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BBC's Sherlock


Local time
Today 6:17 AM
Feb 28, 2012
Does anyone here find that they can relate fairly well to Sherlock's psychology? I feel like Benedict's portrayal could easily fall into the INTP category, though more on the "unhealthy" side of it, depending on how you interpret sanity. The misanthropy, lack of emotional connections, etc. Although, he sometimes seems a bit too aggressive in his aversion to people, whereas, as an INTP I find that I'm just more apathetic to people and less confrontational about it.

Also, how do we feel about the show in general? Feel free to discuss how breathtakingly wonderful it is.


Local time
Today 3:17 PM
Jan 15, 2008
I liked it. But perhaps I related more to the girl in the morgue that is infatuated with Sherlock and slightly retarded. Decent entertainment,


think again losers
Local time
Today 11:47 PM
Mar 17, 2011
He's totally an S bro.

Tis good watching, tho I find Sherlock's manner a bit irritating at times.


The little professor
Local time
Today 2:17 PM
May 3, 2011
He's a "modern" Sherlock, done in the current style of writing that is popular with the current wave of British writers: has no real interest in other people. A classic Introfvert. Amoral, uncaring except for selfish motives (like solving a puzzle) (very strong Fi and weak Fe), very strong Sensor observation (Se), only interested in HIS theories (N), very Judgemental. INTJ.

INTJs go well with the common world. They work within the system, but are highly offensive to others. It makes TV dramas very dramatic, without having to actually write intelligent dialogue. Effectively, taking the types of behaviour you see in cheap and very profitable productions like Big Brother, and transplanting them into dramas, to make the same huge profits, for almost as cheap.

Also, by keeping them relatively amoral, and generally offensive, but still making them play by the rules somewhat, it plays to atheist and anarchist sympathies that want their heroes to be as scathing as them, and to religious and conservative sympathies, by working within the system.

Sherlock was designed to be syndicated to the American market, like Torchwood was. The Beeb was going to show it in America. But it turns out that one of the American studios are going to make their own version, called "Elementary". This really annoyed the BEEB, because they had been expecting all those profits, because they deliberately designed the programme to accommodate the American market, by leaving out a lot of the British satire that Americans probably wouldn't understand, or making it obvious using S-type demonstrations, and by trying to appeal to both American atheists and American Xians.

To put the final nail in the coffin, the creator of the new BBC series "Sherlock", Stephen Moffat, explains what he wanted the character of Sherlock to be
Sherlock Holmes is a human that longs to be a god,

A classic INTJ.

Even the version of Sherlock with Jeremy Brett comes across like a smart INTJ.

The original concept of Sherlock, was supposed to be an INTP. The most obvious INTP character I can think of, that is on TV, is Adrian Monk. But as you can see, most detectives are not like him at all, because the audience can only sympathise with him, while TV people are hoping to get people to identify with detectives, as that gives them more incentive to watch, on an emotional basis, which is much more of a hook for getting regular viewers, than a purely intellectual character. So TV has gravitated to dramatic action heroes, and that really doesn't fit INTP well at all, and fits the INTJ character much more readily. The same is true of other current British SF&F programmes. They are geared towards the INTJ-ENFP model, because they have great ambitions, and fulfil them in TV, which then in turn satisfies the millions of Brits who are over-educated and under-skilled, and feel that they would also achieve greatness, if only life would give them a chance, by ignoring their lack of application.


Oh damn.
Local time
Today 6:17 AM
Aug 23, 2009
I enjoyed the show. I don't think he's an INTJ though. However, I don't think it's helpful to type fictional characters. They are too fluid and subject to the Plot Device to be true to type.

I actually prefer and identify with Watson. Which, is who we are meant to identify with of course.

I LOVED Moriarty. I would have his children...his evil, flamboyant, and utterly ugly little hell spawn.


Local time
Today 7:17 AM
Feb 10, 2012
I thoroughly enjoy this show. I actually find my favorite character is Mycroft Holmes. He has always been a favorite of mine in any incarnation- I especially enjoyed meeting him in the books. I think part of the reason is that I see myself in Mycroft- albiet with feminin parts. He is ruthless (almost to a fault), calculating, yet has found a balance that helps him blend into society.

Can you imagine having Mycroft as an older sibling, btw? He is possibly the only person who on a regular basis can make Sherlock feel incredibly inadequate. That, coupled with family and acquaintances comparing his accomplishments to Mycroft's- I feel like the term "Arch nemesis" is justified.

To me, I don't think Sherlock is an INTP- ENTP probably would fit best. I don't actually think he dislikes people- as a matter of fact I think he's far too interested. Mycroft, on the other hand, is probably a better INTP or even still INTJ, and could REALLY REALLY care less about other people- he barley cares about his brother, and that's mainly because A) So he can mentally spar and scar him still (People who don't realize that they are being insulted for three days are incredibly dull- and bad for business) B) Because the fact that he works for the government could and is EASILY exploited by his petulant little brother, and C) Fact B is known by the people he works for, and THEY are probably worried about it.

I applaud Steven Moffat and Mark Gatiss for writing (and playing) such an extraordinary adaptation of an often copied- not always well-Classic and made it posh.


Oh damn.
Local time
Today 6:17 AM
Aug 23, 2009
I respect your love of Mycroft. I enjoy that he calls his brother "Shirley".


Though, isn't Shirley originally a male name?


Local time
Today 7:17 AM
Feb 10, 2012
I respect your love of Mycroft. I enjoy that he calls his brother "Shirley".


Though, isn't Shirley originally a male name?

Yes Shirley was indeed a boys name.

Moriarty and Sherlock's relationship has always interested me. Why exactly do you like Moriarty?


Only 1 1-F.
Local time
Today 4:17 PM
Jan 2, 2010
Very interesting analysis, scorpiomover. And just so that I may appear to be more productive, a question.

The original concept of Sherlock, was supposed to be an INTP.

Are you talking about the book version?


Local time
Today 2:17 PM
Mar 31, 2012
The Matrix
Sherlock's definitely an INTJ. :elephant:SHERLOCK/WATSON FTW!!!!

Yes, I am a slash fangirl. Deal with it. :smiley_emoticons_mr

Deleted member 1424

'Sherlock Holmes' is an archetype; the great antisocial detective, with his only everyman friend Arthur Dent Watson. This is not an uncommon dynamic; another popular pairing example being House/Wilson. It's certainly is not a personality type.

I did greatly enjoy Moriarty.....
So camp, so unpredictable. Every time he was on screen he threw me for a loop; especially in the Final Problem (you'll know the scene when you see it). His characterization in the recent movie was so mindnumbing; I was quite thankful for this.

The first episode irritated me a bit.....
Sherlock should have raised the possibility that both pills were poisonous and the killer was immune!

Deleted member 1424

Sherlock himself has whatever psychological ills that the writers want him to have at the time.

Better to be entertaining than accurate.


a who
Local time
Today 2:17 PM
Dec 24, 2012
Far away from All This
Kairoh (you're presumably not Egyptian considering the spelling...why the username?): I can definitely relate to him. We're both very confident and confrontational (I know that's not normal for a P, but that's how I am), we're both fine with telling people what we think of them (people are idiots), we both enjoy solving criminal cases because they're fun and intellectually stimulating (I'm having a lot of fun working on a case right now, but I am currently taking a small break) and we are both prefer to dwell in our minds. I'm not an addict and don't intend to become one, though. I don't have as much in common with the Sherlock Holmes from the books. Maybe that's due to the fact that Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's books took place so long ago...

I learn things extremely quickly, so I also learned a lot from BBC's Sherlock. I like to learn things from what I watch, so I really enjoy everyone.

MizKodomo: I have a Mycroft-like twin brother. He's definitely more of an "E" than I am. although Sherlock finds people's minds interesting, he doesn't seen to find the people themselves interesting. I think that you have to have some ability to deal with people tactfully to be as silently influential as Mycroft, which is why I would disagree with your diagnosis that Sherlock is an "E" and Mycroft is an "I".

I'd also like to remind everyone that this is a TV Show/Book series that we are discussing. We're analyzing the writers and actors, not the characters, so keep that in mind.

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