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Search results

  1. Would you like to be a kid again?

    To not know, and to not care. To be satisfied with what is, and to play carefree without thought. No sense of self-consciousness. That is what is nice to be a kid. But with what you know now, to return to that state then... would you like to be a kid again? I am sorry. I posted before...
  2. What character alignment best fits you?

    I guess neutral good would be closest, perhaps.
  3. Human motivation can be reduced down to happiness?

    We are all optimists. Else we'd be dead.
  4. About you?

    welcome. Cats are good. Good cats. I like cats.
  5. Simple Quiz Question for INXPs

    Crocodile tears are to be washed away.
  6. do you know how or like to dance?

    I learned the basics to ballroom dancing, and I do enjoy dancing, but I don't really do it much... all the socializing.
  7. Do you like watching sports?

    I'll watch sports if it is on and someone else is watching, not too keen, but is fun to watch, once you understand the rules and strategies involved. Here in Canada the big thing is hockey, followed by american football.
  8. I have arrived.

    You are welcome. Hope you have success with your searching endeavors. But are you sure you are interested in those INTP females? I can feel the chill, brrrr. :p
  9. Blessing or Curse?

    This vision in excess of ourselves beyond the present, here, now, I, to what is and what was projected to what could be unsatisfied with the superficial looking deeper to what lays beyond is amazing, scary, wondrous, frightening. Does it trap us and freeze us in a perpetual state of fear and...
  10. INxP

    I am similar too. Thinking I may be more 'F'. Feeling I may be more 'T'.
  11. Free Games you play

    A fun game can be found here: http://submachine.blogspot.com/ Flash-based puzzle/adventure game, highly recommended by me.
  12. any of you play instruments

    Took piano lessons. Enjoy the piano. Need sheet music.
  13. You know you're an Intp when...

    # - When you can walk around and around thinking, for hours. And you have trouble sitting and concentrating because of all your new ideas, and ramifications and you go off thinking of something totally different.... and then you don't have a clue what you were working on.
  14. Jurassic Kingdom

    I feel I must defend the dino's here. What have dinosaurs ever done to harm you? Rather, look beyond your own little selfish interests (oil in large quantities never did good for the environment nohow) and let the dinosaurs play in peace? If they kill a few humans or so, it is nothing...
  15. Hi Everybody!

    Welcome. I hope you enjoy your stay.
  16. Most used question: Who? What? Where? When? Why? How?

    Huh? What in the world? WHY? ... eh, no matter
  17. Yet another INFP. (aka My Intro Thread)

    Welcome secretsmile. From your posts so far, I can already tell it will be a pleasure having you here. :)
  18. My Fear

    Oooh, this is interesting. Totally not what I was expecting, but how can one expect F on an intp forum? Illogical, sure, but the illogic is what makes it so fascinating. Nice to know that continued exposure increases creativity, and thus I don't have to worry, but perhaps it is the whole reason...
  19. *emerges from a hole in the ground*

    Welcome. Try not to get killed. :/
  20. My Fear

    It seems to me, that my greatest fear, is that one day, I will wake up and not be me anymore. That ineffable core, that fountain from which I can impart thoughts and feelings, that well of creativity might one day run dry leaving me empty. Each post I make, each work of art, anything that...
  21. Being unknown

    I must say, I find the above amazing... :) Thanks. It sure can be frustrating, and at times I must confess I give up trying to have others understand, but the problem is, that by doing so, I give up on a part of myself every time I do so, rationalizing it away, saying that perhaps it isn`t...
  22. Understanding complexity

    For me, it seems that the more I learn, the more complex things get, but the simpler they get. Now if I can just find that one governing equation... Perhaps I'm idealistic, but I believe it is all very simple in actuality. Shades of grey exist to enrich our experience, not overwhelm, as long as...
  23. Cryptonia's 1000th!

  24. Actual Me test

    I took the career test and got Visionary. This seems pretty close. The Visionary You're the ultimate universal, holistic thinker! Yes, you're a visionary. Everything, including the smallest detail, needs to be synthesized into a framework that answers the question, "How?" Before you begin...
  25. Actual Me test

    Analytical visionary is what I got. edit: ^ It didn't accept mine. I just entered 12345.
  26. Melkor 2000 - hugs!

    over 2000 posts? INSANITY hug
  27. The Unknown

    You can not fear what you know nothing about. If the world ended tomorrow, and we knew nothing about it, why would we be afraid? But you can not not learn. And the more you learn, the more you learn there is to be afraid of. And the more you learn, the more you learn of ways you can bypass...
  28. Invisible Boundaries - the discussion

    Community: -a social group of any size whose members reside in a specific locality, share government, and often have a common cultural and historical heritage. dictionary.com (love that site) A disparage group of people with something in common. The INTPness is the glue binding us together...
  29. The Dark

    ^ Agreed. I don't like having too many lights on. Wastes power. So I turn them off when I notice them. I don't mind the dark. Though when I was young, I was scared of the dark. I was also scared of the toilet monster.
  30. Whats going on

    Hi. I am Canadian also. Currently Calgary. Visit Vancouver Island every year. Welcome.
  31. are you a thrill seeker?

    Back to the original topic. -evil glare- I am not big into crazy stunts myself. I do do crazy stuff once in a while, and I enjoy it, but only after I am completely confident that the risk is sufficiently low. Like I'll cliff jump 10m or so after seeing someone else do it. But I won't jump 30m...
  32. Un-INTPness

    I do that too.
  33. can you meditate?

    from dictionary.com To engage in thought, to not think about anything. Funny how a word can have seemingly opposing meanings.
  34. About you?

    I am happy you joined.
  35. How To Procrastinate Like Leonardo da Vinci

    "For the most part, his notebooks — like the commonplace books that were kept by students in the Renaissance (Shakespeare's Hamlet had one, for example) — were a polymath's workshop: a place to try out ideas, to develop them over time, and to retain them until circumstances made them more...
  36. Greetings From An INTJ

    Welcome. These people are in dire straits here. But they are improving, slowly.
  37. Text Speech

    All those little emoticons and rofl and bad grammar drives me insane sometimes. Especially lol for laugh out loud as I doubt seriously as to whether that person is actually laughing out loud. And then, I saw lol and I saw a tie fighter. With the round body and two panels on each side. And I...
  38. What type was Robin Hood?

    Second on ENFP -Though i may need to brush up on my Robin Hood E: Band of jolly good fellas or whatever -> not shy N: Vision of change (?) F: Care for others motivating P: Spontaneous. correct me if wrong, did on the fly
  39. Hi.

    Hello. :)
  40. The club of MADNESS!!!!!!!!!!!!

  41. Happiness

    People seek happiness. Yet, would you want to be happy all the time? Perhaps the happiness sought is not a state of exuberance, but more an inner joy, a contentment, a satisfaction. Thus there is nothing wrong with feeling sad, as long as you do not let it consume you, and extinguish the inner...
  42. Eye Contact

    Eye contact prolonged = staring -> freaks people out. Some eye contact -> essential. Balance required. Are are you talking about when others look at you? Then, yeah, it makes it hard to think seriously. [edit] I had a staring contest with my avatar and lost.
  43. Best MBTI Test

    It is not a test, but it describes the differences between the 4 types very very well, the best I've seen so far. You can go through this page, and the next page, and compare each of the four functions against each other. Examples included. http://www.enotalone.com/article/3783.html
  44. Valantines Day

    Is it a special day today? Hmm. I thought it was Friday.
  45. Keeping a Journal

    I don't think so. With blogs, there is a sense of expectation required as to what you write, so it fits in nicely. With journals, it is private, and thus you can just be you. With blogs, you can write what you feel, but that sense of 'blogging' it affects what you write, either consciously...
  46. Exercise

    I agree totally. Riding downtown Calgary with a bike is too scary for me.
  47. Opinion?

    Ack! I have decided that I am 'me'. I have transcended all boundaries and I shall TRAANNSFFFORRRMM!!!!! I am now a rock with evil eyes. :)
  48. Hello, INTJ here.

    This is a fun place to be, unless you are sane.
  49. Exercise

    Because I know I am doing something about my physical care, it builds self confidence. Try it. Same with showering. Thus, it is a positive experience. Sure, it is hard to explain. Thus try it.
  50. Exercise

    What do INTP's (in general, and specific) think of the notion of exercise? Now I don't go to the gym, for one; I am too unscheduled and kinda find the whole notion a bit too 'structured' for my tastes. That is not too say I am against exercise, I enjoy it. Runs, swims, pushups, situps...
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