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Search results

  1. s0nystyle

    Lazy Summer Days?

    spending time in a drug rehabilitation class and doing community service at a local 2nd-hand clothing store. Getting to know everyone was one of the most rewarding experiences in my life. AA meetings were also great. Even though i was new to the group, the welcomed me in like i was one of...
  2. s0nystyle

    INTP Plus Multi Intelligences

    in mai sig XD
  3. s0nystyle


    uhm... me 2.... in 2 weeks >.>
  4. s0nystyle

    INTPs and Leadership

    I think i'm a good leader b/c i can identify the problem in a group and find a reasonable solution to it. I enjoy confrontations and dont care about the dirty work involved with dealing with people who are unsuitable for their job. I feel that every person, INTP or not, has the ability to...
  5. s0nystyle

    My Friends and Family!

  6. s0nystyle

    favorite annoying trait to others of the intp

    I love how i correct others when they makes mistakes in conversations, then give them ALOT of shit for it
  7. s0nystyle

    How can you gently let down an F type?

    *_* from reading this thread it seems that you ppl dont like dooshbags >.>
  8. s0nystyle

    MBTI - Improved Type Indicator?

    results for test 3, too tired to take the rest -.-" Cognitive Process Level of Development (Preference, Skill and Frequency of Use) extraverted Sensing (Se) ************************************ (36.7) excellent use introverted Sensing (Si) ******************** (20.2) limited use...
  9. s0nystyle


    wow *_* from what i can tell this anthile guy is a real wooshbag
  10. s0nystyle

    FacetiousPersona - Quitting forum

    damn, i never even got to talk 2 the guy -.- oh well.
  11. s0nystyle

    Can you read eyes?

    22 *_*
  12. s0nystyle

    enneagram poll

    7w8 *_* it works for me, but then again im a bit of an odd XNTX >.>
  13. s0nystyle


    Nice 1!
  14. s0nystyle

    What is your opinion of INTJ's?

    I guess i fit the INTJ catagory, but i find myself conversing ALOT with ENTP & INFPs. I dunno my arrogance doesnt seem to bother people around me TOO much
  15. s0nystyle


    hmmm... i like being crowds because of the constant interaction *_*
  16. s0nystyle

    Your Relationship With Animals (Non-humans)

    I love animals and they love me. Is it odd that this occurs? Is it *gasp* anti-INTP-like?
  17. s0nystyle

    About you?

    zzzz my post got BBQed
  18. s0nystyle

    About you?

    What is your name? vinnie, vinneh, Q, sony. pretty much whatever people can identify me most with. Names are given to you by others right :confused: Where are you from? California born and raised How old are you? 18 What's your gender? Male How did you find out that...
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