Hey timeasylums,
Thank you for thinking of me and reaching out. On the web page in question, there are a ton of links, and I followed enough of them to know I shouldn't comment unless I read more of them, considering all the terms used.
That said, there is one thing, a deep issue, one you touch on, whether the functions *use* certain cognitive processes, or whether the functions are the cognitive processes themselves. This is intriguing.
From a practical standpoint, such as in workshops, I say, "We can use the Jungian functions, though at times they use us, or are unavailable, and that we tend to use (and thus develop) specific brain regions to meet our practical and psychological needs." Thus, I'm implying that the functions tend to use specific cognitive processes.
Why do I say this to workshop participants? Because I wish to empower them to consider themselves as conscious agents who can self-develop, or at least be open to aid. They have a lot of latitude. The definitions of the functions have latitude.
Psychological type historian Peter Geyer (INTP) proffers that Jung didn't consider his offering as a model. Rather, psychological type acts as a framework, strange attractor, or mandala. If we define the functions precisely, we limit their nature, and our nature; and as a psychiatrist, his agenda was to help people grow outside their limits, hopefully in a healthy way. It's not simply that the functions were inspired by his interest in mandalas; the functions *are* mandalas. And like a mandala, which acts as an object for meditation and discovery via both the conscious and unconscious, the functions are a tool for unlimited personal growth.
If that sounds vague, in mathematical terms, for a different audience, I say the functions could be "strange attractors". With a background in complex systems, the term means something very specific. If so, there is a happy convergence as the behaviors of systems with strange attractors are circumscribed within particular bounds but resist typical means of definition and prediction.
No doubt Peter Geyer would use different and more precise language if he were responding to you. And he would send you lots of readings! Anyway, thought you might this parallel and some of the leads interesting.