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Search results

  1. Grove

    Are you a Highly Sensitive Person? (Easy online test)

    I checked 11, and most of those were the sensory input leaning ones. I can be around loud music, say in a car or at a show, but add flashing lights & a lot of people (50 +) I become very uncomfortable. I'm very bothered by sudden loud noises - motorcycles or sirens feel almost like an affront...
  2. Grove

    I'm Quenchless

    Barleywine Which happens to be what I'm drinking, and yeah...the potential to go with "fuck" is good.
  3. Grove

    Your Gender Identity and Sexual identity

    Reluctantly You’re not a freak; you don't possess any of the negative connotations associated with that word – at least not due to anything you've stated above.
  4. Grove

    I'm Quenchless

    George Carlin (LOL!!)
  5. Grove

    I'm Quenchless

  6. Grove

    I'm Quenchless

    Miss Piggy
  7. Grove

    I'm Quenchless

    Attack Bunny (I'm doing a good job at getting my post count up)
  8. Grove

    I'm Quenchless

  9. Grove

    I'm Quenchless

  10. Grove

    I'm Quenchless

  11. Grove

    I'm Quenchless

  12. Grove

    Your Gender Identity and Sexual identity

    In case all the new ENTPs don't know yet, Proxy is an INTJ. He's super cuddly.
  13. Grove

    I'm Quenchless

    Great Pumpkin
  14. Grove

    I'm Quenchless

  15. Grove

    I'm Quenchless

    Ha! Oddly, Henry Louis Gates, Jr.
  16. Grove

    I'm Quenchless

  17. Grove

    Stuff INTP's don't care about

    - Whether or not your sports team won (actually all aspects of sports) - Which actor/movie/show/”musician” won what award. - What brand name the thing you just bought, and how that relates to your identity. - What the unmarried couple was wearing at church. *Note: this is our last...
  18. Grove

    I'm Quenchless

  19. Grove

    Calling all ENTP.ORG Regulars

    ^ Yes, we spend a lot of money on baking soda because of IB. He likes it when we swat him with the broom.
  20. Grove

    Calling all ENTP.ORG Regulars

    How long was the forum up? What is your history? I'm not really interested in details...more of an outline.
  21. Grove

    Calling all ENTP.ORG Regulars

    Yeah, I almost wrote "refugee" originally, bit that seemed a bit over-dramatic. No peeing on the carpets! :)
  22. Grove

    Calling all ENTP.ORG Regulars

    Sure, call yourself whatever you want.
  23. Grove

    Calling all ENTP.ORG Regulars

    I don't recall ever stepping foot in the ENTP fourm. Meh. Welcome expats.
  24. Grove

    Your Gender Identity and Sexual identity

    :eek: I think sanfu just promised to stop talking. :storks:
  25. Grove

    Your Gender Identity and Sexual identity

    I haven't argued that a man raised to behave like a woman is indistinguishable from a woman at all. You decided I was making purely constructionist argument and ran with it. What I'm saying is that societies set up false dichotomies between what is essential "male" behavior and what is...
  26. Grove

    Your Gender Identity and Sexual identity

    Back to the original question. Reluctantly, do some research, figure out what makes sense to you, and yes - others have identity issues with their gender and sexuality.
  27. Grove

    Your Gender Identity and Sexual identity

    I'm not going to play games with you, snafu. What's your point?
  28. Grove

    Your Gender Identity and Sexual identity

    I don't think it is as black & white to say that all or no traits are a result of biological sex. Are there some social traits that are more prevalent in males or females? Yes. To the point where we can easily convince ourselves that those traits are biologically determined? Yes. Are they...
  29. Grove

    Your Gender Identity and Sexual identity

    My gender identity is female, as is my biological sex- so I'm cisgender. I haven't read up on Queer theories for a few years, but based on the descriptions provided I can associate most closely with "genderfuck"; although I don't actively identify as such. I like to play with the roles a bit...
  30. Grove


    At 33 I'm seriously considering getting my tubes tied. I don't want to have a child, and if I'm ever able support a child I would rather adopt.
  31. Grove

    Does anyone ever read from the the bottom up?

    Yes, most of the time.
  32. Grove

    Me and the forum

    First, my apologies for unearthing this thread, but I was summoned so I'm gonna go ahead and add my two cents. :p Thank you, thehabitatdoctor. It is good to know that one's contributions are appreciated...which is what this thread is about, correct? Those sentiments don't come through often...
  33. Grove

    Being friends with an INTP

    In my experience: INTP personalities are likely to be very knowledgeable, intelligent friends, but they are notoriously difficult to get to know, and few people have the patience and determination to get through their shields. True; in a general sense, although this has less to do with the...
  34. Grove

    The banning of intpz

    Psychic child; never even saw that one. How long was he/she around?
  35. Grove


    Snowicane! All justifiable concerns aside, I am interested to see what happens when a nor'easter eats a hurricane. http://jezebel.com/5955450/the-possibility-of-frankenstorm-gets-everyone-all-tingly?utm_campaign=socialflow_jezebel_facebook&utm_source=jezebel_facebook&utm_medium=socialflow
  36. Grove

    Your View on Hugs

    I generally enjoy hugs, but my initiating them is reserved for close friends, family members, and people I have a genuine affection towards. My family is huggy so I don’t see anything weird about expressing affection in that way, particularly with those close people who I haven’t seen in a...
  37. Grove

    Are you a Hacker?

    Please stop incriminating yourselves on an open, public forum. Jesus.
  38. Grove

    INTPs are most prone to being Passive-Aggressive

    I agree with Dapper Dan here. Passive-aggression is (IMO) an active form of manipulation, or just trying to punish someone. When I retreat back it isn't to get back at anyone, in fact it doesn't have anything to do with them...I just need to retreat and try to better articulate why I'm upset...
  39. Grove

    INTJ Forum Member

    Critical and nice aren’t mutually exclusive; to be more precise. Welcome.
  40. Grove

    INTP: Social contexts

    I prefer not to socialize with my coworkers outside of work, aside from the occasional night at a bar or holiday get-together. I’ve made exceptions to that rule, but I’ve learned to do that only if there is a strong compatibility with the other person. I guess what I’m saying is that I’ll hang...
  41. Grove

    Myers-Briggs Dating Field Guide

    INFJ is spot on...sounds like everyone one of them I've ever met.
  42. Grove

    What's sexy about an INTP?

    This thread is hilarious. The way we verbally nitpick at all the nuances of your argument…and then quietly turn on ourselves.
  43. Grove


    Now there is an interesting poll; how long did you lurk here before posting? And welcome to the forum, Distant.
  44. Grove

    Comparing apples and oranges.

    I had starfruit for the first time a few weeks ago...it kinda tasted like apple...a not so great apple.
  45. Grove

    Using Your Awkwardness as a WEAPON

    Yes, sometimes people will make fun of others after high school, but it isn't as concentrated...if that makes sense.
  46. Grove

    INTP and Asperger's

    Snafu has more self respect.
  47. Grove

    INTP and Asperger's

    I do need a cookie.
  48. Grove

    INTP and Asperger's

    That isn't Aspergers. You might want to hold on to something.
  49. Grove

    INTP and Asperger's

    Yes it did amuse me, as you are. I'm looking foward to your future posts. Have a lovely evening.
  50. Grove

    INTP and Asperger's

    Someone needs a cookie and a nap, or at the very least shown the introduction thread.
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