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Search results

  1. PmjPmj

    Male INFJs

    Awesome! I've recently had the pleasure of working alongside some Jungian Type practitioners. Part of my work involved conversing with another INFJ male via Skype, and the initial mind-meld was utterly phenomenal. We speak every day and plan to meet up very soon. The mental connection is...
  2. PmjPmj

    I have an idea...

    I love that INTPs openly discuss lucid dreaming and OBEs. Fascinating stuff, though the initial auditory phenomena can be extremely overpowering. I'd actually been having it for years until I realised what it was; I assumed it was some kind of horrendous, reoccurring nightmare :S
  3. PmjPmj

    Games to recommend?

    The Longest Journey: Dreamfall was a great game back in 2006. You mainly play a female, so she'll be able to identify with the protagonist. It still looks half decent and it'll run on any old shite given its age. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dreamfall:_The_Longest_Journey
  4. PmjPmj

    Male INFJs

    This is perfect. Well said. The relationship between Ni and Se can create some profoundly beautiful moments in time. Occasionally, hazy and largely unobserved external data will ‘pop’ to the fore, but it is apparently spun into something far more impressive by my Ni. A sunset, for example...
  5. PmjPmj

    How do you feel normally mentally?

    Re: waking up, I once woke up with absolutely no idea who I was, where I was or even what I was. I knew only the concept of "Whu?" It only lasted a brief moment, though. Soon after a tsunami of information flooded by brain, and *pop* I was back. As for how I feel normally, well... zoned out...
  6. PmjPmj

    I Took the Drug Coffee

    I had whittled my way down from ~ 10 cups per day to 3 cups a day - two normal, one decaff. It was hard going at first; I went cold turkey for three days and damn near died (exaggeration) but after cutting it out properly, I started to feel much better. Then fatherhood. ... I'm back to 5 cups...
  7. PmjPmj

    How Old Are You?

    No. "Twenty-Eight". Job done. You bloody weirdo ;)
  8. PmjPmj

    Elder Scrolls: Choose your race.

    Redguard. Bitch, I will cut you.
  9. PmjPmj

    List of all my typings

  10. PmjPmj

    Ti in INFPs

    For a start, forget the indicators. The ones you take online are just that - 'indicators'. They indicate only what your perception of self is. You say you are definitely a 'P'. Thus, I assume you mean that you identify with traits such as openness, adaptability, lack of punctuality, etc. Now...
  11. PmjPmj

    Ti in INFPs

    Actually, you've got that back to front. A person using Fi has a rich inner emotional landscape; they are able to discern how they 'feel' in the moment, and exploring these feelings is important to them. Fe users extravert their feelings; most everything is processed externally. As a...
  12. PmjPmj

    Hola amigos!

    Possibly, but my wife is Spanish and has never corrected me on that usage. So I'm either right, or she's just being nice ;) I know enough Spanish to have an extremely basic conversation... and that's all they seem to ask, really. If you can get your point across they're typically made up you...
  13. PmjPmj

    Ranking of Extraverted Functions ( Controversial)

    Shit, son. Imma rey-tard.
  14. PmjPmj

    Hola amigos!

    Hola! Que tal? Tu habla mucho espanol, o un poco solo?
  15. PmjPmj

    Are you a jerk?

    It depends on the context. I am as nice as the day is long... until something or someone pisses me off, at which point I'm very likely to tell it how it is. Certainly, I aim to be a decent human being.
  16. PmjPmj

    ENTP Forum?

    They are indeed ban happy. Back when I first started posting there, a user had to be persistent in their trolling / abuse of other members before they were permabanned. In my humble opinion, they should concentrate more on banning people who propagate misinformation than those who occasionally...
  17. PmjPmj

    Enneagram Typology

    I've had a hard time figuring out my E-type, which apparently makes me a 9.
  18. PmjPmj

    ENTP Forum?

    That is indeed unfortunate. I barely visit the place now, mainly out of principle; have you seen how abusive some of the mods are in the spam folders? Talk about drama llama.
  19. PmjPmj


    Apparently, I am an ISTJ. Arf.
  20. PmjPmj

    The Mythological God test

    Your result for The Mythological God Test ... Lug Indeed, you are 75% erudite, 75% sensual, 75% martial, and 46% saturnine. The God Lug certainly cut an impressive image. Lug was a mighty hero, often portrayed as a blond muscle-man, all decked out in magnificent armour complete with helmet...
  21. PmjPmj

    Enneagram Test(with Tritype)

    PSTypes Enneagram Test Results The Distribution of Your Scores Type One: 22 Type Two: 23 Type Three: 15 Type Four: 30 Type Five: 42 Type Six: 24 Type Seven: 18 Type Eight: 3 Type Nine: 38 Your probable Enneagram Type Your main type is 5. Considering the wings you should be a...
  22. PmjPmj

    What did you do after graduating high school/turning 18?

    Enrolled on an NVQ course for business administration (ever the directionless soul) and enjoyed pissing my savings up a wall by going out drinking with friends every Friday, Saturday and Sunday. It was brief, however; at age 19, World of Warcraft was released... that was pretty much my social...
  23. PmjPmj

    INFJs are cool as hell

    Hi. I am your friendly resident INFJ. Well, one of them; we seem to like INTPs. My own experience of INTPs - which is very limited - has been extremely pleasant. I find you deep, insightful and intellectually stimulating. Also, that Fe of yours is (again, limited experience) easy to draw out...
  24. PmjPmj

    Do any of you like to dance?

  25. PmjPmj

    Childfree club

    Two and a half weeks ago, I could have been in this club. :(
  26. PmjPmj

    you obtain a time machine. what do?

    Can said time machine transport large organisms other than myself? I'm thinking of trolling potential. For example: wife opens curtains in the morning - BOOM! Surprise Brontosaurus.
  27. PmjPmj


    I agree, but I'd also love to hear your perceptions of why that is - if you can spare the time. I'll share my own tomorrow. If I can be bothered ;)
  28. PmjPmj


    Ignore the stereotypes; they are idealised to a fault. Bold = characteristic of INxJ. Try INFJ, if you feel your thinking to be Ti rather than Te. As one myself, I identify.
  29. PmjPmj

    why can't we be who we want to be?

    Other people have already made the point (probably) but I thought I'd offer my two English pence as someone who has been through this. Basically, it all comes down to maturity and self understanding. Now, I'm not suggesting you're immature or have a lack of self knowledge; merely, I'm putting...
  30. PmjPmj

    anyone meditate? what have you learned?

    Being an Ni-dom, I'm already enlightenment personified. I have no need for your 'meditation' ;) (Fact: When I have tried, I just fall asleep).
  31. PmjPmj

    Internet as distraction

    To be fair, the Saturn was expensive. I think my grandma (who is win personified, still) paid about £550 for mine, but that came with Nights and the analogue pad. Most bestest birthday present ever, that - it blew my mind. Arcades were indeed cool, but I caught the arse end of their lifespan...
  32. PmjPmj

    Internet as distraction

    Myself and friends used my (huge stockpile) as ninja-attack frisbees. Seriously, the whole street was littered with them. We displayed a shocking disregard for the cleanliness of our environment back then, I guess. Yeah, the NES was a long time back. I'm an '85 child (29 this September)...
  33. PmjPmj

    Internet as distraction

    Ha, AOL. I have fond memories of being wowed by a friend's 14k internet connection, slowly but surely loading into their (AOL's) terrible UI. Those were the days. Or not. Back in '92 / '93, I was getting to grips with my first ever gaming platform and a certain blue hedgehog who has a penchant...
  34. PmjPmj

    Music in your head.

    All of it, with perfect clarity and, if I choose, awesome bass.
  35. PmjPmj

    INFJ: Integrating new infomation

    As a confirmed NiFe, this sounds absolutely normal to me. Any information I absorb in the moment is typically kept as a vague overtone within my subconscious, rushing to the fore when, after ample time has passed to allow full assimilation, a subject pertaining to said knowledge is brought...
  36. PmjPmj

    Internet as distraction

    The internet has been ruining my productivity since '01.
  37. PmjPmj

    John's Personality type 25quiz.com

    Loved the test, but my results were a bit off: 36% INTJ 17% INTP 16% INFP 12% INFJ 4% ENFJ (I'm an INFJ).
  38. PmjPmj

    PersonalityJunkie INTP book

    The above rings very true for myself - it took quite a while to figure out who I am and what I'm about; as cliche as it may sound, I was a complete enigma to myself until I discovered the MBTI and began the process of better informed self-analysis. I have thought myself somewhat narcissistic...
  39. PmjPmj

    How Unique Are You?

    Captain Obvious states that genetically speaking, we're all unique. When it comes to personality, sure - there will be similarities with other members of the great unclean. That's all I'd expect to find, though - similarities. Even if we were to visit ourselves in a parallel dimension, it's...
  40. PmjPmj

    Origin keys (from the humble bundle)

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rqQ9kzne-mc Behold.
  41. PmjPmj

    Do you think in words or pictures?

    I had an interesting conversation with my oldest friend (an ISTP) a year or so back; I think by way of images - my imagination is so vivid that I can literally project whatever is in my mind's eye over reality, giving the sense of being in multiple places (experiencing different things) within...
  42. PmjPmj

    Um Hello

    I work closely with an INTJ, and he has been accused of arrogance more times than I care to remember. Here's the thing, though - he isn't. At all; people simply don't know how to take him. Meh, maybe it's as much an Ni-dom thing as it is an NT thing. I too get accused of being a condescending...
  43. PmjPmj

    Borderline INTP (INXP) = problems

    Individuation can lead to balance. However, it is my opinion that we have a clear preference for either T or F as our rational judging functions, just as we have a clear preference for S or N when it comes to our perceptions. Obviously, age should mean our tertiary and inferior functions...
  44. PmjPmj

    What would you choose?

    I'd feel compelled to save the friend, given that he/she had already saved me previously; 1 - 1, and all that. On the other hand, I'd want to save my other half because... well, yeah. She's my world. As stated above, I'd jump out and let them go ahead. The granny wouldn't have much life left...
  45. PmjPmj

    Archael's introduction/type me thread

    Re: INFPs: type yourself correctly or go home. How old are you, if you don't mind me asking? Good to have you around - I hope you can gain some clarity on the subject.
  46. PmjPmj

    INFPs: type yourself correctly or go home.

    What makes you think you're an INTx, Archael?
  47. PmjPmj

    Archael's introduction/type me thread

    Re: INFPs: type yourself correctly or go home. Research cognitive functions. Typing yourself can be a long, arduous process. If you really want a definitive answer, seek professional help.
  48. PmjPmj

    INFPs: type yourself correctly or go home.

    Ti sarcasm is far too advanced for myself ;) That's why I'm here - to learn how to be a more effective witty / sarcastic bastard.
  49. PmjPmj

    INFPs: type yourself correctly or go home.

    That wouldn't be even, though. We'd be splitting 2 three ways. The guy with a Fear avatar has a full miss, and we'd be sharing one 50/50. Does not compute. But ok.
  50. PmjPmj

    INFPs: type yourself correctly or go home.

    I want to assume you're referring to a mouse, but it's far more likely you're being incredibly witty and, in a touché moment, it is my turn to completely miss the point. :facepalm:
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