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Search results

  1. tom

    The War Club

    Ooooh WAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can I join?
  2. tom

    Top five favorite movies

    1. Brazil 2. The Fifth Element 3. Life of Brian :) 4. Ghost in the Shell 5. Clueless :o
  3. tom

    It's about time we've met

    G'day hopefully you find some enlightening, insightful (or at least entertaining) discussion. What's living with another INTP like?
  4. tom

    Eye issues

    Left eye: -9 Right eye:...+1???? My eyes are horrible horrible things. My right has had a detached retina and a cataract with glaucoma complications. I also have sticklers...
  5. tom


    How many of us would have been able to survive to our current age 2000 years ago? No electricity. Very little/no medicine or surgery. Necessity for physical aptitude. This should be nice and uplifting!:D
  6. tom

    Do you guys dance?

    I'm a fan of "proper dancing" like salsa, tango or ballet but the stuff that most people try to pass off as dancing just looks like an old man on viagra having a fit. IMHO BTW NoIdiots you obviously have a great talent.
  7. tom

    Who are You? *inside*

    or maybe
  8. tom

    Hello there

    Heya! Have fun whilst you're here. as to you're questions I actually really wanted to join the British army as a Combat Medic but unfortunately I cant due to my stupid retinas. What do you do in the army? (if you're allowed to say.)
  9. tom

    The english language and gender

    Good point. from when LOTR was first published till when sabreil was? i.e 1954 till 1995? defining traditional attributes according to what we've learned from the syllabus: Robin Lakoff, and cooperation/competition.
  10. tom

    The english language and gender

    As i am currently writing an essay on this subject for my A-level english language i thought id ask you guys ( and gals) to do my work for me...:phear: nah but i would be interested to hear what people think. the question is im looking at two books The Fellowship of the ring by Tolkein...
  11. tom

    Martial Arts

    if its in a case it shouldn't be a problem
  12. tom

    Martial Arts

    Had a quick look at the first one. Got to page 89. Interesting how different rapiers actually were compared to how they're portrayed
  13. tom

    Martial Arts

    Yeh. there's a place that does sport fencing that's quite near me, but im more after something like kendo, but with western swords.
  14. tom

    Martial Arts

    Bruce lee scrawny? @Auburn Why cant you? @ogion ive been looking for somwhere that does that. they ll seem to be miles away from me though :-(
  15. tom

    Martial Arts

    shame... perhaps guess the vines would be better http://xkcd.com/443/ sorry to hear that mate... Annnnnnnyway back on topic! anyone do any non orientel martial arts?
  16. tom

    Martial Arts

    did your INTPness have fun?
  17. tom

    Martial Arts

    Have you ever beaten someone down and made them look like this l l l...
  18. tom

    Martial Arts

    I competed in the 2007 GKR world cup. didn't win anything unfortunatly
  19. tom

    Martial Arts

    You do indeed have strong kung fu. :phear: <----------but is it better than this guy's ninjitsu?
  20. tom

    Martial Arts

    Aikido looks fantastic. I like it cause its purely defensive and incredibly powerful. someone i know did it for about a year and were completely immune to arm grabs. @dissident yeh i can see how landing them would be difficult. @Auburn Its the "sticky" aspect of the blocks that i find most...
  21. tom

    Martial Arts

    At the moment I'm doing GoKanRyu which I think gets a lot of bad press as a "mcDojo." luckily this is certainly not the case in the UK as the standard of teaching is at least as good as the other "Authentic" style one of my friends used to do. @ dissident Looks good, powerful and pretty...
  22. tom

    Martial Arts

    I've been doing karate for about 7 years now and I've always noticed how focused it makes me. My normal focus is about zero :o but when I'm doing a kata or some kumite it's like everything else stops and only the ten feet around me is real :phear: . I like it. so i was wondering if anyone...
  23. tom

    Any Hardcore Gamers Here?

    I am and always will be a gamer :) currently playing medieval2 total war which sooooo complicated im only just getting into very hard mode. Also enjoying Toribash which is just... fantastic
  24. tom

    Gender Roles

    Naivete is almost never a bad thing. I personally would agree with those who go with total gender equality and and decisions about ones worth be made upon the quality of contribution.
  25. tom

    Living Together

    :o nope not really it IS funny though.
  26. tom

    Living Together

    he he INTPness... Seriously though is perseus the crazy half-demented forum idiot?:confused::p
  27. tom

    The Law: relevent to everybody?

  28. tom

    The Law: relevent to everybody?

    mmmm enlightened absolutism.... uhhh i mean, yeh, right...ummm yes officer
  29. tom

    The Law: relevent to everybody?

    yay! anarchy for the intelligent!! :)
  30. tom

    Level of INTP

    i forget...it was definatly 100 for I and the others were in the 60's
  31. tom

    The Law: relevent to everybody?

    ~hides behind wall in a ninja like fasion.~...
  32. tom

    The Law: relevent to everybody?

    so by that we can agree that the law only applies to those stupid enought to let it restrain them
  33. tom

    mysteries of the pyramids

    moved where? or from where?:eek:
  34. tom

    The Law: relevent to everybody?

    if this IS the case (I personaly agree with you) than the system is worse than pointless. It actually becomes more dangerous to trust the law then it would be to protect yourself and only yourself.
  35. tom

    The Law: relevent to everybody?

    first off, sorry if this is already here somewhere but i havnt seen it in my months of lurking :phear:. Sooooo im gonna post. Basicly ive recently been thinking some glaringly obvious things. Namely that "Law" is almost totally pointless (though possibly fun:)) individualy. This...
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