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Search results

  1. Perseus


    I have perpetual acrimony with my neighbours who are tidy and I am not. It makes life unpleasant all around, their attitude. They complain to the Council. The Council come around and have a discussion. Then the neighbours send the gang around to threaten me. I am not sure I understand what they...
  2. Perseus


    Business and contacts are made over the Internet and cyber-stalking can have serious effects. It has happened to me, because somebody did not like me (or was a business competitor) and seriously damaged my business almost to the point of bankruptcy. Doing something about it is about as...
  3. Perseus

    What are your two strongest type characteristics using Paragon?

    Correction: I should have said I have become more Introverted over the years of work. However, after leaving school, I became more Extroverted for a few years in my first job.
  4. Perseus


    Once upon a time, it was organised. Now, I just don't care. I wish I could find things though.
  5. Perseus

    Finally, people I can relate to

    I rarely bother to correct another's mistakes I see this as an INTJ trait. That is not why I don't do it. The reason I don't do it is because my inner child is INFP and likes harmony. The thinking component is relatively low on my scale, 7 at most, sometimes under 6. See Paragon threads...
  6. Perseus


    It takes years for the dysfunction to accumulate. Is your hard disc full of junk?
  7. Perseus

    What is is your existential position?

    It is a psycho-social circumstances diagram on the web page: http://www.millon.net/taxonomy/index.htm Don't blame me if you don't understand it. I am not so sure that I do. Scientists are meant to be detached. I am not so sure I very successful at this. Most of my life I have been...
  8. Perseus

    What is is your existential position?

    What is is your existential position? Detached Dependent Independent Discordant Ambivalent See the circulargram on the following page: http://www.millon.net/taxonomy/index.htm
  9. Perseus


    Detached is a state of mind on the Millon Map. http://www.millon.net/taxonomy/index.htm What is is your existential position? Detached Dependent Independent Discordant Ambivalent These personality types may seen fixed or ingrained, but I maintain they are a direct result of psycho-social...
  10. Perseus

    Ever get into Trouble at School?

    It was trouble at school from day one, just about every day all the way through to when I left at 16. Most of the time, I just ignored it all. There were lots of times when I was accused of cheating when deigned to complete their stupid tests. Why, ask me to do the tetss if all they say I was...
  11. Perseus

    What are your two strongest type characteristics using Paragon?

    Then for the hell of it, I thought I would do the test before (as I imagined I was) I suffered a head injury: Introvert 6-6 (previously tested 8 & 7) Intuition 11-0 (previously tested 10 & 12) Thinker 3-6 (previously tested 7 & 8) [Note that thinking in this test applies a lot to...
  12. Perseus

    Why would all of my tests say I am NOT INTP but...

    I have done a brief Questor (INFP) mode on this. INTJs are the most critical. ESFJs especially and SJ in general see the test as a threat to their fortress. In other words, such things spook them and it is not even advised to mention the subject!
  13. Perseus

    What are your two strongest type characteristics using Paragon?

    I did the test again and this time, I put an X in the box when I was undecided: Now the scores were Introvert 7 - 3 (previously 8 - 4) Intuitive 12 (previously 10 - 2) Thinker 8 -2 (previously 7 - 5) Perception 11 -1 (same as before) The general trend of me being a card-carrying...
  14. Perseus

    What are your two strongest type characteristics using Paragon?

    They are thinking self-referentially and not about another's expectation of them.They do not "out-think" the test.They are not currently having emotional problems or under stress. They are able to read at a 4th grade level or better.Each subsequent test tends to be more reliable than the last...
  15. Perseus

    Careers Page

    I find that over 50% of the people I know do jobs that are not on the list: The ones that come to mind first: printer, fisherman, barmaid, small publisher, scaffolder, plumber, But some on the list: caterer, cafe proprieter, social services, journalist ... Butteh trend to Arisans and...
  16. Perseus

    Why would all of my tests say I am NOT INTP but...

    Try the Paragon Test. It is the only one I think was OK.
  17. Perseus

    Fantasy Literature

    With no other light than that of the four diminutive moons of Xiccarph, each in a different phase but all decrescent, Tiglari had crossed the bottomless swamp of Soorm, wherein no reptile dwelt & no dragon descended -- but where the pitch-black ooze was alive with continual heavings & writhings...
  18. Perseus

    Fantasy Literature

    I had a book of short stories called Xiccarph by Clark Ashton-Smith which was one of my influences. Unfortunately, not all the books by this author are up to this standard as he had to write rubbishy stories for cash under a pseudonym After his death these cruddy works went under his own name.
  19. Perseus

    What are your two strongest type characteristics using Paragon?

    Eagles (INTJ) and Hawks (INTJ) are distingushed only by their size, or in their animism by their Perception, the larger Eagles scoring higher on the P scale and the Hawks lower. Percpetion is only possible if you rise above the mundane and ordinary and only applies if you have a high Intuition...
  20. Perseus

    Intelligence enhancing drugs

    Its a Sensation , Its Fantastic ! Attempting to find a drug that enhances chess playing abilities. A stimulant has both good and bad effects, helping with the calculation and tactics, but mucking up the strategy. It may help some players and make others worse. Morphine may work in the opposite...
  21. Perseus

    Intelligence enhancing drugs

    A nervous system stimulant will enhance your Sensing abilities over your Intuition. Intelligence = Thinking abilities (correlated with IQ) is on the Feeling-Thinking continuum (my interpretation). That is why cocaine habitee Ziggy Freud was such an IDiot! I expect a psychedelic will enhance...
  22. Perseus

    What are your two strongest type characteristics using Paragon?

    I am not surprised from your replies. Perception is the Raptor scale. (If there are high scores in the INT scale). INT = most academic success High perception is a powerful Golden Eagle, mid-perception would be the smaller birds of prey, perhaps the swift moving Peregrine. Perception...
  23. Perseus

    Gender Roles

    Of course, the big difference is that the females get pregnant and they frequently do.
  24. Perseus

    Gender Roles

    For creatives and artists the world may seem like an obstacle race trying to get published/sell their work, get recognised (so that you can sell your work). It is the same for everyone. Perhaps not, perhaps if I was coloured, a dyke, female, in a particular incapacity club; I could be...
  25. Perseus

    Animal Type

    Video: The Croc (INFP/INTP) has just eaten the Zebra (ESFJ variant) Hooray!
  26. Perseus

    Animal Type

    Friday, 25 July 2008 Modern Animism World (Latest Revision) Modern Animism World (Latest Revision) The World of Modern Personality Types: > ENFJ: "Teacher" = BEAVER 5% Educating [Givers] Family life and charismatic, but can dam up and block the flow. Busy. > ENFP: "Journalist" =...
  27. Perseus

    Animal Type

    It just said on a video that African Elephants can go along time without drinking and swallow 60 gallons at one go. A bit like Camels (ESFJ variant), they have a good memory and can lie a lot and generally do.
  28. Perseus

    What are your two strongest type characteristics using Paragon?

    Don't tell the Prison Warder.
  29. Perseus

    Perseus Pathos Thread

    pathos | peths | n. L16. [Gk = suffering, feeling, rel. to paskhein suffer, penthos grief.] 1 A pathetic expression or utterance. rare. L16. 2 A quality in speech, writing, events, persons, etc., which excites pity or sadness; the power of stirring tender or melancholy emotion. M17. 3 Physical...
  30. Perseus

    Self Esteem

    It is not an overlay pattern. I can (as circumstances disctate, choose to make an early judgement, for the short time I believe in it, I could say I have transferred to INTJ). Alas, as new information comes in I revert to INTP, as P is my strongest suit 11/12 (A smaller species of Eagle: a...
  31. Perseus

    Gender Roles

    It seems rather old fashioned from the older generation schools that had Domestic Science lessons and biology according to gender. I still find one in a thousand people that are strongly of this outlook and perhaps one in a hundred that reveal this aspect after awhile. Maybe even one in ten...
  32. Perseus

    Ever get into Trouble at School?

    INTJs get on well at school. Such are small differences. See the Paragon test on the other thread. This is one of the tests I would recommend. About the only one so far.
  33. Perseus

    What are your two strongest type characteristics using Paragon?

    My scores came out as: Introvert 8 Intuitive 10 Thinker 7 Perception 11 which is how I see myself. Strong NPs have trouble at school. I wonder if it is genetic. One of my relatives was called Rebel Stanton.
  34. Perseus

    What are your two strongest type characteristics using Paragon?

    What are your two strongest type characteristics using the Paragon test? Paragon Learning Style Inventory http://www.oswego.edu/plsi/taketest.htm I found this to be the best and most represenative on the Jungian personality tests, true to my character. Also, it shows the the most prevalent...
  35. Perseus

    Gender Roles

    This does seem to be a attitude that is either American (I don't think so and less likely to be Texan than NY) or more likely the influence of the ESFJ (Horseman) personality type atitudes. Or rather strong parental influences passed on to single males? I other words, the above really does...
  36. Perseus

    Ever get into Trouble at School?

    Extreme N’s (especially extreme NP combination) are by nature rebellious, and unconventional. If they are in a class with a structured SJ teacher than interprets their resistance to "coloring between the lines" as disobedience, both teacher and student are in for a long year...
  37. Perseus

    What is your strongest dimension?

    What is your strongest dimension? http://www.oswego.edu/plsi/4dimen.htm
  38. Perseus


    The worst vice is hubris or pride. I am not sure what happens to the sufferer, but they donlt half cause a lot of problems for their victims.
  39. Perseus


    I think they have a theory of a more rounded personlity. The trouble with the introspectives is that the iNtuition can be in completely different fields. That makes communication rather tricky. If the mid-meld can't work, one partner just gets bored (me). A mixture of judging and perceiving...
  40. Perseus

    Waht types do you meet most and least often?

    I rushed this down whilst it occurred to me. Generally, I find iNtuitives (Introspectives: Stars and Planets) much less than the Sensors (Earthlings). When I do discover them they are the ENFJ Teachers (usually literally), INFP Space Cadets or Astrologists, INFJs Author types with a flair for...
  41. Perseus

    Waht types do you meet most and least often?

    You can use animals or any of the labels affixed, which ever suits you.
  42. Perseus

    Waht types do you meet most and least often?

    ENFJ: "Teacher" = BEAVER 5% Educating [Givers] Family life and charismatic, but can dam up and block the flow. Busy. > ENFP: "Journalist" = FERRET 3% Motivating (Champion) [Inspirors] Enthusiastic hunter and ferreter out of information. > ENTJ: "Field Marshall" = WOLF 5% Mobilizing...
  43. Perseus


    Are we best mating (living together) with our kind of animal psychological types, I mean close ones, the flying types, INTJ, INTP, INFP, (Hawk, Eagle, Dragon) and perhaps INFJ (Skylark) or even ENFP (Butterfly), or do we fare better with the extravert versions ENTJ, ENTP, ENFP, ENFJ. (Wolf...
  44. Perseus

    Self Esteem

    I expect most people inahbit the middle ground. It just so happens that I am an extreme NP. I only have bad trouble when I meet an extreme Guardian (SJ) and then trouble really does occur. Extreme NPs do not have a name. At least, the book has not yet been written to my knowledge. There is...
  45. Perseus

    Self Esteem

    A Skylark (INFJ) turns into a Swift (INFJ variant) to avoid the Hawk (INTJ) attack. Type changers are called morph-shifters. It can be chemically induced as well, by morphine (this is pathological to me). This chemical is favoured by the Horse (ESFJ). I am not sure why, but these types are...
  46. Perseus

    Gender Roles

    It is only the Feeling component that is gender orientated. 70% of the males have Thinking as a preference compared to 30% of females. You can still get female psychopaths though. It is ironic that the ESFJ is the type that is mostly gender concerned. Especially chefs and gangsters. Lefty...
  47. Perseus

    Animal Type

    A good call. I have pencilled in the Croc at the INTP (Dragon) and Eagle (INTP) junction. But I was thinking of the Iguanas today. A Crocodile cries inside but nobody sees his/her tears. They think he is making it all up. This is because the exeperience of these personalities are outside...
  48. Perseus

    Perseus Pathos Thread

    Pathos = feeling, but not (I think?) in the MTBI way of looking at things. I think it is feeling, but not the Jungian (opposed to Thinking). It has been surmised that Feeling and Thinking cannot occur at the same time. I have never agreed with this, but then there is Perception. At a...
  49. Perseus

    Careers Page

  50. Perseus

    Perseus Pathos Thread

    Perseus Pathos Scale Psychopath: estranged from self and society, no insight Sociopath: estranged from society, or coterie or sub-culture Sympathetic: neutral, fence sitter Empath: attuned to the prevailing societies mores at the prevailing time Telepath: attuned to archetypal society...
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