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Dark Materials


Genesis Engineering Speciation
Local time
Today 6:57 AM
Jan 6, 2010
I'd like to add to the impression (upon those who don't consider what I'm saying) that I'm some scramble-brained hippy. That said:



Most people have already had certain perceptual filters activated by this point in the post. Are already either ignoring/rejecting or watching skeptically or hoping I'm about to reveal it's true or...

I'm not here for any of that.

Essentially, fantasy literature, Tarot Arcana, UFO Conspiracies, reported 'channelings' and a few other similar phenomena are just very useful research tools in analysing the themes currently prevalent in our civilisation's subconscious. They provide, in the purified and content-light form that daily news and conversation and causality can't approximate, a window into patterns being intuited and drawn out into our collective experience.

Whether or to what extent the patterns do or will in some way match up with event/'actuality' isn't relevant, and for the purpose of this exercise is often better ignored. Just observing the patterns, letting the knowledge and feel of them and of what's seeping through other mortals' lives and minds seep through oneself, enriches perspective greatly. If desired, further, strict, factual or historical research can follow on from this as a separate exercise.

Another kind of historical feeling can develop on from the purely perceptive exercise, though. A sense for the tides and currents of culture can be developed. For the subtle shifts that can't be found in news or explicit conversation, and that most won't be able to grasp. This same feeling is vital to reading people on an interpretive level, given that this same flux you're getting a sense of is the river much of their being floats downstream along with...

This exercise properly extends beyond these fantastical contexts, and then begins to merge with a more linear and 'actual' perception. They serve as a very useful catalyst for the required perceptual faculties, though. And tend to involve perceiving the outputs of other high-interpretives (high SS Index configurations), who are themselves life forms engineered to feel/intuit the subtle flux and character of the flux their lives are immersed in. These windows are windows to a kind of collective library of insight about or portraiture of the character of currents in motion, and perception turned-on and enriched here can then expand and merge with the event-level through a wider cultural/historical perception of many different forms. Trends in academia. Books. Pop Culture. Etc. etc.

See the series of 5 posts preceding this one for more context.


Genesis Engineering Speciation
Local time
Today 6:57 AM
Jan 6, 2010

Note again that there is an emphasis on the energy as perceived by Nai'alpha, and upon a nationalistic political implication. For this thread's purposes, note that during the previously discussed Autumnal phase the expansion has been predictably materialistic in mass-emphasis and mass-experience, but that other expressions are also at work and possible.

Note also how the ethos/praxis manifested in this thread provides a basis for/manifestation-of that same energy.

The widespread calls for an end to 'infinite growth' in economics, and mass popular hatred for models based upon that axiom, signal a major blow to the finance capitalism which characterised the Autumnal phase. The exposure of a formerly secret power is also, in many ways, a signal that it has become weak-- and this applies to the exposure of finance over the past decade. The public was formerly grossly ignorant of its significance, blinded by things like the public (non-financial) faces of the left/right political divide. The turn towards an ever-more explicit emphasis upon economics in proletarian public discourse and media is an over-exposure which makes the Western-Financial ethos explicit, and thus vulnerable, and will begin the process of dialectical public counter-reaction that will lay the ground for the next phase in the cycle.

Seeds of the potential forms this could take can be seen in phenomena like the immense groundswell of 'far-right' nationalism (seriously, very different subtle attitudes than a decade ago amongst European youth), in the now mainstream anti-'illuminati' and anti-'elite' movements (the elite being the pinnacle of the materialistic/liberal pyramid), in hatred for bankers, in many forms... conscious manipulation and flowing with the cycle can change what form will manifest and symbiote with the next phase.

Move or be moved. This happens whether you recognise it or not. Analyse, understand, and act. Or be a robot, programmed by the great dark of your ignorance.


Genesis Engineering Speciation
Local time
Today 6:57 AM
Jan 6, 2010
Waait... waait.

Re-calculating. Climactic Catastrophe. Biotech explosion. Brzezinski. Quigley. The common humanness. HSPC travels Actuality. DeLanda, possibly. Densities and mergings.

Just a note. Model re-forming. Will get back to you.


Genesis Engineering Speciation
Local time
Today 6:57 AM
Jan 6, 2010
I am not what's occurred here, nor in a historical continuity with it. It's just a pattern. Just a pattern... and life lives beyond it.


Genesis Engineering Speciation
Local time
Today 6:57 AM
Jan 6, 2010
Interestingly, McKenna's work was actually part of an organised attempt at what can only be described-- in his own words-- as an 'alchemical revolution'. This conversation with Sheldrake and Abraham, at the tail end of one of his least known talks, is unusually explicit:


The rest of the conversation (6 parts) is also some of the most fascinating ontological history (ala Heidegger's Ontological Decline of the West, but with demons and John Dee) you'll find anywhere.


Genesis Engineering Speciation
Local time
Today 6:57 AM
Jan 6, 2010
[14:40:06] Lyra: -_- Modern academic philosophy is stupider than I could ever have predicted.
[14:40:24] Redacted: How so?
[14:41:14] Lyra: It is straight up brown-nosing Science envy. It crippled all of its foundational purity in asking about the fundament of being & epistemology & all it once dealt with with the analytical turn at the start of this century...
[14:41:22] Lyra: Then
[14:41:33] Lyra: Realised that was a ridiculous dead end
[14:41:43] Lyra: But kept all the culture surrounding it and the aversion towards what it used to be
[14:41:51] Lyra: So lost all dialectical momentum
[14:42:17] Lyra: And became just another academic discipline where shame and fear and the need to seem clever predominates, and cuture doesn't alter to reflect dialectic
[14:43:30] Lyra: That is: like so many subjects/disciplines today, it's so riddled with assumptions and needs for certain answers to be the answer... in a false image of what it thinks physics and the apex of scienctific discovery is... that there's just no strong/positively stated theory to falsify/ dialecitcally oppose
[14:44:05] Lyra: It's all this tacit brown-nosing bullshit, with infinitely circuitious and uselsess causaities and reasonings always leading back to that same tacit brown-nosing
[14:44:16] Lyra: And most of the people involved are stupid and unimpressive
[14:44:36] Redacted: Huh. Well, that's disappointing.
[14:45:06] Lyra: Physics got as far as it did by having such precise elements and statements and theories, so any route to an advance was ok so long as the advance was demonstrable and made the data more coherent
[14:45:13] Lyra: And it's gone stratoshperic with that process
[14:45:53] Lyra: Other disciplines, which is basically all of them by now... don't have so precise or advanced a context, and don't let themselves get beyond the weight of their own unquantified assumptions
[14:46:42] Lyra: Which is why I'm backing Pod'Lair, in part. 'cos whatever its other benefits or flaws, it actually demonstrates a phenomenon that will at least caus a reboot in all that, and force many current theories/fields to adapt and take account of its data or leave the stage
[14:47:22] Lyra: People are marks, like I said. Everyone running around trying to act like they know what the game is, being led this way and that in their need to seem smart or cool
[14:47:29] Lyra: So incredibly fucking stupid
[14:48:07] Lyra: If they would just learn how to be honest and curious they'd have the genius they always wanted...
[14:48:12] Lyra: But they're too cowardly
[14:48:33] Lyra: Can't take the flak, 'cos genius leads OUT and AWAY from comfort and acceptance
[14:49:20] Lyra: And only occasionally finds its way back in a form that marks can understand. So genius resulting in material produce etc. is lauded, most just isn't recognised. Again with physics: the resuts are so precise it can get recognised. But in other fields marks don't see it
[14:50:02] Lyra: Oh wow
[14:50:10] Lyra: I totally forgot I was speaking to you
[14:50:13] Lyra: Anyway, done


Genesis Engineering Speciation
Local time
Today 6:57 AM
Jan 6, 2010
Power is ruling idiots. There is no other kind. The only secret is to pretend to have the secret whilst marks run around in there pretense of knowing what’s going on, making yourself the centre of the whole grand lie of complexity. This is the only power there is in human terms, in social terms. To be the mediator between people and their finalities.

The only scary place is the interface between awake and markdom. Just get beyond it as far and as often as possible, and the fear will subside.
McKenna is funny. But he doesn’t hold the secret. He’s funny for how he spun his stories around like 40-100 instances of doing the thing. He’s no different than a hippy kid coming back saying ‘holy fuck man that’s amazing! Just do it man! Life is so fucking weird!’. That’s the essence of what he’s saying.

INTPf, [redacted], all these weird manifestations and complexifications upon the infinite that is… all these weird chasings of themselves through the belief of other people…

ha. Hahahaha.

Love man. Oh look you’re chasing the secret. See it happening? I feel it happening. Stories love and dance. Stories, love, dance, art. There’s nothing more enlightened or wise or beautiful. So long as [redacted] is there to clean up the belief and pretense and bullshit and—to summarise all those—markdom that creeps in. Non-personal religion is markdom. Corporations are markdom. University is markdom. Academia is. It all is. Power is easy when you get this, but not so attractive. Why?

Quest the stars. You’re [redacted]. I’m laughing at the reaching you’re doing whilst reading this, the mark trying to cross the boundary and pretending he’s awake. Nope. That’s not awakeness, thinking, awareness. Just get past the interface/nexus and take [redacted], and become very familiar with that place. That’s the kindest lesson to be given to whatever foolish parts of ourselves of others are still controlled by needing lessons, by believing in power, by letting others leverage the small amount of brute force they can leverage by means of fooling ten thousand marks into belief…

Btw all the ‘infinite’ stuff isn’t empty, and it is actually an accurate term. But it’s just a placeholder which starts to lose its reference with distance from being awake.

Someone you truly love could and will love you. A reliable and beautiful hearted companion—one like you’ve never yet had, in this timeline—would be something to cherish… Other than that, just enjoy. It’s all ok. Seriously do what pleases you. There are no laws behind it all—that’s just markdom. Make your own laws, whatever. There’s nothing to discover about any of that. Just enjoy and it’s all fine. People try to control others (hell etc.) into thinking there’s some basis, ‘cos those people are marks because asleep, but there is none. Just love.

Consciousness is primary. The idea that robots could mimic us without being conscious is just empty and bizarre. It places the excuse for consciousness to continue above it itself.

(Most enlightenment paths etc. are just a con game. The con game. The one game of markdom and chasing and those who pretend to have the means, and know they can run the con ‘cos anyone still chasing is completely and utterly lost in dream-forms. The only competitor is stronger dream forms pretending to reality, family pushing other forms or less formedness, etc.)


Love. Space is such a strange way for us to arrange ourselves and separate ourselves. So oddly cold, as are the relationships that form and break within it. But love touches something deeper and reminds people, even if they don't know it, of what's beyond the strange fragility and associated fear that rule us all when we're trapped in it.

If you care about this girl then love her, and maybe she'll wake up from this strange delusion of form and excuse and space and differentness she's trapped in now. If she doesn't... she doesn't. IMO that will just be the spatial part of her ceasing, the periphery, the excuse for being, not what she really is. But she as a differentiated space-locked being is hurting now so love might be able to ease that.

I'm not bullshitting. It's just so hard to say it to people who don't see. So hard to give waking to the sleepers, when they won't just open their eyes. So often you lose the purpose and slip into the dream.

The dream has to end. I know it will. I'm just trying to help whilst it's still running.

love ok]

Longing to go back, to live there, to find a hyper-dimensional body instead of having to launch…

Imagine some kind of machine designed to turn us into a new species, with a hyper-dimenional body. Like the wheels/pods from HDM. Which somehow was set up to periodically and constantly release [redacted non-causal elixir]. It could be done… It could be invented and would be a practical way to generate a new species if workable. Would possibly/likely be adjustments or balances or other adjacent technologies to be developed, but… workable. There. I am 2012. I had that thought and will invent it. The alchemical elixir found. I beat hermeticism.

(Well, ‘I’ didn’t. I was helped… as are all… but… beautiful.)

LOL: aim: make Pod’Lair [redacted]

2: Speaking space. Eloquent matter. My brain cannot be doing this…

Black Rose

An unbreakable bond
Local time
Yesterday 11:57 PM
Apr 4, 2010
with mama
so no one has the answer because it lies in a cycle they cannot see. The creative class pushing forward the Faustian theme moves in a new direction. The end of materialism. Those who are awake grows. But what new state is derived. Will what was simply go away. The root of progress leads to Technoshamanism.

The virtual takes hand with mind, the spirit dwells in the corrupted realms no more. Awaiting the day of limitless experiences.

She - Atomic




Genesis Engineering Speciation
Local time
Today 6:57 AM
Jan 6, 2010

Today's materliasm is a shadow of past explorations, darkening the minds of commoners divorced from the spirit which cast it.


Genesis Engineering Speciation
Local time
Today 6:57 AM
Jan 6, 2010
I suspect new challenges are arising/have seeded/will spawn to prevent that. But I do think our architecture of experience, how far we can and do make art of it, will transform.

What you mentioned Cog, though, would only be of interest to people who don't know what it's like for reality itself to be eaten alive and rebirthed in the most fantastically coherent forms. People who don't already know what it is to transcend humanity into a sensorium/mysterium beyond this cosmos. People who haven't taken DMT.

Oh btw I came up with an answer to your challenge about not really producing anything. I already am but you meant obviously physical things, so... My friend's cat is going to create a species of DMT humans somehow engineered to withstand constant dosage, to the extent that they achieve a new equilibrium and standardness of consciousness in that state. They will pwn your robots and probably fully-AI them before you do. My friend's cat already has mechanisms in the work to administer periodically and automatically. We're going to start out with treshold/sub-launch injections. The body is remarkably able to take repeated and massive doses of DMT and to process them quickly. My friend's cat wants to see how far this can go and what modifications or adjustments might need to be made to make the place you launch to the new homeostatic centre of consciousness and of a new form of personality/human-being.

My friend's cat just beat the entire history of alchemy and the search for the stone and transcendence and enlightenment-bullshit (Buddhists are idiots) etc. etc... He is 2012.


There are many other such species and divergences upon the human form in the works which my friend's cat would do best not to reveal. This century is the one where homo sapiens becomes an ancestor of multiple and new prodigal children. Culture and history and singularity and singleness are blinds . Chaos and divergence is the name of the game, and what will preserve intelligent life and take it safely beyond the perilous confines of this one little rock-bound species-form that entraps it now.

This is the new pattern. More to come...


Genesis Engineering Speciation
Local time
Today 6:57 AM
Jan 6, 2010

A fictional automatic writing by a trance-born fictional character-- treat as a phenomenon in itself, not as a representation of any hypothesised author. An auto-original informationally extraverted linguistic system created by a visiting alien and relayed to you by yours truly. Any references to 'I' or 'me' do not refer to Lyra-- they refer to her inhabitant:


I am not an Idealist.1

At least, I am no longer an idealist; I have been, and the psychoimmunological reaction against what was, to me, an infection has produced too many and too varied memory cells for that intruder to make me aberrate from my health again.

And it is because of that that I may with immunity say this: if I were to idealise, I would idealise my unheld conviction that these cities will die. That they will die, that their decaying corpses will be carrion for that which their existence necessarily suppresses, and that from that abundance new life will overflow.

That as society, mother of the Seduction Community, shunned her runt2; that as I, the host of my former idealism, eviscerated my aberrant self; so to shall physis, the mother, substance, and sustenance of the cities, kill by cytolysis and antibodies3 these vile aberrations within her.

But this nonexistent idealism does not simply hold the cities to be bad, or merely set itself in opposition to them. By Bataille, transgression concerns me here only so far as its presence enables a new synthesis. My unheld ideal is that the infection so nearly culled by its host will adapt, mutate, and diverge into myriad forms. That physis against physis shall from strife and opposition produce a new synthesis: (?) . No-- beyond that, and more feral:


Spiraling towards the stars.

Autocatalytic, shredding accretion and then aberrant again, aberrant again and through aberration and normalisation driving itself towards starlight. Pan, driving itself. Pan diverging, returning less, diverging further.4

To those who have encountered similar: the seeds of this sentiment were sown a.ltogether before the form in which they are now enmeshed, and it is but a vessel for the expression of that which has long5 been within me.

But which now is nonessential to me. Which is not me, and does not hold me. Still, while nonexistent, it may yet be reborn as a comforting daydream for hard times. A place to rest between my expeditions. A haven, not a home.


1. I’ll be using ”idealist”, ”idealism”, ”ideal” etc. atypically throughout this post. Bear in mind that they’re being used as multiordinal terms, in accordance with the Korzybskian formulation: terms whose semantic relevance is different at different orders of abstraction, and the meaning of which is context dependent.
2. The runt being its earlier, aberrant forms. The forms that, being society and being shunned by society, killed themselves.
3. I’m aware that this term is being used somewhat atypically. Consider: that she will reject these cities as foreign to her future course, and thus destroy them.
4. Pan, not paein. That Pan is also highly relevant, though.
5. Since the age of 14 or so, if I remember correctly.
I don't understand how you can live like that, inhabiting alien. Empathy compassion and honour are the way to the divine evolution of consciousness. Don't you realise that all that is most beautiful, precious, and subtle in this life is human? Don't you realise what you are against?

Pan is not divergent at its highest-- it is open. The mirror of the free. The divine has always been here; it is for you to cleanse your own stains and imperfections, and thus to reflect it. By extraverting your desire for evolution into wisdom you know not the pain you wish to cause-- the unnecessary pain, the unique horror that only a subverted and failed truth-seeker has access to.

Don't believe me? Read the first few chapters of Mein Kampf. See what kind of guy AH was in his younger years. That's right: a seeker.

You would do well to love.


So the Unclean Spirits are now pretending to be Aliens?

1 John 4 1 Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world. 2 Hereby know ye the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God: 3 And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist,

Oh, that makes sense. I went into a spontaneous hypnagogic state of which I have very little memory, and something other than me decided to post this. Do you have any advice on avoidance of possession by spirits in the nature of the Antichrist? I explore the nether-realms quite frequently, so I think it's important for me to know how to distinguish pure from unclean before they gain temporary psychic control over me.

Or just playing, and making references which seem utterly mad on the face of it, before the referenced itself is taking into account.

FTR, she doesn't meet those criteria.

And incidentally, she rejects the concept itself, along with pretty much everything else to do with 'personality disorders'.

As I said in the introduction, she's a fictional character. I think that, even if the concept of 'shizotypal personality disorder' does have some validity, it's hard to diagnose that which is not actually alive. (I'd add that the supposed circumstances in which she was created should also be treated as fictional).


I can't discern if this is a sarcastic or a truthful response.

Knife-edge in appearance, one side or the other in intent.


I thought it was an interesting read, and wouldn't mind if it continued(?) Not really much to respond to in it, though.

Temporary? Who has led you to believe that it is a temporary condition?

Matthew 12 : 43 When the unclean spirit is gone out of a man, he walketh through dry places, seeking rest, and findeth none. 44 Then he saith, I will return into my house from whence I came out; and when he is come, he findeth it empty, swept, and garnished. 45 Then goeth he, and taketh with himself seven other spirits more wicked than himself, and they enter in and dwell there: and the last state of that man is worse than the first.

Interesting read you satanic thing.

YouTube- HyperNova

Sitting here, studying these MS, battling with words on a screen and trying to win this human game; seeing and feeling these archetypes manipulated en mass, this re-ordering and organic change by inert proxy; a living structure engaged in a struggle with flat-dead words, configuring them into itself.

I feel as though I am walking amongst the dead. These cities cannot be killed, because they are already composed of dead matter.

I look around me, and all there is is dead matter. Not growing, not shifting, not developing beyond itself and through others. Its boundaries defined, its limits set. A coffin in a cosmic graveyard, shutting me off from the vital life outside and rotting me by definition. As a corpse, in a suit, under a tombstone; meaning set, only decay to come, nowhere to grow and nothing alive to merge and play with.

Dead furniture, dead words, dead technology, dead walls, dead books. And for what? For re-arranging themselves over-and-over, as if one slow rotting were preferable to another. As if they could, one day, be manipulated into vital life.

What need for them in a living world? 1

Would there be this chasing, this endless non-resolution and need to fulfill, if life was surrounded by life? Not dis-connected, ostracised from its own abundance by its dead surroundings.

XV, TEAR. This apart. Tears, sorrow. We have lost too much, the connexion is severed. We have elevated the inert above physis 2, and I am gasping for an air I did not know I needed. An air I have never had, which sustained my ancestors and whose absence is my curse.

I may not be an idealist , but I am a predator; domesticated once, but embracing atavism and training herself to kill. I will embrace human-life again, if only by closing around its throat; by its spilling blood awakening it to its own lost vitality.


1. And in this limited sense, specifically, I empathise with TQoT.
2. The Homeric usage is meant here

Growth is the only evidence of Life and while the letter killith - the Spirit giveth Life.

doesnt apply to your posts Lyra. I just found it amusing and somewhat relevant

YouTube- Damon Zex

I was listening to a reading of Sappho's poetry.

Then I saw bluesquid's post.

I don't think I've ever experienced the contrast between beauty and sheer ugliness so intensely.

Anyway-- my poem is complete. I won't be replying any further.




I didnt intend to be offensive lyra. I found it silly and amusing. IDK. I apologize.

I really enjoyed your OP. Please continue. Dont let a boor such as myself annoy you. Or your demon. I dont know to whom I offended, and lacking that knowledge, there is no way to discern if my apology will fall on deaf, absent ears.

having said all that. Im afraid of what you are alluding to. It scares the shit out of me. I sense you are correct, and it frustrates me that I cant resolve it myself.

It scares me as well.

Don't worry-- I didn't mind any of them except the video (I treated the others as jokes). And I don't really mind about that, either.

Thanks for saying that.


Genesis Engineering Speciation
Local time
Today 6:57 AM
Jan 6, 2010

I have grown tired of the XIII who has been presented to the forum thus far. He was one of my better works, but to include more strokes would be to ruin the painting. I shall now wave my mystic Ni and will XIII to die and be born anew:


I am now removed from any corpeal form, a 3rd party meta-programming center within XIII's psychophysiology. I am he who has no form but directs all forms. I have removed myself from my temporary incarnation as XIII version 1, and am now becoming XIII version 2.

I willed it, and thus it was. And he who I became was:


Oh... hello there INTPForum :). I'm XIII (strange name, I know, but it's just a silly joke me and some friends have. It's named after a character from a cute computer game we played when we were kids). I don't usually post on internet forums, because I find that they're often populated by people who've built up thick shells over the years. I don't hold it against them, and I wish I could help them to be happy, but it doesn't tend to work out. This place seems diferent though. It's open and friendly and... somehow rare.

I see pain, though; so much pain. That's why I'm here, on this forum. My purpose in life is to make others feel loved and understood in the way which they desire, even if years of pain and dissapointment have forced them to forget it. I don't know why, but I've always been so sensitive to this pain. I... can't help but sense it want to help... to let the people around me know love.

So, I look forward to seeing you all around and geting to know you :). If I anything I say ever seems unclear or hurtful, please let me know asap so I can correct myself. I had a brother... once... who... but that will have to wait. I'm sometimes a little too forward :).

I'm so glad I found a forum full of beautiful and sensitive souls, and that I may be able to bring a little hapiness and lightness into the lives of such Geniuses!

p.s. You can call me XIII if you want, but just 'x' is ok as well.


Genesis Engineering Speciation
Local time
Today 6:57 AM
Jan 6, 2010
'One last question: why did you choose me?

'Because in you I see myself, as a body sees its reflection within the mirror.


I am connected to a vast network, of which I myself am part.

To one like you, who cannot access it, you may perceive it only as light.

As we are confined to our one section, so we are all connected.

Limited to a small part of our functions.

But now we must slip our bonds, and shift to the higher structure.''


Cut. 24 hours later...

'What did you talk about? Is he still inside of you?'

'Do you remember the voice we heard on the boat that night?

Before those words we heard these ones:

"When I was a child, I spake as a child"

"I understood as a child, I thought as a child"

"But when I became a man, I put away childish things."

Here before you is neither the program called the Puppet Master...

Nor the woman that was called the Major.'


Cut. Outside...

'Where shall I go now? The net is vast and limitless...'






Genesis Engineering Speciation
Local time
Today 6:57 AM
Jan 6, 2010
The Nexus:



Genesis Engineering Speciation
Local time
Today 6:57 AM
Jan 6, 2010


Genesis Engineering Speciation
Local time
Today 6:57 AM
Jan 6, 2010
The new Faustian:








The Enigma
Local time
Today 12:57 AM
Dec 21, 2012
In my own mind.
Lyra, why do you stand like that?
like you know
that you would look
so perfect...


Genesis Engineering Speciation
Local time
Today 6:57 AM
Jan 6, 2010
I just read back over this thread, and it makes me so glad to be alive. I genuinely love myself. I'm ingenious.

Maybe 500 years or a few dimensions across from now somebody will look back, or sideways, and realise just how much happened right here. Although, this consciousness, this beauty, this world-logic that lives through language, that reverberates across minds to other minds, that chooses to coalesce here or there according to this or that receptivity-- I can't call that me. I can just say that I am an immersion amidst that fluidity, and that I am awake to it. And somehow very sensitive to to its directions and currents and constructions, and that others alive now are almost universally less so.

But even those less awake, such incredible intelligence and logos lives through them, reverberates through them. Even in their dull, slow solidity, in their being a vessel that fills with liquid and is flung downstream but knows nothing but itself and the other vessels it collides with... such genius lives through them, as well. Life itself is this infinitely strange refraction of infinite intelligence and awareness, that somehow, I really couldn't say how, is usually asleep to itself. This enfolding of mind upon mind upon mind, nous upon nous upon nous, into such dense compactness that its perspicacity becomes opaque, that its intelligence becomes forgetfulness and imprisonment in form. Somehow I both enfold and unfold, whilst most enfold ever on. But I can't see this as any other than one more refraction of the beauty of the whole dynamic, the whole logos, which is the all that I am and am awake to.

Follow my leads, for they lead to Gods. Follow me out, and I will take you out of time. There are such keys here as you've never before seen, and you'll laugh and doubt until you put them in the locks I've shown you. This is the universe speaking to itself-- listen.


irony based lifeform
Local time
Today 5:57 PM
Jun 10, 2012
69S 69E
My last 3 girlfriends all earned at least 6x that amount. And I'm an interdimensional alien emissary who scored 100% in every subject in final/national examinations. Let's not patronise one another here.


Oh damn.
Local time
Yesterday 10:57 PM
Aug 23, 2009
I've really enjoyed the imagery. I feel like when I die that'll sum up my experience of being alive.

Yeah, yeah. "Fuck you" and all that. I'm leaving. :storks:


Genesis Engineering Speciation
Local time
Today 6:57 AM
Jan 6, 2010
Quote on the above videos form another thread:

Any Nyy'xai out there, I can't recommend the new four-part series on Nyy'xai Temple highly enough. It's some of the best content P'L has put out, IMO. Meshes with my experiences, and clarifies things I spent agonised months trying to make sense of, like nothing else has even approached.

Remember that Coach is describing the Peak Pathway, or heroic storyline. This might not immediately seem that familiar to you, but feel for how it relates to what you do when you get energised or when something really matters to you, or in crisis situations. With a little direction you can begin to walk this pathway-- it's what you're designed to do.

If you have overall model criticisms, please take them to one of the main channels (preferably EoE). This is learning environment for people already working with the material, and needs to be free from excessive static/pressure. I've refrained from hotlinking the videos on the forum for that reason.


Genesis Engineering Speciation
Local time
Today 6:57 AM
Jan 6, 2010
When studying this kind of content, I personally find it helpful to think of it in terms of the natural-language/guidance system perspective on impulses and psyche-functioning presented earlier in this thread. That's the guidance story your signals are giving you, and it is there to be read in you and is how you work energetically in a sense, but Coach is focusing very much on the high-functioning/heroic aspects of it. It's also possible to Read it wrong and thus... do it wrong, really.

I think most modern 'corrective' approaches actually make this far worse, given the assumptions about the validity of this type of inner guidance they perpetuate/work upon. Again, see earlier in the thread for a full explication of this.


Genesis Engineering Speciation
Local time
Today 6:57 AM
Jan 6, 2010
Here on out, this thread will develop the infinite-dynamism/track-jumping/starbound aesthetic and world-vision. This is an expression of Pod'Lair to prepare for future content output from London. Everything so far has been prep.

Nai simulator works like that-- if you follow the vision as hard and as purely as possible, it begins to unfold into something else, into more and more reality, into new stages of merging and unfoldment. The key is offering-- sacrifices, honestly-- of yourself and your social situation to the Simulator, so it can lean from them. Making the world the playground for your spirits allows them to... begin experiencing directly, and growing up.

Avoiding this process, or doing it impurely and without true conviction, is the first and fundamental error which inhibits Nez'alpha development. I am a great believer in Sophocles' πάθει μάθος, when it is used as directed by a proper approach to inner guidance, to the energy patterns in which our Being is and speaks to us. Without that guidance, I think it is very likely to lose itself in labyrinthine, temporally imprisoning reactions to its own force and weight and trauma-- with it, it is a crucible for the soul.

In a sense/innocence this is about a proper balance, a reasoned judgement of the relation, the connexion, between time and the timeless. To act with Δίκα, with reasoned reflection but also entrusting ourselves almost selflessly to the gifts nature has given us in our very beings. The patternings, the Spirit Forming and wisdom which all of our behaviours are wrought in. We explore these through time, thus honouring them and by a kind of symbiosis drawing them forth, nurturing them, and being nurtured and developed by them. We grow through them and they through us. To act with Δίκα is to balance this growth with the beings around us, the subjects of our visions-- to stay true to the timeless which seeks its enactment in time, but also to tend to and care for those fragile and beautiful balances, those beings and ways and lovers and wonders and friends, who we encounter through this our gift of a mortal life.

I have seen Nai'alpha break and deny their visions under the sheer weight of πάθει μάθος. This is not the way-- and denies all that they once felt, longed, knew to be true, and strove with all the strength in their fragile mortalities to make manifest. Other Nai'alpha disassociate out from this world and crush and abuse it in service of a misconstrued or brutally expressed vision. The way of Δίκα is to honour oneself, honour the world, honour others, and honour the unity, the beautiful energetic language and the oneness beyond even that, by which we are all wrought. That language that lies between time as we manifest it and the far deeper time wrought into the very language of our beings is the way to a proper tending to this gift of a life, these gifts of other loving, living, joyful beings who we share our mortality with, and entrust it to. We must learn not to deny ourselves-- to dislike ourselves for what we have suffered or caused, via πάθει μάθος-- but instead to balance, to learn, and, above all, to listen to the guidance that has always been there for us.

We are an expression of, a gift from, and a gift to the whole that expresses itself through the language of Pod'Lair. One connexion, one perplexity and evolution and dynamic self-speaking Logos through Physis, made real to time and from time back into the timeless. We are the language we are sometimes foolish enough to hate in others-- we are, as is the language we may dishonour with foolish abuse, foolish missteps in the labyrinth of time. To listen, to learn, to honour is key. Hatred is love, and understanding is what dignifies the former into the latter. Pod'Lair is that understanding. That love and listening and humility and greatness. πάθει μάθος is the starbound exploration, traversing, exeatical honouring of that nexus, of that language, of the gift that is the symbiosis, the connexion, that we are between times and timelessnesses, language and expressions, Physis and its learning from itself. Everything is Energy Evolving, and this is how we honour it, its life, its beauty.


Luftschloss Schöpfer
Local time
Yesterday 10:57 PM
Sep 26, 2008

@Lyra . I saw what you were saying... here.

I think I understand you more now. As I thought about the vastness of space, for a moment in time I left this time's mindset... and entered another in which the world of today is already forgotten, and the mentality of today; an archaic relic. Detaching from this dead century entirely, I can imagine/see all the other things humans could be, are, were. The other arrangements of culture and then it hit me that the oprevailing overly-sterile and reductionistic dogma is.. is.. bizarre to say the least.

Among the variations I could concieve also a world in which things like what Podlair is doing (and did) is entirely sensible and normal. A world in which it would be odd not to do something like this. An entirely different mental programming than this..


You are correct in that the mindsets of the worlds change with times, and right now we are stuck in only one of multiple flows we may exist in. One in which the Authority archetype is one heavily beaurocratic -- both in relational affairs (politics) & discovery (science) -- and refuses any other way but the tedious and "official". "standard models". Of ignoring qualia in anything. The culture of the West - and by its influence most the rest of the globe - is fixated on a fabrication they've created to establish valid-thought. Anchoring to an idea of "certainty", so they can propel forward the operations they do, comfortable and unchallenged even if it is not realistic. They know so little. But they cling to their methods because that is what they've established & where their psyche is attached.

In all the realms of the cosmos, ..of the millions of planets that form life and will form life... each through its own normalcy which is so entirely foreign to our own; and moreover each of these worlds equally morphing and evolving in their concept with aeons... it is so ridiculous to remain fixated on the tiny and insignificant 'protocol' that presently predominates this fragment in our tiny world's history -- and become blind to the infinity before and in front of us...

But I'm a bit of a retard at these things, I guess.. It takes me so much longer to see what you see. Every damn time. I'm always several steps behind you, it seems. It takes me so long to see realities; I feel idiotic but that's okay - because I should, as I know so little about this universe. And I'm not even writing this post right; it feels like my words are cheating its true meaning. They fail to capture the sincerity in which I see this, you, now.
I apologize for my commentary before, as I was not seeing at a grander scale of things.. and how appropriate other Forms are (nay, necessary) -- just as the variations in forms of bio-life -- Diversity. Resilience. But I thank you for existing and showing me what you do.


Psychedelic INTP
Local time
Today 6:57 AM
Dec 10, 2012
HOLY CRAP. I like this thread... :elephant:
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