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Search results

  1. RobertJ

    Aye! New here.

    hello Roark
  2. RobertJ

    Sad / depressive songs?

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pkD5MMs1Gsg makes me cry sometimes
  3. RobertJ

    And Next We Have...

    I agree, was about the say the same.
  4. RobertJ

    Australopithecus sediba

    I just read about this in National Geographic.
  5. RobertJ

    Diablo III -- finally

    Diablo 2 is my favorite game, and I don't really think there were a lot of much-needed changes to be made to the gameplay. Part of the charm of that game, for me, was the fact that it allowed one to be flexible with how they chose to play. Too many games are streamlined towards quests, leveling...
  6. RobertJ

    I have nothing to converse with people about.

    I used to care about how I'd appear in situations in which it was expected that I talk or socialize, because I'm quiet and self-contained. However, over time, I figure that if it becomes a problem, then it is not mine to bear. If I have nothing to so, I will say nothing; if I don't feel...
  7. RobertJ

    I have nothing to converse with people about.

    LOL. I will attest to the effectiveness of that question to capture attention and interest.
  8. RobertJ

    What rights do we deserve as human beings?

    ^ Thanks for this contribution, H +.
  9. RobertJ

    I have nothing to converse with people about.

    What kind of questions do you ask?
  10. RobertJ

    Social Phobia

    I'm very much in tune with you on this. People terrify me for this reason of how I suspect they might - and by means of possible paranoid delusion, I suspect probably do - perceive me. This could have something to do with a sense of personal alienation which has stifled a more natural connection...
  11. RobertJ


    Wonderful! I never get cards this nice.
  12. RobertJ

    Pop or Soda?

    I saw a soda the other day called "Dr. Pop". I thought, damn, the marketing departments for these products have gotten really uncreative. But it's also true that the name has stuck in my mind for that very reason...
  13. RobertJ

    Owls and Spiders

    Weaving spiders come not here.
  14. RobertJ

    I'm back, slutes.

    Your perceived and hypothetical banning. Meaning - there is no apparent reason that you should be banned. But that doesn't mean such a thing wouldn't happen.
  15. RobertJ

    I'm back, slutes.

    But such a thing would hardly be surprising in light of some of the more recent moderator actions.
  16. RobertJ

    How to get an insecure INTP to shut the fuck up????

    You frequently say otherwise.
  17. RobertJ

    How to get an insecure INTP to shut the fuck up????

    Hmm, yes. Well put. Bird, I can't help but think your situation is based in some personal matter with a particular INTP (the manner in which you presented your inquiry led me to this thought). And dammit, now I'm insecure. Who are you talking about?
  18. RobertJ

    It really hurts!

    Same here. That way I could behave as I'm naturally inclined without people commenting on my lack of comment. Is that a Ludacris quote in your sig?
  19. RobertJ

    Foot Thread

    Are you saying I have beautiful feet? Oh, Cheese <3 Chimera - I disagree with your opinion
  20. RobertJ

    Foot Thread

    That's because you live under a bridge. Firehazard159 - Post your feet! I'm the only one here who's done it. I need the support, my greek-footed brother. DarkGreen - Very good. Thank you. Cogwulf - your jealous Thanks for the kind spirits, Bird.
  21. RobertJ

    Aww, where'd the picture go? I hope it comes back, I appreciated it.

    Aww, where'd the picture go? I hope it comes back, I appreciated it.
  22. RobertJ

    Foot Thread

    You referring to the long second toe? I dunno, I know it's odd but they haven't really caused any issue. Anyone else here have long second toes? I neard the Greeks considered it ideal form. If you want I can post other parts of my body to validate that.
  23. RobertJ

    Foot Thread

    Post your feet.
  24. RobertJ

    Current Favorite Metal Songs

  25. RobertJ

    High stakes poker MBTI poll

    Thanks for the information. I was into watching high stakes (and playing low stakes) poker for a while back and frequently wondered about the personality types of some of the more prominent players. I always enjoyed Gus Hansen's style of play. One of my favorite poker videos -...
  26. RobertJ

    'sokay baby I'll catchu some other time. Dun be mad at me please please please please please.

    'sokay baby I'll catchu some other time. Dun be mad at me please please please please please.
  27. RobertJ

    What rights do we deserve as human beings?

    Well, there we have it. Anyone else wanna take a crack at this chestnut?
  28. RobertJ

    What rights do we deserve as human beings?

    I failed to communicate what I had intended. What I hoped to elucidate is that a person is an entity unto themselves, and need not recognize nor have enforced upon them the mandates of any outside entity. This isn't a right, because it's not ordained by an outside source (unless you bring god...
  29. RobertJ

    What rights do we deserve as human beings?

    The only rights one deserves are those which one is capable of securing and acting upon himself. Why give credence to some externally imposed doctrine composed by people who are not you? By what authority is divined the capacity for one to tell another what is suitable for them? Furthermore...
  30. RobertJ

    Merry Christmas INTPf

    Yer a real buzzkill, aincha? Bet you're still a virgin.
  31. RobertJ

    Merry Christmas INTPf

    Praise Jesus; our lord and savior.
  32. RobertJ

    Suicide against the law,

    To me, the question of euthanasia is a question of will, intent, and effect. The will of the individual considering euthanasia is to die in order to avoid excessive or impending suffering. The intent of the prospective helper in this deed is to aid the sufferer in escaping their misery. The...
  33. RobertJ

    Suicide against the law,

    The law against suicide is essentially there to provide motivation to succeed in the endeavor. As they say; "don't fuck up". Once you're dead, you're no longer in the jurisdiction man. Obviously, anyone contemplating suicide realizes this and no level of deterrence would be affected by the law...
  34. RobertJ

    Very, very well played.

    Very, very well played.
  35. RobertJ

    Favourite Game soundtrack?

    I always really enjoyed the soundtracks for Castlevania games. Particularly Portrait of Ruin.
  36. RobertJ

    Confessing your love for someone as an INTP

    So much of what is being said here seems systematic and confrontational. I find it sickening, actually.
  37. RobertJ

    srs tym - plz halp

    :kilroy: Welp, I'm glad the plumber finally showed up and installed the forum toilet. 'Tis that time of the year after all, and I suppose that we've been good girls and boys :) Surely, Shoeless, you're not suggesting this thread should be considered for deletion! That would be... holy...
  38. RobertJ

    Hopefully this isnt like INTPcentral

    bring it on brother. i don't know about you but i get tired of these people comin around here using their big words and fancy grammar tryna be smart. i know its liek they want to know what ur iq is and throw around all these 'isms' but really dont know the difference between there mouth and a...
  39. RobertJ

    Sleeping Trends

    I can see the practical sense in this approach, but being someone who tends to move a lot in sleep, I'd be wearing a very wrinkled outfit the next day. What do you mean? Bathing is a suitable solution to prevent any such bed-soiling. I don't want to insult your culture or anything, but maybe...
  40. RobertJ

    Are INTPs more prone to be asexual?

  41. RobertJ

    Your forum has now been invaded

    She's just making an elephant sandwich.
  42. RobertJ

    Sleeping Trends

    Not sure if you're serious. Maybe foreigners do weird stuff like that... Anyways, I usually sleep completely naked.
  43. RobertJ

    nooo *covers eyes*

    nooo *covers eyes*
  44. RobertJ

    isfps are weirdos

    lol, ur tellin me
  45. RobertJ

    Distinguishing Left and Right.

    which hand do you jerk off with? assign that hand either left or right orientation, then you will always know.
  46. RobertJ

    I request a ban v2.0

    What's with you assholes requiring a ban? If you think the forum blows just stop posting and never log in.
  47. RobertJ

    Diablo II

    In spirit of the Diablo 2 ladder reset happening today I thought I'd revive this thread. I'll be making a necro on USEast HC soon as servers are back up. Anyone else gonna be playing on new ladder?
  48. RobertJ

    What's the most devastating come-back you have ever said?

    I have a very fat cousin who's conscious about his weight, and he was looking at some photos he had just gotten developed. He said, "I don't like this picture, I look fat in it." So I said, "It's just a bad angle."
  49. RobertJ

    Shirts an INTP might like

    http://www.cafepress.com/+enjoy_your_freedom,190358112 It comes in all kinds of different colors!
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