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Dirty Electricity..


Local time
Today 3:06 PM
Apr 13, 2010


Anyone come across this before?
Basically when anything with electricity roaming through it is overloaded and the frequency rises above (I think) 60hz it begins to have negative effects on humans.

Now I can relate to this from the computer rooms at college, where I practically passed out, felt dizzy alot and really could not think straight. that possibly means I'm fairy sensitive to it, but does anyone else think they suffer from this?

To provide some relevant science, if anyone picks up Nexus magazine there was an article upon Electro-medicine, which essentially told of how each cell in our body is a transmitter and receiver of electromagnetic information. Each cell having it's own frequency. I'll give some info below.

- During migration, monarch butterflies, locusts and even blindfolded birds navigate flawlessly. Salamanders and turtles also use magnetic fields to navigate. We now know that magnetite, a highly magnetic mineral, is found in the tissues and brains of insects, birds, reptiles and amphibians.

- Bacteria use their magnetic sense to burrow deeper into mud. We now know that magnetite is also present in bacteria and protozoa.

- Many kinds of fish are able to follow each other in organised forms due to the magnetic fields generated by the magnetite in their bodies.

- The whiskers of dogs, cats and other animals are now recognised to function as antennas, due to their sensitivity to magnetic fields.

- In plants, the sharp points of leaves, as well as pine needles and the blades of some species of grass, act likes antennas for electrical signals.

- melatonin, a hormone that (among other functions) helps induce sleep, is produced by the pineal gland only in darkness. We now know that the pineal gland, deep inside the brain in the skull, is exquisitely sensitive to light.

- Stingrays find food because they can detect normal, minute amounts of electrical discharge or magnetic fields emanating from their prey.

- Fish, dolphins and whales use both the Earth's magnetic fields and sonar for navigation and communication.

The behaviour of some animals has long been used to forecast earthquakes. Cattle stampede, birds sing at the wrongtime of the day, mother cats move their kittens, snakes seek shelter.
B.Blake Levitt writes:
it is now thought that animals are reacting to changes in the Earth's magnetic field, as well to electrical charges in the air--long before the quake actually occurs or registers on even the most sensitive instruments

Steve Haltiwanger describes further in his article "The Electrical Properties of Cancer Cells" how our cells work as a living electrical circuit:
'Various cells and tissues are conductors (allow for electron flow), insulators (inhibit), semiconductors (electron flow in only one direction), capacitors (accumulate and store charge, later to release) and so on.
Cells transmit and receive energy, and each has its own frequency with which it oscillates. Both electrical and magnetic fields applied to the body create biological changes. We now know that in humans, the sinuses, some other bones in the face and various tissues in the body contain magnetite.
Not only is every cell in the body a transmitter and receiver of electromagnetic information, it is these various electromagnetic frequencies that precede and correspond to biochemical functions. For example, healthy cells oscillate at higher frequencies that do unhealthy cells such as cancer cells. The lower frequency of cancer is reflected by (and causes) the aberrant biochemical reactions within the cell.'

Right, I'm just going to be the presenter of information here, but what are your thoughts on the whole Dirty electricity thing (read the links) if our cells incorporate electrical and magnetic processes?

Or you may think I'm :storks: for picking up Nexus mags


Local time
Today 9:06 AM
Jun 7, 2008
The wired
Those websites seem very fishy.
There is a tab with "renewable energy" that has nothing written on it about the subject, seemingly put there only for indexing or eye-catching purposes...
There is repeated mention of a particular brand of filter / meter which they naturally sell and don't really explain at all how it works... just vague talk about frequencies and such...

While there might be some truth to electrical hypersensitivity (and certainly really really strong magnetic fields do have an effect)... how is one going to "protect your home" by plugging some BS device into the electrical outlets? As if the house wiring could be the only source of magnetic fields... Reeks of pseudoscience scam.


The Soft Rational
Local time
Today 10:06 AM
Jan 4, 2008
East Coast of USA
I spend a lot of time around a lot of electricity. Feel fine. Maybe I'm thick-skinned in this sense or maybe it's bogus. Just two cents.


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 9:06 AM
May 31, 2010
your feelings smack of psychosomatic blather, not to in any way deny the potency of said feelings. you probably are really experiencing negative feelings, but that doesnt mean theyre justified. come on, people are around these gizmos for eighty years and still pumping blood and sippin' oxygen. youre fine.


Destroyer of Worlds
Local time
Tomorrow 2:06 AM
Feb 20, 2010
Inside my head.
I found some websites about this...

here's a quote from one of them:

There is a grain of truth in the above claims. A low level of electrical noise is present in virtually all electrical wiring - but it is completely harmless. In other pages of EMF & Health we have shown how EMF does not cause EHS. We have exposed major scientific flaws in "studies" (and another) on the effectiveness of Graham-Stetzer filters. But these products also make no sense based on straightforward physical principles.
and another one:
People get far more exposure to transient EMI effects during a thunderstorm than from their household power supplies. Don't believe me? Just listen to your AM radio on a good day, then listen to it during an electrical storm. AM is a terrific audible surge/spike detector.
And this one is fromt he world health organization:
Governments should also note that IEI (Idiopathic Environmental Intolerance) patients have real symptoms, but that there is no scientific evidence of causal link with EMF (Electromagnetic Field) exposure, and therefore no grounds to use IEI as a diagnostic classification.
- http://www.emfandhealth.com/EHS Scams.html
- http://www.bautforum.com/showthread.php/84183-quot-Dirty-Electricity
- http://www.who.int/peh-emf/meetings/archive/ehs_prague_iac2005.pdf
- http://www.who.int/peh-emf/publications/reports/EHS_Proceedings_June2006.pdf
- http://www.who.int/peh-emf/meetings/hypersens_rapporteur_rep_oct04.pdf

Of course, I also found a few sites that confirm there is a real problem, but it's almost impossible to verify these.


Well-Known Member
Local time
Today 10:06 AM
Apr 18, 2009
...Now they're using EMF to mean electromagnetic field? MAKE UP YOUR MIND DAMMIT, it's either a field or a potential...grumble...

(This really wouldn't matter if the two meanings had nothing to do with one another. Unfortunately they are very intimately related.)


Active Member
Local time
Today 9:06 AM
Oct 30, 2008
League City, TX
In my opinion, this is nothing more than a scam to get technophobes and hypochondriacs to buy their junk "electricity filters". There's just enough truth in the BS to convince those who want to be convinced.

Look, I operate a power plant. Through the window in front of me is a 20 ft tall 356 kV transformer. I've been bathing in electromagnetic fields for a decade now. The only health problems I have predated this job by years.

I really liked the bit about how cheap bastards have taken to wiring the neutral phase to the ground rather than returning the current to the power company thus infesting the very ground we walk on with stray electricity. Now, there are very good safety reasons for separating the neutral pole from your grounding system, but preventing the infestation of the ground with electricities is not one of them. Especially since the neutral pole on your power box is simply wired to another ground stake fifty feet away at the transformer. I could go on, but I'm not going to waste my time debunking silliness.

Oh, and to the OP, in Britain your power runs at 50 hz.


Local time
Today 3:06 PM
Apr 13, 2010
Hmm Dubious (I don't have a real opinion on the matter)
Snafupants, I didn't really get your post, did you mean I'm experiencing negative feelings around computers and attributing it casually to dirty electricity?
I'm just making casual links here really, I feel fine around my computer etc at home, certainly aint a technophobemathingy.
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