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Search results

  1. AnnaC

    Can types be suppressed according to circumstances?

    Hmm... I don't know about the Fe. I don't necessarily have the "must progress mankind" instinct that INFJs possess, nor is my Se so well developed as it used to be - it only comes to light when I'm with friends as opposed to family. I have a pretty good perception of the people around me...
  2. AnnaC

    Can types be suppressed according to circumstances?

    The trouble with this particular explanation is that if I have suppressed one type with another, then in this particular instance, the object is to avoid people who I'd very much not like to deal with. This same group of people is the same group I'm exposed to on a daily basis. However, when I'm...
  3. AnnaC

    Can types be suppressed according to circumstances?

    Basically, I was an ESTP before my mother took me out of school and began to home-school me. After she took me out of school, my Se began to be suppressed beneath an immense Ni tendency. Due to my lack of things to do and new people to meet/compete with, I began to become more introverted and...
  4. AnnaC

    Ti is an "action-based" kind of logic.

    See... It's like the "sitting on the rock with their brow furrowed" illustration you used in an above post. The Te sits on the rock with their brow furrowed while they proactively think up a solution, which they obstinately use despite the many variables which may be introduced to the situation...
  5. AnnaC

    Ti is an "action-based" kind of logic.

    So... What this article (and you) are saying is that an INTP relies more heavily on inward thinking to take action and solve outward/perceived problems? If so, I would have to think on that a bit... INTPs are not so abstract as some thinkers (Te-oriented), who think just for the thinking...
  6. AnnaC

    Iceland: Land of INTPs?

    Meant to, actually. :D But, seriously: I'll fix it. Can't have people avoiding me due to my love of GIF signatures, haha.
  7. AnnaC

    Iceland: Land of INTPs?

    My most humble apologies. I found it on an authors' page describing how to publish a book, and as I myself danced in such a manner when I learned that one of my stories were going to be publish in an anthology, I couldn't resist putting it in my signature, haha. I'll change it, as I'm sure...
  8. AnnaC

    Iceland: Land of INTPs?

    I've actually wanted to go hiking through several of the Icelandic national parks for quite some time now. The scenery is gorgeous, and the language of the people is something to marvel at in itself. Not to mention the cold weather is great: I hate summer, and would actually prefer that it never...
  9. AnnaC

    My free full length solo album, Dreamsura. [dream&bass/progressive/ambient]

    Yup: He's calling you a bot. You may have to enter into some sort of debate to prove otherwise. :phear: Cool music, by the way. It isn't usually what I listen to, but sometimes a break from the normal is interesting. It has a very ethereal, futuristic vibe to it.
  10. AnnaC

    Does anyone else enjoy confusing people?

    Alright, then: Any thoughts on using confusion as a defense mechanism? I.e., when you're so confused in a social situation that you resort to confusing the other person(s), in order to bring about a conversation on more equal ground?
  11. AnnaC

    Does anyone else enjoy confusing people?

    Agreed. :phear: I experienced the same thing my very first day of high school. I threatened to turn someone's hair green for making fun of my blue hair, describing exactly how to do it with the various chemical's in my homeroom teacher's chemistry lab. He tried to keep up, failed, and ended up...
  12. AnnaC

    Does anyone else enjoy confusing people?

    Confusing people: Do you like to, or no? I, for one, am an INTP who would prefer to disassociate with the bulk of the human populous, except for those instances wherein I may completely bungle peoples' minds and (hopefully) either embarrass them or identify another intelligent life form. When I...
  13. AnnaC

    6-inch human skeleton in Chile

    It's a fairy, and obviously it remained unnoticed because it is a magical creature. :D Wait, no: The mystery of gnomes and their relation to pointy hats has finally been solved. Oh, dear. I'm gonna stop now.
  14. AnnaC

    What do you do most of the time?

    Look at the previous week - or typical week or month if the most recent was atypical. What were you doing most of the time? I was on my computer most of the time, either writing or researching or just looking at various things. Otherwise I read, hiked, walked, jogged, slept, ate, and breathed...
  15. AnnaC

    Where do You Find Beauty?

    I find beauty in surprising, out of the ordinary places. Beauty is when something catches me entirely off-guard, when something is unexpectedly different. It jolts me out of my head for all of five seconds, or longer if it's truly amazing. For instance, if I'm walking through a town and see...
  16. AnnaC

    High Sensitivity Test

    12/27. However, most of that is probably due to the repetition of the "loud noises" question. The littlest noise which breaks my concentration is enough to make me go haywire, cover my ears, and run for the nearest headphones.
  17. AnnaC


    I saw an opening, and of course, I had to take it. :D I would honestly not mind someone writing a biography of my life, so long as they consulted me for verification of the facts pre-publishing. I'd like the attention from it.
  18. AnnaC


    Hey, I was pretty damned close, and that person at the top of the page was only five points behind you. Don't be cocky. Oh, wait. I forgot. You scored a thirty-nine! :eek:
  19. AnnaC


    Nope; that's my mother. :D If I have a disagreement with someone, I quietly and calmly point all of the fallacies in their logic, at which point they either choose to admit that I am right, or I leave the area to do precisely what I wanted to do. Alone. Yes! Supergirl! Of course, I don't...
  20. AnnaC


    :kodama1: I have no comment on this.
  21. AnnaC

    Who are You?

    I am Anna. I reach for many goals, and am slowly achieving them all at once. I am more intelligent than most of the people around me, and for that reason I tend to avoid people, given the time to do so gracefully. I could see myself remaining alone for the entirety of my life, so long as I have...
  22. AnnaC

    INTPs and sticking to goals.

    This is the best advice yet, I think. Thank you. :D
  23. AnnaC

    INTPs and sticking to goals.

    I would, but I live in the middle of nowhere. Not that living here is too bad; there's just no martial arts studio in our barn, last I checked. ;)
  24. AnnaC

    INTPs and sticking to goals.

    Funny, I've been thinking about starting my own business, then becoming a hermit who just happens to own several factories. :D Yeah, I really do hate owing someone anything. "Committing" isn't exactly my kind of thing, unless that commitment is effortless to me. I tried doing my running without...
  25. AnnaC

    Self-loathing INTPs

    I'm very aware of others' thoughts of me, positive or negative, and am very much in need of positive recognition from my family. I don't like my feelings, because they confuse me; but I have them. I don't loathe myself, per se, but as Jennywocky said... The first paragraph describes my...
  26. AnnaC

    Pin the T/F on the INXJ!

    Perhaps, if he will, ask him to think about himself with or without you when next considering his type. What's he like when you're away, doing something else? When he's like when with a friend or friends? Maybe he's going solely on what he does/thinks when he is around you. For instance, I...
  27. AnnaC

    Pin the T/F on the INXJ!

    With only a 2% difference in the F/T may be borderline INTJ. I'd have him look at some characteristics of the two types, and see which he thinks he's most similar to. In my minimal experience INTJs tend to be somewhat aloof until they find someone they're really fond of, at which point they...
  28. AnnaC

    INTPs and sticking to goals.

    When I first started running, my ultimate goal was to recover from a very crappy relationship with someone who in retrospect was very unattractive. But anyway, he ran, so I took it up as kind of a vengeance thing, and it stuck until it kinda fell into a habit of mine. I guess vengeance could be...
  29. AnnaC

    INTPs and sticking to goals.

    I'm aiming for running a marathon. To state it as concisely as possible, I'm having difficulty staying on track. My non-focused, skittish brain is useful when I'm trying to keeping track of multiple thoughts at once. When I'm trying to stay on one track and reach one goal, it sucks. I make...
  30. AnnaC

    For the love of all that is random.

    Someone remind me not to eat my Cheerios tomorrow morning. :D
  31. AnnaC

    Favorite Anime Show?

    I've only watched Naruto, which I've thoroughly enjoyed. I follow it like my mother follows tabloid magazines. :rolleyes: Otherwise, I'm not a huge anime or manga fan.
  32. AnnaC

    Can science cause madness?

    Madness causes science. ;) Or, more to the point: Those who are drawn to science are naturally drawn to question those things around them. They take nothing told to them for granted, and so are more likely to explore less sane ideas, and devise ways to test them which may amount to madness...
  33. AnnaC


    I was actually thinking about the gravity aspect of swimming while floating the other day. It's amazing how heavy and sluggish I feel after I get out of the water; as soon as I set my feet out, I want to get back inside the pool. Anywho, I love swimming. It wipes my mind clean of everything...
  34. AnnaC

    You know you're an Intp when...

    When your mother tells you that it's not good for a person (namely yourself) to glory in the relative isolation put upon one's self. When, while playing with little children, you refer to a slide as "The Sensational Path of Serendipity," call yourself a "minion," then must spend the better part...
  35. AnnaC

    What songs are you listening to? /Redux/

    One for the Money, by The Editors. It reminds me faintly of Joy Division, which must be why I like it so much.
  36. AnnaC

    Is it just me...

    Hey! It says "dispay"! :eek: I thus suffer from dismay, this whole site's in disarray; grammar Nazis would have a heyday! Mayday, mayday! Make it "display," before I assail thee with my death ray! This whole situation is rather gay. The programmer is an INTP gone astray. I suggest we get a...
  37. AnnaC

    Graphology - Character Analysis

    I've never heard of graphology before, but it sounds intriguing. I wonder about its accuracy. Would anyone be willing to analyze mine?
  38. AnnaC

    Time to introduce myself, I think.

    Thanks, and that they do! Especially blue ones; they're flashy. :D
  39. AnnaC

    What are you all reading?

    Love and War by John Jakes; the second in the North and South trilogy.
  40. AnnaC

    Time to introduce myself, I think.

    Bantams are good setting hens. They only despise me, and love my enemies. I've tried to feed her grass, worms, feed, and everything else. She puffs herself up and squawks at me. :phear: That's when I start high-stepping it, as the saying goes. :D
  41. AnnaC

    Time to introduce myself, I think.

    I've seen too many of my kin die from years of drinking to favor it much myself, haha. Yes, my creek is the type which flows, and I'm glad of it; stagnant water isn't exactly a nice smell. When we need to rinse clothes and the power is out, we draw water from the stream and heat it, then rinse...
  42. AnnaC

    The Mythological God test

    Amun. Indeed, you are 79% erudite, 75% sensual, 58% martial, and 54% saturnine. Amun was a mysterious God indeed. His very name basically means "what is hidden", "what is not seen", "what cannot be seen", and though even his form was said to be “unknown”, he...
  43. AnnaC

    What is Religion for?

    This. This is what I was trying to illustrate, I think, but much simplified. Beyond even needing philosophy to guide their lives by or to explain phenomena that they couldn't otherwise comprehend, I think the sense of belonging is what they would describe it as the most. Like the man I know...
  44. AnnaC

    Time to introduce myself, I think.

    Thank you. Only, don't imagine watching someone tripping over stones and spontaneously sprinting to avoid wasps, eh? :D A mental image of some sort, perhaps? :confused:
  45. AnnaC

    Time to introduce myself, I think.

    Our cow has actually never gotten into our graveyard. :D This time of year, we're hanging our clothes out to sundry on the line. We've progressed past washing our clothes in the creek, except when the power is out for two weeks at a time, usually at least once a year. Pyropyro, I have lots of...
  46. AnnaC

    Time to introduce myself, I think.

    Thanks for the big welcome, everyone. :) You remind me of my best friend, who is also an INFP, coincidentally. :D To address you all, I grew up in rural West Virginia, which is definitely a part of the religious-rural area. Except for some complete weirdos who wear funky hats and go around...
  47. AnnaC

    Time to introduce myself, I think.

    Hi, all (especially if I haven't met you yet)! My name is Anna, and I am an INTP. That's all I've got. :D More seriously, I've been lurking on this forum for something around a week now, reading through topics and similar things. I decided to join when I saw a discussion that...
  48. AnnaC

    What is Religion for?

    That cannot be denied. However, I think the God could have potential to be good, if only the doctrines weren't so constrictive and so against normal human behavior, not to mention science. I know several people who believe in God who have chosen to shirk the canon doctrine, and the religion that...
  49. AnnaC

    What is Religion for?

    The morality of the club, or so I would think. Those who are knowledgeable will keep counsel within their own minds and among those who share the same religious values as they do, sharing their opinion only when it is asked of them. Those who value power and a sense of "I'm right, and you're...
  50. AnnaC

    What is Religion for?

    Re: What is Religion for: Meme Me Religions are essential for unfortunately unintelligent humans to become moral, and also for them to maintain a sense of dignity. People use it as a foothold to reach toward higher authority, and have done so since religions first appeared. However, I see...
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