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Search results

  1. UppyDownyMouth

    Bad Films

    one film i found out has a really bad write up from empire but personally i think is genius is office space...great for anyone who has had a job they hate... always makes me feel better. 7.9 on IMDB tho back on topic.... i think the worst films are the ones everyone seems to think are good...
  2. UppyDownyMouth

    nice avatar

    nice avatar
  3. UppyDownyMouth


    Public speaking and fear of failure
  4. UppyDownyMouth

    I have a question.

    I meant asking a blind guy about the evolution / working of the eye... Just a little joke about misinterpretation... wasted i guess... as for the dream thing... i imagine the dreams are simply the same without images... so the feelings of sound and touch are more focused. I was thinking...
  5. UppyDownyMouth

    I have a question.

    thats a bit harsh.... like waving to a guy with no arms
  6. UppyDownyMouth

    I have a question.

    One thing i often think about is the development of the eye.... The very concept of eye evolution is fascinating to me. It's arguably the most developed sense we have... What is it reacting to? What is the process? Electromagnetic radiation of various wavelengths is basically defining our...
  7. UppyDownyMouth

    5 Reasons you should be scared of Apple

    The problem is we all want their products... Its not really fair that our government makes us pay more and more tax on petrol (which is in todays world essential) but they do because they know it can take the tax hike. Popular products always have these insane added extras. Its how they make...
  8. UppyDownyMouth

    5 Reasons you should be scared of Apple

    Technically thats not true. Most tampering with any electronics will void the warranty.... and as Ive just said... now you can get your phone unlocked legally. Its just got to a stage now where its possible to effect your product directly over the internet. Youll also see that the TCs cover them...
  9. UppyDownyMouth

    5 Reasons you should be scared of Apple

    Ill say nobody is forcing anyone to buy an iPhone or any other Apple Product and the Apple vs Its Developers one is crazy, its the best platform for 3rd party developers ever. Privacy wise we live in 1984 and have been for a long time.... i thought you would have figured this out already...
  10. UppyDownyMouth

    5 Reasons you should be scared of Apple

    you can actually get your iPhones unlocked legally now, I know o2 in the UK are doing it and im sure everyone else is. Basically you have to ring up and tell them you are selling it to someone abroad. It takes about 2 weeks to unlock. :) www.no-data.co.uk edit* also apple dont technically...
  11. UppyDownyMouth

    INTP Careers?

    Im running my own iPhone development company... i like it www.no-data.co.uk
  12. UppyDownyMouth

    The three most interesting cities in Europe

    fond fond memories
  13. UppyDownyMouth

    The three most interesting cities in Europe

    Barcelona for sure is one of the best places I've visited, and for culture history and intelect (well more philosophical intelect) I don't think you can do better than Italy. Roma, Venezia, Firenze are all fantastic imo
  14. UppyDownyMouth

    The three most interesting cities in Europe

    Really depends what you are looking for. What interests you? Are you from England? If not then why not London. Otherwise Barcelona, Florence, Venice, Helsinki, Prague, Athens?
  15. UppyDownyMouth

    Super N00b

    Very hierarchical... Are opinions weighted by the number of posts that preceded them? I guess you take your INTP foruming seriously. Perhaps you were expecting a mirror not a group of individuals. What do you want from INTPforum?
  16. UppyDownyMouth

    yeah, my D&T (woodshop?) teacher had it above his desk at secondary school with the slogan, 'and...

    yeah, my D&T (woodshop?) teacher had it above his desk at secondary school with the slogan, 'and then paris arrived' always caught my eye. Youll be happy to know nobody died in the accident so you can go on enjoying it. I dont know why we are all captivated by the look of an accident /...
  17. UppyDownyMouth

    Dumbing down the masses

    The problem is making something smart means a lot of people wont understand it and therefore not buy it / recommend it... So intelligent people have the moral obligation to champion intellectual material in the hope even a few people join in... I think you have to accept being above average...
  18. UppyDownyMouth

    Learned helplessness, source of many of our downfalls?

    I definitely agree we as a group seem to be prone to this. Thanks for sharing the study I think it has the potential to really help people realise that keeping hope, whilst not always easy thing to do is paramount to success. Currently searching for a new job is getting to me. Ive barely...
  19. UppyDownyMouth

    If you were asked to quickly draw one thing, what would it be?

    Giotto once drew a perfect circle to give to the Pope as a gift.
  20. UppyDownyMouth

    iPhone games / apps

    Its good :) quite a saturated market right now.... Hard to get yourself noticed. You should get yourself one, they really are the best phone out there. Shame its just a one year guarantee.
  21. UppyDownyMouth

    iPhone games / apps

    Yep, I was unsure if you were asking for a Android port or not.... I have someone working on one right now. I thought you might have been suggesting there was a similar game out there on the Android system and i simply copied it.... in which case i was going to be unhappy. I was late when i...
  22. UppyDownyMouth

    iPhone games / apps

    android port? elaborate?
  23. UppyDownyMouth

    INTP weaknesses

    having too good of a taste in music, causing everyone else to become confused and jealous. not really having a huge control over emotions / understanding own emotional state. social skills are a strange one... because if you can accept being an introvert and have extroverts around to lead the...
  24. UppyDownyMouth

    What songs are you listening to? /Redux/

    Right now im listening to Murder by Death have a gander. YouTube- That Crown Doesn't Make You a Prince - Murder by Death - Lawrence, KS also www.last.fm/user/xiii3
  25. UppyDownyMouth

    iPhone games / apps

    have you downloaded it?
  26. UppyDownyMouth

    iPhone games / apps

    haha whats with the eye rolls? not impressed???
  27. UppyDownyMouth

    iPhone games / apps

    I made the entire thing!
  28. UppyDownyMouth

    Avatar Changes

    just changed my avatar, feels like the proverbial caterpillar to butterfly seen as my old one was my Myers Briggs INTP results... Personally I think the mental effect of a single image being displayed over and over with your comments is huge. However writing style.... i do a lot of ........ ...
  29. UppyDownyMouth

    iPhone games / apps

    yeah its to do with apple 'encouraging' people to update their OS.. it can run on anything after 3.0 but they made it only 3.1.2 :( but its out there anyways! Its not really about your $1 more the review... id love to know what INTPs think of it and if you can review on the app store it gets the...
  30. UppyDownyMouth

    iPhone games / apps

    its a puzzle game that requires iNtuition Thinking and Perceiving :D
  31. UppyDownyMouth

    iPhone games / apps

    Not wanting to seem like im abusing my beloved INTP forum but... I personally have made a game for the iPhone and iPod touch... i made the entire thing on my own so its 100% INTP gold :cool: :p !!! it came out on saturday and im pretty excitted by the whole thing, so if any of you have an...
  32. UppyDownyMouth

    I have a game you will not stop playing..ever.

    Not wanting to seem like im abusing this thread but... I personally have made a game for the iPhone and iPod touch... i made the entire thing on my own so its 100% INTP :cool: :p !!! it came out on saturday and im pretty excitted by the whole thing, so if any of you have an Iphone/Touch its...
  33. UppyDownyMouth

    You know you're an Intp when...

    youre laconic
  34. UppyDownyMouth

    You know you're an Intp when...

    this is my definition of God. and is a state of being i think we all return to when we figure out how to overcome time or when we die, only to go back into this reality. back to being constrained by time.
  35. UppyDownyMouth

    If you were asked to quickly draw one thing, what would it be?

    i said already. its supposed to say something about how you feel about yourself.
  36. UppyDownyMouth

    If you were asked to quickly draw one thing, what would it be?

    wouldnt the most logical choice have been a bowl hair cut?
  37. UppyDownyMouth

    If you were asked to quickly draw one thing, what would it be?

    Yeah one of the sterotypical ones you see in wild west cartoons with a main stem and 2 cactus arms bending from horizonal to vertical http://www.imajlar.com/free_clipart/western_clipart/western_clipart_cactus.gif while I was searching I also found this... Natty image...
  38. UppyDownyMouth


    Desaparecidos are / were fantastic, its a shame hes got no intention of doing it again. Have you spoken to Conor Oberst at any length? I get the impression hes not very down to Earth when it comes to his fame, but like you say there are so many people who are literally worshipping him. i suppose...
  39. UppyDownyMouth

    INTP comedians

    fuckin a.
  40. UppyDownyMouth

    If you were asked to quickly draw one thing, what would it be?

    Its supposed to say something about your current state of inner personality and mind i.e what you think about your inner self. I dont know if it always works, but like i say, my first response was cactus... it did fit pretty well at the time and i really enjoyed analysing it afterward... so enjoy!
  41. UppyDownyMouth

    What's your top five anime?

    Re: Recommend some anime rahxephon
  42. UppyDownyMouth


    ahh moondog
  43. UppyDownyMouth


  44. UppyDownyMouth

    INTP comedians

    Mitch Hedberg is... without a doubt. So many of his jokes are classic 'you have to get in his head / minset to get it' and he often joked about his personality as well. “I mumble a lot off-stage, I'm a mumbler. If I'm walking with a friend and I say something, he won't hear me...
  45. UppyDownyMouth

    Talking to yourself

    ever find yourself laughing out loud or smiling at your own thoughts as well? like ill be walking down the street and ill just have a little out burst ...
  46. UppyDownyMouth

    cool drawing

    cool drawing
  47. UppyDownyMouth


    What do you want answered?
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