I honestly don't care that Google gathers my surfing habits. It's their business, and they don't hide it. Most companies hide that they gather information. Personally, it's not like I'm going to ever have to deal with anything Google finds about my browsing habits. Like they'll ever one day say "So and so, living in such address in such town, has made several visits, per day, to *random porn site* and *another random porn site*, and in addition to an apparent porn addiction, constantly visits several illegal and/or questionable websites, including many with the name "torrents" in the address." ... And I'm not exactly sure I'd be too embarrassed if they did. The only thing I would fear are legal issues, and I'm rather confident that no legal confrontations will come of Google's disliked information-gathering habits. They don't gather information to rat on us or spam our email box. They gather information to know what's most liked, what correlates with other sites, etc, and create properly fitted ads and such for such sites. Hell, if giving more information to Google only means that when I visit an anime website I'll see game or japan related ads, or similar sites most-often visited, instead of something completely random, then by all means, gather all the information you want.
That aside, I'm just beginning to test it. Although I do like the look... A lot, I'm torn between loving the look, and hating that it doesn't conform. I'll decide which side of the fence I'm on later. Until then, I've just downloaded it, and will give more information later -- I know it has security flaws, and some minor glitches, but it's beta. Lest we forget, this is Google... And it's open source! It has the potential to become something of a very high caliber.
Instead of complaining that a company is starting to have too much of an influence, be glad that said company is a free software company, and not another Microsoft.