[fieldset=A Hymn to The Potato God]Will you worship Yahweh, also called Jehovah? [no way--]
When you hear Mohammed, will you worship Allah? [say "nay"--]
How about the Goddess, will you practice Wicca? [you'll pay--]
Will you learn the teachings of the man called Bhudda? [don't pray--]
Will you find the Hindu gods and praise Sri Krisna?
[We know if you learn to, you'll return to The Potato God's true way--]
Will you read the Bible, Old or New Testament? [stop it--]
Make a graven image or an idol invent? [just quit--]
Will you be faith-healed in an evengelist's tent? [you twit--]
Will you hold a human sacrifcing event? [dimwit]
Will you follow a star from the far Orient?
[Don't do it without The Potato God's consent--]
Christmastime [too bad]
Tuber won't let you, Ramadan [so sad]
He'll just forget you, Passover [egad!]
Wrath will beset you,
[Potato God is vengeful if you sin he'll get you.]
Jade Bhudda [for shame!]
Throw it away now, Advent wreath [it's lame]
Trash it you may now, Menorah [the same]
It's an ashtray now,
Potato God worship is here to stay now![/fieldset]
Not written by me.