Da Blob
actually Me correlates with It, in that both are third person.
when i ask you: do you hurt me? then i picture: 'you hurting me' - that's like picturing: 'you hurting the It which i have named 'me'.
I AM looking at THIS 'me' in imagination or memory.
Me is third person, just like "mine": IT, my body.
I "sense a limb" (first person) but I
remember having a body (imagination=third person), i call that imagination MY body.
Me is a concept, like imaginations, not an experience.
however i admit, that it catalyses imaginations of the first person.
when say "he hurt me" it evokes a memory and inside that memory
"I am hurting" again (fist person) - if i go into it deep enough. but this happens long AFTER i used the me word.
and I is first person. unless you are "depersonalized" in a certain sense (!!!), then you "mistake" I for third person, but this is done through the egoic mind: the mind is the first person I, but it looks at itself (creating a fake copy in memory/imagination) and pretends that it's not itself.
however, this mindsplit (mind getting lost in memory) is not nescerarily and not even likely the spiritual phenomenon that a person with depersonalisation actually experiences.
i do not believe that the linguistic mind has the power to create such a distinct experience, as it's described by these people.
yes, the cartesian stuff isn't aware of transcendence. also i don't see how this is relevant in this thread.
the catesian thing goes:
I think, therfore I am [the mind].
which is an acurate fact about the egoic mind.
"the mind" is a third person thing only when imagined or memorized.
but WHILE I think, there is no acute experience of such a mind, as a whole.
so, whenever the egoic I-thought thinks that it thinks, meaning it thinks "hey look i am thinking this" it has made itself into a real and undoubtable experience of first person. and the mind can't stop thinking like that.
so the MIND can not doubt the I, in that exact moment, when it is thinking that way!
this mind considers the third person imagination of a think called the mind to be a mere fiction, created by itself. that is it's experience.
"I think, that i memorize a whole lot of thinking, i theorize there must be a mind and I must be it, however i can doubt my memory of a whole lot of mind, therefore i can doubt this theory of having a mind, but i can not doubt that I, first person, AM thinking at this exact moment"
this egoic mind can not take into consideration transcendence, because transcendence is never honestly created by and maintainded within the mind itself. it's not even ever comprehended in real time.
all our comprehension of transcendence is only the "comprhehension" of a theoretical model of transcencence, that exists in imagination/memory.
saying that "I is an IT" that is is an illogical lie of sorts, when it's said by the mind, because the mind does not actually experinece the I as an IT, ever! it only theorizes or imagines an I, which is supposed to be an IT.
only, when a person has experienced actualy transcendence, they don't have an issue with such illocial lies ("satsang talk"), and they will talk of the egoic self as an IT. but this is allways paradoxical or illogical.
whenever you say I, you experience the first person. in that moment transcendence, if it is established, would withness this first person "from a distance of sorts". but it's still first person!
and to call it IT, is not an accurate report of what is witnesses at this exact moment, nor is it the experience of the mind.
it's just a way of thinking about it in retrospect, which can never creates a genuine experience in the presence, let alone trancendence, saying that I is IT is never more than a mere thought, another opinion, an imagination, it has no acute reality.
no one who has never experienced transcendence would ever doubt the I of the egoic mind, in that exact moment!
unless they get lost in extra-thoughts without recognizing that they are no longer in touch with the present facts.
everyone can think the sentence: "I MIGHT be an illusion of sorts, created by this theoretical entity called mind and if i was, i would call it IT, THE illusion of the mind" but it's just a thought.
the egoic mind has no knowledge or experience of this thought being true. it's a fake doubt, not a true doubt arrived at through logic!
just a play of words!
only those who have "seen" the whole mind from the outside, through real transcence, if only for moments, doubt every content (!!!) of the mind, so that includes the doubt that there is anything substantial in the minds meaning of the I-thought.
first person is still fistt person, thinking "I" will still create that I sensation in the mind (oh yea, i can feel how i am thinking this), but it's seen as empty: that is to say: it no longer implies any sort of real sepparation from anything other, because all other "persons" (IT or YOU) are ALSO seen to be part of the same mind, that features the first person.
the mind can no longer fool itself.
only then "doubts" about I can become real, accute, honest, but it's stil not a doubt that comes from within of the logical world of the mind itself.
it's another brand of doubt alltogether.
so professionally logical philosophers like cartesians (silly T dominants) have to remove it from their wordlview for the sake of logical coherency.
they want to get paid for their work by kings who don't comprehend transcendence.
you can never "see" the I thought in the mirror. the I thought is when you think: I am thinking this shit. when you look in a mirror you think: I think this is must be me. however one could say: ME IS thinking this thought "I think ....". but again, this is not a report of any experience!
this is an analysis of one'S memory, wherein the mind is looking at the memory of the thought "This must be me" through third person perspective, thereby rewriting (lying) the first person I into a third person fiction named Me. Me is never a direct experience.
when i say "you are hurting me" then i am dissociating myself through the minds means of imagination, i distract myself with this imagination, but while i am doing that i am no longer speaking from the true fact, i am speaking about memory. the true fact is: I am hurting. however i prefer to indulge in memory to distract my self. so I like to make a drama and accuse you of how you are hurting me, a story that exists deep inside imagination.
the mind can descend into the body. the mind is sensation. thinking in first person: "I am hurting" can really hurt! it makes you feel like you are melting with the suffering. childs have to go throu that. they cry a lot. grown ups can distract them selves with imagination: "motherfucker, THIS hurts like a bich". the mind can avoid it's first person I thought, but only for a couple of seconds. the next sentence will certainly have some I inside of it.