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It all seems so pointless to me...
Well, what doesn't?
(EDIT: Sorry, this isn't the place for that discussion.)
It all seems so pointless to me...
I find many of the types quite inaccurate.
ISFPs are not like cats, they are actually very loyal. They love to aid others and feel needed.
ENTJs are not protective of the herd, they have no compassion for the herd at all. ENTJs allow the weak to be picked off and push the strong to be stronger. ENTJs are always looking to the future, they aren't grazers they're hunters.
INFPs are not magical. They are simply reclusive. I don't see why they have been given a mythical creature instead of simply a fox or something. Also you need to consider the powerful connotations of a dragon, I don't see how these apply to the INFP. They are much more like a fox, loved by myth and hated by man.
INTJ as hawk works but I really think owl would be more accurate. The near supernatural sensory capabilities of an owl match the INTJ's extroverted intuition very well, and the INTJ is not the type to scream just before snatching it's prey, they come quietly and without care for glory.
ESTP as tiger I don't really get either, Tigers are solitary creatures and they are absolutely malicious. A tiger is the symbol for evil in many cultures. Why not a leopard, something with less fearsome connotations.
INTP as eagle really makes no sense to me at all. INTPs are not huge glorious war symbols. They tend to be pretty vulnerable and emotionally unstable people actually. I see them as cheetahs, avoiding large predators, capable of incredible feats but spend most of their time lying around watching the sahara.
I am curious. Why do you want to have "animal types" associated with the MBTI??
Unicorn (horrendiously dangerous if crossed = homicidal maniac).
"INFJs place great importance on havings things orderly and systematic in their outer world. They put a lot of energy into identifying the best system for getting things done, and constantly define and re-define the priorities in their lives."
"They know things intuitively, without being able to pinpoint why, and without detailed knowledge of the subject at hand.(...) Consequently, INFJs put a tremendous amount of faith into their instincts and intuitions."
What makes them fly?
I don't understand.
Weird. I thought the original poster was simply asking what animal we associated our personalities with individually. I didn't know we were pinning them to the MBTI.
My system building tendency wants animal types allocated to all personality types.
I find the animals easier. I still cannot think of any changes for the better.
Nah, i am not an ethnologist, but i seriously doubt that! In every culture there are different views on topics like these. Just because we in the western world still see the owl like the old greeks did, that doesn't mean another culture would see it different.Animism has not changed all that much since the Greek parables.
Like that one. I never heard of it before. What wonder, i don't live in aregion with camels...A Camel never forgets.
Arent Elephants the ones with good memory?
While I think an Owl is a great INPT animal another group of Animals that may have been overlooked are the reptiles.
Specifically the Chameleon or Alligator/Crocodile
-quiet observers until something catches their interest
Also if we were to go a cat, one of the best would probably be the Leopard
Arent Elephants the ones with good memory?
Decaf said:The scores you get in no way represent how extreme, or how much skill you have in any area. What it indicates is how CERTAIN you are that that is your letter.
iiiiAlright, let's see if this helps create some sort of direction. If anyone has any ideas for any specific type please list them down
ESFP = Se - Fi = Alert, Quirky + Motherly and Protective
ESTP = Se - Ti = Alert, Hunter + Vigilant, Observant
ISFJ = Si - Fe = Systemic (Consistent Life Style) + Loving, Expressive
ISTJ = Si - Te = Systemic, Traditional + Skillful, Tactful
ENTP = Ne - Ti = Wild, Free Spirited, Untamed + Independent
ENFP = Ne - Fi = Wild, Free Spirited + Family Oriented, Nurturing
INFJ = Ni - Fe = In tune with Nature, Prophetic + Warmhearted, Playful
INTJ = Ni - Te = In tune with Nature, Prophetic + Tactful Predator
I would knock out the nature for this one as well. Its just pretend.
ISTP = Ti - Se = Solitary Observer + Alert, Quirky
INTP = Ti - Ne = Solitary Observer + Free Spirited, Wild
ENTJ = Te - Ni = Tactful Leader, Marshall + Foresight, Awareness of Nature
I would discount the wareness of nature for this one
ESTJ = Te - Si = Predator, Leader + Traditional, Unchanging
Not really a leader at all, as it just follows the book
ESFJ = Fe - Si = Playful and Full of Life + Tamable, Able to be Domesticated
ENFJ = Fe - Ni = Playful and Lovable + Foresight, Awareness of Nature
ISFP = Fi - Se = Motherly and Nurturing + Quirky
INFP = Fi - Ne = Motherly, Committed to one Spouse + Wild, Free, Lively
Carefree and motherly don't ken. Carefree rules.
Also, just a little clarification about the way I've seen you interpret type theory thus far Perseus, and the way I believe it should be interpreted:
If the score if an online MBTI test shows that you are 50%-50% T/F, this does not mean that you are INXP, or that your T and F are both equally developed. The test just wasn't able to properly discriminate which actually is your prefered function, but according to the MBTI, we all have a preference to one or the other. Cognitively speaking, it makes no sense to be both.
I see...
In that case,more power to you.
Sorry if it seemed like I was replacing your work. I can see how a system may not work as well as intuitive perception. Ineed personal observation of each type in action does have more weight than a theoretical structure does.![]()
According to this, I am an eagle, my mom is a dog, my dad is a snake, my sister is a tiger, my best friend is a dragon, and pretty much everyone I hate is a filthy rat.Hello,
This is the list.
I have no reason to change my mind yet.
> ENFJ: "Teacher" = WOLF 5% Educating [Givers]
> ENFP: "Journalist" = FERRET 3% Motivating (Champion) [Inspirors]
> ENTJ: "Field Marshall" = BULL 5% Mobilizing [Executives]
> ENTP: "Inventor" = SNAKE 5% Devising [Visionaries]
> ESFJ: "Seller" = HORSE 13% Supplying (Provider) [Care Givers]
> ESFP: "Entertainer" = BUTTERFLY 13% Demonstrating (Performer)
> ESTJ: "Administrator" = RAT 13% Enforcing [Guardians]
> ESTP: "Promoter" = TIGER 13% Persuading [Doers]
> INFJ: "Author" = SKYLARK 1% Guiding (Counselor)
> INFP: "Questor = DRAGON 1.25% (Males 0.6%) Conciliating (Healer)
> INTJ: "Scientist" = HAWK 1% Entailing (part of Arranging)
> INTP: "Architect" = EAGLE 1% Designing
> ISFJ: "Conservator" = MOUSE 6% Securing (Protector) [Nurturers]
> ISFP: "Artist" = CAT 5% Synthesizing (part of Composing)
> ISTJ: "Trustee" = DOG 6% Certifying [Duty Fillers]
> ISTP: "Artisan" = BEAR 5% Instrumenting [Mechanics]