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Search results

  1. Perseus


    I thought the test was quite good. Disorder RatingInformationParanoid: Highclick for infoSchizoid: Highclick for infoSchizotypal: Highclick for infoAntisocial: Lowclick for infoBorderline: Lowclick for infoHistrionic: Moderateclick for infoNarcissistic: Lowclick for infoAvoidant...
  2. Perseus


    I have defined these type of personality type identification as an auxiliary operating system caused by choice or psycho-social circumstances on top of the Keirsey personality types.
  3. Perseus

    INTPs drawn to the maniacal?

    Romance is a fantasy according to some. To others it is a collection of memes. Religion is about the same. Even history is an abstract foreign subject to some utilitarians living in the present. Tendency or direction. To me, by definition as shown in the Keirsey book, in order to be a INTP...
  4. Perseus

    INTPs drawn to the maniacal?

    That latter bit is Romantic. This is the province of the Idealists (NF), possibly (said the Hawk INTJ) the mythical world of the Dragon (INFP). The Dragon says the world is real.
  5. Perseus

    Bond, INTP Bond

    ESTP Police Officer or Lion/Tiger
  6. Perseus

    INTPs drawn to the maniacal?

    This is the Anima attraction of the ESFJ. Different gender required. I got attacked by a homicidal maniac of the same sex who tried to murder me. ESFJ females are dangerous enough!
  7. Perseus

    What profession do you want/are you doing?

    Dwarf or Alchemist ?
  8. Perseus

    What profession do you want/are you doing?

    ISFJ (Mouse) is the travelling type. ISTJ (Bull) is the Chemical Engineer. I met one yesterday. He filled the allocation most accurately. He did not like me all that much. I have the "favoured" Beaver variant at the junction of ESTJ/ESTP. The scientific name of Beaver is a favourable...
  9. Perseus

    What animal type is the INTP?

    Re: Waht animal type is the INTP? Mythology. A bird in Egyptian mythology that lived in the desert for 500 years and then consumed itself by fire, later to rise renewed from its ashes.This is a good call for me as I vie between the Dragon INFP and the Eagle INTP. Hawl and Owl are down as...
  10. Perseus

    What animal type is the INTP?

    Re: Waht animal type is the INTP? I take mild offence at the Cat or Lion portrayal. I consider this a Fraudian (Freud + Guardian SJ) misrepresentation. The Cat I have allocated as ISFP. The Weasel would be a variant of ENFP. They are not Judgers though, Cats, Lions, Genets, Weasels...
  11. Perseus

    What type of animal is the ENTJ?

    Close. Comes under Budgie (INFJ common variant) or Parakeet
  12. Perseus

    What animal type is the INTP?

    Re: Waht animal type is the INTP? Great Indian Chief "Teapot"
  13. Perseus

    What type of animal is the ENTJ?

    Metaphorical speaking is INFP Dragon mode. To qualify for INTP Eagle mode requires the expedient of extra thinking about the translation. Or Intuition (the Jungle) refined to Sensing (each individual animal in the jungle). More later.
  14. Perseus

    What animal type is the INTP?

    Re: Waht animal type is the INTP? Don't forget that this personality often enter the legal profession and become barristers etc, or Legal Eagles.
  15. Perseus

    Animal Type

    Elifants are dangerous: http://www.iflipflop.com/2006/08/incredible-story-about-elephants.html
  16. Perseus

    Animal Type

    They have got big ears. Don't know ???
  17. Perseus

    Animal Type

    Intuition can be black or white or intermediate shades in between. If you are in the wrong place it will be Dante's hell. You may have to use one of your inferior functions? http://soredragon.blogspot.com/2008/07/is-your-intuition-called-superstition.html
  18. Perseus

    Animal Type

    Jumping Badger changed his name (Or was that as others saw him?) to Sitting Bull as he got older. Animism has not changed all that much since the Greek parables. A Camel never forgets. Universal memes or archetypes. I prefer the Keirsey system to astrology. Hawkeye (INTJ) will nearly...
  19. Perseus

    What type of animal is the ENTJ?

    A INFP trait. I admitted to speak in eataphors and they said it is all metaphors. I really do not know how to explain in any other way?! The real life events involve attempted murder and intimidation frrom ESFJ adversaries. Biblical references. I do not know my Bible, but this is ESP (a...
  20. Perseus

    What type of animal is the ENTJ?

    Strictly speaking, it is a Perceiving issue. Other opinions wanted. Not even thought about Judgement Day. Intuition is so unreliable that alternative opinions are required. Six months should sort it for the preliminary investigation. Twenty years in the medium term. Judgement in half a...
  21. Perseus

    What type of animal is the ENTJ?

    The ENTJ is not known for flights of the imagination. Grounded (not flighty) in reality. Has the talons though, so a lion with talons. Best I can do for now, working on other things.
  22. Perseus

    Reasons for Lying

    Changed it to Griffin now. Lion is allocated to ESTP. About equal status with the Tiger. This as a result of the revelations of Eziekel in Babylon. I am not biblical, I got it through Bob Dylan, own experience and latterly the Internet especially Wikipedia.
  23. Perseus

    Animal Type

    Flights of imagination. Imagination probably results from frustration.
  24. Perseus

    What type of animal is the ENTJ?

    I have put down ENTJ as the Griffin, flightless one.
  25. Perseus

    What type of animal is the ENTJ?

    I am still undecided about the animal allocations see http://soredragon.blogspot.com/2008/07/mooladhara-chakra.html All NTs have the possibility of Eagle status. Which is the most deserving?
  26. Perseus

    What type of animal is the ENTJ?

    In England the Gryphon is known as the Griffin. I did not recognise the name at first. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Griffin This Griffin is a right powerful creature, almost a God methinks. A super-type, multiple morph-shifter.
  27. Perseus

    What type of animal is the ENTJ?

    The INFP Questor will ask questions? It is type habitual. The edge of the map says "Dragons are there" When I wake up in the morning I am a Dragon and turn into an Eagle (INTP) as the day goes on. This is the Perseus Animal Type Mythology. You are welcome to design your own. I am not about...
  28. Perseus

    What type of animal is the ENTJ?

    What type of animal is the ENTJ? Don't forget to vote before you look at the vote results.
  29. Perseus

    What animal type is the INTP?

    What animal type is the INTP?
  30. Perseus

    Animal Type

    Hello, Modern Animism (Indecision and Reversion) After a night's sleep I have decided to revert to the original: > ENTJ: "Field Marshall" = BULL 5% Mobilizing [Executives] > ESTJ: "Administrator" = RAT 13% Enforcing [Guardians] The first ENTJ is the relentless intimidation feels...
  31. Perseus

    Morality and Kohlberg's Dilemma [thread split]

    Sounds just like one personality, the Wolf (ENFJ). Very much judgement rather than perception. Land thieves with the Enclosures. For greater productivity, but the peasants never saw the rewards for having their land stolen from them.
  32. Perseus

    Poll Number Two

    With more votes coming in, the results are interesting. No conclusions can be drawn, but it is better than a one person survey. I suspect the varied nature of modern society makes for a lot of switching. Afterall, this is more sociology than scientific psychology (which the system does not...
  33. Perseus

    Novelistic Tendancies

    Bung a short story on a blog. Its easy enough. ut be able to waffle it out to novel length. Province of Skylarks (INFJ) and Dragons (INFP). Airy fairy according to the artisans.
  34. Perseus

    Animal Type

    The change of ENTJ to Lion and ESTJ to Bull makes more sense. Intuition failing with detail. This Keirsey stuff is new to me.
  35. Perseus

    Reasons for Lying

    Remarkable bit of insight. The latter is a Horse (ESFJ) or vice-versa. Probably the latter come to think of it. The Camel variant is especially good at prolonged amounts of lying without guilt. In the latter the psycho-social overlay is Passive-Aggressive. As you know, it is the Camel that...
  36. Perseus

    Reasons for Lying

    Narcissism is an operating system over personality types. It is a psycho-social operating system designed to protect the Freudian ego and can cause people to lie about almost anything. I have found it is most likely in the Horse (ESFJ) as this type has the strongest Ego and is about the only...
  37. Perseus

    Animal Type

    > ESFP: "Entertainer" = BUTTERFLY 13% Demonstrating (Performer) > INFJ: "Author" = SKYLARK 1% Guiding (Counselor) > INFP: "Questor = DRAGON 1.25% (Males 0.6%) Conciliating (Healer) > INTJ: "Scientist" = HAWK 1% Entailing (part of Arranging) (Mastermind) > INTP: "Architect" = EAGLE 1% Designing...
  38. Perseus

    Animal Type

    All INs do this. There is only so far the criticisms can go. Anybody can choose , if they want to, to pronounce judgement on inadequate information. The workplace demands it. I have visions of Lemmings rushing over the edge of the cliff. This is just peotry as they do not do this in the...
  39. Perseus

    Animal Type

    I still can't post properly. Going down the pub. I wonder if the Sparrowhawk will be there?
  40. Perseus

    Animal Type

    As part of self criticism (I am not sure that this is a INTP trait) I take on board that Bulls are grazers. NTs should take on high grade information and this one may need correction. ESTJ Rats may in fact be the Bullies, leaving ENTJ to be LIONS, perhaps.
  41. Perseus

    Animal Type

    I find the animals easier. I still cannot think of any changes for the better. Lots of sub-animals like Budgie, Owl, Weasel (this one is known to be used by psychologists), Terrapin (suspected used), Spider (subgroup of Butterfly), Unicorn (horrendiously dangerous if crossed = homicidal maniac).
  42. Perseus

    What profession do you want/are you doing?

    I am a writer, and fed up with not enough dosh. Lots of odd jobs. Writing articles, plus talks, presentations, selling photographs, webmaster etc. A whole catalogue of past jobs usually involving writing, designing, etc. Most jobs end in intimidation disputes.
  43. Perseus

    Insightful essay on the inner workings of an INTP

    I accidentally bumped into a dominant brutal person four days ago and I still feel ill.
  44. Perseus

    Number One

    I think they call it being a more rounded personality as you acquire other characteristics as you get older. The a hurricane can blow you house down, lose all your friends and family, and all your self. You are on your own. Then it what you miss most? My order would be Ingenious Empathetic...
  45. Perseus

    The Shadow...

    Chloreric seems to pertain to Idealistic anger: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keirsey_Temperament_Sorter Not rational, but it may work better ???
  46. Perseus

    Would You Rather Be Happy Or Good?

    I'd sooner be happy. Guardians (SJ) may prefer to be good.
  47. Perseus

    Why so black and white?

    I just get overwhelmed in large groups with all the emotion flying about. I get my energy from my thoughts and when things get too heavy I have to be alone to recharge my batteries. This is the intorvert. The extrovert tends to get his energy from being part of a crowd.
  48. Perseus

    How many INTPs do you know?

    None in too many years to remember. A dozen or so INTJ HAWKS, a handful of INFJ SKYLARKS, nil INTP DRAGONS (and I have certain Dragon characteristics when ill), at least one possibly two low imagination ENTP SNAKES which is really quite near. I am making a list of the first 20 people I...
  49. Perseus

    Number One

    I did not make this up. I copied the idea. See: http://soredragon.blogspot.com/2008/06/recovery-of-self.html
  50. Perseus

    Number One

    This seems like the Bullies (ENTJ) see the world. Types are relative to the position of the observer, or to the elders of the tribe. I was in the peculiar position of having a head injury which changed my personality to INFP (thinking was impaired), and now it is recovering and reverting back...
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