I had a random idea and wouldn't mind some feedback.
The Idea: A new forum section with questions/quiz's/suggested readings/websites in the different forum topics such as MBTI, Psychology/Neuroscience, Philosophy, Science/Technology, etc...
My thinking was that it could be modeled after an...
I don't game very much but I tried out "Medieval 2 Total War: Kingdoms" one day and was hooked for months. I tried one of the newer total war games but they were much slower and my computer couldn't handle it. This was only $20 when I bought it, maybe even cheaper now.
This is very close to what my answer would be. Religion gives people a way to belong to large "idealized" group. One that usually meets on a regular basis further instilling a sense of community. It also provides a way to perform a service for that community and strengthen an individual's...
Yeah, it's the false one's that I'll find annoying or humorous. Just like being asked how much I bench by someone who's being serious. I find it hard not to just start laughing at them.
I still think it stems from low self-esteem and/or anxiety. Like seeing a big dog raise the hackle on it's...
Bragging is a simple and effective way people inflate their self confidence which is often quite low. I usually just go with it and let them have their moment. If it gets to be excessive I'll either find it annoying or even funny.
I do however, think it's better than being someone who needs...
If I were to speculate without any evidence, I would think it far more likely to be some whacked out gun enthusiast, rather than jihadist. Just because it was patriots day, the 26th mile dedicated to Newtown victims and the upcoming gun law vote in Washington. I'd also guess that by using...
I had been wondering if that was the case. Any chance you remember where you read that? I wonder if the more social an animal is the stronger their memory.
I do know there's an emotional context to all my early memories, either happy or sad, which may also tie in with the social aspect.
I believe sunlight triggers the production of vitamin D as well, perhaps less in those with a deficiency. I don't know much about it, maybe I'll look up Dr. F
I don't know much about German Shepards but I do have a big dog with lots of energy. I'd say the single most important thing for you to do while it's still young is socialize it with everything and everyone. The more dogs, people, places and children it encounters while it's young the less...
Another carpenter here. You could say the body fuels the mind, or the mind is just another body part. In order to stay sharp and finely tuned the brain needs that regular increased blood flow just like any other body part. Not to mention the increased alertness and awareness produced by regular...
I see church and state as two forms of symbolic unity. The symbols origin derived from the need/desire to determine friend from foe. A nation founded upon religious freedom, must compensate for this loss of unity with overwhelming patriotism. In fact, a large amount of national pride is...
When my family got our first internet connection I told my mother she needed to speak into the modem while it was dialing and say "I'd like to get on the internet please". I felt bad when she did it in front of a bunch her friends and they laughed at her.
I recently got tricked by someone...
^You already said it, but i think the only reason it hasn't been a major part of the main stream science is it's difficulty to measure. It also is constantly changing and developing, which further complicates the process. I also don't believe there is much motivation among scientists to tackle...
There's certainly several aspects to this. I think a large part of it is the individual using the groups identity to fulfill a portion of their personal identity, to a varying degree. For instance, I'm always bothered when someone describing their favorite sports team says something like "WE...
Yeah, I agree with everything Kuu said. I love the geothermal thing, but it can be costly. Just drilling a well and installing a septic system is expensive enough(if it's needed?). You'll end up saving money with it, but only after a number of years. Seeing how you're from California, some solar...
Who has time for, or even remembers how to do, long division these days? I tried at work the other day and was amazed by how foreign it all was.
There was a time I went almost 2 years without a computer. I think I read more books than now but not by much. What I noticed more was my outlook was...
Well this thread isn't being ignored...
I have difficulty this time of year as well. It might be a bit of S.A.D., and there's a lot bs that goes along with the holidays. We make it far more stressful than it ought to be. Besides, watching everyone else prance around all nogged up and frolicy...
I have seen a couple local news reports here where a would be car-jacker got chased off because the driver had a gun handy. Many of these people have concealed carry permits though, applied for and given by the state. I don't know what's best or not. I do get a kick out of these kinds of...
It's good to keep in mind that these tests are not always an accurate evaluation. You do seem like an INTP and I relate to some of the issues you've mentioned. You're not alone in terms of finding out what to do with your life. Most INTPs like to keep their options open.
The only real issue...
I often confuse actual memories with those from a dream. So much so, that I tend to attribute a lot of Deja Vu feelings to dreams I've had in the past, maybe of a similar situation/scenario/setting.
man I hate that, I clicked "submit reply" and lost the whole message...sorry for the lazy 2nd try.
I understand my post may have been confusing with regards to the whole Ne/Ni aspect. I believe that all functions assigned to a particular type, simply imply a cognitive preference and by no...
"It's true that our intuitive information processing powers are impressive for their efficiency, yet it is also true that they are prone to predictable errors and misjudgments."- (Intuition Its Powers and Perils. GREG G MYERS)
How have the perils of intuition affected you?(if at all)
I find it both troubling and completely understandable that these ideas have been around hundreds of years while history continues to prove/repeat the failures, dangers and irrationality of collectivism.
I like how Carl Jung said it in, "The Plight of the Individual in Modern Society"(C.G...
I had a similar reaction when I lost a close friend. After a while, I realized I was doing this to escape the mental anguish I experienced when I was alone.
I think socialization is healthy and very beneficial, just as long as you still address the personal issues and emotions as well.
I had to turn off the news. Not because the story was too sad or too horrendous to watch. I turned it off because after ten minutes the media brought up gun control and speculated about what political action the president might take on the issue. They then showed clips of all the other shootings...
That's exactly what I'll do. It's kind of all or nothing. I'll go from getting drunk every night to just nothing at all without much effort. What's difficult for me is maintaining a 2-3 drink/night routine.
I think Alcoholics are classified simply by how much they drink and not by how...
Yeah, same here... It has to be believable though, like "Seven Spanish Angels" by Ray and Willie. Sad songs that don't sound authentic, just make me angry.
Some INTP descriptions suggest we'll chose music that fits our current mood rather than music to influence it. I think there's a bit...
I think it's more of an everyone thing, And everyone's reaction is a little different. I used to get stressed and then not sleep well, and the next day drink lots of coffee because I didn't sleep, making things much worse.
If it's mostly mild symptoms, it might be good read about natural ways...
I jump off ladders to avoid Bees.
mild claustrophobia
Irrational aggression (mostly by others, though I avoid feeling angry out of fear of what might happen)
Trying to type someone based on a single short video seems kind of silly. I think I spend to much of my social life trying to mirror other types, so I could probably be typed a variety of ways depending on the surroundings.
Really not much info to work with here. Although, from what I did...
I just read about a study which brought up some similar ideas(I can look it up again if you're interested). It basically was a very detailed description of intuition and logical inference models. It is kind of tedious but it mentions the point about how confidence in an inference is increased...
I don't know enough about DMDD to comment about it. However, it does feel a bit disturbing for it to just now become a "disorder". My cynical side would speculate that more "disorders" translates to more doctor visit$, prescription drug$ and an increased public worry arising from the very word...
I just stumbled on this randomly. I think it coincides with the feelings I had written about just the other day.
I happen to have been thinking a lot about that recently. I don’t think people realize the impact fear has on daily life. The affect fear has on the individual and society is so vast that much of it goes unnoticed. Fear derives from the instinctual concept of self-preservation. However, there’s...
Before Christianity there were several matriarchal societies. Mostly indigenous people wiped out by the church and possibly ancient Egypt. It may be best not to bring this up if you're a women. They'll...
That is a good point. I don't remember where I heard this, but someone did a study and found that the stress levels of people living in cities were significantly higher than those in rural environments. Perhaps the primary cause is that the human mind is naturally unequipped to comprehend such a...
http://www.bbc.com/future/story/20121120-what-makes-us-intelligent"What happened, according to Wegner, was that the couples in a relationship had a good understanding of their partners. Because of this they would tacitly divide up the work between them, so that, say, one partner would remember...
Yes, but not more than Ti-Se. However, in overall temperament I don't believe the two are all that contrasting. I tend to thrive on smaller projects where the freedom to create and implement new or different solutions is possible. The obvious drawbacks are that these situations are rare. For...
I think the article is spot on for all types. The quote seems to be significant in terms of finding a career path. Would an appropriate example be psychological research rather than direct therapy?
I work for myself as a carpenter. There's a wide variety of tasks and always a unique problem to solve. Being free to create solutions on my own and implement them is probably the most rewarding. Many times though, I'll get annoyed when I have to stop and wait for city inspectors or when home...
That sounds familiar, only I'm nearly 30 and have not figured it out. I've found I'm good at many things but struggle finding something to be great at. I believe this is a common distinction between INTP's and INTJ's.
I used to spend a lot of time catching grasshoppers and tossing them into spider webs and then watch the spider go to work. It sounds cruel when I look back at it now, but at the time it was fascinating.
I've had similar reactions to these moments of realization. Others may go the megalomaniac direction. I found some of the principles found in Buddhism to be helpful in feeling less overwhelmed.
"One of the most discussed themes in Buddhism is that of the emptiness (sunyata) of form (matter)...
My opinion is that the grieving process is unique to the individual regardless of personality type. Certain types may share similar reactions to the sudden onset of enormous stress levels. I think the grieving process depends more on the unique dynamics of the relationship shared with the person...
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