Agent Intellect
Absurd Anti-hero.
anyone esle here drink a lot? i dunno if its INTP thing, but i cane ber kind of an alclholic, and i'm kind of drunk right now. anyone else?
My wife is almost insanely allergic to corn, wheat and soy.
Thank goodness for potato vodka!
But, seriously. I don't drink much because I don't have the time or money, and because I prefer to maintain an illusion of self control.
I'm almost obsessed with being in control of myself at all times, I'm underage, my religion prohibits alcohol, I don't want to deal with the health issues that come with it, I have every reason to not drink.
I haven't had a problem with it, but statistically speaking INTPs represent the biggest slice of the substance abuse pie when adjusted for the population of each type. I can find the research if you're interested.
oops. I spoke before I knew whether or not I could produce. Its a paper by Naomi Quenk from 1996 buts its not available online that I can tell. I found reference to the research results in the 3rd Ed MBTI Manual.
I've never been drunk in my life
not a morals thing, I just don't want to lose control of myself
I can't believe what I've read so far. I think the UK has a real drinking culture. When I went to university I drank a hell of a lot - actually to keep up with the men half the time. Once, I got so drunk that I tried to cycle home, fell over and lost half my front tooth. But, onwards and upwards.
Alcohol is the drug of choice here - we all do it. We wouldn't think of going out and not having a couple of drinks at least. Usually, I'm with friends,we're chatting, the wine is flowing, we're having a great time and, what do you know, the room is spinning. I can give it up for Lent and try not to drink a glass of wine during the week but even that goes by the wayside if I'm going out. Even in our home groups - bible study - the wine flows freely and we have a great time.
I find I can't take half as much as I could when I was younger - 'thank God,' my liver is telling me.
That approach actually sounds potentially good. Give them smallish amounts every once in a while, and by the time they're of legal drinking age, the novelty of it will be mostly gone.
It would need to be done carefully in order to avoid causing an addiction, though.
And then when I was a college freshman a couple of years ago... Most of my old friends had gone away to other universities. And the couple of new friends I started to hang out with liked to drink and go clubbing a lot, but they didn't get me at all, so I felt like shit even I was with them. Conclusion: I got totally wasted pretty constantly that year. Eventually I got sick of them... and vomiting, hangovers, waking up on the floor of strange rooms, and "cama loca" (vertigo... when you lay in bed and you feel like everything is spinning and you try to hang on to the bed to stop it, but it lasts for hours!! the most horrible sensation I've ever had in my life, for sure)
I also stay away from drugs of all kinds. Most people think its just one of my eccentricities that I refuse to take aspirin when I have a headache. I figure non-life-saving drugs have one purpose. To relieve the symptoms. That doesn't work for me. The symptoms are often there for a reason. I might have a headache because I'm dehydrated or maybe I've gotten too much sun. Fix the problem, don't hide it with the drug. That's my policy.
*tenses up*. eeh... I'm thinkin you may have touched a sore spot there fernando...