Prolific Member
So I've been hearing for a while that there are games out there that are just... bad. For some, the style of writing needed more editing, for some, the rules are superfluous or otherwise over-complex, and some just have poor taste and can be called immature. One, in particular, I've been hearing about. FATAL. So, I found a copy of the source-book online. There's something wrong with this game to be found on every single page. The thing is, there are joke games made, making fun of the crazies who like complexity and whatever in their game. This is not one of them. It's the worst game ever made.
One of the first things that struck me, even after the warnings I received, was the random chart for the half-demon people. One of the things that can happen is that every human within a foot of them suddenly desires anal sex. Really? Really really? I mean, random weird things could be fun, but forcing other people to want anal sex? This is just the tip of the iceberg.
There are spells which force women (yes, specifically women) to beg for sex, or to do whatever you want. Every single example of a female character to be found within the book is somehow sexually molested or raped, and in half of those cases she likes it! This book is ridiculously misogynistic and sexist. To add insult to bigotry, there's not even an attempt to handle it in a mature fashion. As merely an example, there's a level one spell which causes a woman to fall in love with the caster, and then seek him out. Another one forces a particular woman anywhere in the whole world to seek out the caster. She cannot sleep until she finds him, and she is "submissive and inflamed by passion". Because, you know, you can't get a woman to actually like you without using magic! There are no sexually transmitted diseases in the game, and there are rules written especially to force rape someone. There's also rules for how much stuff can fit in a person's orifices! This is only a taste!
Let's imagine the game without all the pro-rape, misogynistic BS which makes it already unplayable by anybody who has even a modicum of respect;
The rules outside of these problems are shit. The character sheet is 11 pages long! All of your character's stats are determined randomly, and one of your stats determines how many words you can say in one minute. Really, that's something we need to track?! This isn't an especially crazy example, either. Almost every stat tracks something useless like that. Out of 20, 3 can actually be related to something outside of the game and thus give you a comprehensible measure of what it means. The inanity isn't even the real problem. The big problem is that everything's entirely random. Your stats can start out somewhere between 1 and 199, with nothing countering the problems of rolling an entirely useless character. You even have to roll your race and gender randomly! That all in the name or "realism", because you don't choose your race or gender in real life! Also, you might be born retarded, to weak to walk more than a few feet (and so uncoordinated that you walk the wrong way when you do!), and uglier than the creator of this game.
Seriously, there's something wrong with this game on every single page! I haven't even begun on all the stupid charts. What's the point? It's shit. This is a steaming pile of shit. Here's what took the cake for me. The needle on the hey-stack, for me, was the fart jokes.
If, for some reason, we could get over all the charts, all the stupid, inane, shitty rules, the maturity level of calling a penis "thing" and "love stick" and using equally unprofessional terms you tend not to use around anyone you don't intent to fist fight with, and even the misogyny, I can't forgive it for the maturity level required for the fart jokes. Okay, there's a spell which causes an explosion inside someone's body. Unfortunate for that guy, right? Talk about painful. The spells says the GM can then say there's some sort of repercussions for an explosion inside your body... like you might fart...
Yeah, the first consequence of an explosion inside of a person's body which comes to my mind is that they might fart! Screw organs rupturing, interior bleeding, or any other serious medical condition, they might fucking fart!
If I ever meet the guy who made this game, I'm punching him in the throat.
... If I think he'll feel it through his neck-beard.
One of the first things that struck me, even after the warnings I received, was the random chart for the half-demon people. One of the things that can happen is that every human within a foot of them suddenly desires anal sex. Really? Really really? I mean, random weird things could be fun, but forcing other people to want anal sex? This is just the tip of the iceberg.
There are spells which force women (yes, specifically women) to beg for sex, or to do whatever you want. Every single example of a female character to be found within the book is somehow sexually molested or raped, and in half of those cases she likes it! This book is ridiculously misogynistic and sexist. To add insult to bigotry, there's not even an attempt to handle it in a mature fashion. As merely an example, there's a level one spell which causes a woman to fall in love with the caster, and then seek him out. Another one forces a particular woman anywhere in the whole world to seek out the caster. She cannot sleep until she finds him, and she is "submissive and inflamed by passion". Because, you know, you can't get a woman to actually like you without using magic! There are no sexually transmitted diseases in the game, and there are rules written especially to force rape someone. There's also rules for how much stuff can fit in a person's orifices! This is only a taste!
Let's imagine the game without all the pro-rape, misogynistic BS which makes it already unplayable by anybody who has even a modicum of respect;
The rules outside of these problems are shit. The character sheet is 11 pages long! All of your character's stats are determined randomly, and one of your stats determines how many words you can say in one minute. Really, that's something we need to track?! This isn't an especially crazy example, either. Almost every stat tracks something useless like that. Out of 20, 3 can actually be related to something outside of the game and thus give you a comprehensible measure of what it means. The inanity isn't even the real problem. The big problem is that everything's entirely random. Your stats can start out somewhere between 1 and 199, with nothing countering the problems of rolling an entirely useless character. You even have to roll your race and gender randomly! That all in the name or "realism", because you don't choose your race or gender in real life! Also, you might be born retarded, to weak to walk more than a few feet (and so uncoordinated that you walk the wrong way when you do!), and uglier than the creator of this game.
Seriously, there's something wrong with this game on every single page! I haven't even begun on all the stupid charts. What's the point? It's shit. This is a steaming pile of shit. Here's what took the cake for me. The needle on the hey-stack, for me, was the fart jokes.
If, for some reason, we could get over all the charts, all the stupid, inane, shitty rules, the maturity level of calling a penis "thing" and "love stick" and using equally unprofessional terms you tend not to use around anyone you don't intent to fist fight with, and even the misogyny, I can't forgive it for the maturity level required for the fart jokes. Okay, there's a spell which causes an explosion inside someone's body. Unfortunate for that guy, right? Talk about painful. The spells says the GM can then say there's some sort of repercussions for an explosion inside your body... like you might fart...
Yeah, the first consequence of an explosion inside of a person's body which comes to my mind is that they might fart! Screw organs rupturing, interior bleeding, or any other serious medical condition, they might fucking fart!
If I ever meet the guy who made this game, I'm punching him in the throat.
... If I think he'll feel it through his neck-beard.