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Search results

  1. PmjPmj

    How to have smooth intercation with MBTI-types for an INTP

    INTJ - skip to the end. Establish stance immediately; explain reasoning later... and keep it as brief as you can. Unless of course your INTJ isn't in a rush (unlikely). INFJ - Business as usual. Feel free to elaborate at length.
  2. PmjPmj

    'Aliens, UFO's & Spirituality'

    Jacques Vallee has a lot of intelligent things to say about the subject. Personally, I find it fascinating.
  3. PmjPmj

    What would happen if we merged INTJ and INTP forum?

    Pretty shitty conduct, there. At the very least I would have referred you to sites which offer insight into various degrees and / or careers. Personally, I have found a site called sokanu.com to be quite revealing.
  4. PmjPmj

    What would happen if we merged INTJ and INTP forum?

    It has already been touched upon here, but yeah - INTJs are more about bottom-lining. I quite often get told I'm being rude for saying things like "Get to the point" or "Skip to the end". It is my experience that INTPs far more enjoy the process of exploring an idea; an INTJ wants to look at the...
  5. PmjPmj

    I cannot tell if I use Ne or Ni, ask me questions to help me figure it out,

    Wait, you listened to what somebody told you? Oh, you can't get more Fe than that! You must be an ESFJ. ^ One of the many misconceptions spread around by members of the great unclean. If you haven't already, check out the YouTube channel I linked to. It'll probably save you a lot of bother...
  6. PmjPmj

    I cannot tell if I use Ne or Ni, ask me questions to help me figure it out,

    Wear it for a while, see how it fits. That really is the best way to go about these things. The experts will tell you as much. If you find yourself thinking "Hm, this isn't right", head back to the drawing board. I originally typed as INFP (ha!) and so began to move and shake in those circles...
  7. PmjPmj

    I cannot tell if I use Ne or Ni, ask me questions to help me figure it out,

    What is perceived and what is actual are two very different things, however. Part of being an Ni dominant is seeing many angles of a thing; I can't speak for others, but I can state that my ability to map my mental processes is above average. I can determine why a thought (for example) came...
  8. PmjPmj

    INTP Likeablility

    The few INTPs I know (all working in the Type field, as it happens - Katherine Hirsh being one) are extremely pleasant and very easy to be around. They definitely have a warmth and sincerity about them, and also a kind of childlike fascination with things. Compared to my INTJ self, there's a...
  9. PmjPmj

    Am i INTP?

    Worth bearing in mind: 1) The indicator tests are shit 2) Ni dominants regularly mis-type as P 3) Lack of self-knowledge, or the search for it, may well indicate Fi in tertiary or inferior position (conjecture, but probably right on the mark) I've had the pleasure of working with some of the...
  10. PmjPmj

    What do you dislike about your INTP self?

    There isn't an appropriate smiley to convey the LOL this brought.
  11. PmjPmj

    Least likely type to take a MBTI

    ESTP. They're too busy wheeling motorbikes whilst simultaneously having sex. Fact.
  12. PmjPmj

    what made you interested in MBTI personality types?

    Similar to OP, but it was more a feeling of 'why the hell does nobody see the world as I do?' I stumbled upon the MBTI one day (I think it was mentioned on some news site in relation to the Big 5) and checked it out. I immediately came to the realisation that I'm an intuitive, which was a real...
  13. PmjPmj

    What are you currently playing? Rate it.

    DriveClub on the PS4. It's basically the epitome of mediocre - until you take it online, at which point everything becomes 500% more fun. The races are ballistic and more often than not have me belly-laughing to such an extent that I lose control of my car. The banter between drivers always...
  14. PmjPmj

    Face memory test

    You got 65 of 75 questions correct. The average score is 63.7. Your score is higher than 51.15% of other people who take this test. Meh.
  15. PmjPmj

    Are INTJ's better?

    Again, I can't say I know any INTPs in RL - but I do know some INTJs (verified beyond all doubt) and I get along well with them... even if they do have a knack of (inadvertently) making me feel exceptionally stupid ;) ... but then you INTPs do that, too; INTJs bounce around ideas at...
  16. PmjPmj

    Introverted Feeling

    Have you considered consulting a professional? If identifying your type is giving you this much hassle, you may welcome the closure.
  17. PmjPmj

    Introverted Feeling

    Enneagram? Please don't swear at me :p I don't get along with it at all.
  18. PmjPmj

    Type me vid

    If you're an INFJ, I should be able to spot you a mile off. Talk about something you're passionate about. It doesn't have to be lengthy.
  19. PmjPmj

    Introverted Feeling

    I can't speak for other INFJs (well, I can for one or two) but personally the 'authenticity of my feelings' is something which never occurs to me. Feelings are largely irrelevant to me; Fe is a tool for navigating the external. It makes me cordial, but it does not give me any kind of inner...
  20. PmjPmj

    Male INFJs

    I fucking despise sheepdogs. My wife has one, and it really is the biggest wanker.
  21. PmjPmj

    Male INFJs

    Yes. Release the feels!
  22. PmjPmj

    Male INFJs

    I wouldn't classify myself as 'motherly', but I am a loving father. I have zero qualms with showing my daughter affection. I mean, that's normal... right? "Oooh I'm a male and therefore can't show any strength of emotion! Man! Man!" Say the men with something to hide. :phear:
  23. PmjPmj

    Percentage of mistyped people

    I'm not sure I know any INFPs in Real-Life™. There may be this one girl; she has a strange dress sense and she's a fucking weirdo. Likes fiction a bit too much, y'know?
  24. PmjPmj


    *steals cake*
  25. PmjPmj

    Percentage of mistyped people

  26. PmjPmj


    You have chat turned on? You madman!
  27. PmjPmj


  28. PmjPmj


    The one which is inevitably full of ESFJs. It happens.
  29. PmjPmj

    Percentage of mistyped people

    This morning, I had some motherfucker telling me I'm an INFP. Bitch, I have a certificate. You ain't not knowin', dog. Mmm-HM! :aufsmaul:
  30. PmjPmj

    Neato MBTI Test

    57% INTJ 12% INFJ 9% ENTJ 7% INTP 3% ENTP Apparently I use Te now. :confused: You're wrong, John. You're wrong.
  31. PmjPmj

    Male INFJs

    I have it on good authority that INFJ males are at risk of going off the deep end. I was close myself at one point; my then girlfriend (now wife) saved me, making me realise that I needed help quite drastically. Thus, I am one of the lucky ones. Growing up around people who deride you simply...
  32. PmjPmj

    What are you currently playing?

    Mainly multiplayer Killzone: Shadowfall on the PS4, wrestling in vain with the gamepad. I've lost count of how many times I've frustratingly exclaimed "JUST GIVE ME A FUCKING MOUSE AND KEYBOARD!" :ahh04:
  33. PmjPmj

    What would happen in a house full of sensors?

    Christ, these threads advance too bloody quickly. Architect - thanks for sharing, that was an awesome post. However, it was the very last sentence which slammed it all home for me: I eventually broke away from S related shenanigans at age 19, and initially I felt terribly guilty about it...
  34. PmjPmj

    How good is your memory?

    My memory is terrible. Quite often (read: all the time) someone will ask me to do something. I leave the room and *poof* everything they just told / asked of me is gone. This really winds people up, but I secretly enjoy it. Having a shit memory is endlessly amusing.
  35. PmjPmj

    Last movie you watched

    No way! I had no idea that was the same guy. I haven't watched The Descent yet, and if I'm honest I don't plan to. Scary / I'm a softarse :eek:
  36. PmjPmj

    What would happen in a house full of sensors?

    You'd be beat down, somehow believing yourself to be deficient and without worth; everyone would treat you with vague (or blatant) contempt. Your insights would be refuted and you'd be regarded as completely inane / boring, because none of your interests would marry up with those of the others...
  37. PmjPmj

    Percentage of mistyped people

    Many. INFJs and INTJs in particular have it pretty bad; ENTJs, too. Experience has taught me to completely swerve INFJ areas / forums these days, as they are consistently dominated by SFs and other NFs. Thus, having an INFJ - INFJ conversation is nigh on impossible.
  38. PmjPmj

    INTJ vs. INTP; What do you think?

    Richard Dawkins Vs Christopher Hitchens is another good comparison, as best I can tell. Dawkins likes to yap inanely, seemingly taking great pleasure in being far too verbose and somewhat pompous (INTP). Hitchens is far more direct, and eloquently - or sometimes literally - tells people to...
  39. PmjPmj

    Right brained or Left brained? (Not a questionaire)

    Equally: 47% / 53%
  40. PmjPmj

    Do you like other INTPs? (INTPs on this forum don't count)

    I'm not an INTP, and I don't know any 'real' INTPs, but online I find you to be inoffensive. Warm, even. The only issue I occasionally have is that I find your dominant Ti to be somewhat impenetrable, though that's obviously more to do with my own Ti development. I often prefer the 'cut the BS'...
  41. PmjPmj

    Map your brain to someone famous

    Leonardo of Arc, apparently.
  42. PmjPmj

    What MBTI type do you think I am?

    Fair point. I think an IxFJ would be somewhat more meek and mild at 20, though. Fe dominants less so. ExFJ it is, then.
  43. PmjPmj

    What MBTI type do you think I am?

    Ah, no then. An angry ESFJ, perhaps? Cast aside by a world which demands that men must be hard of heart and mind; he's overcompensating for what he perceives to be a deficiency, bringing out his inferior Ti to play with. Or maybe he's an IxFP. Whatever the case, I'd wager his thinking...
  44. PmjPmj

    What MBTI type do you think I am?

    Age would help. I'm reluctant to jump on the INFJ bandwagon, but it's possible that a young / poorly developed INFJ may exhibit some of the characteristics shown here. I'm sticking with xSFJ for now.
  45. PmjPmj

    What MBTI type do you think I am?

    Irrational response / questing for self; seeking advice from members of the great unclean. Combine this with your previous demonstrations of poor logic / inability to grasp concepts... I'd wager you're an Fe type with extremely poor (no offence) Ti. xSFJ, I'd say. One stuck in an unhealthy...
  46. PmjPmj

    What MBTI type do you think I am?

    You're definitely an ESFT. Hope that helps.
  47. PmjPmj

    Astral projections, lucid dreaming, and similar subject matter

    Mission accomplished / salute victory. Perhaps the OP is simply trying to put his own stamp on the topic(s) as he's new. Perfectly understandable if he wants to make himself known. /Fe harmonising disengaged.
  48. PmjPmj

    Dream Logic

    When someone / something gives chase, you suddenly gain the ability to run in ultra slow motion. Flying is possible until you realise that you are in-flight, at which point you begin to rapidly descend; no amount of feverish arm flapping will see you gain altitude. :ahh04:
  49. PmjPmj

    Last movie you watched

    Dog Soldiers. So underrated :D
  50. PmjPmj

    Male INFJs

    For the involved parties, it's hyper-interesting. It can also sort the INFJs from the non-INFJs immediately, because two people with a true preference for NiFe can't say "Hello" to one another without getting balls deep in metaphysical conversation :p :facepalm:
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