I think there is a spin off of the MBTI, perhaps (?) similar to what you suggest
It ranks the scores so that I would be an NIPT you might be an NITP..,
I don't know they talk about dominant trait and such like things. Maybe some else knows more about it
. I couldn't follow the logic, myself...
Im sure most people know this but just in case:
MBTI coding basics:
*The four letter code tells you which is the primary and auxiliar functions from the 8 that exist in the system since the other 6 can be deduced from them.
*There are two kind of functions (perceiving and judging) with two functions each category and each of them can be either extroverted or introverted (Ne, Ni, Se, Si, Te, Ti, Fe, Fi)
*If the primary is a perception function the auxiliar is a judging one,
if the primary is extroverted, the secondary is introverted, etc.
-First letter of the code: Tells you which is the direction of the primary function
-Second letter: Tells you which is the perceiving fuction.
-Third letter: Tells you which is the Judging function.
-Fourth letter: Tells you wether the extraverted fuction is a Perceiving or a Judging one (it is not a function)
So: for example INTP= You know from the first letter that the primary fuction is Introverted and for the last letter you know that the extraverted fuction is the Perceiving one (therefore Ne). If the perceiving one is extroverted then the judging one has to be introverted and the introverted one is the primary, so we conclude that the fuctions are Ti - Ne
If for example you say your Intuition is tronger that your thinking (Ne - Ti) that would make you an ENTP. Saying that your P is stronger or weaker than anything makes no sense since it is not a fuction.
I hope that helps.