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Are most of the people here insane?


Active Member
Local time
Today 4:35 PM
Jul 28, 2008
the eastern shore of the USA
@ Gopher and xxpbdudexx - About the whole infp and istp thing in comparison to intps, it really isnt that hard to see the differences between them and an intp. The differences are pretty vast, i think all 3 types share an almost oblivious nature. Only participating in things that please their immediate interests. I cant say for sure how other people might compare the 3 but, from my own perspective, i see my istp friend as just being an absolute idiot, he only cares about the here and now, he is willing to jump into doing things without stopping to think about consequences. When you try to explain something to him, you normally have to break things down for him, give him examples, compare things to other things that he already understands. It is literally like trying to teach a child. My INFP friend is definately closer to me by comparison, but there are still huge differences, he is a far more emotionally motivated person, it is hard to see because i think he tends to express himself through extroverted thinking. From someone elses perspective, me and him probably share a lot of mannorisms, but he focuses on more practical things.

And as for INTJs, if you spent time with one you would probably realize just how well we can get along with them. They are obviously condescending jackasses who dont care about anything but themselves and what they can use from people, but other than that they are interesting. You can learn a lot from them, whether you lack their motivation or not.


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 9:35 PM
Feb 11, 2010
Why is believing that "being different is bad" necessarily shallow? Or ha, why is being shallow necessarily insulting? This is a matter of questioning values.

My point is: Being "shallow" is a common intermittent thing beneath human perception. Why do we care for how we look? Why do care for praises? Why do we care for winning? Why do we care for being the authority? These things are not just for utility. People instinctively care for these things, It's not necessarily something we consciously decide on. But it is something we can improve on.

I find it insulting to be called shallow. And I find believing that "being different is bad" is shallow as well.

And I never said I care for any of those things.
So, your point?


Prolific Member
Local time
Tomorrow 8:35 AM
Aug 24, 2008
I admit. I haven't thought of it that way. But now you say it, I am VERY disorganized when I speak in 'real time' much more than I am here. I flail words and explainations all over the place and it does nothing but tire people listening to me.

So It's a good point. I'll consider that next time.

But I still think alot of people are pseudo-intellectual as Anthile so wonderfully explained.
Which annoys the crap out of me.

Pretentious people, just had their first few classes of psychology and philosophy, learned alot of cool words. And now they feel all sophisticated with these new words. And have conversations straight out of the book they read. God forbid they have an opinion.

But as you saw me write in my post. I'm not saying every person on this forum is a pseudo-intellectual. Maybe I'm just misanthropic towards my peers (the youth; seeing I'm 18)

In conclusion I agree with you on the quoted part. Yet I still fell as I originally explained.

(Didn't read your whole post. I'll get back with an edit when I do.. At some point)


I'm always nervous when I post one of my slightly ranty rants because I have no idea how it's going to be received. I feel at peace now. :D

I do get that pseudo-intellectual feel round here as well. I think people do bullshit a lot. I know I do. But I suppose that's the immaturity that comes with being mostly alone, at least in your interests and pursuits. A lot of us are children in the world of philosophy/intellect (ew, I cringe using that word) because that world is so small, shared by so few, that we don't get nearly the amount of socialisation that more mainstream thinkers do. (It's not elitist; I'm not implying any value hierarchy, just pointing out that we're a minority.) I think most of us are genuinely interested in the questions we ask, and we truly value thought and knowledge - the interest is authentic. But perhaps the spirit with which we interact with each other isn't always, because most of the time, we've only ever shared these things with those not of 'our world' - those with little interest, who see our thoughts as clear markers of difference. It's the self-importance and awkwardness of a child, really - thinking the world of themselves for adding 2 and 2, not always remembering their P's and Q's, asking the most ridiculously banal questions... So I think it's at least partly a matter of simply not being used to talking about these things with ease, or with the breadth and depth of knowledge that would be more easily available in mainstream culture (eg Everything you want to know about Britney and MORE!).

So while it is also a matter of feeling smug that you have something of value (a brain/uniqueness/blah) - and that's the same smugness worn by certain types of people with any type of value (attractiveness, skill, talent) - it wouldn't be fair not to acknowledge we haven't had the same opportunity we would've had we been a majority, and that our embarrassing ignorance, misplaced confidence and childish conversations are at least understandably so.

(Meh, I don't really know if that's any defence at all. Bibbity bobbity boo.)

Lobstrich said:
EDIT: "To be different to you is not necessarily a bad thing!" This is actually kind of insulting though. Not in the sense that I think myself as better and being different from me is bad.. But because you think that I am so shallow that I hold this belief.

Yeah, I can see how that would be insulting. FWIW, I never doubted that you were likely not to hold that view, at least not consciously, and I was surprised myself to see that what you said at least appeared to reduce to that sort of thinking. But it really does seem to be like a very basic form of it - "X does this differently to me. Reasons postulated: Negative." because you didn't seem to attempt to understand how that same appearance could stem from a neutral, or positive, root. Not sure if that makes sense.

But probably that was too harsh, so sorry. It's more likely that you were talking about a general feel in some posts, and just sort of roughly correlated it to lengthiness/verbosity, so I ended up addressing the latter instead of the former.

On a totally unrelated note: I NEVER want to hear the song Good Ship Lollipop, ever again.


coalescing in diffusion
Local time
Today 4:35 PM
May 31, 2010
What exactly entails being shallow? I can come up with a general definition but the specifics are muddled...

However, even with the simple definition I came up with (being unable to perceive or understand anything out of one's own perceptions, beliefs, or thought processes and patterns), I can easily tell how it would be insulting to call someone shallow. It denotes a sense of close-mindedness, or genuine lack of intelligence. It might would actually be insulting to one who values the things it claims one does not have.


Only 1 1-F.
Local time
Today 11:35 PM
Jan 2, 2010
However, even with the simple definition I came up with (being unable to perceive or understand anything out of one's own perceptions, beliefs, or thought processes and patterns), I can easily tell how it would be insulting to call someone shallow. It denotes a sense of close-mindedness, or genuine lack of intelligence. It might would actually be insulting to one who values the things it claims one does not have.

My original point has to do with the relationship between shallowness, the standard of what is shallow, and being human, but now I ask something else:

Why are you insulted by anything at all? Or why do you have this attitude towards insult? Even if the insult denotes things opposite of what you value such as intelligence, how is this actually related to what you yourself value? Or do you not like insult the same way you value praise in which case you do not like insult for itself?


coalescing in diffusion
Local time
Today 4:35 PM
May 31, 2010
My original point has to do with the relationship between shallowness, the standard of what is shallow, and being human, but now I ask something else:

Why are you insulted by anything at all? Or why do you have this attitude towards insult? Even if the insult denotes things opposite of what you value such as intelligence, how is this actually related to what you yourself value? Or do you not like insult the same way you value praise in which case you do not like insult for itself?
Well... i would say that I do not get easily insulted, or maybe, I don't allow myself to get easily insulted. And I generally dislike praise... but, in the event that someone legitimately insults me, I have no idea why I should allow such to actually alter my thoughts in any way, or why I should be insulted by something to begin with. I suppose that a fairly accurate reason in many cases would be compensation for a damaged pride, especially if the insult turns out to be a fact (which makes one wonder where lines begin and end). of course, like most things, that one reason likely does not account for all incidences where one is insulted. I think one could be easily insulted is someone perceives that person as being something he is not, or not being something he is. And I'm sure there's more.


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 9:35 PM
Feb 11, 2010
Yeah, I can see how that would be insulting. FWIW, I never doubted that you were likely not to hold that view, at least not consciously, and I was surprised myself to see that what you said at least appeared to reduce to that sort of thinking. But it really does seem to be like a very basic form of it - "X does this differently to me. Reasons postulated: Negative." because you didn't seem to attempt to understand how that same appearance could stem from a neutral, or positive, root. Not sure if that makes sense.

But probably that was too harsh, so sorry. It's more likely that you were talking about a general feel in some posts, and just sort of roughly correlated it to lengthiness/verbosity, so I ended up addressing the latter instead of the former.

No I don't think I hold the slighest 'form of it' I believe every person is free to do whatever the fuck they want (and the cursing was needed, because I REALLY don't care)

That doesn't stop me from disliking what people do, does it?
And just because I dislike whatever it is that they're doing. That doesn't mean I dislike it because it's different but because it's something I hold no interest in myself.

And to say this makes me hold this 'belief' is the same as saying that EVERYONE who has different interests dislike other people because they are different.

Which is bullshit.


Prolific Member
Local time
Tomorrow 8:35 AM
Aug 24, 2008
No I don't think I hold the slighest 'form of it' I believe every person is free to do whatever the fuck they want (and the cursing was needed, because I REALLY don't care)

That doesn't stop me from disliking what people do, does it?
And just because I dislike whatever it is that they're doing. That doesn't mean I dislike it because it's different but because it's something I hold no interest in myself.

And to say this makes me hold this 'belief' is the same as saying that EVERYONE who has different interests dislike other people because they are different.

Which is bullshit.

Ok, I misread it, oops. :)


Semantic Nitpicker
Local time
Today 4:35 PM
Nov 21, 2009
What ever happened to the art of being concise?

The Gopher

Local time
Tomorrow 8:35 AM
Aug 26, 2010
@ Gopher and xxpbdudexx - About the whole infp and istp thing in comparison to intps, it really isnt that hard to see the differences between them and an intp. The differences are pretty vast, i think all 3 types share an almost oblivious nature. Only participating in things that please their immediate interests. I cant say for sure how other people might compare the 3 but, from my own perspective, i see my istp friend as just being an absolute idiot, he only cares about the here and now, he is willing to jump into doing things without stopping to think about consequences. When you try to explain something to him, you normally have to break things down for him, give him examples, compare things to other things that he already understands. It is literally like trying to teach a child. My INFP friend is definately closer to me by comparison, but there are still huge differences, he is a far more emotionally motivated person, it is hard to see because i think he tends to express himself through extroverted thinking. From someone elses perspective, me and him probably share a lot of mannorisms, but he focuses on more practical things.

And as for INTJs, if you spent time with one you would probably realize just how well we can get along with them. They are obviously condescending jackasses who dont care about anything but themselves and what they can use from people, but other than that they are interesting. You can learn a lot from them, whether you lack their motivation or not.

uhh yeah my sister is an INTJ my brother is an ISTP I know the differences and yes I get along great with my sister.


Consultant, inventor, project innovator
Local time
Tomorrow 5:35 AM
Jan 7, 2010
Perth, Australia
When you try to explain something to him, you normally have to break things down for him, give him examples, compare things to other things that he already understands. It is literally like trying to teach a child.

I hate getting this from the other perspective.

"Hey, this needs to be done..."


"...because blah blah blah blah..."

Argh. Dude, shut up, I figured all that out halfway through your first sentence, including all the bits you weren't telling me and the stuff you're going to run into problems with later on (and how to fix that), now let's get on with it, shall we?

The Gopher

Local time
Tomorrow 8:35 AM
Aug 26, 2010
I hate getting this from the other perspective.

"Hey, this needs to be done..."


"...because blah blah blah blah..."

Argh. Dude, shut up, I figured all that out halfway through your first sentence, including all the bits you weren't telling me and the stuff you're going to run into problems with later on (and how to fix that), now let's get on with it, shall we?

YEAH thats right do it aussie style. :D


Active Member
Local time
Today 4:35 PM
Jul 28, 2008
the eastern shore of the USA
Indeed, it can be pretty ridiculous when someone is trying to explain something you already understand. Especially if it is boring and the person is excited about explaining it.

That is still not as bad as having something explained to you that you just plain dont care about. Being a man who doesnt like sports, i run into this a lot, considering pretty much every person i know either watches football or nascar. I cant begin to count the amount of times i have just felt like spitting in peoples faces for mindlessly babbling to me about what people got switched to what team and who won this race and who did this and who did that, while i stare blankly at them.

Dont get me wrong though, i dont mind playing sports but the fact that it is all televised and has such a big following, makes me sick.


Consultant, inventor, project innovator
Local time
Tomorrow 5:35 AM
Jan 7, 2010
Perth, Australia
mindlessly babbling to me about what people got switched to what team and who won this race and who did this and who did that, while i stare blankly at them.

Key phrase: "That's a... sports thing, right?"

Alternatively, learn just enough about Celtic Underwater Basket Weaving or Competitive Weasel Gargling to gush excitedly about exactly the same crap. See how long it takes them to figure out you're not talking about the same sport.

Bonus points if the sport is completely fictional. Double bonus points if you're describing your weekend RPG session in football terms.


Local time
Today 4:35 PM
Jan 8, 2010
New York City (The Big Apple) & State
^Name them individually! NAME THEM! :twisteddevil:

More seriously, I expect most of the time people don't remember individual names but just a general feeling of discontent that grows over time.
You want names? I'll name names. Here's a name for ya. CHEESE! There. I've named a name. Now ya gonna make something out of it? What are ya gonna make outta CHEESE?

Answer: He, see, eh, chess, heehee. And that's only fer starters.:cool:


Prolific Member
Local time
Tomorrow 8:35 AM
Aug 24, 2008
You want names? I'll name names. Here's a name for ya. CHEESE! There. I've named a name. Now ya gonna make something out of it? What are ya gonna make outta CHEESE?

Answer: He, see, eh, chess, heehee. And that's only fer starters.:cool:

Yeah? Well you wanna know what we can make of BigApplePi? Because I don't see enough sweetness for dessert.


Local time
Today 4:35 PM
Jan 8, 2010
New York City (The Big Apple) & State
Yeah? Well you wanna know what we can make of BigApplePi? Because I don't see enough sweetness for dessert.
Whoops. Looks like I'm gonna have to take that back. Eat my words. Didn't see how vulnerable I was. Okay Cheese. You win. You are unnamed. I retract whatever I said. It's gone. Vanished. :cool:Don't look.


Prolific Member
Local time
Tomorrow 8:35 AM
Aug 24, 2008
Whoops. Looks like I'm gonna have to take that back. Eat my words. Didn't see how vulnerable I was. Okay Cheese. You win. You are unnamed. I retract whatever I said. It's gone. Vanished. :cool:Don't look.

All right then Pi, have it your way and I'll have you mine - hot and creamy.

Contrary to popular belief, I DO have a voice in my head that yells "Stop!" at regular intervals throughout the day. Mmmmm.


Is Kredit to Team!!
Local time
Tomorrow 5:35 AM
Apr 30, 2008
Purgatory with the cool kids
vs.? They seem one step away from full blown e-sex.

In any case.



Only 1 1-F.
Local time
Today 11:35 PM
Jan 2, 2010
I suppose that a fairly accurate reason in many cases would be compensation for a damaged pride, especially if the insult turns out to be a fact (which makes one wonder where lines begin and end). of course, like most things, that one reason likely does not account for all incidences where one is insulted. I think one could be easily insulted if someone perceives that person as being something he is not, or not being something he is. And I'm sure there's more.

Dude, for whatever reason, the question remains. Why is the internal affected by the external? How is the internal connected to external? Why does being intelligent connected to someone telling you you're not intelligent?

Because I think being shallow is a bad trait.

Is it really?


Local time
Today 4:35 PM
Jan 8, 2010
New York City (The Big Apple) & State
Getting back to the subject matter of this thread, I'm not sure it has definitely been determined if you or I am insane, partly insane, or simply not insane. We don't know. Now if an insanity plea is to be denied, not sure we can let you get away with that. Please give evidence you are not insane, procrastination notwithstanding.:slashnew::slashnew::slashnew:

BTW Lobstrich raised an issue which in my mind was not settled.:confused: (I don't definitively recall the issue -- just that it was not settled.) I will try and get back here to see if any light can be shed on settling it whether I can recall the issue or not.:) If not, don't wait up for me. I have to go out to rake leaves now. If you are not aware this has to be done, you know it now.:mad:


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 4:35 PM
Mar 24, 2008
Northeastern Pennsylvania
"Is this an INTP thing? Do we delight in being the super-intelligent clairvoyants so far out in front of the rest of the pack that we can't tolerate anyone else knowing what's going on in our heads?"

I don't think it's just an INTP thing. Nor is it done deliberately by all those who do it. It does seem to be a function of intelligence and what I'll call "thinking speed," which in my paradigm is not necessarily the same thing as intelligence.

Remember I've spent just about my entire adult life explaining things to people. When interviewing people who would later be written about, or the things they said presented in articles, the seemingly random jumping about of their conversation usually turned out to be them thinking faster than they can speak, which is pretty universal for all except the dullest knives in the drawer. Eventually I'd connect the dots and understand a comment, sometimes moments later, sometimes ten minutes later. :)

It's intelligent, quick-witted people who do this, but only because they are the ones capable of processing seven steps in three seconds and casting forth the eighth thought without actually speaking the other seven. Dull people can't do that.

Best analogy I can think of is chess. When you get two people who really know what they're doing, one might concede even when checkmate is seven moves away. The rest of us are saying "huh?" but to those two it was perfectly clear.

None of this applies, of course, if a squirrel runs across the room. "There goes a squirrel" is not a nonsequitor if there really is a squirrel. :)


Active Member
Local time
Today 4:35 PM
Jul 28, 2008
the eastern shore of the USA
To chime in on the part of the conversation i have been ignoring, being shallow is definately a bad thing, and if you dont think so its because you are shallow.

Now lets try to determine what is an appropriate level of "being different is bad" because it absolutely is bad to be different to an extent, but only if its something that someone has control over.

1. Fat people who are overweight because of their lifestyle, not natural caues, are open game.
2. People who abuse any hard drug are also open game, even people who drink alcohol.
3. People who dress in ridiculous clothes or act stupidly to attract attention to themselves are open game.

Probably plenty more examples but i dont feel like listing more.

If they dont care about themselves, then they dont have the right to care what people think of them.

Aside from that, its not really right to judge someone who is a genuine person, just trying to live their life.

Im trying to think of a short sweet way to put this but the best i can come up with is, If someone trys to be different, it leaves them open to be judged, If someone just happens to be different, theres nothing they can do about that.


Local time
Today 4:35 PM
Jan 8, 2010
New York City (The Big Apple) & State
Robert Mitchum could be the only one I know with a heart-shaped face. Do you think?


Local time
Today 4:35 PM
Jan 8, 2010
New York City (The Big Apple) & State
I promised I would get back on what I thought was an unresolved issue. (My promise is as good as my word and comes with a one year warranty.)
Apologies for the choppy writing.

I copied excerpts from the conversation of Lobstrich and Words. Some things caught my eye.

What is said was that I was insulted by the way, he believed me to be so shallow to believe that being different is bad.
Why is believing that "being different is bad" necessarily shallow? Or ha, why is being shallow necessarily insulting?
I find it insulting to be called shallow.
Why are you insulted by anything at all? Or why do you have this attitude towards insult? Even if the insult denotes things opposite of what you value such as intelligence, how is this actually related to what you yourself value?
Because I think being shallow is a bad trait.
It only leads to small-mindedness, which leads to a whole lot of other stuff.
Which I don't like. So naturally I don't take kind to being called shallow.
Why is the internal affected by the external? How is the internal connected to external? Why does being intelligent connected to someone telling you you're not intelligent?

I see used terms like "insulting", "shallow", "insulted, "bad" and some very good questions about them. So I want to make a generalization. There is you, me and a relationship. I see all those terms as subjective. If someone calls me "shallow", the way I receive this term is subjective and the meaning of the giver is subjective also -- to outsiders. But if I believe shallow is bad and I am associated with badness, that is painful. It's the pain that matters. Without the pain, it would be just a true or false fact. Wouldn't matter. No pain, I wouldn't feel insulted. Pain and I feel insulted. There is probably more to it as you all have observed so I just wanted to add this, however shallow it is to say.

Summary: thinking about the meaning of terms can have their meanings overpowered by emotion. Pain is considered an emotion. INTP's are not good at Fe.


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 9:35 PM
Feb 11, 2010
I promised I would get back on what I thought was an unresolved issue. (My promise is as good as my word and comes with a one year warranty.)
Apologies for the choppy writing.

I copied excerpts from the conversation of Lobstrich and Words. Some things caught my eye.

I see used terms like "insulting", "shallow", "insulted, "bad" and some very good questions about them. So I want to make a generalization. There is you, me and a relationship. I see all those terms as subjective. If someone calls me "shallow", the way I receive this term is subjective and the meaning of the giver is subjective also -- to outsiders. But if I believe shallow is bad and I am associated with badness, that is painful. It's the pain that matters. Without the pain, it would be just a true or false fact. Wouldn't matter. No pain, I wouldn't feel insulted. Pain and I feel insulted. There is probably more to it as you all have observed so I just wanted to add this, however shallow it is to say.

Summary: thinking about the meaning of terms can have their meanings overpowered by emotion. Pain is considered an emotion. INTP's are not good at Fe.

I'm not really sure I get your point. Sorry, it's quite late here in Europe.


Local time
Today 4:35 PM
Jul 27, 2010
I get that impression when reading threads on this forum. I'll come across about one in ten posts that are utterly incomprehensible.

Is this an INTP thing? Do we delight in being the super-intelligent clairvoyants so far out in front of the rest of the pack that we can't tolerate anyone else knowing what's going on in our heads? Is this a reaction to the nagging suspicion that we're actually very average and not as extraordinary as we imagine ourselves to be?

Yup. pretty much... I often find myself having a hard time explaining my chains of thoughts to others and actually having them understanding it... I used to think i had like dyslexia or something but now i can blame it on my INTP-ness. :)

The Gopher

Local time
Tomorrow 8:35 AM
Aug 26, 2010
oh no we should make that thread compulsory reading for new members


Local time
Today 4:35 PM
Jan 8, 2010
New York City (The Big Apple) & State
I'm not really sure I get your point. Sorry, it's quite late here in Europe.
Hi Lobstrich. I can see I didn't quite get my point across. I think it was that emotion is separate from thought and emotion is internal, belongs to us, and theoretically we alone should have control over how we feel about things. I guess we'll have to wait until something happens again to see if it can be better expressed.

Specifically, if we feel the sting of insult, our feelings are inside and the insult is outside (words used by Words). Since the inside is different and separate from the outside, it's a puzzle how they should cross.

Do you think this an insane thought -- the ravings of an INTP?


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 9:35 PM
Feb 11, 2010
Hi Lobstrich. I can see I didn't quite get my point across. I think it was that emotion is separate from thought and emotion is internal, belongs to us, and theoretically we alone should have control over how we feel about things. I guess we'll have to wait until something happens again to see if it can be better expressed.

Specifically, if we feel the sting of insult, our feelings are inside and the insult is outside (words used by Words). Since the inside is different and separate from the outside, it's a puzzle how they should cross.

Do you think this an insane thought -- the ravings of an INTP?

I agree that feelings are insinde, and that things like insults are outside.
But I do not find it to be a puzzle. (Well I do, if you go all the way and think how 'stuff from the world' literally affects your emotions)

Besides that, I don't know. It seems simple; 'stuff' get translated by your feelings so you can understand and react to it.


Active Member
Local time
Today 1:35 PM
Oct 22, 2010
I don't think INTP's are insane, they certainly can seem that way. I have noticed that we tend to go off on tangents and think up complex ideas usually only slightly related to the current subject. They make perfect sense in our minds, but when we try to explain them it doesn't come across very clearly.



Prolific Member
Local time
Today 9:35 PM
Feb 11, 2010
I don't think INTP's are insane, they certainly can seem that way. I have noticed that we tend to go off on tangents and think up complex ideas usually only slightly related to the current subject. They make perfect sense in our minds, but when we try to explain them it doesn't come across very clearly.


I don't understand the motivation in making an argument that is pretty much taken out of the 'official' description of what an INTP is.

It's like saying "I have noticed that the quarterback tends to throw the ball at the reciever. But sometimes he also gives it to the halfback!"


Active Member
Local time
Today 1:35 PM
Oct 22, 2010
I don't understand the motivation in making an argument that is pretty much taken out of the 'official' description of what an INTP is.

It's like saying "I have noticed that the quarterback tends to throw the ball at the reciever. But sometimes he also gives it to the halfback!"

Because I'm insane.


Local time
Today 4:35 PM
Jan 8, 2010
New York City (The Big Apple) & State
I don't understand the motivation in making an argument that is pretty much taken out of the 'official' description of what an INTP is.

It's like saying "I have noticed that the quarterback tends to throw the ball at the reciever. But sometimes he also gives it to the halfback!"
Refinement. Because it offers refinement.

Your statement invites things like, "When does he choose the reciever over the halfback?" "Define 'sometimes'."


coalescing in diffusion
Local time
Today 4:35 PM
May 31, 2010
True.. But stating obvious things still kind of grind my gears. That's when I start to feel like poeple are pseudo-intellectuals
Define "pseudo-intellectual." How can you tell a pseudo-intellectual apart from an actual intellectual?


Local time
Today 4:35 PM
Jan 8, 2010
New York City (The Big Apple) & State
True.. But stating obvious things still kind of grind my gears. That's when I start to feel like poeple are pseudo-intellectuals
Lobstrich. What I do if someone says something that stimulates nothing new to me I go on to something else. On the other hand if I stick around someone ELSE may pick up on something new I did not see. A plus!

BTW I don't recognize the term, "pseudo-intellectual." They are just trying. If they want to put something on display, let them.


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 9:35 PM
May 22, 2009
If I denied my insanity it would only confirm my insanity. If I was truly insane would I be able to diagnose myself?


Active Member
Local time
Today 1:35 PM
Oct 22, 2010
I don't understand the motivation in making an argument that is pretty much taken out of the 'official' description of what an INTP is.

It's like saying "I have noticed that the quarterback tends to throw the ball at the reciever. But sometimes he also gives it to the halfback!"

Wow I just read my post again and it does seem very redundant. I wonder what I was thinking? :confused:


Local time
Today 4:35 PM
Jan 8, 2010
New York City (The Big Apple) & State
If I denied my insanity it would only confirm my insanity. If I was truly insane would I be able to diagnose myself?
The truly insane can diagnose anything. If they diagnose themselves as insane they would still have to be checked out. But if they are checked out by an insane person that insane person could deny they're insane whereupon we would have to bring them here to this board for a checkout. They would have to pass an insanity test. If they flunked the insanity test, the insanity test itself would need be subject to review. Peer review would be up for grabs meaning ..... wait a minute. My pills are coming. My left arm is not tied down.
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