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I feel stupid here

Da Blob

Local time
Yesterday 8:22 PM
Dec 19, 2008
Good thread, INTP. You tell because certain of the old-timers will circle like buzzards and then swoop down and deposit a "post".

Unlike many here I have always been something of an idiot-savant. I KNOW I am stupid on many occasions and write stupid things. I probably rank somewhere on the Autistic spectrum ( high functioning Asperger?).

Of the 1500 posts I have contributed, I only regret posting perhaps a dozen or so, and only one of which was I provoked into being deliberately rude after being flamed by a newbie. The rest I regret being misunderstood, because of my hasty choice of words.
However, if I was slightly more human (or more humane) I should be aware of hundreds of my posts that I should have cause to regret.

I have never really been able to assume a reader's POV of my own writing. I think that is a talent necessary for any successful writer. I write to 'ex'press my self, not to 'im'press others.

Like I.A. this is my second orbit of the forum. I am trying not to use the forum for either venting or ranting this time as that is "Inappropriate Behavior" amongst equals...


Local time
Yesterday 8:22 PM
Aug 28, 2009
I feel like a stupid simpleton here, but among "normal" people I feel like I am 1000's of levels beyond them. Crazy:eek:

That is nonsense. We all have our own personal specialties. When you get into a a large group, there is a much better chance someone knows more about that subject. This is especially true if you are making comments about something that is not in your specialty(-ies). In real life, how often do you talk about things like you do on forums? Forums are the INTP's friends.

Another thing I'd like to mention-in a true social, face-to-face, confrontation people won't sound as smart as they do on here. Here, we are allowed the pleasure of research and proof reading when we post. We have time to make ourselves sound smarter. Cross your i's and dot your t's everyone. Wait..oh crap, I'm so stupid.
Local time
Yesterday 9:22 PM
Aug 12, 2009
metro Detroit area
this is true


Active Member
Local time
Today 2:22 AM
Oct 27, 2008
I use words like 'perhaps' and 'maybe' alot when I post. I view most of my posts as just me throwing out suggestions. Sometimes these suggestions will feel more like a hunch, or even a tentatively held belief, but they're usually just my way of saying 'hey, here's another way of looking at this.'

And then, of course, I get ninja'd. lol

But yeah, I feel totally stupid, but I rarely feel thoughtless or rigid, and that's more important to me. In irl I'm usually the "idea guy" who offers a multitude of perspectives and then waits for someone to say something that interests me. I tend to approach this forum the same way. (come to think of it, this seems kinda ENTP. Definitely very Ne-ish.)

Yeah sometime my ideas I am not sure about get disproven, but the thing that irritates me the most is that when I am right, Noone even listens. Noone even bothers to disprove or validate what I am saying. People are eager to correct me when I am wrong but when I am right they say nothing. :mad:


Local time
Yesterday 6:22 PM
Aug 31, 2009
Me too, but hey, I'm 16(the perfect excuse).


for the glory of satan
Local time
Yesterday 7:22 PM
Sep 2, 2009
I understand feeling dumb. I especially feel dumb when I read posts regarding computers and hacking and other technology related things. I start to read them figuring I might learn something, and I am often lost before finishing the first sentence. However, in other sections I find that I am at a rather competitive level of understanding. Everyone has their strengths and weaknesses. The goal is to increase one's strengths throughout life. I love feeling a bit dumb, it gives me a new thing to explore!


The Fiend
Local time
Today 2:22 AM
Mar 10, 2008
I don't understand how it's possible to feel stupid on a forum like this...

I feel stupid on forums like Ubuntu, where I don't understand simple things about moving files and creating directory pathways (I may have screwed up my computer). I don't tend to post somewhere where I don't feel I have anything to offer or that the people know way more than I do about the topic.

There's no reason to feel stupid here, especially since it's so easy to educate yourself on the MBTI and Jung's types. I constantly repeat myself about the Jung types... If you google INTP you'll find all kinds of information and the functions (which are important). Trait theory isn't an exact science, if a science at all.

Anyway, no one here has struck me as incredibly intelligent or entirely beyond everyone else. I don't think anyone in their right mind aims to be... a snob(?).

It could also be your age, if you happen to be young. Otherwise it's just a matter of knowing. Then again, when I feel stupid I track down the reason. It tends to be how I speak, if I speak/writer too soon (I do not have the ability to skim), or if I simply don't have the knowledge. I use to feel stupid quite a bit more when I was a teenager. I guess I had more regret and I worried more about how I would appear to other people. I didn't want to be disregarded as stupid.

I don't know when things changed for me, several events changed how I saw myself. Figuring out my MBTI years ago and understanding the trait theory. Then again, that's sometimes still a source of frustration...

A few months ago I was reading this page about worrying and how chronic worrying is a disease. I thought that was probably true and decided I didn't want to be diseased by anything more than I had to.
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