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Search results

  1. PmjPmj

    My correct type is TeNi.

    I think you probably live too far away. Do you have any knowledge of SCCM? Or the more basic stuff like Active Directory? If so, you can have my job.
  2. PmjPmj

    My correct type is TeNi.

    ... I am actually looking at buying a motorbike. You never cease to amaze me, RB.
  3. PmjPmj

    My correct type is TeNi.

    It's true that I've found myself somewhat stagnant recently. I'm thinking of a career change, but doing so requires time that I don't have. Lots of additional study y'see. Thinking of going from IT to psychology. Which probably isn't very TeNi at all, is it? ;)
  4. PmjPmj

    My correct type is TeNi.

    Work, family and everything between. Taking each day as it comes.
  5. PmjPmj

    My correct type is TeNi.

    I'm not sure. These things creep up on me and pounce. I think in general I'm burnt out. Big time.
  6. PmjPmj

    My correct type is TeNi.

    The whole 'being miserable' thing is a bit of a boner killer, though. Otherwise, not bad advice. Repurposing the tears would certainly make my Te tingle. Superbest economy, innit. I don't 'feel' better. I'm either doing my thing (99%) or wondering where it all went wrong and navel-gazing...
  7. PmjPmj

    My correct type is TeNi.

    I'm miserable. What do I do?
  8. PmjPmj

    The Random Thoughts Thread

    How very dare you shit all over our lord and saviour. Elon 4 lyfe.
  9. PmjPmj


    Roses are red Violets are blue Poems are shit You smell like poo
  10. PmjPmj

    Declaration of War

  11. PmjPmj

    What is the hardest video game you have beaten?

    In that case, EVE Online. I've never known a game to have so many intricacies. Or Xcom: Enemy Unknown. ... Or the original Dragon Age. I decided to spec as a 'Battlemage'. At the time it seemed like a good idea - but then the Brood Mother happened. Note: I only ever play games on the...
  12. PmjPmj

    What is the hardest video game you have beaten?

    Examples please. I've played many a game over the years, but my memory is terrible. I find L4D on expert quite challenging primarily because most other players are shit, thus shifting the onus onto myself to be mostbest. [EDIT] I vaguely recall Zool being a bastard back in the day. Was that...
  13. PmjPmj

    What is the hardest video game you have beaten?

    Probably some of the L4D campaigns on expert. Try pulling that shit off whilst carrying anything less than 3 team members who coordinate as effectively as a spec ops unit. It requires all 4 of you to be on fire at all times. It's awesome - but it'll test you.
  14. PmjPmj

    Dealing with inferiority complexs

    You need to realise that everyone has their insecurities. Most people are just making this shit up as they go along. Do not confuse the appearance of confidence with actual confidence. It doesn't matter how 'together' somebody appears to be - you can bet your arse that in more ways than one...
  15. PmjPmj

    If we were to find similarities with other animals, would ants be the closest?

    They put members of their group on trial. That's some pretty sophisticated (and very human-like) shit right there. Also, they love brutally murdering one another. How many similarities d'ya need? [EDIT] Ha. That was a spectacular 'whoosh' moment, eh? Long day, man. Long day.
  16. PmjPmj

    If we were to find similarities with other animals, would ants be the closest?

    Corvids. Those guys communicate so well they can and do hold court. They also use tools. I'm fairly certain a study was conducted on logical reasoning and, in a few instances, they matched or beat our times. That might be my memory bullshitting me, though. Either way, they're awesome at...
  17. PmjPmj

    Opinions on a sound/video

    Hey, man. Whatever lets you sleep at night.
  18. PmjPmj

    Con Sue Mer (merde)

    Found the Scot. Maybe.
  19. PmjPmj

    My correct type is TeNi.

    I've heard / read quite a few times now that ENTJs mistyping as INTJs isn't uncommon. Something about not being socially extroverted, or what have you.
  20. PmjPmj

    My correct type is TeNi.

    I'd argue that Socionics is the better system. It has more depth to it if nothing else. The MBTI is pop-psychology 101.
  21. PmjPmj

    What songs are you listening to? /III/

    I can't even begin to get that fucking link working. w/e, forum software. [EDIT] Great success.
  22. PmjPmj

    In this topic we speak in song lyrics.

    CHANGE MY PITCH UP. SMACK MY BITCH UP. <maximum headbanging>
  23. PmjPmj

    What songs are you listening to? /III/

    Currently listening to mixes like this: www.youtube.com/watch?v=R9nvEFAvMBA #1 - Oh my fucking god. +500% drive.
  24. PmjPmj

    Opinions on a sound/video

    No, it sounds like some creepy-ass disembodied voices whispering things like "DO YOU SEE US?" Ergo, Samsquai / Wendigogos.
  25. PmjPmj

    Redbaron is now madmin

    That's me fucked, then. (Congrats though - I know you had issues with how the place was run previously).
  26. PmjPmj

    My correct type is TeNi.

    Your comment further melted my already gooey insides. That mafia game :D I vaguely recall some expert button-pushing from RB. Either way, it was such a shit-show for myself. I had played Mafia in the past, but I had played it with people who were just shooting from the hip with no real...
  27. PmjPmj

    My correct type is TeNi.

    You pay a man a compliment and he resorts to petty insults. Sad times :(
  28. PmjPmj

    My correct type is TeNi.

    CUNT. Carry on as normal. You're nailing it as you are. Hey - no problem. I got you.
  29. PmjPmj

    My correct type is TeNi.

    Great. Y'all should've said something. :mad:
  30. PmjPmj

    Opinions on a sound/video

    Occam's Razor innit. Ghosts.
  31. PmjPmj

    My correct type is TeNi.

    So... is this legitimately news to nobody? Am I the only one having a revelation here? :confused:
  32. PmjPmj

    Opinions on a sound/video

    Yeah, I've seen those too. I thought they were creepy but perfectly explicable. I've said this before, but I'm a bit of a strange mix when it comes to things like this. Y'see, it's my nature to be sceptical. I want to find the rational explanation for everything... but I've also had a lifetime...
  33. PmjPmj

    Opinions on a sound/video

    Ah, yes. I recall this video from a while back. I'd actually watched a few of his other videos prior to the one you link. I'd like to think there is a rational explanation for this, but... yeah. I'd be lying if I didn't admit that I do find it a teeny bit intriguing. [EDIT] Didn't miners put...
  34. PmjPmj

    Banning is a jolly good time

    Re: Banning is for fags <insert rapturous applause here>
  35. PmjPmj

    Banning is a jolly good time

    Re: Banning is for fags Hi Sinny ;)
  36. PmjPmj

    My correct type is TeNi.

    No, I've never believed myself to be TiNe. I'm not extroverted in the social sense unless it's a professional setting and I'm working within a team put together to achieve a specific outcome. I'm happiest when my focus is outward, though. Being in my head for too long (or being alone with...
  37. PmjPmj

    My correct type is TeNi.

    This guy.
  38. PmjPmj

    My correct type is TeNi.

    It was a joke. But thanks.
  39. PmjPmj

    My correct type is TeNi.

    Shit. What if INFP? :confused:
  40. PmjPmj

    My correct type is TeNi.

    Waiting on something, so had a spare few minutes: lolyes. Usually it culminates in one hell of a comedown (burnt out / fatigued) and apologies to those I inadvertently shat on whilst in "Get the fuck out of my way" mode. But, it has to be said, the INTJ one resonated quite a bit as well...
  41. PmjPmj

    My correct type is TeNi.

    Dunno. I occasionally like to zone out with euphoric dance music and feel all the feels. It's quite cathartic for me. Lets me go inward, and all that. As for addictions... I honestly don't really have any. Well, coffee aside. I experience bouts of lust and other things allegedly associated...
  42. PmjPmj

    My correct type is TeNi.

    What ice cold stare? I'm all rainbows and sunshine ^____^ :phear:
  43. PmjPmj

    My correct type is TeNi.

    We can stand proud. Together. I've long suspected my preference for E, but it has been more notable over the past 12 months or so. For a start, working alone on a remote site has driven me up the wall. Rather than being my usual proactive / high energy self, I've slowly stopped giving a shit...
  44. PmjPmj

    My correct type is TeNi.

    I duno y u haev to rip me all the tiem. i just want ur respek man. y u hurt me? ;_;
  45. PmjPmj

    My correct type is TeNi.

    I married one, so I have to ;) It makes more sense than NiTe. Much more. I realised that I was confusing long term depression (among other things) with a preference for introversion. TBF, I assumed for quite a while that I was actually an extrovert. When you consider how I was as a kid etc...
  46. PmjPmj

    My correct type is TeNi.

    My reasonableness is a noted trait, actually. I think ENTJs get a bad reputation because the stereotypes are often nonsense.
  47. PmjPmj

    My correct type is TeNi.

    You knew?! :mad: I'm actually rather polite IRL. Honest.
  48. PmjPmj

    My correct type is TeNi.

    I'm sure nobody gives a shit (you heartless gits) but yeah, there it is. It's as clear as day to me now. BRB - doing all of the things / securing a higher income.
  49. PmjPmj

    But what is thinker?

    Apologies Crystablle, I did intend to respond to this earlier. Life, etc. Overall, I think that being better in touch with how I feel about things would've set me on a more direct path to where I'm at now. Instead I spent quite a while bouncing around from thing to thing, trying to figure out...
  50. PmjPmj

    What is your ideal death?

    If you want to experience that, smoke some DMT. No, this is not a 'loldrugs' comment - I'm being deadly serious. Want to know what it feels like to have your ego annihilated and experience complete certainty that you have ejected your meat chariot? DMT, bro. Just watch out for the...
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