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Local time
Today 7:51 AM
Dec 25, 2007
Nacogdoches, Tex-ass.
I'm just wondering if anyone who's an INTP has noticed any small errors in the INTP descriptions?

For example, as INTPs, we're considered to be 'math brains'. As far as being systematic, analytical, and logically inclined, it makes perfect sense, but I was never very good at math in school beyond elementary. It might be because I didn't have very good teachers or I just didn't have the motivation to do well, but I always leaned toward language arts.
Also, it always says that our 'feeling' side is an inferior trait, which is true with me most of the time, but I'm bi-polar as well. So, there are times during which my feelings absolutely consume me. It really is a problem, because in relationships I'll go back and forth between not wanting anything to do with emotions, and feeling starved for them. I guess psychological disorders weren't kept in mind while making the test.

Otherwise, though, almost every serious INTP description fits me to a T. And everyone I know who's taken the test has been amazed at its accuracy. It makes me laugh at how much it kind of disproves the idea of everyone being their own unique individual.

Enough rambling. Anyone else?


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 8:51 AM
Nov 21, 2007
Michigan/Indiana, USA
If the INTP represents about 1% of the general population, and if there are about 6,646,000,000 people on the planet right now, then there are roughly 66 million INTPs. I'd say that amount of variance among those 66 million people ought to be enough to accommodate the errors you mention in the descriptions.




Local time
Today 2:51 PM
Dec 10, 2007
I think most major deviations from standard "brain setups" that causes personality fluctuations makes personality tests inaccurate, as personality tests try to figure out your solid personality, but if it is altered from time to time, there isn't one solid personality to find.

I am fairly good at figuring out people's types if i know them well enough, however, one friend of mine which is emotionally unstable due to a quite extreme depression is very hard to pin, he simply changes a bit from time to time and i know that i have to try to see past the depression to find how he "really is".

You could perhaps try to take the test twice, trying to pick answers accurately describing the way of thought and preferences/needs of one far side of your personality spectrum, and the second the other far side.


2 different ways of thinking is used by the brain in cooperation when it comes to learning/understanding math.

One is controlled by the left frontal lobe and the other by the right frontal lobe. People who are a "wiz" at math, are usually strong at both ways of thinking.

One way is very concerned with details, symbolism, correct order and such, whilst the other is more concerned with how things are in relation to each other, often seeing things visually, and being of relative sizes. (like, "why this formula correctly describes how things really fits together"). How the system "works".

The way of teaching math nowadays in most school systems favor strong seq-symbol thinkers. So if you aren't strong in that area, you need a rather good and intelligent teacher to make up for it.

When i was younger, i had a pretty strong left frontal lobe in addition to my strong right one. I could just sit in the math class, never write anything down, remembering all the sequences of solving things and figuring out how things worked at the same time, integrating the 2 ways of thinking into a very good "memory format".

Nowadays though, i am pretty much incapable of thinking sequentially and cannot store memories in text/symbol format. I can understand pretty much anything if the person teaching it understand how it works and isn't simply spewing out memorized stuff with an "it just is that way" attitude (i prefer 2 sentences of explanation of how it works over 4 pages in the book with "how to do it").

There is knowing and there is understanding. Knowing gets you through school, understanding makes you able to figure out things and connections for yourself without being spoonfed, which is pretty crucial if you want to do anything creative.

You might find this article interesting http://www.geniusdenied.com/articles/Record.aspx?NavID=13_13&rid=13803
Last edited:


Local time
Today 2:51 PM
Dec 10, 2007
2 different ways of thinking is used by the brain in cooperation when it comes to learning/understanding math.

One is controlled by the left frontal lobe and the other by the right frontal lobe. People who are a "wiz" at math, are strong at both ways of thinking.

One way is very concerned with details, symbolism, correct order and such, whilst the other is more concerned with how things are in relation to each other, often seeing things visually, and being of relative sizes. (like, "why this formula correctly describes how things really fits together"). How the "system works".

The way of teaching math nowadays in most school systems favor strong seq-symbol thinkers. So if you aren't strong in that area, you need a rather good teacher to make up for it.

When i was younger, i had a pretty strong left frontal lobe in addition to my strong right one. I could just sit in the math class, never write anything down, remembering all the sequences of solving things and figuring out how things worked at the same time, integrating the 2 ways of thinking into a very good "memory format".

Nowadays though, i am pretty much incapable of thinking sequentially and cannot store memories in text/symbol format. I can understand pretty much anything if the person teaching it understand how it works and isn't simply spewing out memorized stuff with an "it just is that way" attitude (i prefer 2 sentences of explanation of how it works over 4 pages in the book with "how to do it").

There is knowing and there is understanding. Knowing gets you through school, understanding makes you able to figure out things and connections for yourself without being spoonfed, which is pretty crucial if you want to do anything creative.

You might find this article interesting http://www.geniusdenied.com/articles/Record.aspx?NavID=13_13&rid=13803


Local time
Today 7:51 AM
Dec 25, 2007
Nacogdoches, Tex-ass.
Okay, I wasn't looking for a lesson, I was just making conversation.

I've taken the test several times, I take it every so often just for the sake of 'consistency'.

I don't know how long I'll be here, seeing as it seems like everyone who posts, posts only for the sake of stating their own ideas. You all seem more concerned with showing everyone what you know than actually making conversation and getting to know like-minded people.


Local time
Today 2:51 PM
Dec 10, 2007
I am very sorry that i seem that way. I often get carried away when writing, and write a bit too much. Often burying the message in a lot stuff i think others might find interesting. I don't hold any pride in knowledge though, but i can certainty see why it would seem that way looking at what i wrote i new light. I have a hard time automatically thinking how others might judge my relation to my ego (i ain't got a relation to it).

I should try to refrain from doing so on threads regarding invidual cases though (i probably shouldn't reply on stuff about individual cases).

I apologize for intimidating you, i will try to hold myself on a leash in the future. Please don't take this as a reflection of how the other people are (not saying i think i know you did, but in case).

What i wrote earlier was a suggestion to try to see things from each extreme side, thinking kind of intersubjectively as if you were 2 persons which you knew extremely well. If you would like to see the far sides of yourself, seeing as you change more than the average person.

Again, sorry for being rude.
Stab me if i write something inconsiderate ;)


Local time
Today 7:51 AM
Dec 25, 2007
Nacogdoches, Tex-ass.
Intimidate? Hardly.

You're obviously not paying very much attention to what I'm saying. Or you just don't care.


Local time
Today 2:51 PM
Dec 10, 2007
By intimidate, i mean appearing as cold and... uhm... unwarm, which isn't hostility, but a lack of sympathy. Not the other kind of intimidate, even if i somehow thought that of someone, i would never tell them.

There is a partial truth in your judgement of me though. I don't emotionally care (about anything). I am physically incapable of doing so at the moment (pseudodepression).

I did pay attention to what you wrote, and i am interested in the topic of this thread. I didn't give you much the answer you wanted though, i jumped to a conclusion of you being interested in systems, and thought i'd share some stuff, seeing as you said others could have a go at the subject.
Just like you used reasoning to back up a conclusion about the personality tests, i used reasoning to back up my conclusions of why the inconsistency exists. We both used personal experience as examples. But i regret suggesting anything to you, as it was an avoidable insult.

Sharing my understanding of the subject however, is not something i would usually apologize for. Seeing as i did nothing "wrong" by doing so, but i did anyhow.

You may dislike me for not feeling care, some even dislike me for not being able to feel care. This is my limitation, which i see as a major advantage for me and a curse upon most others.

I will leave it at that, if i haven't expressed myself sufficiently yet i fear i lack the ability to ever do so, and will just keep writing more and more to get out a message that is not in the right form to be read.


Local time
Today 7:51 AM
Dec 25, 2007
Nacogdoches, Tex-ass.
Okay. Okay.

You are reading way too much into all this.

When I said you just don't care, it was very casual. I wasn't making a judgement about you.
I never said I disliked you. Not that I particularly like you either.
I never said that you offended me or did anything to apologize for, I made an observation based on every post I've seen you make.
You are a very tedious poster.
I don't like the feeling of EVERY topic being a completely in depth trade of wits. Lighten up.

It's very simple. I posted this with hollow intentions. I just wanted to hear from anyone else who had a couple features that didn't quite match up to the general descriptions, but it seems like there's not a whole hell of a lot of activity for conversation here anyway. Aside from you, of course.


Local time
Today 1:51 PM
Dec 30, 2007
Reconnecting to you initial words, Sekhmet, I recognize myself in your description of the emotional bi-polarity. I'm a typical INTP in that I am a mathematic and computer programmer, but I'm also a very emotional person (perhaps not on the outside, though). I write stories, focused on various relation issues. While making these story outlines I might even start crying when depicting some sad or overwhelming emotion.

In general I have always viewed myself as very bipolar - either black or white but never grey. I can be very outgoing and dominant, even though I am an "I" person (or perhaps I have just taught myself to act like this in spite of my personality, since I discovered the career disadvantages of being shy and silent...?). Having kids forced me to further develop the "F" side, to such an extent that I previously thought I actually was an "F" person (INFP that is). But when I read the descriptions I realized that I was rather INTP - which felt like such a relief. My MBTI teacher had a description "strong in thought but week in emotion" wich really caught me.


is watching and taking notes
Local time
Today 6:51 AM
Dec 24, 2007
casually playing guitar in my mental arena
I'm just wondering if anyone who's an INTP has noticed any small errors in the INTP descriptions?

For example, as INTPs, we're considered to be 'math brains'. As far as being systematic, analytical, and logically inclined, it makes perfect sense, but I was never very good at math in school beyond elementary. It might be because I didn't have very good teachers or I just didn't have the motivation to do well, but I always leaned toward language arts.
Also, it always says that our 'feeling' side is an inferior trait, which is true with me most of the time, but I'm bi-polar as well. So, there are times during which my feelings absolutely consume me. It really is a problem, because in relationships I'll go back and forth between not wanting anything to do with emotions, and feeling starved for them. I guess psychological disorders weren't kept in mind while making the test.

Otherwise, though, almost every serious INTP description fits me to a T. And everyone I know who's taken the test has been amazed at its accuracy. It makes me laugh at how much it kind of disproves the idea of everyone being their own unique individual.

Enough rambling. Anyone else?

I've noticed the same thing. I'm by all means a logical analytical person, but I feel perfectly happy as an artist, writer, and musician. However, I do well in science too so long as math isn't involved.

As for INTPs being kind of underdeveloped, emotionally, I don't think that it's a disorder. Just a weakness. However, the inferior trait of feeling is also an extraverted trait. I think the reason why I have immersed myself in the arts is because I want to develop my capacity for emotion. It certainly has done that. I can understand how emotion works, and how it works for me. I simply have a hard time having sympathy and keying in to other people's emotions. Theoretically, I can understand emotions but can't apply them to practical situations very well.

As for being bipolar, I think that might be an INTP thing too. I'm not doubting that you actually are bipolar, it just makes me think that I might be bipolar as well if that's the case. I'm usually not outwardly emotional but when I am, the emotion is really intense and disproportionate to the circumstances.


The Soft Rational
Local time
Today 8:51 AM
Jan 4, 2008
East Coast of USA
I've noticed the same thing. I'm by all means a logical analytical person, but I feel perfectly happy as an artist, writer, and musician. However, I do well in science too so long as math isn't involved.

As for INTPs being kind of underdeveloped, emotionally, I don't think that it's a disorder. Just a weakness. However, the inferior trait of feeling is also an extraverted trait. I think the reason why I have immersed myself in the arts is because I want to develop my capacity for emotion. It certainly has done that. I can understand how emotion works, and how it works for me. I simply have a hard time having sympathy and keying in to other people's emotions. Theoretically, I can understand emotions but can't apply them to practical situations very well.

As for being bipolar, I think that might be an INTP thing too. I'm not doubting that you actually are bipolar, it just makes me think that I might be bipolar as well if that's the case. I'm usually not outwardly emotional but when I am, the emotion is really intense and disproportionate to the circumstances.

Nnnn... It's actually quite typical of an INTP to have emotions that come like rains in the desert... when it rains, it pours. And as for the sympathies, I do have trouble sympathizing with people who are upset about something that makes no sense... And this happens... more often than not.


Local time
Today 8:51 AM
Sep 4, 2007
I'm just wondering if anyone who's an INTP has noticed any small errors in the INTP descriptions?

For example, as INTPs, we're considered to be 'math brains'. As far as being systematic, analytical, and logically inclined, it makes perfect sense, but I was never very good at math in school beyond elementary. It might be because I didn't have very good teachers or I just didn't have the motivation to do well, but I always leaned toward language arts.
Also, it always says that our 'feeling' side is an inferior trait, which is true with me most of the time, but I'm bi-polar as well. So, there are times during which my feelings absolutely consume me. It really is a problem, because in relationships I'll go back and forth between not wanting anything to do with emotions, and feeling starved for them. I guess psychological disorders weren't kept in mind while making the test.

Otherwise, though, almost every serious INTP description fits me to a T. And everyone I know who's taken the test has been amazed at its accuracy. It makes me laugh at how much it kind of disproves the idea of everyone being their own unique individual.

Enough rambling. Anyone else?

You know, the personality test is usually based on the majority of people, after all. I mean, there are certain types of personality for the major regroupment of them. Sure, every one is different, everyone has their own unique individual, to quote your words, but you can't make one type of personality for each person!

And not everyone fits a certain personality! There will always be some differences, but you can't disagree with the fact that most of it is accurate. Also, there's the factor that every test has its range of percentage of errors. Depending on the mood of the day you're doing it, it can change. Also, sometimes, you might be answering what you think is right, but in fact, that's just how you think it is. I'm not saying that you're wrong or anything, but from my personal experience, I know that many times, either I'm not sure of my answers, some other times I don't answer the same things and so on. The list that determines everything is long. But if everytime you do the test it gives you the same result, then undoubtedly, that's what defines you most. I've done the same test many times, on different days and at different moments, and my results changed once, which to me is that I might be INTP, but a certain part of me makes me INFP I think (it's been a while I did it, so I don't really remember what it was, though I know only one letter differed).

I think most major deviations from standard "brain setups" that causes personality fluctuations makes personality tests inaccurate, as personality tests try to figure out your solid personality, but if it is altered from time to time, there isn't one solid personality to find.

I am fairly good at figuring out people's types if i know them well enough, however, one friend of mine which is emotionally unstable due to a quite extreme depression is very hard to pin, he simply changes a bit from time to time and i know that i have to try to see past the depression to find how he "really is".

You could perhaps try to take the test twice, trying to pick answers accurately describing the way of thought and preferences/needs of one far side of your personality spectrum, and the second the other far side.


2 different ways of thinking is used by the brain in cooperation when it comes to learning/understanding math.

One is controlled by the left frontal lobe and the other by the right frontal lobe. People who are a "wiz" at math, are usually strong at both ways of thinking.

One way is very concerned with details, symbolism, correct order and such, whilst the other is more concerned with how things are in relation to each other, often seeing things visually, and being of relative sizes. (like, "why this formula correctly describes how things really fits together"). How the system "works".

The way of teaching math nowadays in most school systems favor strong seq-symbol thinkers. So if you aren't strong in that area, you need a rather good and intelligent teacher to make up for it.

When i was younger, i had a pretty strong left frontal lobe in addition to my strong right one. I could just sit in the math class, never write anything down, remembering all the sequences of solving things and figuring out how things worked at the same time, integrating the 2 ways of thinking into a very good "memory format".

Nowadays though, i am pretty much incapable of thinking sequentially and cannot store memories in text/symbol format. I can understand pretty much anything if the person teaching it understand how it works and isn't simply spewing out memorized stuff with an "it just is that way" attitude (i prefer 2 sentences of explanation of how it works over 4 pages in the book with "how to do it").

There is knowing and there is understanding. Knowing gets you through school, understanding makes you able to figure out things and connections for yourself without being spoonfed, which is pretty crucial if you want to do anything creative.

You might find this article interesting http://www.geniusdenied.com/articles/Record.aspx?NavID=13_13&rid=13803

Thanks Spere, I started to read that article, and it is interesting indeed...but =P there's a lot to read. Well, I guess I was a little like that before, about the "memory format". In Primary school, I never really studied, I could just listen or read something once or twice and I would remember it. But I guess with time, that ability can fade, sadly >_> T_T...I wish I still had that...=P

Okay, I wasn't looking for a lesson, I was just making conversation.

I've taken the test several times, I take it every so often just for the sake of 'consistency'.

I don't know how long I'll be here, seeing as it seems like everyone who posts, posts only for the sake of stating their own ideas. You all seem more concerned with showing everyone what you know than actually making conversation and getting to know like-minded people.

Sekhmet, I think that you're being a little ... ummm... how should I say this... You know, even though all you want is some "normal conversation" as you put it, I think you being overly misunderstanding about others. We all have the right to share our opinions, so you don't need to be criticizing others' opinions. If you read carefully the first paragraph of Sphere's first post, I'm pretty sure that that was his opinion about what you asked. The rest of it is more details so that if you wanted to understand more of it.

Also, we people don't post only for the sake of starting our ideas as you said. You
asked for it yourself:
I'm just wondering if anyone who's an INTP has noticed any small errors in the INTP descriptions?

And guess what? We just gave out our thoughts about it. So would you just stop whining?

Intimidate? Hardly.

You're obviously not paying very much attention to what I'm saying. Or you just don't care.

Okay. Okay.

You are reading way too much into all this.

When I said you just don't care, it was very casual. I wasn't making a judgement about you.
I never said I disliked you. Not that I particularly like you either.
I never said that you offended me or did anything to apologize for, I made an observation based on every post I've seen you make.
You are a very tedious poster.
I don't like the feeling of EVERY topic being a completely in depth trade of wits. Lighten up.

It's very simple. I posted this with hollow intentions. I just wanted to hear from anyone else who had a couple features that didn't quite match up to the general descriptions, but it seems like there's not a whole hell of a lot of activity for conversation here anyway. Aside from you, of course.

Have you ever considered the fact that this is not a CHAT ROOM? This is a forum, for the sake of it, consider the number of members and of ACTIVE members. Have you checked out the number of posts around here? Not that much. Why? THIS IS AN INTP FORUM, THERE'S ONLY ONE PERCENT OF THE POPULATION WHO HAS THIS TYPE OF PERSONALITY DAMN IT. Stop making unuseful posts and criticizing others (JUST LIKE I'M DOING WITH YOURS RIGHT NOW, HOW IRONIC...). To me, it makes me seem as if you want to be the center of attention. A topic is a topic, don't redirect it on your own person. Pffffff, how selfish.

Sorry, I'm just being bi-polar, I can become really agressive with something that doesn't seem right. You know, without being personal, by the way that you answer in your post, you are part of the type of people I hate the most. 'K thanks, bye.

*to the admin. I'm very sorry for being harsh, violent, personal, etc. I don't want to go against the rules, but this just draws me out of myself. Sorry once again.

~Sincerely and truly yours.


Local time
Today 7:51 AM
Jul 9, 2007
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Personally, I'm not good at math at all. I find absolutely no pleasure in solving problems with numbers. That's what calculators are for.

I do think I could have been taught better, but the quality of our local public schools were very poor. I just saw math as a bunch of boring, complicated number problems.

Fortunately, I was able to grasp every other subject and do extremely well, as most of it is just reading, which I quite enjoy.


The Soft Rational
Local time
Today 8:51 AM
Jan 4, 2008
East Coast of USA
Nnnn.. I was always great at math, but I've still found it boring... I'm drawn much more to computers, and I have an equal talent there...


Local time
Today 9:51 PM
Mar 8, 2008
KL, Mal
I'm just wondering if anyone who's an INTP has noticed any small errors in the INTP descriptions?

For example, as INTPs, we're considered to be 'math brains'. As far as being systematic, analytical, and logically inclined, it makes perfect sense, but I was never very good at math in school beyond elementary. It might be because I didn't have very good teachers or I just didn't have the motivation to do well, but I always leaned toward language arts.
Also, it always says that our 'feeling' side is an inferior trait, which is true with me most of the time, but I'm bi-polar as well. So, there are times during which my feelings absolutely consume me. It really is a problem, because in relationships I'll go back and forth between not wanting anything to do with emotions, and feeling starved for them. I guess psychological disorders weren't kept in mind while making the test.

Otherwise, though, almost every serious INTP description fits me to a T. And everyone I know who's taken the test has been amazed at its accuracy. It makes me laugh at how much it kind of disproves the idea of everyone being their own unique individual.

Enough rambling. Anyone else?

I don't see the standard INTP profile as filled errors, but its a rather very cut and dry template which doesn't cater to the different textures and quirks of humans. Having said that, I am definitely like you in the sense that I'm bad in maths. Hard sciences too. I've always been more talented in writing and the humanities. I'm also very capable of intense emotions too. I might be bipolar. My friend says that I have wildly different moods and frames of mind, and I love to tap into this for creativity's sake.

I'm a lot calmer than I was in my early teens, but I still sometimes I think I'm an INFP. However, when analyzing my personality, I do realise that I am indeed an INTP. A lot of the traits fit me well: the need to be precise in thought and language, going mental at inaccuracies, wanting to build everything conceptually, etc. When I look back at my early teenage years, I realise that even when I was mad for sentimentally philosophizing things , I was drawing rough sketches on paper conceptual models of how I saw life philosophically.

I'm primarily governed by the head, but I have a strong beating heart which is too passionate for its own good sometimes. It could be because I'm a type 5 Enneagram with a strong 4 wing. I wrote this in the InTPc forum, in response to how it feels like being this type:

Humanity in the way I see things, very vivid imagination, living is like dreaming, dreaming is like living, out-of-body experiences, synesthesia, a deep sense of ecstasy that appears out of nowhere and totally consumes self to the point that I see limitless possibilities and feel infinitely capable, a deep sense of sadness that appears out of nowhere and totally consumes self making me feel incapable of functioning, style matters as much as substance, restlessness, deep attachment to the past which hinders self from moving forward, deeply excited and romantic about the future, constant rumination over what is missing, curiosity for the complex and exotic, romanticizing being with someone who isn't currently there and imagining the greatest possible warmth, imagining one's life and the world as a piece of art (music video, song), a love for cinema that moves beyond simple pleasure - cinema is life! I learn things from movies, love for philosophy, relationships must be very emotionally satisfying just as much it must be one great intellectual fuck. And a fascination with death.

And that is summing it up briefly. ;)


Local time
Today 7:51 AM
Mar 12, 2008
I'm guessing you are actually an INTJ.
Perhaps the instability of dealing with bi-polar made you think you meet life as a P, when at core you do not.
I thought I was a INTJ for a long time, and I usually test as one, but there is just no way...I don't have the perseverance, I have no need desire to control anything outside my own person and small sphere, and truly, once I understand something to my satisfaction, I don't need to become proficient in practice. Then, my J/P preference was always very slight. Not only do moods or disorders effect a result of the MBTI, but role and responsibilities in life do to. I think in high school (when I took the official test in Psychology class) I was taking certain courses (very fast paced, so organization, form and time management was a must), and my home life was such that responsibility and order were necessary- I tested J; now in my work-life, I play such a role (as much to do with the dynamic with co-workers, as the actual tasks at hand) that, in action, I seem like a J in many ways.
How many people think they are what they do? How many people continue to adhere to the same script/role in their families and relationships? One takes all of this, the making (molding!) of self-concept, to the test.
For one, I think it would better for administrators to caution people completing the MBTI to "let their guard down", "answer with your preference, assuming your way of doing things wouldn't meet with resistance"- rather than, "be honest". A certain way of questioning is at the core of ill-fitting results; there seems to be a lot of repetition of questions, but they are not asked in such a way as to really differentiate them, to get at subtle aspects, or differing situations - to truly act as a check and balance.
So all that rambling was to say it even though the INTP description fits me like a glove, it has definitely occurred to me that the MBTI could be tweaked here and there.


Local time
Today 8:51 AM
Mar 21, 2008
Zanesville, OH
If it is of any consolation to you Sphere, I think that what you talked about in your post was very interesting and agree with a lot of it. Some people are good in certain areas in the math field and are not good at the other areas. It all completely makes sense to me!


Active Member
Local time
Today 7:51 AM
Oct 10, 2007
INTPs are suppose to be good at and enjoy math.
Not me. Not me at all.
That's the one thing I can't stand or do well.


Local time
Today 1:51 PM
Feb 28, 2008
Razzle Dazzle
See, I fit the maths thing perfectly, I've always had my parents tell me of how I was doing algebra aged four, getting told by teachers I wasn't meant to know methods I'd used for years etc.
Where I deviate from the typical INTP is emotionally, which isn't surprising since I seem to be dead on the border between T and F. It does get very irritating, though, since it's always negative emotions such as guilt, misery and fear. Could be depressed, but I doubt it =P


The Soft Rational
Local time
Today 8:51 AM
Jan 4, 2008
East Coast of USA
Algebra = Good
Statistics or the like = Bad
This is the natural order of the universe.

Cabbo Pearimo

Well-Known Member
Local time
Today 1:51 PM
Mar 13, 2008
Northern Ireland
The whole thing could be very general. I mean, within reason. Every question you answered lead to a specific trait in the results, but after some things are determined, maybe it all just gets a bit presumptuous?

I do well in maths, but I'm an all-rounder. With lacking effort, an unfortunate trait of mine, I got 10 GCSE points over 10 subjects. A B in maths, a D in business studies (go figure). All others I got a C, including french in which I left out a past tense, which was strange, considering that I was told I would fail if I missed it. I quoted Bill Hicks in English language, and was a complete atheist for RE. Both, got a C. I barely knew any BCS (business communication studies, I.E. computers) theory, but did very well in practical, and got a C. My history coursework included interpreting Apocalapse Now, my all-time favourite movie, but I knew practically nothing when it came to the exam; C. English lit, the sciences double-award (my favourite subjects for the previous 3 years, however with a switch of teachers I lost a little interest) etc., all C. My school required 14 points, I got 10, and I went to tech, doing a course requiring 3 GCSE points, on applied science. It's so unchallenging, but at least I'll get through it well. Maths is pretty unimportant, given the fact that we use calculators, and it's a no-exam course based entirely on coursework.


The Soft Rational
Local time
Today 8:51 AM
Jan 4, 2008
East Coast of USA
Mind explaining the GCSE system to a bumpkin from america?

Cabbo Pearimo

Well-Known Member
Local time
Today 1:51 PM
Mar 13, 2008
Northern Ireland
Sure thing.

A-level and AS-level are respectively the two highest forms of secondary education. These contribute to UCAS points, which help for the university side of things. GCSEs are the qualifications, that actually mean something, below A-levels. A C is 1 point, a B is 2 and an A is 3. The course I'm doing counts for 3 A-levels, which is the number most people do, but the course is for some reason less recognized than 3 actual A-levels.

Oh, and 10 GCSEs is still pretty good when everything I did was higher tier. Going on to do a 3-GCSE-necessary course was a bit of a let down.


The Soft Rational
Local time
Today 8:51 AM
Jan 4, 2008
East Coast of USA
Ah, I think I understand it now. And this is at university level?

Cabbo Pearimo

Well-Known Member
Local time
Today 1:51 PM
Mar 13, 2008
Northern Ireland
GCSEs are secondary, A + AS-levels are secondary but supply UCAS points for entering university. University is Tertiary, or, in my case, hopefully, fourth-tiary. Yep.
Because I'm doing a course in a Technical College.


The Soft Rational
Local time
Today 8:51 AM
Jan 4, 2008
East Coast of USA
Ah. cool. I get it now.


The Soft Rational
Local time
Today 8:51 AM
Jan 4, 2008
East Coast of USA
So do I.

Cabbo Pearimo

Well-Known Member
Local time
Today 1:51 PM
Mar 13, 2008
Northern Ireland
damn you, you will not get the last word.


The Soft Rational
Local time
Today 8:51 AM
Jan 4, 2008
East Coast of USA
Yes I will!

Cabbo Pearimo

Well-Known Member
Local time
Today 1:51 PM
Mar 13, 2008
Northern Ireland
By that time I was off by 32 minutes. I get the last word. Nya nya nya nya nyaaaa nyaaa.


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 8:51 AM
Mar 24, 2008
Northeastern Pennsylvania
"I don't know how long I'll be here, seeing as it seems like everyone who posts, posts only for the sake of stating their own ideas"

Which is, after all, one of the hallmarks of being INTP. Right? To want to understand and then explain? :-)

Stick around. Um, please?



The Soft Rational
Local time
Today 8:51 AM
Jan 4, 2008
East Coast of USA
I think sekhmet left a while ago... I haven't seen her around in months...

(My word is laster!)


The Fiend
Local time
Today 1:51 PM
Mar 10, 2008
I don't know who I am. I ask other people... But I feel like I get along well with INTPs, they won't take what I write wrong (looking at first page) or maybe they will.

Though the brain statements intrigue me and I've often thought that maybe I AM an INTP, but because of my problems with development at an early age I don't have that typical mathematical brain. The left and right side of my brain weren't exactly interacting correctly. The main noticeable disorder that came out of this was auditory processing disorder. I had a lot of learning trouble though and the environment for it was.... not at all supportive (Privates schools...). It was determined in Kindergarten the problems I was having connecting the sides of my brain and apparently I had mostly relied on the right side. I should still be going to a Brain therapist for this. I wonder if some horrible neglect or abused happened when I was a baby or something (according to the therapist there are quite a few signs in babies) I was traumatized by or if it's something biological. Maybe I have an extra X chromosome.

Anyway, math wasn't necessarily hard because of formulas and all I have more trouble with the little things... Like confusing numbers and signs, maybe missing a step. I also had and still somewhat have a lot of trouble matching letters to sounds. Even today, my teacher was spelling out a word for me, he had to spell it out like four times for be to hear and process all the letters. I have a hard time understanding when people just tell me how to do something. I learn visually and it's easier for me to relate things to pictures and actually doing something... Sometimes I have pretty bad moments of APD. Especially if the room is noisy, I can hear what's further away from me clearer and someone taking right in front of me... I can hear the sounds, but it's a really surreal experience. I think in my head "I know he's talking, but I can't understand anything he's saying."

It makes understanding my MBTI (if I have a type even; if I qualify for a personality or at least one of these) very difficult... I don't know if I can actually qualify as an INTP, even if I'm similar. But then I don't really seem like any of the types in my opinion. Maybe INFJ, but the function F and J aren't actually descriptive of my way of choosing and thinking. I mean I know people with an F function and they really care about stuff. I wouldn't care about if I didn't have to (if I didn't think my survival depend on it). Also I'm pretty spontaneous when it comes to deciding what to do and I procrastinate and don't have this ... idea of time management so that would make me a P.

Cabbo Pearimo

Well-Known Member
Local time
Today 1:51 PM
Mar 13, 2008
Northern Ireland
Just sounds to me like you're kind of like an opposite of an extreme audiophile. Being an audiophile means that you rely on your eyes less than most people, and you ears more. It also makes good music absolutely beautiful. Maybe you're just the polar opposite.


The Soft Rational
Local time
Today 8:51 AM
Jan 4, 2008
East Coast of USA
I was bored today, so I walked around the track today in gym with my eyes closed, absorbing hte ambience. There was a breeze, so I was able to imagine I was at the beach...


The Soft Rational
Local time
Today 8:51 AM
Jan 4, 2008
East Coast of USA
I know what you mean. Did it with the cello a coupla times.

Cabbo Pearimo

Well-Known Member
Local time
Today 1:51 PM
Mar 13, 2008
Northern Ireland
I do it all the time. It doesn't make a difference anymore. I had to learn it because my band members kept turning the light off. Now it's just a more interesting way to train up.


The Soft Rational
Local time
Today 8:51 AM
Jan 4, 2008
East Coast of USA
I don't need to see, though I donneed to see my music...


The Fiend
Local time
Today 1:51 PM
Mar 10, 2008
Cabbo, Lol, indeed, I rely more on my eyes and exhibit symptoms of being very opposite of someone who relies on hearing (per say). The problem is I don't process the sounds all the time. I'll Hear them, I don't process them.

It really sucks when people try to spell stuff out loud to me. They either have to spell very slowly or I have to look at them while they spell. I HEAR them spell (I hear the sounds), but I need time to process what they are spelling and turn it into letters. I can take words easier, if I already know how to spell them...

Anyway, it's (central) auditory processing disorder. I've gone through the testing for it and all. There's a chances that I've had a lot of untreated ear infections or it's genetic I suppose. I still have problems with ear aches and that sort of thing though.


Local time
Today 2:51 PM
Mar 5, 2008
I have the same problem as you Zero, albeit maybe not as severely. I'm pretty good at doing mental calculus and the like, but I need to have the numbers written down in order to do it within any respectable timeframe (I don't need a pen to scribble, I just need visual representations of the stuff I'm calculating).
Same goes for words spelled out, I don't always manage to make out what's being spelled.


The Fiend
Local time
Today 1:51 PM
Mar 10, 2008
I was talking to my mother about my CAPD today, because I was feeling rather upset about it... Apparently it's classified as a disability, but my mom told me I would have to be re-tested to get the documentation now. I was tested when I was like six or so, which is apparently too long ago.

I'm not sure if this applies to CAPD, but I have an odd way of recalling things I hear. The only way I know this is because I was playing this board game with my (extended)family where we had to repeat a list of things we're told. You only had to remember up to four things. I would tend to recall the last one, the first one and the middle ones that stuck out to me. My relatives kept asking me how I was doing it like that. I don't know... Does anyone else have a weird recall memory?

I think I already briefly mentioned the surreal effect that seemed to happen once (It's happened more times, but that one time I really could tell. It was funny, because by then I thought I had "grown out of APD"). We were in a cafe and I kind of wonder what triggered it. My friend was just standing across the table, it seemed like I heard a fork drop then I could, technically, hear everything in the room. It was clear/loud-noise and even though I could see that my friend was talking I couldn't understand any of it. I could think clearly though. It wasn't so much like a disorder as much as it was trippy.

As far as the inconsistencies with MBTI, I've come to the conclusion that I'm the most like INTPs.


Active Member
Local time
Today 3:51 PM
Mar 31, 2008
I wouldn't take "math brain" as "excel in mathematical applications". I would take it as "easier understanding of mathematical principles and the connections between them". Granted, I'm currently studying in secondary education which, for me, is heavily mathematics-centric. However, my grades are barely average. This might be because I feel more inclined trying to understand the principles and making connections and simplifying given formulas or trying to find a new use for them than in actually doing the given tasks which mainly involve a formula and a simple task. Which, if I get into it, is a quick past-time that loses its value quickly as the rush in which I wrote it all down ends in a correct answer.

And, from a pure mathematical point, a few exceptions within tens of millions of individuals isn't anything strange.

Cabbo Pearimo

Well-Known Member
Local time
Today 1:51 PM
Mar 13, 2008
Northern Ireland
Hey, at least you've got good eyes, right?

Therein lies the downfall of our 'INTPness', even though I hate to use that word. The formuli/formulae/WHYTHEHELLDOESN'TTHISTHINGKNOWTHEWORD! have already been developed, and so the tophats think that we don't need to understand them as much as to know them.


The Soft Rational
Local time
Today 8:51 AM
Jan 4, 2008
East Coast of USA
I haven't seen the slang "tophats" before, And it went through my head as a phonetic first impression of *toe-fats*... Took me a few seconds...

Cabbo Pearimo

Well-Known Member
Local time
Today 1:51 PM
Mar 13, 2008
Northern Ireland
I made it up in that post. And, having read yours, realised the errors of such an expression.
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