I'm so hopeless. The moment someone says "learn this!" my mind goes in civil disobedience. Even things that in themselves would be interesting become annoying as soon as i am supposed to learn them (in a specific way and with learning goals/topics)...
It's not just that i am a bit annoyed and that's it. My mind actually goes to all sorts of lengths to prevent me from doing it. Strike, distraction, weird sleep habits, PROCRASTINATION, finding excuses for why i don't really have to do it etc...
And even worse is that in principle my mind is right. I resent it to have to learn things that i don't want to learn, or at least in a way i dislike. It's my brain damnit.
On the other hand i'm nearly always attentive in actual class, in 'situation'. That's why i think i fared better in school because at least i was there always and when there did something and was attentive. But now, university, half or more is the part i should be doing at home, but i just can't bring myself to it.