millions of years before industrialization the list of things that destroyed environment never exceeded food, clothing and shelter.......Animals destroyed environment for food......Hunter_Gatherer Society destroyed environment for food......Agrarian Society destroyed environment for food, clothing and shelter.

Development is Destruction........Development is Destruction.

"Growth Rate" - "Economy Rate" - "GDP"
These are figures of "Ecocide".
These are figures of "Crimes against Nature".
These are figures of "Destruction of Ecosystems".
These are figures of "Insanity, Abnormality and Criminality".

Promoters of Growth Rate, Economy Rate & GDP are the biggest Killers, Murderers & Terrorists on earth.


Environment has been destroyed by Cities.......Environment has been destroyed by Urban Dwellers.........City People are doing extra work which has led to exponential "extra destruction of environment".......... Urban Dwellers are the destroyers of Forests, Villages, Tribal Land, Rivers, Oceans and Atmosphere.

For millions of years "searching for food" / “producing food” were the primary activities of animal species, hunter_gatherer society and agrarian society.........and that is why they sustained for millions of years because they destroyed very little environment compared to Industrial Society.......For millions of years the list of things that destroyed environment never exceeded food, clothing and shelter.

In Industrial Society 50% of world population is growing food for 100% of population and the remaining 50% living in cities is primarily engaged in production and marketing of "thousands of consumer goods and services".

It is impossible to save environment as long as Urban Population exists in this world.

It is impossible to save environment as long as Urban Population is engaged in production and marketing of consumer goods and services.

It is impossible to save environment as long as Urban Population is promoting Industrial Activity.

Industrial Activity is directly proportional to percentage of Urban Population.

Consumerism is directly proportional to percentage of Urban Population.

Destruction of environment is directly proportional to percentage of Urban Population.

Most of the people who do not produce food are engaged in production and marketing of consumer goods and services.

Most of the urban population is engaged in production and marketing of consumer goods and services.

In America 90 - 95% of population is urban......In Europe 80 – 90% of population is urban......this is why consumerism is so rampant in US and West.

World wide the percentage of urban population is about 50%.......If the entire world is made communist or socialist it is not going to stop/ reduce consumerism as long as the percentage of urban population remains the same.

As long as Urban Population exists all Industrial Activities will continue to exist and expand........ Energy Generation Industry, Mining Industry, Logging Industry, Manufacturing Industry, Construction Industry, Oil Drilling Industry, Oil Refining Industry, Transportation Industry, Millions of kilometers of Rail and Road Network, Millions of kilometers of Air Routes and Shipping Lanes.....all these Industrial Activities will continue to exist and expand.

This planet cannot sustain a society that does not produce its own food.

This planet cannot sustain Urban population.

Environment has been destroyed primarily by Urban Population......Environment has been destroyed primarily by population that does not produce food.

This planet can only sustain a society in which [almost] the entire population is engaged in producing food.

One profession means destruction of environment for one thing.......Thousands of professions means destruction of environment for thousands of things.

Animals did not destroy Environment for millions of years.......because their activity was limited to searching for food.

Hunter Gatherer Society did not destroy Environment for a million years.......because their activity was limited to searching for food.

Agrarian Society caused very limited destruction of environment over 10,000 years [compared to Industrial Society].......because their activity was limited to food, clothing and shelter.

Industrial Society has destroyed most of the Biodiversity and Ecosystems in just 250 years......because it has destroyed environment for "thousands of consumer goods and services in addition to food, clothing and shelter".

The list of unnecessary and destructive work in Industrial Society includes......Manufacturing and Marketing of thousands of "Consumer Goods" and Services, Tourism Industry, Entertainment Industry, Sports Industry, Military Industrial Complex, All kinds of unnecessary Research .....and lots of other work.

Out of the population that does not produce Food, the maximum number of people - a few billion people are engaged in Production and Marketing of "Consumer Goods" and Services. Industrial Activity for production of "consumer goods" and services is the biggest destroyer of environment.

Millions of people are working in Sports Industry......Environment is destroyed to manufacture millions of tonnes of Sports Equipment......Millions of Trees have been cut down and billions of acres of fertile soil has been killed with Cement & Concrete to build millions of Stadiums.

Millions of people are working in Tourism Industry......Tourism is all about Travelling which promotes Transportation Industry that destroys Environment......Millions of kilometers of Road and Rail network cutting through Forests destroying Trees and Wildlife.....Millions of kilometers of Shipping Lanes torturing and killing Fish.....Millions of kilometers of Air Routes killing the Air with millions of tonnes of exhaust gases.

Millions of people are working in Entertainment Industry........Environment has been destroyed to construct millions of Buildings that are used for entertainment and to produce millions of tonnes of Electronic Equipment that provides entertainment.

Millions of people are working for "Military Industrial Complex" producing and selling billions of tonnes of weapons all over the world...... Environment is destroyed when weapons are produced and when they are used.

Millions of City People are engaged in other unnecessary work that destroys even more environment.

Food, clothing and shelter......these are the maximum number of things this planet can provide to humans.

A pure non-industrial society is not possible now because Industrialization has increased world population to 7 billion.......World population increased from 1 billion in 1800 to 7 billion in just about 200 years after industrialization.......In the absence of industrialization world population would have been only a small fraction of 7 billion today.

If we want to save the remaining environment we must minimize the things that are destroying environment.

At present we are destroying environment for Food, Clothing, Shelter plus Thousands of Industrial consumer goods and services.

We must eliminate the things that were added last to the list......which means Thousands of consumer goods and services, most of which have existed for only about 100 years out of Hundreds of Thousands of years of Total Human Existence on earth .........these have to be eliminated or minimized.

We are approaching Environmental Apocalypse.......The only way to save the remaining environment is by stopping Industrial Activity for production of consumer goods and services immediately........Industrial Activity must be limited to food, clothing and shelter.......and even in these three fields production and consumption must be kept to the minimum.

Industrial Society Destroys Mind and Environment


Local time
Today 5:11 AM
Aug 30, 2008
Story of Pseudo Environmentalism in Industrial Society.

A Serial Killer with endless supply of ammunition goes on the rampage in the city.....The Police are informed.....They arrive on the scene.....They do not try to stop or capture the shooter.....They do not try to kill or incapacitate the shooter.....They allow him to continue shooting......They give him full liberty to move around all over the city.

The Police focus on the victims of shooting.....They take them to Hospitals and try to save them with the help of best Technology / Health Care.....The Government sets up thousands of Organizations to do research on how the Whites can be saved, How the Blacks can be saved, How the Asians can be saved, How the Young can be saved, How the Elderly can be saved.....The Government gives Billions of Dollars of Grant to "Think Tanks" and NGO's to find out how the victims can be saved.....People of the city engage in Billions of pages of Discussion, Debate and Argument to find a solution to the problem.

This is not the story of the Mass Shooter.....This is the story of Environmentalism in Industrial Society.

Environment is being destroyed by Industrial Activity........Environmental Activists and Organizations are trying to save environment without stopping Industrial Activity

One group is trying to save Forests......The second group is trying to save Rivers......The third group is trying to save Oceans......The fourth group is trying to make the Air clean......The fifth group is trying to save Tigers and Elephants......The sixth group is trying to save Whales and Dolphins.

Industrial Technology has destroyed environment........Industrial Society is trying to save environment by changing the Technology.

Bring this Technology, Bring that Technology........Bring this Technology, Bring that Technology.

Height of Insanity and Abnormality......This is like trying to save a victim of shooting not by stopping the shooting but by changing the gun.

People who are trying to save environment in Industrial Society without stopping all Industrial Activity deserve the Nobel Prize for Lunacy.

Why don't people realize the futility and absurdity of their efforts......It is impossible to save animals, trees, air, water and land without stopping all Industrial Activity.

What is the point in saving a few Dogs, Cats, Whales, Tigers and Elephants when Industrial Society is killing billions of animals in Industrial Slaughter Houses and billions of Wild Animals in Forests by destroying Forests with Industrial Activities like Mining Industry, Logging Industry, Construction Industry, Energy Generation Industry, Manufacturing Industry, millions of kilometers of Rail and Road Networks and ever expanding Towns and Cities.......Industrial Society is also killing billions of fish in the oceans with Industrial Fishing and through discharge of billions of tonnes of Industrial Waste into oceans which has made them poisonous, acidic, warmer and created oxygen-deprived dead zones in the oceans.

It is impossible to save Air, water and Land without stopping all Industrial Activity because Industrial Activity is killing them with trillions of tonnes of Metal waste, Plastic waste, Gaseous waste, Chemical waste, eWaste and Nuclear Waste.......Industrial Activity produces trillions of tonnes of Solid, Liquid and Gaseous Waste and there are only three places on earth where all this waste can go....Air, water and Soil.....There is no fourth place on earth where this waste can go...... It is impossible for Rivers, Oceans, Atmosphere and Soil to be clean in Industrial Society.

This planet can only sustain a Hunter_Gatherer Society or an Agrarian Society......Not an Industrial Society.

All Environmentalism is Pseudo-Environmentalism in Industrial Society.......It is impossible to save environment in an Industrial Society.

People who pretend they are saving environment in Industrial Society are even more insane, abnormal and criminal than people who are destroying the environment.

It is impossible to save environment in Industrial Society because Industrialization itself is the cause of environmental destruction.........In a non-industrial society environmentalism was not even needed.......In the absence of Industrial Activity environment got saved automatically because only limited destruction of environment was possible without Industrial Machines.


Environment has been destroyed by Industrial Activity........Trying to save environment without stopping Industrial Activity is like ..

Trying to save a victim of shooting by shooting him even more.

Trying to save a victim of stabbing by stabbing him even more.

Trying to save a victim of poisoning by giving him even more poison.

Height of Insanity, Abnormality and Criminality.......You cannot save environment by destroying more of it.

Industrial Society has been destroying Extra environment for 250 years........It has been destroying environment for "thousands of consumer goods and services" in addition to food, clothing and shelter.

You cannot save a person after killing him.......You cannot save environment after it has been killed by Industrial Activity.

The entire Industrial Society deserves the Nobel Prize for Lunacy for pretending that environment is getting saved when the reality is that Industrial Society has been destroying extra environment after industrialization and has destroyed so much extra environment in 250 years that there is hardly any environment left to save.


What is the Result of 50 years of Environmentalism/ Pseudo Environmentalism in Industrial Society???

Industrial Society has been killing millions of times more Animals, Trees, Air, Water and Land than Pre-Industrial Society every day for several decades.

Industrial Society has been killing millions of acres of Forests with Industrial Activity every day for several decades.

Industrial Society has been killing Billions of Animals in Industrial Slaughter Houses every day for several decades.

Industrial Society has been killing millions of Wild Animals by destroying the Forests where they live with Industrial Activity every day for several decades.

Industrial Society has been killing Air, Water and Soil with billions of tonnes of Solid, Liquid and Gaseous Industrial Waste every day for several decades.....Industrial Society has been killing Rivers, Oceans, Air/ Atmosphere and Soil/ Land with Billions of Tonnes of Metal Waste, Plastic waste, Gaseous waste, Chemical Waste, eWaste and Nuclear Waste every day for several decades.

Industrial Society has been killing Millions of Acres of Fertile Soil with Cement, Concrete and Asphalt every day for several decades.

All this Killing / Destruction was absent in Pre-Industrial Society without any Environmentalism.


All Environmentalism in Industrial Society is Pseudo Environmentalism.

No environment is getting saved in Industrial Society.....Not an iota of environment is getting saved.

How can environment ever be saved in Industrial Society when Industrial Activity itself is the cause of environmental destruction....Environment can only be saved in a Non-Industrial Society.

Industrial Society has created hundreds of unnecessary / futile occupations to solve the problems created by Industrialization.....Environmental Activism is one of them.....If thousands of organizations and millions of activists are trying to save environment in Industrial Society it does not mean that environment is getting saved…..There have been three human societies on earth .....Hunter_Gatherer, Agrarian and Industrial.....In Hunter_Gatherer Society there was no Urban Population, entire population was engaged in searching for food.....In Agrarian Society less than 2% of population was Urban, Most of the population was engaged in producing food.....In Industrial Society 50% of world population is producing food for entire population , the remaining 50% population is Urban which has created hundreds of unnecessary occupations to keep itself occupied..... People would go crazy without work…. Environmentalism / Environmental Activism is one such profession [occupation]......[Other unnecessary and destructive professions in Industrial Society include Manufacturing and Marketing of thousands of consumer goods and services, Jobs in Tourism Industry, Entertainment Industry, Sports Industry, Military Industrial Complex and several other jobs]....No Environmentalism was needed in Hunter_Gatherer and Agrarian Societies because in the absence of Industrial Activity only limited destruction of environment was possible, so environment got saved automatically.

If billions of pages of environmental discussion is taking place in Industrial Society it does not mean that environment is getting saved......Endless Discussion, Debate and Argument is a Disease and Insanity of Industrial Society that invented the Printing Press, Radio, Television and Internet.....Animal Species and Hunter_Gatherer Society did not save environment through discussion.....They didn't even have a language for discussion…..Billions of pages of Discussion, Debate and Argument is another harmful waste of Industrial Society just like Billions of Tonnes of Metal Waste, Plastic Waste, Chemical waste, Gaseous Waste, eWaste and Nuclear Waste.

All Environmentalism in Industrial Society is Pseudo Environmentalism.

No environment is getting saved in Industrial Society.....Not an iota of environment is getting saved.


The one and only cause of environmental destruction is Industrialization.

Overpopulation and Overconsumerism are consequences / by-products of Industrialization.

Without Industrialization there would be no overpopulation and no overconsumerism.

Industrialization, Overpopulation and Overconsumerism happen together.......Industrialization, Overpopulation and Overconsumerism happen at the same time.

It is Industrialization that has led to a population of 7 billion.....Not overbreeding.

The entire world was overbreeding before Industrialization.....The entire world is underbreeding after Industrialization.

There used to be 5 - 15 children per family all over the world before Industrialization and yet world population reached only 1 billion till 1800 AD......After Industrialization the family size reduced drastically, most families are now having 1 - 4 children and yet world population jumped from 1 billion to 7 billion in just about 200 years.

If Industrialization had not happened world population would be less than 2 billion today.

India and China have large populations today because they started with larger populations thousands of years ago since ancient civilizations thrived in these regions.....What was the population of Europe and America 2000 years ago????.....Was it comparable with the population of India and China???? .....And once again, In the absence of Industrialization India and China would not be having large populations today.

If Industrialization had not happened, High death rate would have kept population of the world under control....Diseases caused by virus and bacteria would have kept population under control.....Feeding capacity of soil would have kept population under control....Shortage of food and water would have kept population under control.....Harsh Climatic Conditions would have kept population under control - People would not have been able to live in regions that are too hot or too cold.

If Industrialization had not happened this planet would have been in very good condition today.....There would be no overpopulation, no overconsumerism and only limited urbanization.

A Non-Industrial Society would have destroyed some ecosystems on the land [Forests] but Marine Ecology [Oceans] would have been almost 100% safe today......Forest Cover would be much greater than what it is now....Millions of species on the land and in the sea would not have been decimated and would be thriving with very healthy populations......This planet would be free of Billions of Tonnes of Metal Waste, Plastic Waste, Chemical waste, Gaseous Waste, eWaste and Nuclear Waste.....The Oceans wouldn't have become Acidic, Warmer and Oxygen Deprived because of Industrial Waste.

It is consumerism that destroys environment, Not population.

A Hunter_Gatherer Society of 7 billion would have destroyed very little environment...... because it would have destroyed environment only for food......not for thousands of consumer goods and services.

An Agrarian Society of 7 billion would have destroyed very little environment [compared to an Industrial Society of 7 billion]...... because it would have destroyed environment only for food, clothing and shelter.......not for thousands of consumer goods and services.

[By the way, A Hunter_Gatherer Society would have never reached a population of 7 billion......An Agrarian Society would have never reached a population of 7 billion]

Environment has been destroyed by Industrialization/ Consumerism…….Not by Population/ Overpopulation.

Total World Population has not increased ……It has decreased……In fact total world population has been decimated.

When we talk about population we should take into account population of all animal species on earth, not just human population.

Industrial Society has decimated millions of Animal Species……Increase in human population has coincided with decrease/ decimation of millions of animal species.... The total burden of population on this planet has not increased…..It has decreased.

Industrial Society has decimated millions of other species......There was a time when the combined population of other animal species was much greater than present human population.....and we don't even need to include smaller animals in this count.....The combined population of big animals alone whose size and weight was equivalent to or greater than man was much greater than current human population of 7 billion.

The amount of food this animal population was eating was much greater than the food consumed by humans today.......Yet millions of animal species did not destroy environment and lived sustainably on earth for millions of years......because they destroyed environment only for food and not for thousands of consumer goods and services.

If animals had started a consumerist "Industrial Society" millions of years ago they would have destroyed all ecosystems millions of years ago.

The entire world has been trying to control human population for 50 years and these efforts should / will continue in future.....so where is the problem with population?????

It is so ridiculous of Industrial Society to complain about overpopulation when it itself is the cause of overpopulation......It is so ridiculous of Industrial Society to make attempts to control population while promoting Consumerism, Growth Rate, Economy Rate and GDP exponentially.

This planet can only sustain a Non-Industrial Society.


If Urban Society stops all its supplies to Villages......Electricity, Oil, Machinery and Equipment, Villagers will survive forever.

If Villages stop all their supplies to Cities......Food Grains and Vegetables, Urban Population will die within a month.

[ Villagers need Electricity, Oil, Machinery and Equipment to produce food for the Urban Population , They would not need these things to produce food for themselves]

Urban Population is engaged in Unnecessary Work, Meaningless Work, Futile Work and Destructive Work which has led to destruction of most of the Biodiversity and Ecosystems on earth.

For millions of years "Searching For Food" / "Producing Food" were the primary occupations of almost the entire human population in Hunter_Gatherer and Agrarian Society.

There is Zero chance of saving the little environment that is left without fixing the problem of "Urban Population".


Animal Species had Zero Percent Urban Population.......Hunter_Gatherer Society had Zero Percent Urban Population.......Agrarian Society had less than Two Percent Urban Population.......All these societies sustained for millions of years collectively.

The current Industrial Society which has 50% Urban Population worldwide has destroyed most of the Biodiversity and Ecosystems in just 250 years after Industrial Revolution.......Industrial Activity has been promoted by Urban Population......Industrial Activity has been promoted by people who do not produce food.

This planet can sustain Animal Species.....It can sustain Hunter_Gatherer Human Society......It can sustain Agrarian Human Society......It cannot sustain Industrial Human Society.

This planet can only sustain food producing societies where almost the entire population is engaged in food production......It cannot sustain an Industrial Society where 50% of world population is growing food for entire population and the remaining 50% living in cities is promoting Industrial Activity.

Animals saved environment for millions of years because they destroyed it only for food.....Hunter_Gatherer Society saved environment because it destroyed environment only for food.....Agrarian Society saved environment because it destroyed environment only for food, clothing and shelter.

Industrial Society has destroyed most of the Biodiversity and Ecosystems because it destroyed environment for "Thousands of consumer goods and services" in addition to food, clothing and shelter.

In the Animal Kingdom, Hunter_Gatherer Society and Agrarian Society almost the entire population was engaged in "Searching for Food" / "Growing Food".

It is the Urban Population that is engaged in and promoting Industrial Activity ......Mining Industry, Logging Industry, Energy Generation Industry, Manufacturing Industry, Transportation Industry, Construction Industry, Recycling Industry, Oil Drilling, Oil Refining, Millions of kilometers of Rail & Road network, Air Routes and Shipping Lanes…..They all destroy environment......All Industrial Activity must be stopped.

Food, clothing and shelter......These are the maximum number of things this planet can provide to humans......The only way to save the remaining environment is by reorganizing the entire population so that food production remains the only primary activity just like it was for millions of years before Industrialization.


This planet cannot sustain an Industrial / Urban Society......The problem is not Capitalism, The problem is Industrialization / Urbanization.......The solution is not Communism or Socialism, The solution is Non-Industrial / Non-Urban Society.

Capitalism, Communism or Socialism does not matter at all........What matters is percentage of Urban Population......A Socialist Industrial Society with 80% Urban Population will be as Harmful, Destructive and Evil as a Capitalist Industrial Society with 80% Urban Population...... A Communist Industrial Society with 80% Urban Population will be as Harmful, Destructive and Evil as a Capitalist Industrial Society with 80% Urban Population.

Urban Population is responsible for consumerism.......Urban Population does not produce Food.....It produces thousands of Consumer Goods and Services.

Consumerism is directly proportional to Percentage of Urban Population.

Saving environment in Industrial Society is an impossibility......No Industrial Society can save environment.......Communist or Socialist Industrial Societies cannot be less destructive than Capitalist Industrial Societies.

There cannot be any sustainable Industrial Society........The fault does not lie in Capitalism.....The fault lies in Industrialization.....All Industrial Societies are the same.....All Industrial Societies are equally harmful, destructive and evil.

Destruction of environment is guaranteed in Industrial Society......The debate over Capitalism, Communism and Socialism in the context of Environmental Crisis is meaningless and absurd.

Industrialization , Urbanization and Consumerism go hand in hand......They happen together.

Today 50% of world population is Urban, living in cities...... 50% of world population is producing food for entire population and the remaining 50% population living in Cities is primarily engaged in production and marketing of thousands of consumer goods and services........Urban population is not producing food, it is producing consumer goods and services.......Even if the entire world is made Communist or Socialist it is not going to bring about any change in consumerism because the percentage of Urban Population will remain the same and it will continue producing and marketing thousands of consumer goods and services.

In America 90 - 95% of population is Urban......That is why consumerism is so rampant in the US......Even if America is made Communist or Socialist it is not going to reduce consumerism because the percentage of Urban Population would still remain the same.

In Europe 80 - 90% of population is Urban.

In China and India consumerism has risen exponentially with the increase in percentage of Urban Population.

Capitalism, Communism or Socialism does not matter.......What matters is Industrialization and Urbanization which results in Consumerism.

This planet cannot sustain Industrial Urban Population.......This planet cannot sustain a society that does not produce its own food.

This planet can sustain a Hunter_Gatherer Society or an Agrarian Society where almost the entire population is engaged in "searching for food" / producing food......This planet cannot sustain an Industrial Society where 50% of population is producing food for entire population and the remaining 50% population is producing thousands of consumer goods and services.


Industrial Society has existed for barely 250 years which comes to almost Zero Percent of Total Human Existence on earth....Humans have spent more than 99.99% of their time on earth in Non-Industrial Societies [Hunter_Gatherer and Agrarian].....Industrial Society is an Anomaly....Only Non-Industrial Societies are sustainable.

A pure non-industrial society is not possible now because Industrialization has increased world population to 7 billion.......World population increased from 1 billion in 1800 to 7 billion in just about 200 years after industrialization.......In the absence of industrialization world population would have been less than 2 billion today.

If we want to save the remaining environment we must minimize the things that are destroying environment.

At present we are destroying environment for Food, Clothing, Shelter plus Thousands of Industrial consumer goods and services.

We must eliminate the things that were added last to the list......which means Thousands of consumer goods and services, most of which have existed for only about 100 years out of Hundreds of Thousands of years of Total Human Existence on earth .........these have to be eliminated or minimized.

We are approaching Environmental Apocalypse.......The only way to save the remaining environment is by stopping Industrial Activity for production of consumer goods and services immediately........Industrial Activity must be primarily limited to food, clothing and shelter.......and even in these three fields production and consumption must be kept to the minimum.

Industrial Society Destroys Mind and Environment


Local time
Today 5:11 AM
Aug 30, 2008
Wait, aren't you heavily endorsing technology and industry by being on and writing within a computer and the internet? Irony alert.

I never claimed that I am not a part of society that is destroying environment.

The title of my article says "Industrial Society Destroys Mind and Environment" and since I am a citizen of Industrial Society I get included automatically.

Computers are being used today because they are being manufactured by Industrial Society.

Was anyone using computers in Hunter_Gatherer Society / Agrarian Society?????

There are billions of people in this world who are not using computers.....Has that saved the environment?????.....It hasn't, because billions of other people are using computers and thousands of other consumer goods and services.

Environment doesn't get saved if a few people live a simple life.....It doesn't get saved if a few thousand people live a simple life......It doesn't get saved if a few million people live a simple life.....It doesn't get saved even if a few billion people live a simple life [which is happening right now.....Out of 7 billion people roughly half, about 3.5 billion are already living a simple life in Asia, Africa and South America .......but this doesn't save the environment......because the rest 3.5 billion people all over the world are living a highly consumerist life which is enough to destroy all ecosystems.

The entire world has to live a simple life. In animal kingdom all animals lived a simple life.....In Hunter_Gatherer Society all people lived a simple life......In Agrarian Society almost all people lived a simple life.

In a non-industrial society simple living happens automatically....one does not have to make efforts to live a simple life. In a non-industrial society environment gets saved automatically....one does not have to make efforts to save environment.

An Industrial Society produces thousands of consumer goods in addition to food, clothing and shelter.....therefore simple living by entire society is impossible.

sushil yadav
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