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Search results

  1. truthseeker72

    respect and status matters

    Contrary to popular belief, women respond just as strongly to physical attractiveness in the opposite sex as us "visual" men do. Two UCLA researchers, David Frederick and Martie Haselton, conducted a study of over one hundred male UCLA undergraduates. They found that the male students who...
  2. truthseeker72

    Who do you admire?

    I like your trio. All three of these men advanced the causes of liberty and freedom. My list would also include: Ayn Rand Ron Paul Jim Morrison
  3. truthseeker72

    Do a lot of INTPs consider themselves different from the rest of society?

    I'm not a parent, but if another parent was lecturing me about dumbing down conversations with kids, I'd explode. Why must adults bring themselves down to infantile level, instead of gradually raising children's vocabulary and intellect?
  4. truthseeker72

    INTP weaknesses

    I'm equally terrible about remembering names.
  5. truthseeker72

    The joy of learning you are an INTP

    My INTP self-discovery allowed me to accept my scatter-brained nature and emotional repression. I realized that with every strength (intuition and intellect) comes a weakness (poor sensory skills and lack of emotional expression)
  6. truthseeker72

    Troubles with Compliments?

    I agree with Echoplex that accepting compliments is one of those unwritten rules of social etiquette. By discrediting the compliment, you also discredit the person giving the compliment. The impulse to look for underlying motives is strong, but if you care at all about getting along with people...
  7. truthseeker72

    I hate Brett Favre

    I'm no Brett Favre fan, but Peterson and the other Viking fumblers deserve some of the blame too.
  8. truthseeker72

    Happy birthday to MEEEE

    Unfortunately, an INTP's work ethic (contrary to popular belief, INTP's are capable of hard work) is often overlooked because we don't advertise it as loudly as other types. Also, our "passion" is much more internalized than an extroverts or F types, so we radiate aloofness.
  9. truthseeker72

    INTP Jobs

    Litigation/Family Law Attorney Pros: intellectual stimulation, utilizing my research/writing/analytical skills; making a postive impact on people's lives, contributing to the evolution of law, and a decent (though somewhat overrated) income; Cons: Dealing with needy and demanding clients...
  10. truthseeker72

    What Pisses You Off About INTPs?

    Well, I constantly question my lack of "in the now" awareness, short-term memory, organizational skills, and neatness. Unfortunately, my boss and gf remind me of these deficiencies on a daily basis.:o
  11. truthseeker72

    Are you a buzz killington?

    As opposed to the artificial laboratory creations that INTP's normally relate to? Your ideal response: "If honey, you mean ignorant simpletons, then yes you are better at talking to them."
  12. truthseeker72

    INTP male/female ratio

    I have to disagree about introversion's effects on the genders. Even in 2010, men are still expected to initiate action in various situations more than women (e.g., asking out somebody on a date). Men who are relucatant to do this are not percieved as the strong, silent type; they just have far...
  13. truthseeker72

    Political science Question

    Esentially, that amendment describes Libertarianism, which I fully subscribe to. Unfortunately, most Americans are willing to sacrifice liberty for temporary safety or comfort. This doesn't mean, however, that voters couldn't be reminded of the overall benefits of liberty.
  14. truthseeker72

    INTP male/female ratio

    Being "T' may be a "masculine" trait, but introversion, imo, certainly isn't. Think of the protoypical "alpha" male-does he ponder at length before making decisions? Does he quietly assess a situation before jumping in? Does he think or does he take action? I speak from the experience of having...
  15. truthseeker72

    Work and Self-doubt

    I have a more pedestrian explanation. INTP's value having well-developed core competencies. When we perceive that they're being questioned, we fall into a sea of self-doubt.
  16. truthseeker72

    Intellectual Conservatives.

    Hey, I know plenty of intellectual conservatives, and I consider myself to be one:cool:
  17. truthseeker72

    Best Gift Ever?

    Not much of reader . . . are you sure he's an INTP?
  18. truthseeker72

    INTP and sibling position

    I'm the youngest of two. My older brother and I have recently reconnected after several years of minimal contact.
  19. truthseeker72

    I'm not INTJ, I'm INTP.

    d Kidege, please disregard IB's visceral hatred of Ayn Rand. Allow yourself to read some of her shorter works, like Anthem, and then indulge yourself with Atlas Shrugged.
  20. truthseeker72

    Seducer, Thanks for the compliment. Only time constraints prevent me from posting more often...

    Seducer, Thanks for the compliment. Only time constraints prevent me from posting more often. I'm trapped in a high-stress 50+ hour a week job, and I have an equally demanding ENTJ fiance, so my free time is scarce. BTW, your posts never fail to crack me up, make me think, or both. Also, I...
  21. truthseeker72

    The Graphology Thread

    What, no hearts as dots, no XOXO?;)
  22. truthseeker72

    The Changing Mindset Through Time

    I question the simplistic paradigm of "progressive" and "convservative." Unfortunately, members of the left almost always describe their right-leaning counterparts as mindless defenders of tradition who irrationally fear change. Yet, where is the left's openness to change when reforms like...
  23. truthseeker72


    Our "feminist" newbie can only be one of two things: 1) a troll, ala Facetious Persona, who is only seeking to provoke reactions by parroting the militant dogma put forth by your typical woman's rights professor; or 2) an actual woman's rights professor. Edit: Actually, after reading...
  24. truthseeker72

    Woman - The Root of all Evil

    You pinpointed the most frustrating aspect of my relationships with women. I've never been able to reconcile this all-too-common female desire to be taken care of by their man, with the notion of gender equality that has been drilled into my psyche for all thirty-seven years of my existence...
  25. truthseeker72

    Woman - The Root of all Evil

    ^Adair: I agree that some men stubbornly adhere to "The Rules" as well (they're probably SJ types). These men attach their masculine identity to playing the role of the "knight in shining armor" saving the "damsel in distress." They annoy me as much as the women who demand such treatment.
  26. truthseeker72

    Woman - The Root of all Evil

    Fascinating posts. Snow Queen, please don't listen to your girlfriends' advice about "The Rules." Females who play hard to get, and insist on being coy and demure all of the time, do not impress me. In fact, these girls (they don't deserve to be called women) annoy me, and have caused me, on...
  27. truthseeker72

    Another Doors fan! Very cool. I also was quasi-obsessed with the Lizard King and the rest of the...

    Another Doors fan! Very cool. I also was quasi-obsessed with the Lizard King and the rest of the band between the ages of 19 and 24. Actually, I think I was 19 when Oliver Stone's movie was released. Now, I realize that the movie was 90% fiction, but nevertheless, I saw it no fewer than five...
  28. truthseeker72

    Woman - The Root of all Evil

    Aaah, but are men and women "fundamentally"different? Of course, there exists obvious anatomical differences, and as women are fond of pointing out, they endure pregnancy and men don't. Still, I question the conventional wisdom of "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus" that has become the...
  29. truthseeker72

    How important is eating healthy to you?

    1) Nutrition is an important part of my life- you bet its an every day thing. 2) I wholeheartedly agree that organic foods are a total rip-off, I avoid them. 3) Occasionally, but I focus more on their macronutrient profiles (i.e. protein, carbohydrate, and fat content). I stay away from...
  30. truthseeker72

    where did Brain go?

    It's good to have you back, regardless of your MBTI type.
  31. truthseeker72

    INTP and sports?

    I believe sports and exercise are not only beneficial, but are vital for one's mental and physical health, particularly INTP's. Sports promote "in the moment" awarenesss that we often lack. The spontanaeity and physical exertion beautifully balance our intropective side. It's interesting to...
  32. truthseeker72

    Do you resent people for not being unique?

    Resentment doesn't accurately describe my view of"sheeple". Mild contempt, or disdain is what I feel for people who mindlessly regurgitate stale ideas, thoughts, stereotypes and cliches. While I don't deliberately avoid these people, I'm probably not going to form any meaningful bond with them.
  33. truthseeker72

    Brain, If I could, I'd nominate you for the award of "Best Avatar." The picture of Hemingway...

    Brain, If I could, I'd nominate you for the award of "Best Avatar." The picture of Hemingway contemplating his existence while one of his many cats sips from his cup is pure INTP. Being a fan of both cats and Hemingway, I also apprecitate it on the surface. Judging from your posts, I think we...
  34. truthseeker72

    New Member: Introducing Rain

    Welcome Rain to our crew of intellectual explorers and quiet rebels. I hope you hang around for a while.
  35. truthseeker72

    Women in the Workplace

    LOL. Funny, but unfortunately true. Walfin: If you can find the theoretical, trivia-loving, intellectually curious INTP woman who would also be content as a homemaker, I'll appoint you Forum Master!
  36. truthseeker72

    Women in the Workplace

    Whoa! it sounds like Carnap touched a few your nerves, SnowQueen. Still, I enjoy a spirited debate, especially about this topic. I agree, for the most part, with SnowQueen on the issue of women in the workplace. One minor point of contention: Men can, and often do "overvalue" their careers...
  37. truthseeker72

    INTP and ENTP

    Well, it often seems like the most popular people don't necessarily "deserve" their admiration. What I mean is that popular E types don't typically invest a lot of time and energy in any one relationship. Rather, they superficially apply themselves to a large number of people. I's prefer...
  38. truthseeker72

    INTP and ENTP

    Aaah, life would be a lot simpler, and more bearable, if more people treated relationships as a meritocracy. Sadly, most don't.
  39. truthseeker72

    Psychiatrists are the law enforcers of society

    It never ceases to amaze me how often people appeal to the majority view as an argument for why they're right. I've often heard the retort, "but so many people disagree with you." My response: many people once believed the earth was flat. So yes, non-conformist views (e.g., libertarian views)...
  40. truthseeker72

    Women in the Workplace

    As promised, here is a sampling of the studies that reveal the rough equality of domestice violence between men and women: - A survey conducted in 1997 by Bruce Heady and Dorothy Scott of the Melbourne University revealed the following statistics among 804 men and 839 women: 5.1% of the men...
  41. truthseeker72

    Women in the Workplace

    I'm glad that you pointed out this double standard. Domestic violence literature and advertisements almost exclusively focus on male-on-female domestic violence. Yet, I've reviewed sevaral studies that confirm female-on-male domestic violence is just as prevelant. (I will provide cites, I...
  42. truthseeker72

    Cats: Master Manipulators

    My two cats don't have to work very hard to manipulate me since I'm always eager to give them what they want (food, affection, space on my bed).
  43. truthseeker72

    Foibles anyone?

    I indulge in several OCD behaviors,but my quirkiest is probably spending several minutes tucking my dress shirt just so as to avoid the tent-effect. (I refuse to hop on the untucked-shirt look bandwagon).
  44. truthseeker72

    The First Rule Of INTPforum Is: You Do Not Talk About INTPforum

    My girlfriend also knows about my participation in this forum, but she considers it "unproductive." I've told a few other friends and co-workers about it, but the responses have ranged from indifference to bewilderment. Nobody has expressed any interest in actually checking out the forum.
  45. truthseeker72

    Not having any close "intellectual" friends.

    One of the biggest barriers in communication between E's and I's is the former's complete inability to stick to one topic. Meanwhile, I'm always trying to keep the conversation anchored to one subject at a time. I'm willing to bet other INTP's here have experienced the same problem.
  46. truthseeker72

    Who/ what do people say you resemble?

    Yeah, the resemblance with Joey is purely physical . . . Joey was the quintessential "male airhead." I don't think Chanler was an INTP. He always reminded me of a younger, taller version of George Costanza . . . extremly neurotic and insecure. Ross struck me as INTPish, though.
  47. truthseeker72

    Who/ what do people say you resemble?

    Three most compared-to celebrities: 1) Matt LeBlanc (Joey from Friends) 2) Andy Garica (we're both Cuban) 3) Chris Noth (Law & Order, Sex & the City)
  48. truthseeker72

    Not having any close "intellectual" friends.

    As an INTP, it often feels like a lonely world. I work in a relatively small office that is occupied entirely by E's. A couple of my co-workers are N's, so interesting conversations do occur. Still, I wonder how any of them get any work done! It seems like I'm the only office member who can...
  49. truthseeker72


    Cats are just cool, end of story. Really, what other pet can stir up such a wide range of emotions. Cats have been both worhispped and demonized throughout history. Do dogs, birds, or any other animal for that matter, trigger that kind of visceral reaction? I think a lot of us here are drawn...
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