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Hierarchical Behavior Theory (HBT)
Part I. Introduction
There has always been a puzzle as to why temperaments are often so hard to identify. For example, INTP people wonder if they are INTP, INFP, INTJ or even ENTP. This theory presents a strong possibility as to why. The theory is about behavior changes, not about identifying your temperament.
It's possible that the policy of dividing temperaments into sixteen types is inherently fuzzy, but that is not to be assumed. Even if fuzzy, each type can be assumed to have a central character diminishing or radiating outward. If this is the case, we can still define temperaments. We must remember that Cognitive Functions (CF's) are conscious when activated. Nevertheless these functions can float in and out of consciousness. A dividing line can be expressed as to whether they are experienced consciously internally or consciously externally*.
This is a theory about human behavior which is an attempt to expand on such temperament theories as the MBTI, Socionics and Pod'Lair**. It is not meant to supplant them, but rather to add to them. I will use the MBTI (Myers-Briggs Temperament Indicator) ideas as I've learned on this Forum. The three theories mentioned all are intended to categorize us into one of 16 temperaments. If successful it helps us understand who we are and how to recognize and deal with others. This is certainly valuable. The attempt often results in doubt and failure. Hierarchical Behavior Theory (HBT) is an attempt to offer some insight into this. HBT is almost absurdly simple. First a review.
The MBTI assumes the eight cognitive functions (CF's) Te, Ti, Ne, Ni, Se, Si, Fe, and Fi. A CF is one of T, N, S, or F experienced internally or externally.*** Each is a conscious experience and either deals with the internal world of the self or the world external to the self. (I prefer internal and external to introvert and extrovert as I find those terms harder to define.) It assumes the most energizing of these is our primary CF and that there is such a primary. The next supporting CF is also energizing and the last two are draining. The last two are draining if only because they present opposing forces and what is preferred tends to take precedence over what it not preferred. We shall see this is not a hard and fast rule as when we are presented with various circumstances our preferences change****.
A natural logic flows once the primary CF is identified. The supporting CF can be only one of two with the opposite internal or external function. The next two follow naturally from the first two. HBT assumes only one of the sixteen CF's appears in the present moment. That is, only a single one can be brought to consciousness at a time. Three other conscious CF's are supportive and may follow in good time as they are ways we as functional humans being deal with ourselves and the outside world. The remaining four remain more or less unconscious until we consider HBT. The way we statistically deal with the world in our normal daily lives defines our temperament.
Although our most energizing CF will theoretically be the most manifestly conscious, this need not be the case. Life circumstances may stir up CF's so that "cream does not always rise to the top. We can call this "development." A primary CF need not be developed. An inherently out of favor CF may be brought to consciousness. Our most energizing CF exists because we have developed it. This may occur either because of environmental success or because inherent ability encourages it.
Part II. Hierarchical Behavior Theory (HBT)
HBT is different. It looks at CFs without regard to development. It accepts the normal temperament but focuses instead on the CF of the moment. Whichever CF occurs in the moment defines the primary behavior of the moment. For the INTP, this will most likely be Ti as thinking comes most easily for the INTP as a prominent statistical manifestation. In addition T is internal as the INTP lives most easily dealing from their internal* world.
As mentioned with the MBTI, the primary function supported by its 2ndary defines the temperament. The same correspondence holds with HBT. The CF of the moment plus the 2ndary defines the behavior of the moment. This is the theory in a nutshell and will have to be checked out in practice. If it is true, it will explain a lot about our uncertainty in discovering more prevalent temperament behavior.
The idea of HBT is that while the MBTI specifies a dominant function, when one temporarily moves to another function, it becomes temporarily dominant and in so doing behaves like or gives the appearance of the dominant function corresponding to MBTI's description. Hence hierarchy. One could even go further specifying that moving from this temporary function to another lower one within its jurisdiction is another step in the structure of such a hierarchy. It is beside the point that this is probably unlikely considering that the true dominant function as dictated by the MBTI is likely to suppress other behaviors and will return to the surface.
Symbols. Classical temperament theory speaks of a temperament having four CF's. In speaking of the other four unconscious functions, we might label them as unconscious by denoting an underline. Thus Te, Ni, Se, and Fi are the unconscious functions of the INTP.
HBT proposes a temperament will exhibit behavior at a higher level necessarily and at a lower level possibly. The unconscious source will be the higher level; the conscious choice will be the lower level.
In order to demonstrate the veracity of HBT it would be desirable to test every one of the 16 temperament types. I do not plan to do that here, but think it a requirement for verification. I have done it below for INTP --> INTJ and repeat the link contents here:
Example 1. INTP --> INTJ (lower level)
INTP --> INTJ? Under most natural conditions an INTP will remain an INTP. I propose an INTP can temporarily act as an INTJ. This does not make an INTP an INTJ. Just the behavior. This behavior we'll call behavior at a lower level.
Here is how it might occur: An INTP has the cognitive functions Ti Ne Si Fe most prominently. The rest are unconscious or at least rejected from conscious action. The INTP might internally come up with a theory, goal, strong motivation, or belief for whatever reason. He has processed this with his Ti. Finding himself in an environment where this theory is either unknown or not used, he wishes to use Fe to "push" this motivation out into the open. The implication is to be accepted as a part of society, something that doesn't come easy for an INTP.
Now INTJ uses Ni Te Fi Se. If the INTP is going to push something, it being internal, it will look like Ni to the outside. If he believes it not conclusive, it will look like Ni to himself. He will explain it outwardly (Te), as I'm doing now. He may feel strongly about it internally (Fi felt) and give outward evidence (Se). This behavior will cause the INTP to look like or behave like an INTJ. In fact the INTP may even believe himself to be an INTJ. The difference is for an INTJ this is a long lasting, comfortable and solidly held belief. The true INTP will not be content with their theory or consistent in their goal and back off as contrary evidence comes to light.
This INTJ behavior acts at a lower level because it is an offshoot of the INTP temperament.
Example 2. INTP <-- INTJ (higher level)
INTJ uses Ni Te Fi Se.
How would an INTP obtain his conscious Ti? No conscious function can come into being without an unconscious cause. Internal thinking (Ti) has to have an unconscious source. Since it is originally non-specific and general while unconscious, we can label it Ni. When brought into consciousness in the form of Ti, it is Te if looked at as if from the outside to the INTP user. Te is what happens if coded externally as when spoken of or put into written text. Once external, there is a feeling about its quality even if consciously ignored. An INTP values his thoughts. That is Fi experienced internally. Text or speech is sensually externally applied. This is is Se. Thus we have an unconscious INTJ operating behind a conscious INTP.
This INTJ description acts at a higher level because it is a source of INTP temperament.
Example 3. INTP --> INFP (lower level) INFP = Fi Ne Si Te
An INTP has internal feelings whether they ordinarily want to talk about them, bring them to consciousness or not. When situations become either too difficult or become surprisingly joyous, consciousness of them can arise (Fi) Ne and Si remain the same while Ti goes unconscious, being blocked by Fi. One may observe one's feelings and see them as external to the self: (Te). This can happen when one can't stand it anymore or when one should fall in love. When this happens one behaves as an INFP would. Whereas a true INFP would adopt feelings as policy, an INTP after seeing that Te can't handle it, will return to their INTP status.
This INFP behavior acts at a lower level because it is an offshoot of the INTP temperament.
Example 4. INTP --> ESTJ (lower level) ESTJ = Te Si Ne Fi
This would be highly unusual for an INTP, but possible. Here is how it might occur. ESTJ uses Te Si Ne Fi. Ordinarily an INTP has no access to Te. Yet they CAN project their Ti outward. They can describe external thinking with specifics making it "out there" (Te). Next the supporting function can be either Si or Ni. If they use specific examples in their thinking to get their Te out there, that is Si, something an INTP already has access to. The remained two functions, Ne and Fi fall into place and need not be described as all that is needed is Te Si to define ESTJ behavior.
This ESTJ behavior acts at a lower level as it is an offshoot of an INTP temperament even though rare.
Example 5. INTP --> ISTP (lower level = Ti Se Ni Fe
An INTP normally leads with internal thinking, Ti. This is supported by broad external intuition, Ne. On occasion though, his thought may require searching for specific supporting examples, whether from memory or in the outside world. Behavior will be Se. Ni will justify the usage of Se. Fe acts as it usually does with Ti.
This ISTP behavior acts at a lower level as it is an offshoot of an INTP.
Part III. Verification
Verification of HBT will require examples for all sixteen temperaments possessing the ability to move temporarily to simulate the other fifteen types, making 16 x 15 = 240 in all.
I invite you to present doubts and examples from your own experience. I also invite you to question the veracity of this theory. If accepted it should have much to say about the flexibility of temperaments and the inherent fuzziness of temperament identity.
*Note that i and e are commonly associated with introversion and extroversion. I do not use those terms here as they are not as easily defined as are internal (world) and external (world).
**There was a recent inquiry as to whether MBTI is a legitmate academic enterprise. The difficulty is separating CF's as proposed by HBT provides an answer.
***Internal and external CF's cannot occur at the same time. Experiencing ourselves and experiencing how the external world might view things are different. Thinking to ourselves and thinking how the external world thinks are different. Our internal feelings and how the external world feels are different. Our broad intuition of where things should go and our broad intuition of how the external world actually goes are different. Our internal sensations and how the external world experiences sensations are different. We have a choice as to which of these two is brought to consciousness.
****Experience plays a role here as when we are presented with more possibilities we gain flexibility on how to meet them. The younger one is, the more one holds to what one knows while at the same time venturing out with curiosity; the older one is, the greater the ability to choose comfortably among the many possibilities.
Part I. Introduction
There has always been a puzzle as to why temperaments are often so hard to identify. For example, INTP people wonder if they are INTP, INFP, INTJ or even ENTP. This theory presents a strong possibility as to why. The theory is about behavior changes, not about identifying your temperament.
It's possible that the policy of dividing temperaments into sixteen types is inherently fuzzy, but that is not to be assumed. Even if fuzzy, each type can be assumed to have a central character diminishing or radiating outward. If this is the case, we can still define temperaments. We must remember that Cognitive Functions (CF's) are conscious when activated. Nevertheless these functions can float in and out of consciousness. A dividing line can be expressed as to whether they are experienced consciously internally or consciously externally*.
This is a theory about human behavior which is an attempt to expand on such temperament theories as the MBTI, Socionics and Pod'Lair**. It is not meant to supplant them, but rather to add to them. I will use the MBTI (Myers-Briggs Temperament Indicator) ideas as I've learned on this Forum. The three theories mentioned all are intended to categorize us into one of 16 temperaments. If successful it helps us understand who we are and how to recognize and deal with others. This is certainly valuable. The attempt often results in doubt and failure. Hierarchical Behavior Theory (HBT) is an attempt to offer some insight into this. HBT is almost absurdly simple. First a review.
The MBTI assumes the eight cognitive functions (CF's) Te, Ti, Ne, Ni, Se, Si, Fe, and Fi. A CF is one of T, N, S, or F experienced internally or externally.*** Each is a conscious experience and either deals with the internal world of the self or the world external to the self. (I prefer internal and external to introvert and extrovert as I find those terms harder to define.) It assumes the most energizing of these is our primary CF and that there is such a primary. The next supporting CF is also energizing and the last two are draining. The last two are draining if only because they present opposing forces and what is preferred tends to take precedence over what it not preferred. We shall see this is not a hard and fast rule as when we are presented with various circumstances our preferences change****.
A natural logic flows once the primary CF is identified. The supporting CF can be only one of two with the opposite internal or external function. The next two follow naturally from the first two. HBT assumes only one of the sixteen CF's appears in the present moment. That is, only a single one can be brought to consciousness at a time. Three other conscious CF's are supportive and may follow in good time as they are ways we as functional humans being deal with ourselves and the outside world. The remaining four remain more or less unconscious until we consider HBT. The way we statistically deal with the world in our normal daily lives defines our temperament.
Although our most energizing CF will theoretically be the most manifestly conscious, this need not be the case. Life circumstances may stir up CF's so that "cream does not always rise to the top. We can call this "development." A primary CF need not be developed. An inherently out of favor CF may be brought to consciousness. Our most energizing CF exists because we have developed it. This may occur either because of environmental success or because inherent ability encourages it.
Part II. Hierarchical Behavior Theory (HBT)
HBT is different. It looks at CFs without regard to development. It accepts the normal temperament but focuses instead on the CF of the moment. Whichever CF occurs in the moment defines the primary behavior of the moment. For the INTP, this will most likely be Ti as thinking comes most easily for the INTP as a prominent statistical manifestation. In addition T is internal as the INTP lives most easily dealing from their internal* world.
As mentioned with the MBTI, the primary function supported by its 2ndary defines the temperament. The same correspondence holds with HBT. The CF of the moment plus the 2ndary defines the behavior of the moment. This is the theory in a nutshell and will have to be checked out in practice. If it is true, it will explain a lot about our uncertainty in discovering more prevalent temperament behavior.
The idea of HBT is that while the MBTI specifies a dominant function, when one temporarily moves to another function, it becomes temporarily dominant and in so doing behaves like or gives the appearance of the dominant function corresponding to MBTI's description. Hence hierarchy. One could even go further specifying that moving from this temporary function to another lower one within its jurisdiction is another step in the structure of such a hierarchy. It is beside the point that this is probably unlikely considering that the true dominant function as dictated by the MBTI is likely to suppress other behaviors and will return to the surface.
Symbols. Classical temperament theory speaks of a temperament having four CF's. In speaking of the other four unconscious functions, we might label them as unconscious by denoting an underline. Thus Te, Ni, Se, and Fi are the unconscious functions of the INTP.
HBT proposes a temperament will exhibit behavior at a higher level necessarily and at a lower level possibly. The unconscious source will be the higher level; the conscious choice will be the lower level.
In order to demonstrate the veracity of HBT it would be desirable to test every one of the 16 temperament types. I do not plan to do that here, but think it a requirement for verification. I have done it below for INTP --> INTJ and repeat the link contents here:
Example 1. INTP --> INTJ (lower level)
INTP --> INTJ? Under most natural conditions an INTP will remain an INTP. I propose an INTP can temporarily act as an INTJ. This does not make an INTP an INTJ. Just the behavior. This behavior we'll call behavior at a lower level.
Here is how it might occur: An INTP has the cognitive functions Ti Ne Si Fe most prominently. The rest are unconscious or at least rejected from conscious action. The INTP might internally come up with a theory, goal, strong motivation, or belief for whatever reason. He has processed this with his Ti. Finding himself in an environment where this theory is either unknown or not used, he wishes to use Fe to "push" this motivation out into the open. The implication is to be accepted as a part of society, something that doesn't come easy for an INTP.
Now INTJ uses Ni Te Fi Se. If the INTP is going to push something, it being internal, it will look like Ni to the outside. If he believes it not conclusive, it will look like Ni to himself. He will explain it outwardly (Te), as I'm doing now. He may feel strongly about it internally (Fi felt) and give outward evidence (Se). This behavior will cause the INTP to look like or behave like an INTJ. In fact the INTP may even believe himself to be an INTJ. The difference is for an INTJ this is a long lasting, comfortable and solidly held belief. The true INTP will not be content with their theory or consistent in their goal and back off as contrary evidence comes to light.
This INTJ behavior acts at a lower level because it is an offshoot of the INTP temperament.
Example 2. INTP <-- INTJ (higher level)
INTJ uses Ni Te Fi Se.
How would an INTP obtain his conscious Ti? No conscious function can come into being without an unconscious cause. Internal thinking (Ti) has to have an unconscious source. Since it is originally non-specific and general while unconscious, we can label it Ni. When brought into consciousness in the form of Ti, it is Te if looked at as if from the outside to the INTP user. Te is what happens if coded externally as when spoken of or put into written text. Once external, there is a feeling about its quality even if consciously ignored. An INTP values his thoughts. That is Fi experienced internally. Text or speech is sensually externally applied. This is is Se. Thus we have an unconscious INTJ operating behind a conscious INTP.
This INTJ description acts at a higher level because it is a source of INTP temperament.
Example 3. INTP --> INFP (lower level) INFP = Fi Ne Si Te
An INTP has internal feelings whether they ordinarily want to talk about them, bring them to consciousness or not. When situations become either too difficult or become surprisingly joyous, consciousness of them can arise (Fi) Ne and Si remain the same while Ti goes unconscious, being blocked by Fi. One may observe one's feelings and see them as external to the self: (Te). This can happen when one can't stand it anymore or when one should fall in love. When this happens one behaves as an INFP would. Whereas a true INFP would adopt feelings as policy, an INTP after seeing that Te can't handle it, will return to their INTP status.
This INFP behavior acts at a lower level because it is an offshoot of the INTP temperament.
Example 4. INTP --> ESTJ (lower level) ESTJ = Te Si Ne Fi
This would be highly unusual for an INTP, but possible. Here is how it might occur. ESTJ uses Te Si Ne Fi. Ordinarily an INTP has no access to Te. Yet they CAN project their Ti outward. They can describe external thinking with specifics making it "out there" (Te). Next the supporting function can be either Si or Ni. If they use specific examples in their thinking to get their Te out there, that is Si, something an INTP already has access to. The remained two functions, Ne and Fi fall into place and need not be described as all that is needed is Te Si to define ESTJ behavior.
This ESTJ behavior acts at a lower level as it is an offshoot of an INTP temperament even though rare.
Example 5. INTP --> ISTP (lower level = Ti Se Ni Fe
An INTP normally leads with internal thinking, Ti. This is supported by broad external intuition, Ne. On occasion though, his thought may require searching for specific supporting examples, whether from memory or in the outside world. Behavior will be Se. Ni will justify the usage of Se. Fe acts as it usually does with Ti.
This ISTP behavior acts at a lower level as it is an offshoot of an INTP.
Part III. Verification
Verification of HBT will require examples for all sixteen temperaments possessing the ability to move temporarily to simulate the other fifteen types, making 16 x 15 = 240 in all.
I invite you to present doubts and examples from your own experience. I also invite you to question the veracity of this theory. If accepted it should have much to say about the flexibility of temperaments and the inherent fuzziness of temperament identity.
*Note that i and e are commonly associated with introversion and extroversion. I do not use those terms here as they are not as easily defined as are internal (world) and external (world).
**There was a recent inquiry as to whether MBTI is a legitmate academic enterprise. The difficulty is separating CF's as proposed by HBT provides an answer.
***Internal and external CF's cannot occur at the same time. Experiencing ourselves and experiencing how the external world might view things are different. Thinking to ourselves and thinking how the external world thinks are different. Our internal feelings and how the external world feels are different. Our broad intuition of where things should go and our broad intuition of how the external world actually goes are different. Our internal sensations and how the external world experiences sensations are different. We have a choice as to which of these two is brought to consciousness.
****Experience plays a role here as when we are presented with more possibilities we gain flexibility on how to meet them. The younger one is, the more one holds to what one knows while at the same time venturing out with curiosity; the older one is, the greater the ability to choose comfortably among the many possibilities.
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