Black Rose
An unbreakable bond
Just curiousness as to the affects.
I vs E
N vs S
T vs F
P vs J
I vs E
N vs S
T vs F
P vs J
1. There is no logical reasoning to suggest that it would can you be so sure?
The burden of proof lies just as much on your view, that personality can't be changed by conscious reflection, as it does on opposite statement.1. There is no logical reasoning to suggest that it would work.
2. It is not exactly something that has been proven to be true.
What makes you think that it's more likely that meditation can't affect personality?3. Based on my own understanding, I don't think it is possible to change your type in any way at all.
4. I suppose it is possible, but I don't see why I should consider it likely to be true based only on a possibility. I'm pretty open minded, but I still like to rank my possibilities based on how likely they are to be true.
The way eye see, eye colour is influenced solely by genetics while personality is subject to other influences as well. I remember, for instance, being much more sociable as a young boy than I was as an adolescent and I can't help but suspect that the change was facilitated by informal and perhaps unconscious 'meditation' on circumstance, even if it was also affected by a genetic disposition. I think it very likely that meditation, in one form or another, might be able to change how people see and interact with other people. You could argue that the altered behaviour would be unnatural and not a true reflection of personality, but that assumes that there's a true personality. I would sooner think that there's just a set of inclinations.The way I see it, changing your type through mediation is in the same ballpark as changing your eye color through meditation.
Well for one, there is a very big difference between developing your personality, and outright changing it. The difference is developing it gives you access and more proficient use of other cognitive functions. Outright changing that personality would completely shifting your Source functions, becoming a 100% different personality.The burden of proof lies just as much on your view, that personality can't be changed by conscious reflection, as it does on opposite statement.
If you had the understanding of the theory that I did, you would probably think so too, but I am not going to get into this.What makes you think that it's more likely that meditation can't affect personality?
Again, I don't think you realize just how significantly massive a complete change of personality would be. It is more than just improving yourself, it is not even necessarily an improvement. Imagine at one point in your life being a person who desires knowledge and abstract contemplation of the universe. Then you meditate, now all of a sudden all you really care about is having fun and playing racing games.The way eye see, eye colour is influenced solely by genetics while personality is subject to other influences as well. I remember, for instance, being much more sociable as a young boy than I was as an adolescent and I can't help but suspect that the change was facilitated by informal and perhaps unconscious 'meditation' on circumstance, even if it was also affected by a genetic disposition. I think it very likely that meditation, in one form or another, might be able to change how people see and interact with other people. You could argue that the altered behaviour would be unnatural and not a true reflection of personality, but that assumes that there's a true personality. I would sooner think that there's just a set of inclinations.
No it doesn't dude, read more Jung please, I'm really too lazy to explain it all to you right now.And, really, MBTIs deal more with behavior than with some abstract notion of an actual self. Do you really think that one couldn't change the answer to "I avoid unnecessary interaction." through meditation if they so desired?
Fling said:Abstract
Randomly assigned 61 undergraduate volunteers to Clinically Standardized Meditation (CSM), quiet sitting (SIT), or wait list' and 19 others to Open Focus (OF) or wait list2. Ss were tested before training and again 8 weeks later. All groups but wait list2 decreased significantly on Spielberger's trait anxiety. All groups became nonsignificantly more internal on Rotter's locus of control. On the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, meditation volunteers were more introverted than extraverted, intuitive than sensing, feeling than thinking, and perceiving than judging. All groups became more intuitive, approaching signicance for CSM only. OF became significantly more extraverted than both CSM and SIT, and CSM significantly more so than wait list'. Practice time correlated with anxiety reduction for the combined treatment groups. More evidence was found for correlations of practice time and outcome with growth motivation than with either new experience motivation or expectancy of benefit.
Then you just agreed with my entire premise.I agree that you'll likely not go from being a person who desires knowledge and abstract contemplation of the universe to someone who only really cares about having fun and playing racing games.
doubt it, when i did yoga i still felt like a INTP