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Search results

  1. PmjPmj

    Hi - I'm some kind of intuitive type

    After mentioning Architect's attempt at typing me via video over on PerC, I had a couple of requests to see said video. At the moment, people are saying I'm an ENFJ. Do not want.
  2. PmjPmj

    The Brutally Honest Test

    Your result for The Brutally Honest Personality Test ... Dictator - ENTJ Have you no soul? It's clear you have no heart and that your blood runs cold, but really, do you have even one redeeming factor? Sure. You're a natural born leader. So was Hitler. You just don't like people, do...
  3. PmjPmj

    How DO you go about typing another person?

    Architect recently had a go at typing me (via video). He seems to know what he's on about, so take his advice. Te / Ni, btw.
  4. PmjPmj

    What's Your Age?

    Gracias, bonita. :phear:
  5. PmjPmj


    Really? Well, they do say you learn something new every day ;)
  6. PmjPmj

    What's Your Age?

    Nasty? You have me all wrong, Intpz!
  7. PmjPmj

    Bill Gates

    Wait, what? Ha! That's pretty amazing, actually. A good claim to fame right there ;)
  8. PmjPmj

    What's Your Age?

    26, although I shall be turning 27 this Wednesday.
  9. PmjPmj

    Hi - I'm some kind of intuitive type

    That definitely did not help. I appreciate your input, though.
  10. PmjPmj


    I was trolling when you were still in nappies. I would assume that it was derived from the saying "Do not feed the troll!"
  11. PmjPmj

    What do you drive?

    Aforementioned vehicles: Alfa Romeo Mazda 6
  12. PmjPmj

    Hi - I'm some kind of intuitive type

    Meanwhile, the Universe.
  13. PmjPmj

    Hi - I'm some kind of intuitive type

    Duly noted - cheers!
  14. PmjPmj

    Hi - I'm some kind of intuitive type

    jmontroy90 - I take it you're an actual INTP, rather than a terrible imposter like myself ;) I'm half tempted to do a 'type me' thread on this forum. Something tells me a bunch of INTPs on the case would solve the problem in no time.
  15. PmjPmj

    What do you drive?

    £1.40 at the moment, which is $2.26 (apparently). The Mazda had a 64 litre tank, so it was costing roughly £80 - £90 ($129 - $145) each fuel up. Typically, I had to fuel up every week or so. Sometimes twice a week if I had to drive further afield. If I got 250 miles out of a full tank, I was...
  16. PmjPmj

    What do you drive?

    Here in the UK, we drive much smaller engined cars. Which is a shame as I'm somewhat of a petrol head. My first car was an Alfa Romeo 147 - 1.6L Petrol, 120bhp. It sounded incredible for a 1.6L. Easily my favourite car. My second car was a huge Mazda 6 (the new shape). 2L petrol @ ~...
  17. PmjPmj

    Are you ever happy?

    I concur. Typically, I am 'fair-middling' most days. Not unhappy, not particularly happy - just muddling through, vaguely contented. [EDIT] Totally not an INTP, mind. I would list my type if I knew what it were. *toddles off*
  18. PmjPmj

    How often do you socialize?

    I have a rota system in place for my friends - I typically see them at set times on set days, leaving a certain amount of flexibility for P types (I suggest a rough date / time and go from there). All in all, I'd say I socialise quite a lot; I see my close friends almost every week...
  19. PmjPmj

    Hi - I'm some kind of intuitive type

    My profile displays both Linux and Safari icons. This is incorrect. I use Windows and Chrome. :confused: [EDIT] and now Windows 98. Ah, 98 SE! Those were the days :)
  20. PmjPmj

    Torchlight 2

    I doubt it. Get a new PC, you loser. You can have my i7 if you want. I'm due an upgrade.
  21. PmjPmj

    Hi - I'm some kind of intuitive type

    Thanks for that invaluable input, sugar plum. xx
  22. PmjPmj

    Hi - I'm some kind of intuitive type

    A fairly strong case was made for ENFJ back on PerC (especially after I met a member IRL and they were all "Holy shit you are SUCH an ENFJ!") Unfortunately, it wasn't a good example of how I am 99% of the time - I was in an uncharacteristically fantastic mood that day, so I was far more charming...
  23. PmjPmj

    other forums?

    I've migrated over from PerC, which is a decent forum and serves its purpose well. Alas, I find it to be utterly rife with people posting conflicting information. Save for a few incredible members (Liquidlight, for example) it's full of berks, each trying to assert their own 'facts' pertaining...
  24. PmjPmj

    Hi - I'm some kind of intuitive type

    I don't use Ti - my thinking is too expansive. I start with the 'big picture' and stay there. Details scare the living shit out of me.
  25. PmjPmj

    Hi - I'm some kind of intuitive type

    Interestingly, every single MBTI test I've taken over the past few days (I've tried several) have me pinned as an INTP, which is incorrect. I have now been typed as every intuitive type under the sun. Conclusion: ESFP. :phear:
  26. PmjPmj

    Hi - I'm some kind of intuitive type

    I have to ask - is English your primary language? Your ramblings are bordering on unintelligible. If not, fair play. If so... oh dear. Perhaps you're just young. I shouldn't judge.
  27. PmjPmj

    What's your typing speed?

    I have improved:
  28. PmjPmj

    I write like:

    Cory Doctorow, apparently. Never heard of the guy.
  29. PmjPmj

    Have you ever been in a situation where you didn't know what to say?

    Gee, that's a really effective method of ignoring someone! Not only mention them by name, but actually @mention them. You're either stupendously inept, or actually a fairly effective (but shit) troll. Only time will tell.
  30. PmjPmj

    Have you ever been in a situation where you didn't know what to say?

    You just dignified me with sufficient attention to my "Petty insult", though. Quite self defeating, aren't you?
  31. PmjPmj

    Have you ever been in a situation where you didn't know what to say?

    Yeah - when I left your mum in bed this morning and she cried out "I love you!" as I was leaving. That was tough, man. Real tough.
  32. PmjPmj

    Minecraft Server for the NT Temperament

    NTs + Minecraft? Elaborate, intricately crafted phalli ahoy!
  33. PmjPmj

    What's your typing speed?

    I cannot help the fact that I am mentally challenged. *sits in corner and sulks*
  34. PmjPmj

    What's your typing speed?

  35. PmjPmj

    Hi - I'm some kind of intuitive type

    Of course he did - you were essentially beating him over the head with your sense of superiority, hating his rollin', etc. I'm not sure you really understand what "Logic" means, or how it is integrated into our (entirely) subjective human existence / experience. To me, it appears somewhat...
  36. PmjPmj

    Hi - I'm some kind of intuitive type

    I'm sorry to hear that. I honestly thought we had something ;_; I'm going to bed now. I may just cry myself to sleep as I reflect upon your (painful) judgements. Goodnight, sweetheart.
  37. PmjPmj

    Hi - I'm some kind of intuitive type

    You're right. I'm obviously concealing the fact that I am VERY ANGRY at my girlfriend. That bitch! I'm going to confront her, right now! Or, y'know... not.
  38. PmjPmj

    Hi - I'm some kind of intuitive type

    But I didn't want to elaborate, damnit! *throws tantrum* The question re: motivation? My dear sir, I am a serial underachiever. This I have come to accept. I am an armchair philosopher, unable to give any of the fucks about getting anywhere in life because I see my entire existence as utterly...
  39. PmjPmj

    Hi - I'm some kind of intuitive type

    No - I'd just sit there and think "Fuck yeah, I'm the motherfuckin' Sun!" I *might* fart out the occasional, hugely powerful solar flare to dick with electronics etc. Just to troll.
  40. PmjPmj

    Hi - I'm some kind of intuitive type

    Do I care to elaborate on an entirely inconsequential conversation, and / or a throwaway comment, made on an internet forum, directed at a complete stranger? Short answer: No. Slightly less short answer: No, because I don't care. Also, your mum. Next question!
  41. PmjPmj

    Hi - I'm some kind of intuitive type

    How rude! ;)
  42. PmjPmj

    Hi - I'm some kind of intuitive type

    As we have already discussed, motivation is a bit of an issue for me (read: I am a lazy shite :D). Hi! intpz is fine, really. I just got the impression that he's somewhat young and... 'spunky' (?) I believe that means something along the lines of "Full of zeal" in American-ese, right?
  43. PmjPmj

    Hi - I'm some kind of intuitive type

    EXTJ - when she tests, she's 50/50 on the S/N scale. Personally, I'd say without any hesitation that she's an N, though. She's very concerned with the bigger picture and always, always thinks outside of the box. She can pull ideas for new business ventures out of her arse at a rate that is...
  44. PmjPmj

    Hi - I'm some kind of intuitive type

    We're both in England, actually. She speaks Spanish, Catalan, English, French, German and Italian fluently. I'm fairly sure I can manage one additional language ;p Also, she's going to be purchasing a house in Spain soon. Southern Spain, specifically - that's where she's from. Obviously, I'll...
  45. PmjPmj

    Hi - I'm some kind of intuitive type

    I'm a big fan of exclamation marks - they allow me to trick people into thinking I'm far more charismatic, friendly and engaging than I actually am. Secretly, I seethe! !! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :|
  46. PmjPmj

    Hi - I'm some kind of intuitive type

    I see it as more of a fairness thing, to be honest - she is Spanish, and we are in a relationship which is very likely going places. Plus, I need all the help with motivation that I can get! I'm pretty mad about her, in truth. If it was anyone else I'd be on the same page as you.
  47. PmjPmj

    Hi - I'm some kind of intuitive type

    People with too much energy, I'd wager. I have ambition by the bucketful. I want to change the world. Unfortunately, I can't be bothered to get up and do anything about it. Fortunately, I'm in a relationship with an EXTJ woman who is seriously kicking my ass about things. For example, she's...
  48. PmjPmj

    Hi - I'm some kind of intuitive type

    I'm also brutally retarded (I can't even get my username right, which should be 'Pmj'). Impressively, I am still unable to type myself after being interested in the MBTI / JCF for over 2 years now. The more I learn, the more confused I become. Seeing as INTPs are, in my eyes, amazing at...
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