<3 It's ok, happens to all of us every now and then :P
I'm out of high school a few years now, but not so far gone. Still, my diploma hasn't done me any favors, that's for sure :P
I think it is possible to find a better teacher, or to keep asking 'why' you do something, if you have the opportunity. I worked for a landscaping company, and whenever the practices we applied weren't self evident, I would ask my fore(wo)man why we were doing it, and she was always happy to explain the reasoning process behind why we did things certain ways and not others. Which, sometimes led to me pondering other ways of doing things and sometimes bringing those up. It was a pretty great place to work, due to that kind of atmosphere. I respected my higher ups competence and experience, but they respected my innovation and musings, even if they didn't always help, though sometimes it did.
Life should always be about learning... That's been my motto in every job I've taken, if it has nothing to offer me in advancing my understanding of the world, I don't want to pursue it. That said, there tends to be a gem of knowledge somewhere in each occupation, from the burger-flipper to a research scientist :P If you know the right places to look!
Hrm. I'm really going off on side-tangents now.
I do think I get what you're saying with the metaphor, but I think it's more applied to when you're willingly pursuing something like a college degree (vs public education). Practicing Tai Chi when you want to learn how to be a carpenter or physicist, probably isn't going to get you there. (though, that's not to say there isn't valuable lessons within Tai Chi that could potentially aid your pursuit... blargh, you get what I'm saying, I hope!)
I guess for me, and maybe this is childish immaturity leaking through, but I have had a tendency in the past to not be open to willingly learn something when it's forced on me. My dad always tried to force an interest in his favorite things, and, I understand he only wanted to build a closer connection to me, especially as I grew more distant into a world of computers and technology that he couldn't understand (he's a huge nature-nut, wants as little to do with 'high tech' stuff as possible). And so I closed myself off to a lot of his teachings, but now that I'm older, I wish I'd of listened, and want to learn more from him now. (Which, makes him pretty happy I'm certain ^_^). I only hope we've got enough time together to pursue such endeavors, but ach, that's another tangent entirely!
Eeeeh, I feel like I'm just rambling now, and forgot where I was going. *clicks post*