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Search results

  1. s0nystyle

    Using a handle vs. using one's true identity online

  2. s0nystyle

    mmmk. i dont have class again till 3:30PM, but next weeks works.

    mmmk. i dont have class again till 3:30PM, but next weeks works.
  3. s0nystyle

    <creative greeting>

    false advertisement *sigh* YOUVE JUST BEEN SHITLISTED kthxbai
  4. s0nystyle

    if you're not doing anything today, i get out of class @ 12:30PM, you wanna get some lunch?

    if you're not doing anything today, i get out of class @ 12:30PM, you wanna get some lunch?
  5. s0nystyle

    TOP 10 ANIME GO!

    clannad = excessive cuteness (couldnt get past the 1st episode) :slashnew:
  6. s0nystyle

    TOP 10 ANIME GO!

    i don't understand how you guys like moe-anime so much. I'm guessing ya'll like K-On! too?:rolleyes: <-- cannot stand obscene amounts of cute-ness
  7. s0nystyle

    Posting Badge to Profile

    ^ this, granted i use a link instead of an upload
  8. s0nystyle

    What has communication with other INTP's done for you?

    i have a horrible habit of ignoring walls of text, whereby i read only the first sentence and last sentence of each paragraph. This usually just leaves me confuzzled so i go on to read the next shortest post :D
  9. s0nystyle

    Mac Vs. PC

    Macs tend to be slower simply because they usually aren't compatible with the latest chipsets or processors. The apparent lag on PC's is only there due to all of the useless crap you have running on your computer. Reformat, defragment, or organize your work and it'll run just fine. The...
  10. s0nystyle

    What has communication with other INTP's done for you?

    interacting with other INTP's tends to confuse me :slashnew:
  11. s0nystyle

    ECON180 SPCH110 ENG101 MRSC100 PHY100 nothing overtly complicated

    ECON180 SPCH110 ENG101 MRSC100 PHY100 nothing overtly complicated
  12. s0nystyle


    why dont we just delete the subforum if it serves no purpose? :confused:
  13. s0nystyle

    Help with my type

    who knows? the prof might be cute ;)
  14. s0nystyle

    Is it wierd for me to exist? Unlikely, yes but wierd no.

    Is it wierd for me to exist? Unlikely, yes but wierd no.
  15. s0nystyle

    man your avatar is soooo distracting XD

    man your avatar is soooo distracting XD
  16. s0nystyle

    Help with my type

    i would imagine it's possible since the MBTI doesn't describe ev1 perfectly. Before my last run i was an INTJ that was 3% from an XNTX :confused:
  17. s0nystyle


  18. s0nystyle

    TOP 10 ANIME GO!

    Evangelion is only good b/c it's a classic, otherwise it'd go into my shitlist :D
  19. s0nystyle

    Posting Badge to Profile

    just to clarify your profile or sig? *checks how to do it*
  20. s0nystyle

    TOP 10 ANIME GO!

    is good but not great, story isn't exactly the best :( BUT THERE IS HOPE!!!! THE BOOK IS OUT IN ENGLISH! :D
  21. s0nystyle

    Help with my type

    Dude you hated prom too? Jeez i thought i was alone on that. Biggest waste of like $500 in my life (so far at least ;)) but yeah going to prom w/ a ESFJ TOTALLY ruined everything. Touching sucks, people are full of germs and it drives me bonkers when someone tries to SURPREYEZ BARE HUG 4U...
  22. s0nystyle

    INTP's Weird?

    INTP's are not wierd, we're eccentric (AND YES THERE IS A FUCKING DIFFERENCE MMK?). Don't worry, people will love you for you eccentricities ;)
  23. s0nystyle

    Help with my type

    TOO LONG DOES NOT CARE. jk i love you! :o Welcome to the forums! PS: i have the same problem with not knowing my type, but i tested out INTP so we'll just go with that for now i guess ;)
  24. s0nystyle


    speak only for yourself
  25. s0nystyle

    TOP 10 ANIME GO!

    ecchi + fanservice shit do nothing for me :mad:
  26. s0nystyle

    I'm Not As Dumb As I Look

    they do? ZINNNGGGGG!!!! *preemptive dodge*
  27. s0nystyle

    How long can you go without playing video games?

    Havn't touched WoW in.... 4-5 years?
  28. s0nystyle

    Using a handle vs. using one's true identity online

    i use my RL name with people b/c it's easier to stay in contact with them. :D Everyone on my team has each others' phone # even though we're sprinkled throughout the US and Canada. I guess it makes the experience of talking to people more personal.
  29. s0nystyle

    Bullying-I absolutely hate it.

    lurking = creeping = creepy? BACKONTOPIX: I used to be bullied by a group of aryan asshats who thought it was cool to pick on loner. They threw tennis balls and pissed in my locker (yeah i fucking hate them). So one morning when i was in PE these fucktards thought it would be cool to try to...
  30. s0nystyle

    How should over-population be solved?

    Although it might be unethical to use a big-ass meat grinder to solve world hunger+ overpopulation, it is by no means a bad idea. What if we just throw everyone on death row into the meat grinder? We could market it as McDonald's mystery meat of the day or something. I don't know why no one has...
  31. s0nystyle

    Dealing with death of a loved one

    i was a little worried at first too, then i just realized that's just how we are ;)
  32. s0nystyle

    The Cover Game

    Photoshop protips? i havnt touched it since CS3 came out :o and uh... genre: country music origin: Austria
  33. s0nystyle

    Dealing with death of a loved one

    you pretty much summed up my feelings on dying too
  34. s0nystyle

    Chess Mess Test

  35. s0nystyle

    Dealing with death of a loved one

    ^ my funeral experiences were similar to yours in that i didn't know what to feel. I just pretended to be sad like everyone else to not draw attention :o
  36. s0nystyle

    Character Analysis Test

    me too You scored 68% on Organization, higher than 99% of your peers. ( really? *sigh*) You scored 20% on Morality, higher than 1% of your peers. (LOLUGUYS2SOFT. Either that or i'm just immoral >.> <.<) You scored 56% on Adaptability, higher than 86% of your peers. (what's bad about being...
  37. s0nystyle

    I'm no feeler, but...

    I'll have to find a way to get rid of my weakness so i'll be less subjective to animal genocides when i see them. Feeling all squimish after watching that video pisses me off :mad::mad::mad:
  38. s0nystyle

    Dealing with death of a loved one

    Yes it does bother me when people pester about how i feel and how i'm doing. I don't think empathy appeals to INTP's. Brainstorming some great new idea/invention. Can't keep our minds straight
  39. s0nystyle

    Dealing with death of a loved one

    it's just meant to be, it's a part of life so why should we feel any sorrow when someone dies? Death is the release of all of one's pains in life, so we should be happy for them right?
  40. s0nystyle

    I'm no feeler, but...

    ty for rationalizing my weakness *proceeds to desensitize self*
  41. s0nystyle

    White Background

    <--- confuzzled pic's plz?
  42. s0nystyle

    Dealing with death of a loved one

    I dont know about you guys, but when people near to me die (ie. my father, my grandmother, and my aunt) i feel nothing. I was taking a test in school when my father got a heart attack, and when i got the phone call that my dad was in the hospital everyone was telling me to just leave... but i...
  43. s0nystyle

    How good are you at getting back to people?

    :confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused: This could be bad but... the way i treat me phone sounds like your sister :phear:
  44. s0nystyle


    greetings. You have one creepy as avatar but hey, who am i to judge:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
  45. s0nystyle

    I'm no feeler, but...

    :( :( :( i still have this pain at the bottom of my heart after watching that video
  46. s0nystyle

    I'm no feeler, but...

    OH MAI GAWD <///33 WHY DID YOU EVER SHOW THAT TO ME :(:(:(:(:(:(:(:( i think you </3 more than when my own dog died on my birthday when i was 9 :(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(
  47. s0nystyle

    Shape Personality Type Profile

    i got the same thing circle/rectangle combo granted i kind of feel like it describes me well b/c i LOVVVVEEDDD my job in customer service. Then again all i did was screw with people all day :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: btw what the hell is this BOX/TRIANGLE mate nonsense
  48. s0nystyle


    *blocks masterball* HEY DONT TOUCH MINE! :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:
  49. s0nystyle

    White Background

    when you put white background in the title i was getting ready for some crazy racist troll post, but since it isn't........ I like the black background. It doesnt blind me when i come out of the shower at night and open my browser to intpforum like a white background forum would :phear:
  50. s0nystyle


    well since i AM here and not doing my work.............. does that count as procrastinating?
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