The thing I probably prize above all of my possessions is my inner voice, the one that (when its quiet) shows me the best logical way to approach most situations. This voice is usually dulled down in the face of distractions and most notably when i'm at work I notice it withers down because of this. This is usually the point at which conscious inhibitions decrease and I tend to do or say things I would prefer not to, i.e. cast a spotlight on myself by saying something when ordinarily i'd say nothing at all. When otherwise before I might just be keeping to myself, I find I have a lowered ability to keep words to myself and sometimes take things to far.
Does anyone else experience this or know of ways to remain actively focused in a social environment? Hard to put into words but its pissing me off. I feel like a bit of a douche at work sometimes with what comes out of my mouth and as soon as it comes out I think 'Who was that person who just said that? Why do I have to be alone to enjoy my thoughts :S
Does anyone else experience this or know of ways to remain actively focused in a social environment? Hard to put into words but its pissing me off. I feel like a bit of a douche at work sometimes with what comes out of my mouth and as soon as it comes out I think 'Who was that person who just said that? Why do I have to be alone to enjoy my thoughts :S