I admit. I haven't thought of it that way. But now you say it, I am VERY disorganized when I speak in 'real time' much more than I am here. I flail words and explainations all over the place and it does nothing but tire people listening to me.
So It's a good point. I'll consider that next time.
But I still think alot of people are pseudo-intellectual as Anthile so wonderfully explained.
Which annoys the crap out of me.
Pretentious people, just had their first few classes of psychology and philosophy, learned alot of cool words. And now they feel all sophisticated with these new words. And have conversations straight out of the book they read. God forbid they have an opinion.
But as you saw me write in my post. I'm not saying every person on this forum is a pseudo-intellectual. Maybe I'm just misanthropic towards my peers (the youth; seeing I'm 18)
In conclusion I agree with you on the quoted part. Yet I still fell as I originally explained.
(Didn't read your whole post. I'll get back with an edit when I do.. At some point)
I'm always nervous when I post one of my slightly ranty rants because I have no idea how it's going to be received. I feel at peace now.
I do get that pseudo-intellectual feel round here as well. I think people do bullshit a lot. I know I do. But I suppose that's the immaturity that comes with being mostly alone, at least in your interests and pursuits. A lot of us are children in the world of philosophy/intellect (ew, I cringe using that word) because that world is so small, shared by so few, that we don't get nearly the amount of socialisation that more mainstream thinkers do. (It's not elitist; I'm not implying any value hierarchy, just pointing out that we're a minority.) I think most of us are genuinely interested in the questions we ask, and we truly value thought and knowledge - the interest is authentic. But perhaps the spirit with which we interact with each other isn't always, because most of the time, we've only ever shared these things with those not of 'our world' - those with little interest, who see our thoughts as clear markers of difference. It's the self-importance and awkwardness of a child, really - thinking the world of themselves for adding 2 and 2, not always remembering their P's and Q's, asking the most ridiculously banal questions... So I think it's at least partly a matter of simply not being used to talking about these things with ease, or with the breadth and depth of knowledge that would be more easily available in mainstream culture (eg Everything you want to know about Britney and MORE!).
So while it is also a matter of feeling smug that you have something of value (a brain/uniqueness/blah) - and that's the same smugness worn by certain types of people with any type of value (attractiveness, skill, talent) - it wouldn't be fair not to acknowledge we haven't had the same opportunity we would've had we been a majority, and that our embarrassing ignorance, misplaced confidence and childish conversations are at least understandably so.
(Meh, I don't really know if that's any defence at all. Bibbity bobbity boo.)
Lobstrich said:
EDIT: "To be different to you is not necessarily a bad thing!" This is actually kind of insulting though. Not in the sense that I think myself as better and being different from me is bad.. But because you think that I am so shallow that I hold this belief.
Yeah, I can see how that would be insulting. FWIW, I never doubted that you were likely
not to hold that view, at least not consciously, and I was surprised myself to see that what you said at least appeared to reduce to that sort of thinking. But it really does seem to be like a very basic form of it - "X does this differently to me. Reasons postulated: Negative." because you didn't seem to attempt to understand how that same appearance could stem from a neutral, or positive, root. Not sure if that makes sense.
But probably that was too harsh, so sorry. It's more likely that you were talking about a general feel in some posts, and just sort of roughly correlated it to lengthiness/verbosity, so I ended up addressing the latter instead of the former.
On a totally unrelated note: I NEVER want to hear the song Good Ship Lollipop, ever again.