I'm just wondering if anyone who's an INTP has noticed any small errors in the INTP descriptions?
For example, as INTPs, we're considered to be 'math brains'. As far as being systematic, analytical, and logically inclined, it makes perfect sense, but I was never very good at math in school beyond elementary. It might be because I didn't have very good teachers or I just didn't have the motivation to do well, but I always leaned toward language arts.
Also, it always says that our 'feeling' side is an inferior trait, which is true with me most of the time, but I'm bi-polar as well. So, there are times during which my feelings absolutely consume me. It really is a problem, because in relationships I'll go back and forth between not wanting anything to do with emotions, and feeling starved for them. I guess psychological disorders weren't kept in mind while making the test.
Otherwise, though, almost every serious INTP description fits me to a T. And everyone I know who's taken the test has been amazed at its accuracy. It makes me laugh at how much it kind of disproves the idea of everyone being their own unique individual.
Enough rambling. Anyone else?
You know, the personality test is usually based on the majority of people, after all. I mean, there are certain types of personality for the major regroupment of them. Sure, every one is different, everyone has their own unique individual, to quote your words, but you can't make one type of personality for each person!
And not everyone fits a certain personality! There will always be some differences, but you can't disagree with the fact that most of it is accurate. Also, there's the factor that every test has its range of percentage of errors. Depending on the mood of the day you're doing it, it can change. Also, sometimes, you might be answering what you think is right, but in fact, that's just how you think it is. I'm not saying that you're wrong or anything, but from my personal experience, I know that many times, either I'm not sure of my answers, some other times I don't answer the same things and so on. The list that determines everything is long. But if everytime you do the test it gives you the same result, then undoubtedly, that's what defines you most. I've done the same test many times, on different days and at different moments, and my results changed once, which to me is that I might be INTP, but a certain part of me makes me INFP I think (it's been a while I did it, so I don't really remember what it was, though I know only one letter differed).
I think most major deviations from standard "brain setups" that causes personality fluctuations makes personality tests inaccurate, as personality tests try to figure out your solid personality, but if it is altered from time to time, there isn't one solid personality to find.
I am fairly good at figuring out people's types if i know them well enough, however, one friend of mine which is emotionally unstable due to a quite extreme depression is very hard to pin, he simply changes a bit from time to time and i know that i have to try to see past the depression to find how he "really is".
You could perhaps try to take the test twice, trying to pick answers accurately describing the way of thought and preferences/needs of one far side of your personality spectrum, and the second the other far side.
2 different ways of thinking is used by the brain in cooperation when it comes to learning/understanding math.
One is controlled by the left frontal lobe and the other by the right frontal lobe. People who are a "wiz" at math, are usually strong at both ways of thinking.
One way is very concerned with details, symbolism, correct order and such, whilst the other is more concerned with how things are in relation to each other, often seeing things visually, and being of relative sizes. (like, "why this formula correctly describes how things really fits together"). How the system "works".
The way of teaching math nowadays in most school systems favor strong seq-symbol thinkers. So if you aren't strong in that area, you need a rather good and intelligent teacher to make up for it.
When i was younger, i had a pretty strong left frontal lobe in addition to my strong right one. I could just sit in the math class, never write anything down, remembering all the sequences of solving things and figuring out how things worked at the same time, integrating the 2 ways of thinking into a very good "memory format".
Nowadays though, i am pretty much incapable of thinking sequentially and cannot store memories in text/symbol format. I can understand pretty much anything if the person teaching it understand how it works and isn't simply spewing out memorized stuff with an "it just is that way" attitude (i prefer 2 sentences of explanation of how it works over 4 pages in the book with "how to do it").
There is knowing and there is understanding. Knowing gets you through school, understanding makes you able to figure out things and connections for yourself without being spoonfed, which is pretty crucial if you want to do anything creative.
You might find this article interesting
Thanks Spere, I started to read that article, and it is interesting indeed...but =P there's a lot to read. Well, I guess I was a little like that before, about the "memory format". In Primary school, I never really studied, I could just listen or read something once or twice and I would remember it. But I guess with time, that ability can fade, sadly >_> T_T...I wish I still had that...=P
Okay, I wasn't looking for a lesson, I was just making conversation.
I've taken the test several times, I take it every so often just for the sake of 'consistency'.
I don't know how long I'll be here, seeing as it seems like everyone who posts, posts only for the sake of stating their own ideas. You all seem more concerned with showing everyone what you know than actually making conversation and getting to know like-minded people.
Sekhmet, I think that you're being a little ... ummm... how should I say this... You know, even though all you want is some "normal conversation" as you put it, I think you being overly misunderstanding about others. We all have the right to share our opinions, so you don't need to be criticizing others' opinions. If you read carefully the first paragraph of Sphere's first post, I'm pretty sure that that was his opinion about what you asked. The rest of it is more details so that if you wanted to understand more of it.
Also, we people don't post only for the sake of starting our ideas as you said. You
asked for it yourself:
I'm just wondering if anyone who's an INTP has noticed any small errors in the INTP descriptions?
And guess what? We just gave out our thoughts about it. So would you just stop whining?
Intimidate? Hardly.
You're obviously not paying very much attention to what I'm saying. Or you just don't care.
Okay. Okay.
You are reading way too much into all this.
When I said you just don't care, it was very casual. I wasn't making a judgement about you.
I never said I disliked you. Not that I particularly like you either.
I never said that you offended me or did anything to apologize for, I made an observation based on every post I've seen you make.
You are a very tedious poster.
I don't like the feeling of EVERY topic being a completely in depth trade of wits. Lighten up.
It's very simple. I posted this with hollow intentions. I just wanted to hear from anyone else who had a couple features that didn't quite match up to the general descriptions, but it seems like there's not a whole hell of a lot of activity for conversation here anyway. Aside from you, of course.
Have you ever considered the fact that this is not a CHAT ROOM? This is a forum, for the sake of it, consider the number of members and of ACTIVE members. Have you checked out the number of posts around here? Not that much. Why? THIS IS AN INTP FORUM, THERE'S ONLY ONE PERCENT OF THE POPULATION WHO HAS THIS TYPE OF PERSONALITY DAMN IT. Stop making unuseful posts and criticizing others (JUST LIKE I'M DOING WITH YOURS RIGHT NOW, HOW IRONIC...). To me, it makes me seem as if you want to be the center of attention. A topic is a topic, don't redirect it on your own person. Pffffff, how selfish.
Sorry, I'm just being bi-polar, I can become really agressive with something that doesn't seem right. You know, without being personal, by the way that you answer in your post, you are part of the type of people I hate the most. 'K thanks, bye.
*to the admin. I'm very sorry for being harsh, violent, personal, etc. I don't want to go against the rules, but this just draws me out of myself. Sorry once again.
~Sincerely and truly yours.