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  1. abraham

    No Mans Sky

    I also fall into this hype... nearly bought it. But i decide to watch my friend play first, then i think about "don't judge the book by its cover" change into "i judge the game by seeing gameplay". But i do agree the idea is good... but it is just poorly portray the good idea into gameplay.
  2. abraham

    What does it take to wake you up

    If got some very important occasion for tomorrow, i will automatically set to my mind, or my brain will react to get up on time. But if there are nothing to do for tomorrow, even a zombie apocalypse will not make me get out of my comfy bed
  3. abraham

    Top five favorite movies

    In no particular order the first five that come to mind are: 1. Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind 2. Blue in the Warmest Colour (La Vie d'Adèle) 3. Monty Python's Life of Brian 4. Memento 5. Pan's Labyrinth
  4. abraham

    What game are you playing

    Thread title says it all. For me, I started playing Tales of the Monkey Island last night and finished episode 1 in about 3.3 hrs
  5. abraham

    What are you all reading?

    Dan Browns "deception point"
  6. abraham

    What songs are you listening to? /III/

    Right now I'm listening the song Suicide & Redemption - Metallica https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pXfKJvlU050
  7. abraham

    What songs are stuck in your head?

    Musical Box - Genesis, pure genius
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