cog said:
whilst Te represents the faster more dynamic surface thoughts, wit basically, e.g. how an ENTP can quickly come up with hundreds of highly imaginative ideas, but it takes the slower, deeper intellect of an INTP to accurately comprehend the individual worth of each idea with respect to the situation as a whole.
er... ENTPs are Ne/Ti, and Ne seems to be responsible for imaginative ideas and quick wit. It takes a xxTJ type to have Te.
I think that the rest of that was pretty right, though.
The other thing I'd add is that Fi isn't all emotions. Fi isn't even primarily emotions. It's a really unfortunate word-choice, to call it Feeling. Fi is such that decisions are made, but logical reasons that "everyone" theoretically accepts can't always be given. Arguments for valuing one thing over another are argued from the common ground. If there's no common value, where two INFPs can say "we both agree that living things should not be unnecessarily harmed," or something like that, then they'll talk past each other on a "higher-level" issue like "should we be eating meat, when there are abundant vegetables available?"
Even worse, those higher-level arguments will unearth the deeper ones. You might never know that the other person thinks that enjoying their food is more important than an animal's suffering, from day to day life (after all, they could just have not thought about that issue very much)... but once the relatively-minor (varies from Fi to Fi, of course) argument about slaughterhouses pops up, one is sure to say "if you think that this is ok, then you must also think that it's ok to hit children if they're acting up"--or something like that. Since the other Fi-person is (or wants to be) consistent, they'll probably agree... in which case the argument has moved into a deeper level. Now they know that they not only disagree about animal-treatment, but also the issue of how children should be treated.
By the nature of Fi, the value system is like a hierarchy... you could imagine a cone resting on a few core principles, and being built up into multitudes of tiny important tidbits. When argument starts up about how we should be acting/thinking/whatever, they immediately dig down into deeper, "more stable" levels, cross their fingers, and hope that the other person sees the absurdity of their views. The downside is that if there's no common ground, they'll end up hating each other's guts and thinking the other one a repulsive savage. Rule of thumb: don't argue with Fi unless you know the person's mature and you respect them.
You could parody this with the INTP "I think, therefore I am. This is a self-evident truth... so I should figure out how things work from there." When an argument sparks up, you dig down into deeper-rooted reasons--which are really nothing more than "things you consider more obvious than the 'higher-level' argument that's happening", and continue until you either find common ground, work your way back up, and agree... or else find that you don't agree on what's self-evident, and marvel at how someone could deny something so obvious.
Both sides really use logic.... but it's logic pointing in different directions. Fi drives into the more-clearly-important things for reasons to support itself, and Ti drives into the more-self-evident ones. INTPs are kidding themselves if they think they're actually objective--impartial, perhaps, when it comes to judging things... but not objective--but I think most people here know that.
Equally, when they're thinking about things--whether seeking what's important or what's true--
both Ti and Fi try to understand how their own biases might affect their judgment. I think that the common point of view is that Ti tries to remove the person from its decisions, but INFPs are always considering how they feel about things and using those to make their decisions. Largely, I think that's just because they don't have reasons, but they get answers from somewhere, so people just call whatever they use "feelings". Having seen/talked to bunches of INFPs now who say things like "oh... I really think I should be doing X. ...but no, I really
want to do X, so that's definitely affecting my ability to decide rightly, and I only thought it was a slightly better thing to do than not-X... so it's more than likely that the fact that I want X is tipping the scales enough to make not-X actually a better thing to do... etc," I think saying that they're driven by their feelings at all is wrong. In certain ways, they seek to detach certain parts of themselves from their decisions as much as we do. I think we're just a little more hardcore about it, or try to detach even more parts of ourselves from our decisions than they do, or something.
Again, I still think Anthile made a very... likely, hypothesis.