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Search results

  1. s0nystyle

    My introduction, insight, and proposition

    ran earned roughly 2 inches of trolling respect
  2. s0nystyle

    My introduction, insight, and proposition

    bakemonogatari is god-damn amazing, i loved it and uh.... are you guys rEALLY talking about loli? WTFGROSS
  3. s0nystyle

    My introduction, insight, and proposition

    OMFG ROFL! shit you just earned [-----------------------------------------------------] this much of my respect
  4. s0nystyle


    imo give the forum a splash of emilio pucci-esque patterning
  5. s0nystyle


    ohio! welcome! @ Cog: @ least her into was longer than mine :o
  6. s0nystyle

    Last movie you watched

    Iron man 2, opening day :X it sucked
  7. s0nystyle

    Everybody Draw Mohamed Day

    i might not believe in their religion but i don't openly bash them either. imo learn some respect for others
  8. s0nystyle

    FacetiousPersona Where are you!

    indefinite timeban? :slashnew:
  9. s0nystyle

    FacetiousPersona Where are you!

    i miss the ridiculousness/awesome-ness-necity of his posts. whatever happened to him/her/it?
  10. s0nystyle

    i get ENTP more often than INTP, but it could just be my personas taking over when i do the...

    i get ENTP more often than INTP, but it could just be my personas taking over when i do the tests :X *huggles* remember now? :)
  11. s0nystyle

    half rejected? what would make you think that? My ineolquence is a result of me not being an INTP :D

    half rejected? what would make you think that? My ineolquence is a result of me not being an INTP :D
  12. s0nystyle

    thats for me to know and for you to ponder ;)

    thats for me to know and for you to ponder ;)
  13. s0nystyle

    so you prefer melcute over melkor? Just clarifying

    so you prefer melcute over melkor? Just clarifying
  14. s0nystyle


    OMFG ITS THE MANBEAR PIG! *hides under coffee table* where's al gore when you need him :kilroy:
  15. s0nystyle

    What do you want to be?

    When i left high school, i wanted to major in business and start my own clothing company, but that never panned out because ECON + accounting were so horribly boring to me, so i decided to help out in the family business (see loan underwriting). That was a horrible idea since the housing bubble...
  16. s0nystyle

    how about melkonator? sound bad-ass enough? its got melkor (total faerie name imo :D)+...

    how about melkonator? sound bad-ass enough? its got melkor (total faerie name imo :D)+ terminator (total bad-ass-ery-ness-necity name). You like? i knew you would ;)
  17. s0nystyle

    nice person? that's an odd question to ask someone about themselves. perhaps we got off on the...

    nice person? that's an odd question to ask someone about themselves. perhaps we got off on the wrong footing
  18. s0nystyle

    TOP 10 ANIME GO!

    ookami kukushi looks interesting, where'd you guys hear about these indie animes? i'm relatively new to the scene :X
  19. s0nystyle

    Rubbish drawn in Windows 7 paint

    Wow i never realize Windows 7's paint would be this awesome considering how much MSpaint sucks in general >.> @cavallier how did you interpret all of that from a bunch of squiggly lines and a yellow W? :phear:
  20. s0nystyle

    Guess who's back?

    i believe you were mislead by the spelling of his name/handle/tag?
  21. s0nystyle

    Looking for suggestions

    try some volley ball or tennis (it IS summer). get our there and be somebody :D
  22. s0nystyle

    Guess who's back?

    *gasp* he has admin too? that makes... LoR, kin, and..... cog?
  23. s0nystyle


    its cute i give it that, but i think its evolutionary mutations seem kind of useless
  24. s0nystyle

    Guess who's back?

    wait, arnt oresama + cognisant the same person? :confused:
  25. s0nystyle

    TOP 10 ANIME GO!

    no one else likes shaft animation shows? i mean they have great dialogue + kanji wordplay >.> i duno maybe im alone here :kilroy: edit: Arakawa under the bridge, bakemongatari, Sayonara zetsubou sensei to name a few
  26. s0nystyle

    TOP 10 ANIME GO!

    ^ i couldnt get into umeneko no naka kora ni, the artstyle just put me off and that little girl's voice was REALLY annoying
  27. s0nystyle

    Gulf Oil Spill

    *sigh* conspiracies
  28. s0nystyle

    Bad Praxis

    you mean taiwainese? (however the hell you spell it) they still get into fist cuffs over political debates :rolleyes:
  29. s0nystyle


    strangely enough i find a thread about dolphin sex quite interesting too :X
  30. s0nystyle

    Doesn't this make you sad?

    i remember back in high school i was part of a protest against the Westboro Baptist Church's shenanigans :o
  31. s0nystyle

    Shape Personality Type Profile

    *sigh* necro a 1 month long post for "agreed!" zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
  32. s0nystyle

    The hayfever club

    i duno it looks like the smiley is stuffing it's face w/ food >.>
  33. s0nystyle


    ya queen ice bitch! lay off the hatorade and let the kid have some fun, hes like wat... 15? give him a break
  34. s0nystyle

    Any of you grown up with extroverted parents?

    ya my social butterfly dad (ESTJ i believe). tried to make me do all kinds of crazy sports etc, but i got around it by distracting him with his own friends :D :D :D
  35. s0nystyle

    Fun Logic test...

    agreed, YOU FAIL
  36. s0nystyle

    I'm a Sucker for shoujos

    Anyone else feel the same way? :slashnew:
  37. s0nystyle

    ~The Melkor BIRTHDAY club~

    HAPPY BIRFTHyADAY MELKKOR!!!! PS: we should start a i <3 lady gaga fanclub
  38. s0nystyle

    pfft you've been legal for a year ;)

    pfft you've been legal for a year ;)
  39. s0nystyle

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY MELKOR! Want me to get you a cloud dokemakura doll? :D :D :D

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY MELKOR! Want me to get you a cloud dokemakura doll? :D :D :D
  40. s0nystyle

    What is your wand?

    famed psychologist?
  41. s0nystyle

    Why would you censure me?

  42. s0nystyle


    OMG YELLOW IS MY FAVORITE COLOUR! BONUS POINTS!!!!..........oh wait........... hi i guess :slashnew:
  43. s0nystyle

    What is your wand?

    IVY ASPEN ROWAN Unicorn Hair Core edit: This wand is very flexible and tenacious. Indicates owner's high potential in both arts and sciences, as well as his addiction to melancholia and depression. Very good for charms and divination, especially for creating underworld connections. In...
  44. s0nystyle

    I've become a god.

    ^ Rofl trolled
  45. s0nystyle

    Nice to meet you!

    hi hi hi! Welcome to the forums
  46. s0nystyle

    Does anyone else notice this?

    2 INTP's in a conversation is like a cat and mouse game for eye contact :/ i know from experience
  47. s0nystyle

    Why do people hate you?

    Your result for The Why Do People Hate You? Test ... The meanie. 55 Cruelty, 32 Anal, 31 Pushover You're unnecessarily cruel. While you really have no reason to be so mean, you really enjoy hurting others. See that man bent over, tying his shoe? Chances are you're already on your way over to...
  48. s0nystyle

    Hi, it's my first day

    that'd be an interesting sight
  49. s0nystyle

    Don't Remember Dreams

    ^ yeah i know what you mean, they vanish for me in the shower zzz
  50. s0nystyle

    Don't know

    hi hi hi!
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