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Search results

  1. Joohanh

    science is childs play

    Someone quick prove to me by The Scientific Method that these pink elephants I'm seeing are not real. Thought so.
  2. Joohanh

    INTP shit you did as a child

    Believe it or not, but I was the fucking man in kindergarten. I somehow (don't ask me how it started, I really can't remember) established my own "party", in which I was the dictator. Everyone 4-6 years old had to join. I controlled like 30 kids. I even had a chain of command involving some of...
  3. Joohanh

    INTP shit you did as a child

    I was a real troublemaker. I was constantly kicked out of class in primary school, sent to addresses and psychologists. Heh, each time trouble found me I promised myself I'd start to act good, only to find myself breaking windows the next day, et cetera. I went through a pyromaniac phase when...
  4. Joohanh

    Stuff you're not sure you want to know

    Oh god no.
  5. Joohanh

    Duty Calls parody

    I enjoyed the game too (well, as much as one can enjoy a game where someone shouts BORING every time you pull the trigger). Especially liked the fallos-shaped ranks with ridicilosly over-the-top names and the intro. Nails Call of Duty pretty well, if you ask me. Epic knows how to advertize...
  6. Joohanh

    Who's the boss around here

    I really don't know what other forums you guys have been on, but in my books this ranks pretty high. I don't post here much, but the discussions in which I've participated are always among the most satisfying I've stumbled across in the internets. For once I can say with relative confidence...
  7. Joohanh

    Who's the boss around here

    Darn, a slight failure from my part. But how's this site maintained and by whom?
  8. Joohanh

    Who's the boss around here

    I've been wondering this lately. Who's in charge? Who bans people or gives them infractions? Who maintains this site and handles server fees?
  9. Joohanh

    Favourite Game soundtrack?

    I'm honestly surprised only one mentioned Halo. I think Marty O'Donnel's compositions are the best games have to offer.
  10. Joohanh

    Shy or Outgoing.

    Seems like there are levels of shyness. I am, too, ready to approach a person, but it's frustrating when these extremely shy people just mumble their sentences, avoid eye contact and speak only a few words at a time. I'm just not getting anything out of the person and that's irritating. On...
  11. Joohanh

    Shy or Outgoing.

    I'm definelitely more drawn to extroverted people, especially women. I feel like I don't have to go through any trouble at all for natural and easy interaction, and walk away feeling very positive. If a person is shy, I have to really work on getting anything out of him/her, and this irritates...
  12. Joohanh

    Self Esteem

    1) Whether our reality is "real" or not, it is only shown to us as a subjective image in our minds, aka thoughts. 2) One can alter own thoughts as they see fit. Conclusion: One can alter reality as they see fit. There's nothing to stop me from doing anything, so having low self esteem would be...
  13. Joohanh

    I enjoy making fake/phony people rage?

    I understand the definition of fake/phony a little differently. In my point of view, fake people aren't necessarily ones that lie or cheat, but just are plain fake. Like, they say things that they don't really mean, try to be as important as they socially can (these are the people that try...
  14. Joohanh

    Video Games can never be art?

    Exactly, good sir.
  15. Joohanh

    To be or not to be

    Thank you, truly. If it is so, I guess I'm having the time of my life right now. This personality trait is probably something I've always had, but as there was nothing to really ignite my passion for life before, it didn't activate - until now. I will enjoy this new dimension greatly.
  16. Joohanh

    Video Games can never be art?

    My definition of art: Something that is created by a sapient being, which is meant to a) achieve beauty b) impact the observer What this means is, all movies, games, books, pictures et cetera are indeed art. They are not equal (though evaluating is subjective), but they are all art.
  17. Joohanh

    To be or not to be

    Except it isn't about life and death, but something far more dire. I'm seriously beginning to doubt whether I'm an INTP or not. The huge controversy is in my introversion. I'll try to explain: I've always regarded myself as an extreme introvert, and relating strongly to people here has...
  18. Joohanh

    Are High % of Finnish People INTPs?

    I don't think INTP characterizes Finnish people accurately. I consider to be a strong INTP type, and there's a clear distinction between me and most people around. Finnish tradition and nature is to "keep it to yourself", which would, at first, seem like an intovert trait. Except that it's not...
  19. Joohanh

    You know you're an Intp when...

    - When your sexual fantasies have to be strictly logical and plausible in order for you to ever enjoy them. Complex backstory is important, as are multidimensional characters providing valid reasoning and justification for the act.
  20. Joohanh

    Intp intelligence

    But what about feeling bad/superior for being unable/able to understand the questions in the first place? No scoring needed for that. ;) --- I too think that IQ tests are somewhat invalid, as they always follow a pattern that someone has set. It's like playing those totally frustrating...
  21. Joohanh

    glutton for pain?

    It is funny, isn't it? After all the analyzing and never-ending rationality feelings are the only real thing, or as we receive them. I am mostly comfort-seeking, but like to "torchure" myself sometimes by going for a walk with no outer wear when it's -25 degrees celsius, and that sort of...
  22. Joohanh

    getting bored and craving a radical life change.

    I got banned from my haunt forum! Believe or not, but this is a very, very radical life-changer for me, as I've used years of my time along with thousands of posts to it. It actually had become some sort of an obsession to me. Just can't decide whether this is good or bad.
  23. Joohanh

    Daydreaming and Narcissism

    Nope, it is not just you. In fact, I thought it was only me. Usual subject of narcissist daydreaming is some special ability I possess and other people talking about it in awe. I laugh at my-silly-self too, when I notice that.
  24. Joohanh

    whats Love for u..huh?

    Normally I would agree, but it is my mind afterall which we are talking about here. In my opinion, intuition does hold some value.
  25. Joohanh

    whats Love for u..huh?

    Heh, it indeed is not very INTP-ish. :hoplite: Just because I'm a silly dreamer. I find the concept of "my thoughts and mind are only chemical reactions" to be... how should I put it... depressing. I would like to believe it isn't so, but I have no real arguments to back me up.
  26. Joohanh

    whats Love for u..huh?

    I believe that these chemical reactions are caused by love and not the other way around. (Yes, I also believe that mind along with emotions is immaterial. No scientific proof for it, though.)
  27. Joohanh

    whats Love for u..huh?

    No, practical love is a 'force' that devotes even the unwilling to somebody or in worst cases something. You could say that it well and truly is the most powerful and remarkable emotion that exists (or that we know of). The emotions you named are indeed different from love. They may or may not...
  28. Joohanh

    whats Love for u..huh?

    I think there's only one kind of love, which is exactly practical love. Other than that, 'love' as a word only functions as a symbol of acceptance. One might argue that love between family members and partners is different, but it actually is not. Only thing that's different is the romantic...
  29. Joohanh

    INTP Dating

    These people are self-confident extroverts. It's useless trying to understand them.
  30. Joohanh

    The 4-Variable IQ Test

    Mathematical by 50%, which is controversial to the fact that I hate numbers. Logical thinking, though, is one of my strong areas.
  31. Joohanh

    You know you're an Intp when...

    - When you fancy someone only to find intimacy with him/her repulsive and back off. This is why I don't get girls.
  32. Joohanh

    Unmotivated For Adult Responsibilites

    What the fuck guys, every time I ponder something that's wrong with my life, I find a thread for it on this forum. :storks: Yeah, I usually throw my bills somewhere where I can't see them and assume that my parents got it covered. Paying money is horrible. So is obligatory things like going to...
  33. Joohanh

    Are Independent Thinkers Mentally Ill?

    Wow, I anyone find this "In this revision, psychiatrists hope to add dozens of new mental disorders." disturbing? Why the hell do we need more definitions of mental disorders? To cover all personality types as well? According to this, I'm crazy as fuck. And proud of it.
  34. Joohanh

    What kind of bad

    I'd be the cool evil cheesy Umbrella Corporation manager or like, like Darth Vader!
  35. Joohanh

    Different Thinking Styles

    I don't know which kind of shitstorm am I getting myself into by saying this, but in my opinion artistic intelligence is far superior compared to, say, technical. Artistic thinking is abstract, it has no bounds or boxes to limit its range. It has no measurements, its the ultimate intelligence...
  36. Joohanh

    Starcraft 2

    Wow, I'm way too hyperactive for this game, at least for now. Tutorials? Skip! Epic cutscenes with redneck flavor? Skip! A chance to upgrade armory? Skip! Mission and tactics briefing? Skip! Build extensions to barracks for better troops? A shitload of marines will do just fine! Not enough...
  37. Joohanh


    Trough this forum (and a lot of philosophy studies) I've pretty much realized that while I am different to the rest, there's absolutely no need to hide it or compensate it in any way. So what if someone thinks I'm weird, I'm just talking about stuff he doesn't comprehend. So what if even my...
  38. Joohanh

    The INTP XBL Gamertag Thread

    The same as my user name here, Joohanh. Add me up if you wish to hear some bad English and uncomfortable silence.
  39. Joohanh

    Halo: Reach

    Well, I don't really consider Halo as a mainstream title (although it does sell ridiculously), as it's gameplay mechanics are very distinctive compared to to standard shooters, like CoD or such.
  40. Joohanh

    Break away

    I haven't thought about suicide as it's better to be alive and miserable than dead and nonexistent, but breaking away is a very consistent subject in my thoughts. I'd actually prefer something more down to earth, like moving the fuck away from everything to the other side of the world and...
  41. Joohanh

    Why thank you!

    Why thank you!
  42. Joohanh

    You know you're an Intp when...

    - When you're terribly afraid that getting wasted that one and only time when you were a teenager might have lowered your intelligence by destroying brain cells.
  43. Joohanh

    Halo: Reach

    But... then it wouldn't be Halo, but Call of Duty, right?
  44. Joohanh

    Destined to Doom?

    I, for one, feel just like the OP. God, I even thought I was alone in this one. I used to think I was special in some sort of way, and would eventually find a grand reason for everything and live happily ever after, but that's never going to happen, is it? I don't have motivation for...
  45. Joohanh

    Halo: Reach

    Im looking forward to this title too, always been a huge Halo fanatic. Jetpacks are a welcome add-on, though I'm not quite sure about sprint. I think it brings Halo too close to mainstream multiplayer games like Call of Duty. But everything looks brilliant still, and Forge especially...
  46. Joohanh

    ESTP Lust

    Well, my best friend is an ESTP if that's anything to go by... I do think that our personalities fit together like peanutbutter and jelly.
  47. Joohanh

    Who are we?

    Okay, so. My name is Joohanh, and I'm an INTP. I'm now 16 (turning 17 next week, though) years old and on my second year in high school in Finland, though if someone asks my age, I pretend to be 18-20 years old, just because I can. By the way, I know that my English is absolutely horrendous...
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