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Search results

  1. Ska

    In search of the dominant Jungian functions of Narcissists (NPD), Borderliners (BPD) and Histrionics

    I would argue that splitting involves how things are stored/recalled (in this case affect), and therefore that BPD involves poor Pi functioning. Also , wouldn't you agree that S dominants like black and white categories (a staple of splitting) while N dominants prefer the grey area? How do T...
  2. Ska

    In search of the dominant Jungian functions of Narcissists (NPD), Borderliners (BPD) and Histrionics

    I think most personality disorders can be found in any type, however I do view BPD as almost an extreme (or at least unhealthy) version of Se. A major characteristic of the disorder is using splitting (putting things into black and white categories) to either idealize or devalue objects...
  3. Ska

    What songs are you listening to? /Redux/

    YouTube - Have Nots - "Poisoned Antidote" Paper + Plastick Records
  4. Ska

    What songs are you listening to? /Redux/

  5. Ska

    Dancing?- thoughts-

  6. Ska

    Pod'Lair VS MBTI/JCF

    Relating eye movements to cognitive processes is not a new phenomenon. http://www.blifaloo.com/info/lies_eyes.php http://w3.coh.arizona.edu/classes/ariew/slat596/rayner.pdf...
  7. Ska

    i am

    Based on your videos, I would say ENTP. You are, without a doubt, an Ne dominant, and from what I can tell you have Ti/Fe rather than Fi/Te. It looks to me like your emotions and facial expressions are meant for other people (Fe) rather than yourself (Fi). If you are unsure about ENFP or...
  8. Ska

    Am I an INTP or an INTJ?

    Getting an INFJ vibe...perhaps that's why you're confused, as you'd have both Ni and Ti. Anyways, I think the best first step would be to determine whether or not you have Ni. Ni types get visions that seem to be a unique aspect of Ni (as compared to "flashes" with Ne - at least that's how...
  9. Ska

    What songs are you listening to? /Redux/

  10. Ska


    I'm interesting in hearing what the "good" psychadelics are, why they are better, and how/where I can get my hands on some.
  11. Ska

    My brother and me playing video games

    Sounds to me like you're using Ni while your brother is using Se.
  12. Ska

    I spent my last $100 on weed

    Who said it was OK? Did he not go to jail and lose a fortune for it? Do people not deserve second chances? He has worked hard to get where he is now. He has improved himself and his game on so many different levels since he got out of jail. Even if he is a terrible person, it doesn't change...
  13. Ska

    Guide to typing in real time.

    I've read this somewhere before, although I can't remember where. Js are defined by rigid movements while Ps move more swiftly and gracefully.
  14. Ska

    how vs why thinking opposites

    I would have thought this correlated more with N/S than J/P
  15. Ska

    What Do You Wear?

    I wear brand name only, second hand only, and I also go nude.
  16. Ska

    MBTI "Debunked"

    I agree that MBTI/Jung got some things right: - Human consciousness works in a hierarchical fashion - it has become quite clear to me through observation that this is correct. People will always put certain functions ahead of others. I will only pursue an idea if it's supported by my Ti...
  17. Ska

    Daydreaming and Narcissism

    I can't say I experience this. From what I understand about the functions, daydreaming (the kind that play out in your head) is more of an Ni thing than Ne. Daydreams dealing with one's own awesomeness definitely sounds like Ni and Se to me.
  18. Ska

    Boys and girls

    You might have better luck if you don't preface your question with the worst generalizations ever.
  19. Ska


    Do you still have the browser window open (doubtful since this post is a half hour after the OP)? If by some chance you do, you can always keep hitting the back button and it will keep whatever text you had saved. If not, it can't help for future reference I suppose.
  20. Ska

    Puzzling Questions Thread

    I don't believe in God or any other gods. I believe the concept to be completely contrived by the human mind. Either way I don't see how omnipotence would work.
  21. Ska

    Puzzling Questions Thread

    That seems like a pretty convenient definition to me then....
  22. Ska

    Puzzling Questions Thread

    Yes, that's what I'm saying. If you are going to argue for God because something can't come from nothing, you can equally argue against God because he couldn't have come from nothing either. If a God created God, then another God would have had to created that God.
  23. Ska

    Puzzling Questions Thread

    How was god created from nothing, and who created him?
  24. Ska

    Are Independent Thinkers Mentally Ill?

    Where do you draw the line between who needs medication and who doesn't, though? It seems pretty arbitrary. You mentioned that ADHD kid who hung himself - didn't you say that was a result of altering his dosage? If it's so dangerous to alter the dosage, perhaps he shouldn't have been taking...
  25. Ska

    Puzzling Questions Thread

    Humans simply share a common ancestor primates - primates and humans both branched off from the common ancestor, then existed at the same time, and each species evolved from there. Time as man perceives it. Even if there was something before the big bang, that something would have had to...
  26. Ska

    Got any concentration tips?

    This. If you are trying to focus on something that you don't naturally want to do you should make sure that the majority of your other activities are things that you naturally want to do and don't take much conscious effort to advert yourself from doing. With each activity that you force...
  27. Ska

    I can post again!

    My guess is ENTJ with well developed Se.
  28. Ska

    The High Club

    Hmmm, is this implying that all joints have tobacco in them where you're from? Here that would be the difference between a joint (no tobacco) and a spliff (half and half).
  29. Ska

    The High Club

    I prefer a bong over all else...blunts are too inefficient for me.
  30. Ska

    Chilean miners and psychology

    I think you have a point, but I also think you're assuming too much that every day life is comparable to being trapped in a mine. It could be the case that those things are important when you are in that type of situation. Now I have no idea if that's true or not, but it's certainly possible...
  31. Ska

    I can post again!

  32. Ska

    Guh-reetings fellow INTPs!

    Do you really think an Ni user would have such a preference for Se, though? My guess is XSTP.
  33. Ska

    The High Club

    There's a gravity bong in my sight as I type this and I love making homemade pieces. Designed that over the summer...and it can be ordered from chemistry supply sites for roughly 50 bucks including shipping (if I recall correctly)....I, of course, have yet to follow through with it yet...
  34. Ska

    The High Club

    Just picked up some really nice buds last night and am about to load up the vaporizer:D
  35. Ska

    I can post again!

    I see your bet of five posts, and I raise you 3 and 3/4 posts that he's an ESTP.
  36. Ska

    What books have influenced your world view?

    psh, it's just some kiddy book My curiosity gets the best of me.
  37. Ska

    Are Independent Thinkers Mentally Ill?

    You make some very good points Mellvar and brought some interesting things to light. I was going to tell you that psychiatry at least has to have some value, but the more I'm looking into this the more disgusted I get. This made for a very interesting read that opened my eyes some more...
  38. Ska

    What songs are you listening to? /Redux/

    YouTube - The Specials-Skinhead Moonstomp (1979)
  39. Ska

    Staying awake.

    Adderall if i have some
  40. Ska

    Are Independent Thinkers Mentally Ill?

    You know, they also thought mental disorders were a product of an in-balance of humors in the body for a long time. Many people, for a long time, were wrongly treated daily in the process of figuring out that these things reside in the mind and not the body. My point is this is still an...
  41. Ska

    What Would it Take for Transhumanism to Occur?

    The concept of the self is solely an abstraction of the process of neurons firing in your brain, which ultimately creates an infinite feedback loop. This starts the day you are born (although the sense of "self" isn't actually formed until age 2 or 3 (I believe that's the age)). If you were to...
  42. Ska

    Are Independent Thinkers Mentally Ill?

    I wouldn't say that just because some people get wrongly grouped into a disorder that the disorder is completely unwarranted. There's plenty of kids our there who do need help with this kind of thing (unless my nephew's behavior is some extraordinarily rare case).
  43. Ska

    Are Independent Thinkers Mentally Ill?

    I didn't direct my criticism at you, did I?
  44. Ska

    Are Independent Thinkers Mentally Ill?

    I'm pretty sure this article is only showing one side of these disorders Wikipedia: Wikipedia: As you can see just from the symptoms, these disorders include violating others rights and causing them harm. Your average, intelligent "independent thinker" does not fall under these categories...
  45. Ska


    YouTube - GOP candidate Phil Davidson, Stark County Treasurer Speech
  46. Ska

    Unmotivated For Adult Responsibilites

    I still haven't fully unpacked since I moved into this apartment almost a month ago. Doing stuff sucks.
  47. Ska


    I would say I definitely fall under this category...I don't often miss deadlines, but I do wait until the last possible minute to start working. Often times I will think about a project I'm putting off several times before I actually get around to starting it. My work always is thorough and...
  48. Ska

    The INTP XBL Gamertag Thread

    MestUp7 - I'll be playing mostly NHL 11, Fifa 11, and Halo: Reach for the foreseeable future, but if anyone wants to joint up for a game of Catan let me know. Also, if anyone here plays NHL 11 (doubtful - but it really is a great game whether you like the sport or not) I'm looking for a challenge.
  49. Ska

    Response to Pod'lair

    Just so everyone knows, this is the most widely accepted personality model in the scientific community - at least that's what I'm learning in my personality psychology class (and by the way there's about 2 or 3 pages relating to Jung/MBTI at all in my textbook). I don't understand this - the...
  50. Ska

    Halo: Reach

    Maybe I'm just confused, but how is Halo not mainstream already?
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