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Search results

  1. lone_dreamer

    Unique Features

    I've got no incisors (braces fixed that though) and I've got mild pectus excavatum.
  2. lone_dreamer

    Complete the sequence

    Really? 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 :p
  3. lone_dreamer

    Complete the sequence

    :confused: T, B, O, N, T, B, T, I, T, Q
  4. lone_dreamer

    Complete the sequence

    J, F, M ,A, M, J, J, A M, V, E, M, J, _, _, _, _,
  5. lone_dreamer

    Learning styles test

    Reflective - 11 Intuitive - 11 Visual - 7 Global - 9 I dislike how my two strongest preferences are shunned in my school.
  6. lone_dreamer

    mitchell&webb/INTP best man speech

    That made my day. He actually behaves quite similarly in real life.
  7. lone_dreamer

    An approximate number sense test

    You had a score of 84% correct on this test. Based on the results we have so far, the average person who takes this test scores 76% correct. Your percentile score on this test was 84, meaning you scored higher than 84% of people who took this test It took you an average of 0.57 seconds...
  8. lone_dreamer

    Anyone interested in taking part in my experiment?

    That sounds like quite a thrill, but if they turned out to be an awesome person, it would kind of suck. I like the idea of an alias though; it'd be a new perspective.
  9. lone_dreamer

    School boredom

    I am one of those nerds. I don't know why, but I just have a natural tendency to do so.
  10. lone_dreamer

    INTP life experiences and 10 questions!

    1. How have you managed to deal with our predisposition to procrastinate? I haven't. I wait till the last minute and let the fear of failure drive me to completion. 2. What is your IQ? Despite its obsolescence, it's 130-160 according to online tests. 3. Do you have a mental disorder? I've just...
  11. lone_dreamer

    whats Love for u..huh?

    When in doubt...http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Love#Chemical_basis But seriously, that's pretty much my idea of love.
  12. lone_dreamer


    I thought your name was an anagram for atom...:o. Nice bio by the way, could really relate to it.
  13. lone_dreamer

    Self Concept

    aloof skeptical holistic contentless idealistic
  14. lone_dreamer

    I'm not a INTP.

    Is that a sexual invitation? :p Oh, if you're here to stay welcome.
  15. lone_dreamer

    Question about conformity

    I knew I was different as far back as I can recall. At first I thought I was some sort of defective human because everyone else was doing what they wanted happily and without doubt, I thought I was clearly missing something crucial, so I conformed. I got bored. I became me...
  16. lone_dreamer

    So..What's for Dinner?

    Just had roast lamb...very satisfying.
  17. lone_dreamer

    Electric Guitar or Bass

    I've played electric guitar for 3 years and just yesterday picked up a bass for the first time and started to improvise a bit with my friends. I was really surprised that they thought I could play bass. I just picked up the bass because I was bored. I think it's easier to transfer guitar...
  18. lone_dreamer

    intp thinking...

    My thought process is quite strange. fundamentally, my brain NEVER shuts up, it is constantly talking, (at least subliminally). I find it's my job to check up on my brain to see what it's up too. Sometimes I come in, right in the middle of a thought, too which I backtrack and expand upon too...
  19. lone_dreamer

    LOL. My dad works as a pilot here and we live in the same house, you see. I'm not emancipated...

    LOL. My dad works as a pilot here and we live in the same house, you see. I'm not emancipated yet so I legally have to live with, and follow him until I'm an adult. I hope this clears up any ambiguity.:D
  20. lone_dreamer

    I'm 14 :slashnew:

    I'm 14 :slashnew:
  21. lone_dreamer

    It's demoralizing, frustrating and makes you feel apart of totalitarian regime. i.e It sucks

    It's demoralizing, frustrating and makes you feel apart of totalitarian regime. i.e It sucks
  22. lone_dreamer

    Does the Past Exist Yet?

    The human observation of the universe might not have a direct affect on the universe itself, but the humans perception of it. This may be relevant: Quantum Double Slit experiment
  23. lone_dreamer

    Why did you pick your name?

    I was depressed at the time, and seemed to dream a lot more than usual. I should of picked a cooler name.:slashnew:
  24. lone_dreamer

    Which country are you from?

    I'm English and was born in Singapore, but live in Dubai, U.A.E.
  25. lone_dreamer

    New INTP here.

    Ditto complements on the avatar, and welcome. I look forward to your posts... and your cake.:D
  26. lone_dreamer


    You seem like an INTP welcome. No-one here is entirely sure of their type either. Its not a perfect system, MBTI.
  27. lone_dreamer

    talking online

    Generally I feel more content talking online, however I'm never fully happy with how I type as I'm a Man of few words as is my thought process. So when I do use words, I feel a bit self-conscious.
  28. lone_dreamer

    Comedy Club!

    I like it.
  29. lone_dreamer

    What are you all reading?

    I'm reading a ton of e-books at the moment (non-fiction mostly), ranging from control theory and quantum mechanics to Astrobiology and Philosophy of Perception. But right now I'm reading "Elements of Electrical Engineering, 1st Edition" by "U. A. Bakshi".
  30. lone_dreamer

    How Much Are You Worth....

    You are worth exactly $3,127,970 Cha-Ching!:smoker:
  31. lone_dreamer

    Are you an Aspie (Assburger?)

    Your Aspie score: 130 of 200 Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 70 of 200 You are very likely an Aspie Mine looks like a bat :p
  32. lone_dreamer

    Spot the Fake Smile

    17/20 I found what they did after they smiled helped deduce whether it was genuine or not, as well as which muscles contracted in their face and their initial facial expression. :smoker:
  33. lone_dreamer

    Reincarnation placement test

    Your result for Reincarnation Placement Exam ... Deep Space Explorer 58% Intrigue, 88% Civilization, 30% Humanity, 56% Urbanization. Hmm... You're a tough one to place. Your answers indicate that you like technology and education. You enjoy intrigue, adventure and chaos. You're fine with hard...
  34. lone_dreamer

    'What's your Archetype?' Test

    sage I was expecting something a little bit more in depth for answering all of those questions :mad:
  35. lone_dreamer

    Art test

    Bright Spark I think thats about right :D
  36. lone_dreamer

    The Perception Personality Image Test

    NBPC - The Daydreamer Nature, Background, Big Picture, and Color description with sniktawekim^^
  37. lone_dreamer

    INTP Characteristics

    Eldest Child On time birth Male right handed 5'6/167cm 55kg blue eyes black hair pale skin English Born in Singapore
  38. lone_dreamer

    The Development of INTP Children

    I found a lot of what the link said was true for the most part but I wasn't expecting it to portray my past 100% accurately. Like others i wasn't the most daring of children but i had my moments :angel01: Looking back I can say that I wasn't really me most of the time. I kept my head down and...
  39. lone_dreamer

    Fascist or Liberal? test

  40. lone_dreamer

    You know you're an Intp when...

    - When you contemplate for eons something witty and relatable to that of an INTP to say, to make an acceptable first impression on your first post.:D
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