The overlap between entertainment and political commentary is something that has bothered me mainly among conservative radio talk shows, but there are also plenty of leftists who do it, such as Jon Stewart, Michael Moore and Bill Maher. It bothers me because they tend to be strictly partisan, lest they offend their partisan audience, and reasonable analysis or truth is secondary. When Bill Maher filmed his docuganda Religulous, he claimed on camera that the myth of Jesus was in part a derivative of the Indian god Krishna. This belief is popular among anti-Christian activists, but there is absolutely no evidence for it, no sound argument for it, and every respected academic authority on the matter rejects it. You can get your entertainment from people like Bill Maher, but you run the risk of getting misled. I suggest getting your entertainment from entertainers who are not political commentators, and I suggesting getting your political commentary from respected non-partisan political experts, such as those on,, or NPR News.