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Search results

  1. I want to be released...

    You saw it
  2. Schools preaching leadership to students

    They want you to be a leader among your peers, not them.
  3. I want to be released...

    I think youre taking laziness to a new level. I think survival is a good enough motivation.
  4. INTP in the current economy

    Every boss wants an ISTJ. An INTP is authority's nightmare.
  5. what is the most useless school subject

    English anywhere beyond 5th grade
  6. School?

    Most of my classes are about how to communicate information to unintelligent people with a lot of patience. 1. Chemistry- actually not all that bad, my favorite class by far.:cool: 2. History- how to write the most detailed essay.:confused: 3. Statistics- how to repeatedly write out the most...
  7. Dream 'Job'

    I'd declare myself the totalitarian ruler of the earth and recreate society from scratch. If only i werent so lazy.
  8. The School System

    The problem with the school system is the fact that it institutionalizes learning. Too much of my life depends on my ability to conform to the system. It categorizes people by age and general level of test-taking ability, yet my GPA relies on homework. It drives you to excel at things you do not...
  9. INTPs and Writing

    A cause-and-effect essay sounds like the most boring shit ever, just sayin.
  10. doing poorly in school

    The school system is failing me as well. I reached the apex of achievement at 6 and have been falling from it ever since.
  11. Dealing with Laziness

    I have a hunch (or rather a hypothesis) that if it were entirely of my own accord, I would be the most studious person I know. The problem is that in school there is a limit of achievement. I reached that limit at 6 and I have been falling from it ever since.
  12. No Passion?

    I could imagine a degree in thinking.
  13. Being an INTP is a CURSE :(( Career/Major issue

    I'm interested in everything, but I'm not interested enough in anything, resulting in me doing nothing. It really is unfortunate.
  14. When you have to mingle....

    I'm polite enough to feign a smile and acknowledge their existence with a nod of the head, but if they drag out the conversation, I instantly withdraw.
  15. When you have to mingle....

    At times I find it easier to simply respond with a clear and concise "nothing" and leave it at that,
  16. Taking Orders

    You imagine correctly, sometimes its bad to the point that merely imagining someone's response can completely turn me against a task.
  17. If civilization fell apart tomorrow, what field of knowledge would be the most useful?

    How i love the hypothetical. So, in what way would civilization have fallen?
  18. personality masks

    The real question is how to sustain it.
  19. Your Type of Girl Test

    I dislike all of these options.
  20. What mood do you have to be in to talk to people?

    I have to have a bunch of ideas that i can list off in conversation.
  21. What builds your self-esteem?

    My self esteem has been on an all time low for the past year. The only thing that really makes me feel better anymore is a laugh or a compliment.
  22. Effect of dystopian literature on INTP

    Dystopian literature plunges me into a despondency-based depression. Yet I continue to read it.
  23. I think every INTP has probably had an existential crisis based on this thought

    I try not to think about it.
  24. Heros and Villians

    I'd more likely be a villain. There are no obligations or expectations involved.
  25. Character traits that are uncharacteristic of INTP.

    Stereotypes are made by xSxJs, i dont think too much into them. Whenever i try to describe something, it changes with every new idea
  26. Cooking

    I enjoy cooking, but I abhor cooking to order.
  27. Uncomfortable/terrifying ideas that keep coming back and cannot be explained with words

    Anything involving the meaninglessness of life, usually initiated with discussions about the greater universe.
  28. INTP Flaws

    Personally, unfit to function in society. I don't like dealing with people, and the task of feigning the willingness to do so is becoming increasingly onerous. And I'm 16. So where does that leave me?
  29. Out of all the MBTIs why are INTx's the only dominate force online

    What joy would an ESFx find online?
  30. INTPs and their amazing ideas

    It occurs to me that a small percentage of people have the nerve to see how incredibly horrible the world is. These people are diagnosed with depression.
  31. education

    Great video by the way.
  32. education

    School is a joke.
  33. How will homework prepare me for life?

    You'll find in life that many things are inherently unnecessary. I found that out and i'm only 16.
  34. Discipline

    I'm only half disciplined. I don't do what I want to do until I do what I have to do,but I don't do what I have to do
  35. Are teenagers immature?

    I hate to say im mature for my age because the mere utterance makes me seem all the more immature. Honestly, I find my level of contempt for authority frightening. Rebellious and otherwise teenage phenomena that I would have once deemed immature are becoming all the more reasonable.
  36. Why I'm Doing Poorly in School - Maybe

    could not have said it better myself. I have the same problem. My realization is that the smarter you are, the harder you have to work. My advanced classes are seeming increasingly like classes on how to communicate knowledge to stupid people. If I'm gonna mention a derivative to anyon, they...
  37. INTPs and Authority

    1)My relationship with authority depends highly on the authority figure. 2)Authority is as necessary as disease. Think about it. 3)Authority removes the necessity of thought and creativity, so most of the population needs it.
  38. Authority / Rules

    Sometimes, I think anarchy's the best option.
  39. INTP shit you did as a child

    I was beaten into submission as a kid. As a result, my defiant nature is gradually showing itself in the most crucial years of my development.
  40. Stuff INTP's don't care about

    I am disinterested in things that make no sense to me: 1.People's interest in the crap that comes on TV 2.Small children 3.Various social rituals 4.Rabbits
  41. Repeating Ones Self.

    When I am called out of introspection to answer a question, i sound like I havent spoken in 50 years, so im generally asked to repeat myself quite a lot. Its incredibly redundant.
  42. Emotionally Sensitive INTPs?

    To understand emotion, one must first acknowledge his own. A true INTP knows the value of emotion.
  43. Geneology, patriotism and INTP

    Nationalism is justified narcissism.
  44. INTP Ultimate Purpose/Greatest strength

    My ultimate purpose is to develop superhuman cognitive ability, discover a cure for death, or instigate a worldwide social/economic revolution. I have no idea how.
  45. What's sexy about an INTP?

    I am dark black, reasonably muscular(Although I don't recall excercising a day in my life). In short, I look like a reject linebacker. Does that count?
  46. The Function of Si

    Si sees the past Se sees the present Ni sees the future Ne has no perception of time
  47. Being friends with an INTP

    I have friends from every social situation ive been in, but I speak to none of them unless circumstance demands it.
  48. Names

    Ive come to hate when people say my name. However, this likely comes from the negative connotation my name has acquired in my family.
  49. Valid Feelings

    I have tried to no avail to become the master of emotion. Emotion is the seed from which all thought grows.
  50. Puberty

    Adult behavior comes from the societal expectations that come with this coming-of-age. I would gladly partake in a game of hide-and-seek if my mind werent so plagued with important business matters.
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