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  1. Holy shit this makes sens

    Truth Contest: Spiritual Warfare.

    Agree with the title.
  2. Holy shit this makes sens

    The Irony of Infinity..

    >Implying that Poetry is not Philosophy. Let's not forget the Fathers of poetry. Who your talking about when you say Infinity is Parmenides, He spoke in this crazy super poetic way, I read his translated work - He was in 500 BCE. Poetry is the rythem, resource and a tool of philosophy.
  3. Holy shit this makes sens

    One world?

    Enthusiasm, you create an artificial other which you use to funnel the populations suppressed emotions and frustration towards. don't hate the game hate the player ;) fascism would work well Why do we need one world anyways. i think the "other" boundary which i take it as (your reasoning) why...
  4. Holy shit this makes sens

    One world?

    I agree, a world could be completely based upon a sport. It probably has been done. but this does not allow for development. When it comes to a developing unified world than there will be trouble. Is development inevitable? if so then how does a world accommodate for social divergence... You...
  5. Holy shit this makes sens

    What is a choice?

    A choice is not decided upon variables. The weather is an independent variable, the weather does not have will and so does not change. the only thing that changes is plans and at that there is a choice to follow through with the plan (say going to a picnic) or not. but if you think of Aristotle...
  6. Holy shit this makes sens

    One world?

    Its called globalization. There was unified effort for it in the 1980's but since then the multi-national economies and corporations have not succeeded in creating the benefits they promised. Mainly to overwhelm National governments with initiative, environmental friendliness and increased...
  7. Holy shit this makes sens

    Why Equality is Impossible

  8. Holy shit this makes sens

    Do we need our own sanctuaries?

    Bump everything is true its just a puzzel, and we make the pieces. some people don't make any because information is valuable. we can make sense of them and philosophize the projection of society. (im socially repressed)
  9. Holy shit this makes sens

    Philosophical Discourse

    Discourse: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Discourse "Archaic, The process or power of reasoning." - Dictionary.com "... a form of power that circulates in the social field and can attach to strategies of domination as well as those of resistance" Michel Foucault Discourse to me is...
  10. Holy shit this makes sens

    Do we need our own sanctuaries?

    So what should a thread look to present. An Idea > Grounds for the Idea/Grounds of the idea = Matter at hand vs a hypothesis, how Should we handle the matter. >>>Does this board have an objective? an objective meaning would need a contemporary usage. We must forward understanding of...
  11. Holy shit this makes sens

    Do we need our own sanctuaries?

    People want the board to go well you got the reserved spot of the first thread as never going to be about the actual thread that gets there. Itll be preparation for the beginning of our time. So considering your thread is about keeping on thread topic... kind of ironic. PERFECT WIN -1 :-P :)
  12. Holy shit this makes sens

    Do we need our own sanctuaries?

    Exaltation PHILOSOPHY GOT ITS OWN BOARD!! So, How will we approach this honor. With sensibilities. logical fallacy + other discerning topics to be forbade, on a Sticky post for Rules.. Of the board! Constructivism. We make categories of topics, and rational conclusions made in the thread. we...
  13. Holy shit this makes sens

    Do we need our own sanctuaries?

    Where art thou other threads. Philosophy has a soul occupant apparently. This is just another realization of the stupid subjectivity in the way of everything right now. an out cry to be understood. My vote is for constructionist Debate and Records Systematic democracy
  14. Holy shit this makes sens

    Fear has changed, "Terror" - Hegemony -

    I don't think the people fighting on either side are scared. It is the by-standards that are scared the person watching the news Joe Shmo. Hegemony is the self-justification, the submission to power. You need power to change the world but absolute power corrupts absolutely. Fear/Terror is the...
  15. Holy shit this makes sens

    Scientific Method Problem

    This is Marx stuff.
  16. Holy shit this makes sens

    Fear has changed, "Terror" - Hegemony -

    A clearer version - read it if your not familiar with the death of post-modernism aka non-universal truth - and then the birth of the hyper real Genocide offered fertile ground for the cultural empathy, voice and later terror which abruptly ended the post-modern movement. Genocide has always...
  17. Holy shit this makes sens

    Fear has changed, "Terror" - Hegemony -

    Sigh well your right Kuu but something i don't completely understand and it is something i constantly have trouble with. is that one may bring up a topic or like me post a topic that may not be concise or in any manner suitable to be used in helping another understand. But i must argue that it...
  18. Holy shit this makes sens

    Fear has changed, "Terror" - Hegemony -

    Terror, fear, we hear about them alot on the news. I hope that what i am going to say is not going to Red Pill anyone here, we should all know the way "terror" is treated in the media and news is only perpetuating it. Terror has evolved from being something that is used to control people -...
  19. Holy shit this makes sens

    Individualism and Collectivism

    ...Communism... _>>The biggest problem is not the corruption of the people, and though the problem we currently face as did communism is the corruption of the government. What cannot be corrupted and not be over ruled>? Laizze-faire economics tried to let economics free but that just...
  20. Holy shit this makes sens

    Individualism and Collectivism

    HOBBES. The social contract. Humans have two impulses/motivations, the Desire of Power and the Fear of death. The social contract is agreed upon and takes affect when: The people give up civil liberties for protection. Hobbes described these civil liberties as the will of an individual to...
  21. Holy shit this makes sens


    You have to consider the time period Descartes was in. The Church still loomed large over the new governmental system of absolutism, the enlightenment (1687-1787ish) philosophers focused on social reform policy. John Locke, Bacon, Newton were at this time. Descartes was very cautious to not...
  22. Holy shit this makes sens

    Deviating Philosophies

    what principles could we establish that do not already exist? psychodelic, surreality. a collidiscope society. if my (word) smith level is high enough. mental disorder is to blame. for fear and wonder, desire. discourses will make communication harder to agree metadiscources in habit...
  23. Holy shit this makes sens

    Deviating Philosophies

    what will come from the certainty in the contemporary philosophies of non-unversality, and such views of Sartre's existentialism? will we gain assurance that all knowledge is human made and so through a radicalized skepticism will we gain a necessary sense of trust? what will that bring about...
  24. Holy shit this makes sens


    Could we perhaps reference the value of gold economically to the value of reality or the like concept... Mercantilism works on the thought that there is a limited, a finite, amount of wealth in the world. It was the system used to hold markets captive such as a country's colony. It was big in...
  25. Holy shit this makes sens


    A common view.
  26. Holy shit this makes sens


    existence before essence is the usual slogan for it. Existentialism is the concept that a person has no meaning before the exist, that the are not born with meaning and that existential freedom is the freedom to give your self meaning. Sartre is the founder. This would go on to say we give...
  27. Holy shit this makes sens


    Socrates had a similar view. The greatest wisdom is that you know no knowledge not even this. Buddhism, also tends to agree with no knowledge. It logical to presume so and to carry on with that mentality is to me on hand to embrace Murphy's law and on the other hand be completely fear free...
  28. Holy shit this makes sens

    What overcomes Fear?

    I also have herd from one of my teachers.. that freud said we desire our fears.. Desire = the completion of knowledge (or check out the define 'want' thread(y) Fear = The unknown. ...sooo... Good discussion so far :)(Y) Pretty sure its Hobbes who said Fear is fundamental for the formation of...
  29. Holy shit this makes sens

    What overcomes Fear?

    This is a good example of death in fear. I don't think you faced fear so much as your body felt death (not understanding the safety of the bungiee). Your desire to jump was there and it overcame the fear which in your situation would be of the bungiee breaking. your knowledge and understanding...
  30. Holy shit this makes sens

    What overcomes Fear?

    Yes desire is prevalent. fear derives from desire and desire from life. Are you saying as desire increases so to does fear but desire will ultimately trump fear. greed is more powerful... ?
  31. Holy shit this makes sens

    What overcomes Fear?

    I tend to agree with you. Though i don't neccasarly think fear is illogical. Fear when seen in the context of anxiety is simply about failure. Life preservation sure but i think that has more significance when it placed moment to moment. Plato touched on fear as fundamentally being that the...
  32. Holy shit this makes sens

    What overcomes Fear?

    What overcomes fear? Fear seams to be of change and more specifically the unknown, qualities and truths it may hold. What constitutes fear? Fear is of the unknown> Why is fear prevalent in humanity as civilization and individual? Fear has the prestigious award of being ALLLL...
  33. Holy shit this makes sens

    Thanks for the inform (y)

    Thanks for the inform (y)
  34. Holy shit this makes sens

    Reading vs listening

    to read is to replicate and to interpret. we need to do the same in listening. when written we see white and black. we used to see the same in listening but since post modernism has spread through common thought we think in a grey area that is in deed up for interpretation. but through our...
  35. Holy shit this makes sens

    Dont read this (you wouldnt like it)

    First off, Evolution has the persistence of life. it took on creationsim, and what is to come but mythology? it could be compared to pi in its prevelence in life, substiquently who cares life is fun.
  36. Holy shit this makes sens

    Gravitational law inconsistencies

    im not sure if that was what you were wondering, im just saying..
  37. Holy shit this makes sens

    Gravitational law inconsistencies

    When something spins at the same speed where ever it is its traveling a larger distance there for the spirals of Galaxy's
  38. Holy shit this makes sens

    Are machines literally alive?

    holy, Cars adapt to there enviroment. take a drifters, the type of driving. Tires are worn out by spins and then there for allowing the car to spin better. These ways machines are worn out reflect what there doing. The closer we get to harmonizing life and machine the farther we go with...
  39. Holy shit this makes sens

    Are machines literally alive?

    The 7 Characteristics of Life: 1. Living Things are Composed of Cells: Single-cell organisms have everything they need to be self-sufficient. In multicellular organisms, specialization increases until some cells do only certain things. Simple machines, a wedge, a shovel, Complicated...
  40. Holy shit this makes sens

    Are machines literally alive?

    The 7 characteristic of life may well suit the machines. What does that mean for upcoming technology as it is a solid state machine compared to the much more.. Organic Mechanical parts. Will advancements take place over improvement? Could there be micro moving machines. (A.I is also paired...
  41. Holy shit this makes sens

    Are machines literally alive?

    Do machines fit the characteristics of life?
  42. Holy shit this makes sens

    Woody Allen.

    by Knowledge being a limit, was more to be like; the answer is just one end. lol
  43. Holy shit this makes sens

    Any musicians?

    Yea!! I teach drums, keyboard, bass, guitar (electric and acoustic) acoustic i'm better at. um piano and a whole bunch of misc instruments. And music theory And composing is the shit. Their are no rules in music simply what sounds good. and that even varies. Drumming sounds good, and really...
  44. Holy shit this makes sens

    Catcher in the rye

    I guess it took to me because it took me a month to read. and i only read it when on the bus. Holden's adventure was not ment to be full of great feats and over coming all odds to produce an amazing ending. I think it was a book of self reflection.
  45. Holy shit this makes sens

    Woody Allen.

    I wasn't trying to impress, simply trying to be understood. we still stand at a crossroads as we always do. decisions are constantly made of what we will do in the future. Woody Allen is funny and has a way of letting you see how he thinks, I too ponder wonders, and rather not care to think...
  46. Holy shit this makes sens

    Woody Allen.

    this goes along with my once stupid thread of technology being annoying to me
  47. Holy shit this makes sens

    Woody Allen.

    First published in the New York Times in 1979 More than at any other time in history, mankind faces a crossroads. One path leads to despair and utter hopelessness. The other, to total extinction. Let us pray we have the wisdom to choose correctly. I speak, by the way, not with any sense...
  48. Holy shit this makes sens

    Randomness theory needing speculation.

    I realized i spelled it wrong, but for the sake of keeping my point constant i didn't want to correct, And infinite keeps ruining my day, I admit defeat, nothing is without explanation. And i just made up that equation but i think it holds strong. And i guess ill face it, The universe it...
  49. Holy shit this makes sens

    Randomness theory needing speculation.

    thats again besides the point, its like hmm.. Random = reason - intention (reason, why your doing it - intention, why. leaves what you did) Platipuss = trying to be random - intention(spontaneous word helps prove randomness) whitch leaves platipuss = random what i think your saying is, I...
  50. Holy shit this makes sens

    Randomness theory needing speculation.

    NO! look, i did not break the pattern because i tried to be random. Your saying that i'm saying, "oh Platipuss! their i was random, so i broke the pattern" Im saying yes i tried to be random, and that was expected but i still said a random word, i even spelled it wrong. i could've said any...
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